Saturday, July 13, 2024

1) Fiji protesters call for freedom and justice in the Pacific – and Palestine 

2) Civilians Flee After a Gunfight Occurred Between the TPNPB and the Indonesian Military in Intan Jaya
3) NGO Coalition on Human Rights with other organisation held a march for a free Kanaky and West Papua


1) Fiji protesters call for freedom and justice in the Pacific – and Palestine 

By APR editor -  July 13, 2024

Decolonisation protesters outside Parliament during the "Kanaky and West Papua" demonstration in the Fijian capital Suva yesterday. Image: Fiji Women's Crisis Centre

Asia Pacific Report

The Fiji NGO Coalition on Human Rights and other protesters took to the streets of Fiji’s capital Suva yesterday in a rare demonstration demanding freedom, decolonisation and human rights in Kanaky New Caledonia and West Papua.

The peaceful “pre-Bastille Day” protest came after recent events in Kanaky New Caledonia led to 10 deaths and a heavy build-up of French police and paramilitary forces.

It also followed ongoing human rights abuses and violations by Indonesia in West Papua.

“As France commemorates Bastille Day on July 14 and celebrates their own principles of ‘liberty, equality, and fraternity’, its own action in the Pacific contradicts the national day,” said West Papuan activist Rosa Moiwend of the Pacific Network on Globalisation.

“French colonisation of Pacific territories and its continued acts of suppression in Māohi Niu and Kanaky New Caledonia are quite the opposite of what the French revolution achieved.

“Today, they are symbolic of the Bastille and the monarchy oppressing and abusing the people and denying their right to self-determination in their own lands,” she said.

The May riots and unrest in Kanaky New Caledonia has led to 3500 security personnel being deployed from France.

“At best, this is based on the severely misguided notion that the challenges of the decolonisation process can be resolved by force,” Moiwend said.

France’s true objectives ‘disguised’
“However, it is becoming clearer that the restoration of order and peace is just a disguise for France’s true objectives — a deliberate retrenchment and extension of colonial control.

Almost two months after the outbreak of violence, tensions remain high and there is serious concern about the continuing restrictions on Kanaks.

Widespread reports of atrocities and police brutality against Kanaky youth have angered protest groups across the Pacific.

French authorities have extradited seven indigenous Kanak activists to prisons in France while awaiting trial on “conspiracy” charges over the rioting.

“French President Emmanuel Macron must be responsible for the current state of Kanaky New Caledonia,” said PANG in a statement.

“Blaming Kanak leaders and having them arrested and detained in France is a coverup and tactic to assert power. We call on President Macron to release the Kanak leaders and allow them legal representation.”

Olivia Baro from the Pacific Conference of Churches added that the issue of West Papua and the ongoing human rights abuse must not be forgotten, and Indonesia must be held responsible.

West Papuan voices ‘silenced’
Indonesia’s ongoing influence on the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) and the Pacific Islands Leaders Forum has continued to silence the voices of West Papuans.

As Pacific peoples, we will continue to stand in solidarity with West Papua and their right to self-determination.

“As we commemorate the Biak massacre this month and remember the many lives lost in West Papua, the continuous suppression of West Papua by Indonesia is a similar struggle to Kanaky New Caledonia, Palestine and many human rights struggles globally,” said Baro.

Despite restrictions set by authorities to prevent Palestine flags and banners at the march, the coalition stands in solidarity with our brothers, sisters and families in Palestine.

The Fiji NGO Coalition on Human Rights in Fiji and their allies have been hosting vigils at the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre compound for Palestine, West Papua and Kanaky every Thursday over the last eight months.

The call on the Fiji government and Pacific leaders to support the ceasefire in Gaza, and protect the rights of Palestinians, West Papuans and Kanaks.

“The struggles of Palestinians are no different to West Papua, Kanaky New Caledonia,” FWCC Coordinator and NGOCHR Chair Shamima Ali.

“These are struggles of self-determination, and their human rights must be upheld.”

Posted on FB

2) Civilians Flee After a Gunfight Occurred Between the TPNPB and the Indonesian Military in Intan Jaya
Press Release from KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters Management as of Friday, July 12 2024
Please follow this report!
The management of KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters has received an official report from Enos Tipagau, Operations Commander of the TPNPB Angin Bula Battalion on Friday 12 July 2024 at 15:00 afternoon that; Since Thursday evening, TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya troops have carried out attacks for more than 2 hours on Indonesian military troops from 20:33 at night to 22:00 and according to the report, TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya troops have succeeded in shooting an Indonesian military member in Sugapa City. However, it is not yet clear whether he died or suffered a gunshot wound.
And in a report received by TPNPB OPM Central Headquarters Management today, TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya troops said that many civilians had fled to Bulapa, Galungama and Baitapa Villages since this morning, Friday, July 12 2024 to save themselves because they were afraid. there were arbitrary arrests carried out by Indonesian military officers in Intan Jaya because during the conflict in Intan Jaya many civilians continued to be targets of arrest and shooting by Indonesian military officers who were carrying out state security duties in Intan Jaya.
In this regard, the TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya troops gave a warning to all migrant residents in Intan Jaya not to go out in front of their houses. If you go out you will be shot because you are labeled as military officers wearing plain clothes and it is more clear that the TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya troops are together in the center of Sugapa city. So, all civil and government activities will be immediately stopped from this moment.
The Operations Commander of the Angin Bula Battalion, Mayor Enos Tipagau, said that the TPNPB was ready to take over Sugapa City, and our troops would carry out the operation. So once again all civil activities were immediately stopped, we were on standby in Sugapa City.
TPNPB also asked civilians who were in the operational area of ​​TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya to immediately stop civilian activities which had been carrying out teaching and learning at Indonesian Military Posts in Mamba Village and even stop carrying out health checks at Indonesian Military Posts because it was not duties and functions of the Indonesian Military in areas of armed conflict.
TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya will continue shooting at the Indonesian military as long as the Indonesian government has not resolved the issue of political conflict between Papuans and the Indonesian government which has been going on for more than 60 years.
Person in Charge of TPNPB-OPM National Command Headquarters.
General Goliath Tabuni
TPNPB-OPM High Commander
Lieutenant General Melchizedek Awom
Deputy Commander of TPNPB-OPM
Mayor General Terianus Satto
Chief of General Staff TPNPB-OPM
Mayor General Lekagak Telenggen
TPNPB-OPM General Operations Commander
Responsible for Regional Defense Command VIII Intan Jaya
Brigadier General Undius Kogoya
Regional Commander
Lieutenant Colonel Apeni Kobogau
Regional Chief of Staff
Mayor Lewis Kogoya
Kodap Operations Commander
This is the Press Release from the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters as of Friday, July 12 2024 and forwarded to all parties by KOMNAS TPNPB Spokesperson Sebby Sambom.
And thank you for your good cooperation
Bahasa Indonesia
Warga Sipil Mengungsi Setelah Baku Tembak Terjadi Antara TPNPB Dan Militer Indonesia Di Intan Jaya
Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB Per Jumat, 12 Juli 2024
Silahkan ikuti laporan dibawa ini.!
Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB OPM telah menerima laporan resmi dari Enos Tipagau Komandan Operasi TPNPB Batalyon Angin Bula pada hari Jumat 12 Juli 2024 Jam 15:00 sore bahwa; Sejak hari Kamis malam pasukan TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya telah melakukan penyerangan selama 2 jam lebih terhadap pasukan militer indonesia sejak jam 20:33 malam hingga pukul 22:00 dan dalam laporan tersebut pasukan TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya telah berhasil menembak seorang anggota militer indonesia di Kota Sugapa. Namun, belum bisa di pastikan dengan jelas apakah tewas atau mengalami luka tembak.
Dan dalam laporan yang diterima oleh Manajemen Markas Pusat TPNPB OPM pada hari ini, pasukan TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya mengatakan bahwa banyak warga sipil sudah mengungsi ke Kampung Bulapa, Galungama, dan Baitapa sejak pagi tadi Jumat, 12 Juli 2024 untuk menyelamatkan diri karena takut adanya penangkapan sewenang-wenang yang dilakukan oleh aparat militer indonesia di Intan Jaya karena selama terjadi konflik di Intan Jaya banyak warga sipil yang terus menjadi sasaran penangkapan dan penembakan oleh aparat militer indonesia yang sedang melakukan tugas keamanan negara di Intan Jaya.
Terkait dengan hal tersebut pasukan TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya memberikan peringatan kepada semua warga migran di Intan Jaya untuk tidak keluar di depan rumah. Jika keluar akan ditembak karena di cap sebagai aparat militer yang sedang menggunakan pakaian preman dan lebih jelas pasukan TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya sedang berada bersama-sama di pusat kota sugapa. Maka, seluruh aktivitas sipil dan pemerintah segera dihentikan mulai detik ini.
Komandan Operasi Batalyon Angin Bula, Mayor Enos Tipagau mengatakan bahwa TPNPB siap ambil alih Kota Sugapa, dan pasukan kami akan melakukan operasi. Maka sekali lagi untuk seluruh aktivitas sipil segera dihentikan, kami sedang siaga dalam kota sugapa.
TPNPB juga meminta agar warga sipil yang berada di wilayah operasi TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya untuk segera hentikan aktivitas sipil yang selama ini melakukan belajar mengajar di Pos-Pos Militer Indonesia di Kampung Mamba bahkan berhenti melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan di Pos-Pos Militer Indonesia karena itu bukan tugas dan fungsi Militer Indonesia di wilayah konflik bersenjata.
TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya akan terus melakukan penembakan terhadap militer indonesia selama pemerintah indonesia belum menyelesaikan persoalan konflik politik antara orang Papua dan pemerintah indonesia yang sudah terjadi selama 60 tahun lebih.
Penanggung Jawab Markas Pusat Komando Nasional TPNPB-OPM.
Jenderal Goliath Tabuni
Panglima Tinggi TPNPB-OPM
Letnan Jenderal Melkisedek Awom
Wakil Panglima TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Terianus Satto
Kepala Staf Umum TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Lekagak Telenggen
Komandan Operasi Umum TPNPB-OPM
Penanggung Jawab Komando Daerah Pertahanan VIII Intan Jaya
Brigadir Jenderal Undius Kogoya
Panglima Daerah
Letnan Kolonel Apeni Kobogau
Kepala Staf Daerah
Mayor Lewis Kogoya
Komandan Operasi Kodap
Demikian Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB Per Jumat, 12 Juli 2024 dan diteruskan kepada semua pihak oleh Juru Bicara KOMNAS TPNPB Sebby Sambom.
Dan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik


3) NGO Coalition on Human Rights with other organisation held a march for a free Kanaky and West Papua

 By Mansi Chand
Friday 12/07/2024

Many people from different organisations took to the streets of Suva for a solidarity march for free Kanaky and West Papua this morning.

The NGO Coalition on Human Rights says this is known as a 'historic march' where various organisations came today to protest the genocide that is happening in Kanaky in New Caledonia.

The NGO Coalition on Human Rights through the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre applied for a permit for the march with the support of the Pacific Conference of Churches and the Pacific Network on Globalisation.

They say intention of the march is to free Kanaky from slave, genocide, cease fire and are demanding the French Government to decolonise Kanaky.

The NGO Coalition says the permit applications was approved by the Fiji Police Force, Fiji Roads Authority and Suva City Council after and application was made on the 25th of June.

Stay with us for updates.


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