Friday, July 19, 2024


2) Army members shoot dead three indigenous Papuans in Puncak Jaya – Military claims victims were rebels

3) Ministry presses for native Papuans' involvement in development 

4) Central Papuan regions should develop cultural park: Deputy Minister  
5) GIDI states 3 members of its congregation killed, asks TNI Commander and Police Chief to take action against perpetrators


Responding to the shooting of Yan Christian Warinussy, a senior lawyer and human rights defender in the province of West Papua, Amnesty International Indonesia’s executive director Usman Hamid said:

“This heinous act is not only a violation of Yan Christian Warinussy’s right to bodily integrity but also an alarming attack on the principles of justice and human rights in Papua.

“Yan Christian Warinussy has long been a steadfast defender of human rights in Papua, tirelessly working to ensure justice and equality for all. His advocacy has been instrumental in bringing to light numerous human rights violations and in providing legal assistance to those most vulnerable.

“This attack is a reprehensible attempt to silence a courageous voice and to instil fear in those who fight for justice.

“We call on the authorities to promptly conduct an effective, thorough, and impartial investigation into this attack and to bring the perpetrators to justice in fair trials.

“The government must take immediate and decisive action to protect human rights defenders and to ensure that perpetrators who have committed such acts of violence are brought to justice.”


Yan Christian Warinussy, a senior lawyer and human rights activist in Papua, was shot by an unidentified person in Manokwari, West Papua province on Wednesday 17 July.

According to his driver, cited by some local media, the shooting occurred after Warinussy had just withdrawn money from an ATM kiosk on the roadside. Previously he attended a corruption trial involving some local state auditors at the Manokwari anti-corruption court.

He survived and was taken to hospital to get medical treatment. The doctor managed to remove an air rifle bullet projectile from his chest. Local police said they were investigating and attempting to find the suspected shooter.

Warinussy is known as a lawyer and human rights defender in Papua because of his dedication to advocating for the rights of the Papuan people. He leads the Research Institute for Legal Aid Assessment and Development (LP3BH) in Manokwari.

He has received various national and international awards for his human rights work, including the John Humphrey Freedom Award in 2005. This award recognized his efforts in exposing gross human rights violations in West Papua and defending the rights of the marginalized, despite facing repeated intimidation and threats.

Human Rights monitor

2) Army members shoot dead three indigenous Papuans in Puncak Jaya – Military claims victims were rebels

On the night of 16 July 2024, the Indonesian military tragically shot dead Mr Tonda Wanimbo, head of Kalome Village in Mepogolok District, Mr Pemerintah Murib, head of Dokkome Village, and Mr Dominus Enumbi, a recent graduate from Cenderawasih University, in the Mulia District, Puncak Jaya Regency.  All three men, respected figures in their community, died at the scene as a result of gunshot wounds inflicted by members of the joint Military Task Force 753 from the Maleo and Elang military units. 
The incident occurred at approximately 8:00 pm, while a West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) member, Mr Terinus Enumbi, was allegedly seen buying cigarettes in Mulia. According to the information received, security force members indiscriminately opened fire in front of the SD YPPG Mulia District school. Mr Terinus Enumbi was reportedly injured and managed to escape. The indiscriminate shooting resulted in the deaths of three victims who were witnessing the incident as bystanders. Other bystanders were reportedly injured by bullets.
On the following day, angry relatives burnt six police and military vehicles after seeing the false statements on the national media. The community’s anger did not only concern security forces but also triggered a spontaneous outbreak of horizontal violence against non-Papuans living in the area, costing the lives of one non-Papuan and leaving three others injured. Spontaneous outbreaks of ethnic-horizontal violence in response to unlawful killings of indigenous Papuans have significantly increased over the past years as a result of marginalisation and discrimination of indigenous Papuans
In response to the incident, the Indonesian military falsely claimed in the national media that the victims were members of the rebel group led by Teruinus Enumbi. Local leaders and the victims’ families quickly challenged the false statement. The relatives underlined that none of the three victims had any affiliation with the TPNPB.  
Relatives and human rights defenders understood the false statement as an attempt to justify the killings and to avoid accountability for the perpetrators. The victim’s families, alongside community leaders and human rights organisations, called for a public apology and admission of error from the Indonesian military. They also demanded the immediate withdrawal of the 753 Military Task Force from Puncak Jaya and an independent investigation into the shootings. Additionally, they urged the military to cease spreading misinformation about the victims’ affiliation with the TPNPB. Indonesian authorities must ensure that justice is served for the victims and prevent such tragic incidents from re-occurring in the future.

Vicims of extra-judicial execution in Mulia, 16 July 2024

Photos/more reports  at


3) Ministry presses for native Papuans' involvement in development 
 July 19, 2024 13:20 GMT+700

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (PDTT) Paiman Raharjo called for the involvement of Indigenous people in Papua's development because it can create quality economic growth.

The native Papuans' involvement in the regional development can also reduce inequality in income distribution, which in turn can reduce development inequality between regions,he said.

"Each district in the Papua region has the potential for different natural resources and customs. It requires a more specific approach and the need to involve indigenous communities in every development effort," he noted in a statement from his office on Friday.

Moreover, he affirmed that the involvement of Indigenous communities can support poverty reduction and their ability to absorb labor by focusing on expanding their economic scale and access to economic assets.

Raharjo conveyed the statement while closing the National Coordination Meeting for the Acceleration of Development of Disadvantaged Regions in Wamena, Jayawijaya District, Papua Mountain Province on Thursday (July 18).

He then called on all related parties to reflect on the 2019–2024 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) in advancing underdeveloped areas, especially in Papua.

"At the end of the 2020-2024 RPJMN period, we need to reflect, especially on the target of 25 underdeveloped regions and as part of the efforts to prepare the 2025-2029 RPJMN, which is more inclusive and affirmative," Raharjo remarked.

Furthermore, he emphasized that the results of the National Coordination Meeting should be used to create an inclusive economy. This would increase welfare and reduce disparities between groups and regions, especially in Eastern Indonesia.

He then drew attention to the need for future strategic steps to implement the 2025–2029 RPJMN.

"Strategic steps are needed to support the 2025–2029 RPJMN, which aims to fulfill and increase access to basic services, strengthen the local economy and innovation, as well as equal distribution of basic infrastructure provision, especially in the Papua region," he added. 

Related news: TNI officers hosts study activity for Central Papua children
Related news: VP expects continuity in programs on stunting, development in Papua

Translator: Tri Meilani A, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution


4) Central Papuan regions should develop cultural park: Deputy Minister  
July 19, 2024 14:41 GMT+700

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy Minister of Home Affairs John Wempi Wetipo called on regional governments in Central Papua Province to develop a cultural park to help local people hone and showcase their potential and talents.

Speaking at the Timika Inside Festival of Art in Mimika District on Thursday (July 18), Wetipo underlined that the district is home to 314 thousand multicultural people, with 38 percent of the region's population being indigenous Papuans.

In his office's statement received here on Friday, he deems it mandatory for the Mimika district government to provide the people, especially those from younger generation, with a platform that can facilitate them to augment their potential and display their diversity.

"The local government here can provide the people with a dedicated space in the form of a cultural park, a place where residents can perform cultural attractions funded by the government every weekend," he remarked.

The deputy minister expressed belief that a cultural park could help people in Central Papua hone their artistic skills and polish the province's image, dispelling the assumption that it is prone to conflicts.

"As the deputy minister of home affairs, I hope that regional governments here will make efforts to facilitate their people by providing them with public spaces," he added.

He then emphasized that human development is key to actualizing the proper development of infrastructure.

We should not focus solely on the development of infrastructure, as it is equally important to pay attention to matters related to human development. This is because every development is driven by humans,” he added. 

Related news: Central govt vows to develop Highland Papua, says Indonesian official
Related news: VP expects continuity in programs on stunting, development in Papua

Translator: Narda M, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Rahmad Nasution

A google translate.
Original Bahasa link.

5) GIDI states 3 members of its congregation killed, asks TNI Commander and Police Chief to take action against perpetrators
Puncak Jaya Regency community leader Otis Morib writes to Kapendam 17 Cenderawasih, Danyon 753, Kodim 1714, BIN/BAIS, and Elang Team

July 19, 2024 in Polhukam
Author: Hengky Yeimo - Editor: Syofiardi

Nabire, Jubi – The Department of Law and Human Rights of the Indonesian Evangelical Church (GIDI) Pastor Jimmy Koirewoa through a press release received by on Friday (19/7/2024) reported the chronology of the shooting of three civilians in Puncak Jaya Regency, Central Papua Province. The report came from the leadership of the GIDI Church in Puncak Jaya, Mulia City.

It was stated that on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at around 8 pm right in front of YPPGI Elementary School in Pepera Village, Mulia District, Puncak Jaya Regency, near Mulia Airport, there were several kiosks that were always visited by residents to shop for goods.

At that time, he explained, security forces came to the scene. They heard that the TPNPB-OPM in Puncak Jaya under the name Terinus Enumbi was at the scene.

"Security forces came to take action to immobilize Terinus Enumbi, but the security forces' actions were unmeasured resulting in three civilians being shot and killed. Meanwhile, Terinus Enumbi fled," said Pastor Jimmy Koirewoa in the press release.

Koirewoa said that the three civilians who were victims were Dominus Enumbi (civilian from Karubate Village, Mulia District, Puncak Jaya Regency), Pemerinta Morib (Head of Porbalo Village, Dokome District, Puncak Jaya Regency), and Tonda Wanimbo (civilian from Kampung Temu, Ilamburawi District, Puncak Jaya Regency).

"Based on the reports we received, the three civilians who died were members of the GIDI congregation in Mulia, Puncak Jaya. So it is not true that the security forces called them members of the TPNPB-OPM," he said.

Koirewoa said that the three victims were not members of the TPNPB. "They were purely civilians," he said.

He said that the next day on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, the Forkopimda (Regional Leadership Communication Forum) of Puncak Jaya Regency held a meeting to resolve the shooting incident which sparked protests from the victims' families and the community.

"However, the demands of the families of the three victims were not met by the Puncak Jaya Forkopimda which sparked public anger, resulting in acts of burning and destruction of public facilities resulting in loss of life at around 10 pm," he said.

Regarding the incident, Pastor Jimmy Koirewoa appealed to residents to remain calm, control themselves, and not commit anarchic acts.

"We from the Central Executive Board of the Evangelical Church in Indonesia ask the community to control themselves from this incident," he said.

Koirewoa also appealed to security forces not to conduct searches or arrests before the problem is resolved. "We ask that security forces take persuasive action against the victims," ​​he said.

The Law and Human Rights Department of the Indonesian Evangelical Church (GIDI) also asked the TNI Commander, the National Police Chief, and the Papua Police Chief to thoroughly investigate the shooting of the three civilians and take legal action against the perpetrators.

In the name of humanity, we ask that there be no more bloodshed. Do not shoot civilians in general, especially GIDI members in vain. I ask the security forces to use persuasive methods to control the current situation," he said.

Chronology according to the Youth

Youth figure from Puncak Jaya Regency, Leson Gire, recounted the chronology of the shooting of three civilians (one of whom was the village head) on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

"The victims were shot using firearms," ​​he told via WhatsApp on Thursday (7/17/2024).

He said that that night the victims were hanging out at a kiosk in front of YPPGI Elementary School, suddenly the security forces arrived with two patrol cars. "Without interrogation, they brutally shot the three people dead," he said.

Gire said the three civilians were shot for unclear reasons. The authorities also did not show any arrest warrants or DPO letters to the three of them.

"The three civilians were completely innocent, they didn't know anything, they were sitting when the security forces came and shot them," he said.

Gire said that after shooting the three victims dead, the security forces left the scene.

"Half an hour later, the bodies of the three shooting victims were visited by Puncak Jaya Police personnel who were on patrol and then took the bodies of the victims to Mulia Hospital for an autopsy," he said.

Gire said that the Puncak Jaya community demanded that the Commander of Yonif 753 Raider Battalion, the Elang Team Task Force (BIN), and the Kopassus Task Force [who were suspected of being involved in the shooting] be held responsible and dismissed from the military unit.

Gire said that due to the incident, the indigenous Papuan community in Puncak Jaya felt they had been wronged and demanded justice, which caused the residents' anger to erupt during a meeting between representatives of the Puncak Jaya Regency Government and the TNI-Polri regarding the deaths of the three civilians.

The meeting with the residents, he explained, was held in the yard of the Mulia Hospital and ended in chaos. The residents went berserk until the security forces were forced to fire warning shots.

"The warning shots actually triggered the anger of the residents so that they carried out anarchic actions by throwing stones and damaging existing facilities. Residents also damaged and burned four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles in the vicinity, including those belonging to the TNI-Polri and the Puncak Jaya Regency Government," he said.

He also said that the spontaneous action also resulted in non-OAP residents becoming victims of the residents' anger.

Write to Kapendam 17 Cenderawasih

Regarding the incident, Otis Morib, a community figure from Puncak Jaya Regency, wrote to Kapendam 17 Cenderawasih, Danyon 753, Kodim 1714, BIN/BAIS, and Tim Elang.

He said, responding to the shooting incident that killed three residents suspected of being members of the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM) as conveyed by Task Force Yonif 753, the three who were shot were not members of the TPNPB or OPM.

"We ask that the security forces immediately clarify their statement because if the victims were indeed sympathizers and/or members of Terianus Enumbi, the Puncak Jaya community would not have resisted by burning cars and attacking a number of innocent people," he said.

According to Morib, Kapendam Cenderawasih and Task Force 753 have spread hoax news in the form of edited photos of the Morning Star and firearms in the mass media to cover up the mistakes of the Task Force members who shot dead civilians.

“The misdirected law enforcement actions have damaged the security situation in Puncak Jaya. Organic TNI-Polri personnel are far more civilized than Satgas personnel,” he said.

Morib said the TNI’s duty is to protect the people and guard the integrity of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, not to kill civilians. He strongly condemned the soldiers who discriminated and accused all native Puncak Jaya people of being OPM.

“The presence of the TNI Satgas in Puncak Jaya only adds to the problem, not solving it,” he said.

Morib urged the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) and Komnas HAM to be allowed to conduct an independent investigation in Puncak Jaya to reveal the truth of the tragic incident.

“We also ask that Amnesty International also come to Puncak Jaya to investigate the actions of Satgas 753 which are disgraceful and violate gross human rights so that Satgas 753 who are on duty in the Puncak Jaya area are immediately withdrawn,” he said.

Morib also expressed his condolences for the deaths of innocent civilians, both OAP (Indigenous Papuans) and Non-OAP.

"We are concerned about the vehicles burned by the community who were angry at the treatment of the Satgas 753 personnel. We call on all TNI Task Forces and state intelligence to immediately leave Puncak Jaya and return to their respective units, because Puncak Jaya has long been safe and peaceful," he said.

Village Head: Puncak Jaya is Now Safe

Melanikime Village Head Irius Wanimbo via video on Thursday (18/7/2024) said that the situation in Puncak Jaya Regency was safe, therefore it was permissible to carry out activities as usual.

"There are no more problems, please motorcycle taxis and kiosks, and office activities can run as usual again. So there are no more problems," he said.

Wanimbo said that if the TNI officers want to chase TPNPB members, that is their business, but do not disturb civilians.

"Please work, we civilians will not disturb the security forces, TPNPB should also not disturb us civilians. We are already at peace," he said


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