Thursday, July 4, 2024

1) New scientific article on the conflict in West Papua


2) Security force members kill Papuan man during raid in Paniai Regency

3) Indonesian Military and TPNPB Exchange Fire in Puncak Regency Until Aerial Search Occurs
4) West Papua received climate change grant fund of US$1.2 million  

Human Rights Monitor

1) New scientific article on the conflict in West Papua

Theo van den Broek: Paralyzing Papuan Political Resistance, Human Rights Regulated from Behind


In this reflection, the characteristics of the social situation in Papua at the end of 2022 are being described. The current situation is the result of the ‘security approach strategy’ pattern that has been implemented by the Indonesian government for the past 3 ½ years. The government hopes that with a “security approach” the conflict in Papua can be resolved. De facto, what was achieved: the implementation of the strategy resulted in the opposite situation, namely: the conflict was not resolved, but became much more complex and difficult to resolve. The security approach strategy turned out to be accompanied by an escalation of violence which not only threatened the physical lives of many citizens, but also had a very negative impact on a number of sectors of social life (including: the law enforcement sector, the freedom of expression and assembly sector, the democracy sector, and the population sector). . After 3 ½ years of embracing the security approach, it turns out that the people of Papua, in particular the indigenous Papuans, feel that they have been driven into a dead end. An atmosphere in which there is no more bright spot for a dignified solution to the problem. In order to pave the way towards a good and peaceful resolution of the problem, we need to [1] eliminate the negative impact of the 3 ½ year policy, and [2] the willingness of all parties to show a true ‘political will’ and open themselves to dialogue, including discussing political aspects which are actually the main root of problems in Papua.


Human Rights Monitor

2) Security force members kill Papuan man during raid in Paniai Regency

On 14 June 2024, Mr Pilemon Gobai, 42, was unlawfully killed, and Mr Melkias Yatipai,47, a tribal leader, sustained a bullet injury on the left heel as security force members raided the area around the Odiyai Village. Security force members opened fire at Mr Gobai and Mr Yatipai as they were on the way to their home village in the neighbouring Dogomo District. A group of women and children who had left the Odiyai Village ahead of both victims, were reportedly checked by a group of patrolling security force members at Onowogeugida Mountain. They were allowed to proceed to Dogomo (see sketch below).
Shortly after, Mr Gobai and Mr Yatipai were ambushed at Idege Hill, with bullets coming from Onowogeugida Mountain. Mr Melkias Yatipai, sustained a bullet injury in the heel but was still able to escape the security forces He was afraid to seek treatment at the hospital and using only traditional forms of treatment.
Mr Pilemon Gobai sustained a lethal gunshot wound during the ambush and died on the spot. According to the information received, the projectile entered near the spine and exited through the stomach. There was a larger bruise on the victim’s forehead.
On 16 June 2024, relatives found the body at Onowogeugida Hill, two days after the shooting. They carried the body down the hill to the main road, from where security forces organised a vehicle to bring the body to the General Hospital in Madi. The relatives were not allowed to accompany the body. Medical personnel conducted an external post-mortem examination, without performing a forensic examination of the body. The relatives received the body through the military on 18 June 2024. It was buried next to his house (see photos below).
Following the raid in Odiyai Village, the chief of the Damai Cartenz Unit, Commissioner Faizal Ramadhani, made public statements on 17 June 2024, according to which his men found the body which they believed to be a killed TPNPB member. Ramadhani added that the dead suspect did not carry a firearm but an 80 cm long machete which his men seized as evidence.
Security forces also killed TPNPB member, Mr Denis Murib, during the raid. On 19 June 2024, the TPNPB spokesperson, Mr Sebby Sambom, confirmed the killing of their combatant on local media.

Security force raid in Paniai Regency

A security force raid in the Bibida District, Paniai, Regency, on 14 June 2024 caused the internal displacement of an estimated more than 5,000 persons in six districts (see table in Annex). Churches seized operations in the affected villages. Previously, joint police and military forces established checkpoints and controlled passing vehicles in Enarotali Town and the Madi Village on 12 June 2024.
Bibida and the surrounding districts are inhabited by the indigenous Moni and Me tribes. People fled their houses in fear of the security force operations and armed violence between the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) and Indonesian security forces. The raid was launched after TPNPB members shot dead a civilian Non-Papuan in the Kopo Village, Paniai Timur District, on 11 June 2024.
According to information from local sources, security forces entered the Bibida District from various directions, on land from water, and in the air around 7.00 am (see sketch below).
1. Damai Cartenz members took position on Ekaugida Mountain towards Bibida District (security force members of this unit are alleged to have executed Mr Pilemon Gobai).
2. About ten police trucks entered Bibida on the main road
3. Damai Cartenz members entered Bibida with boats on Weya River
4. Four helicopters circling over Bibida to support ground forces. One helicopter reportedly released shots toward the ground
The security force members announced that all civilians should immediately leave the district. Following the order, villagers in Bibida District, as well as people from villages in the East Paniai District, and the districts Agadide, Komopa, Duma-Dama, and Dogomo gathered at the courtyard of YPPK Bibida Elementary School and at Bibida Catholic Church from where security forces brought them to the Salib Suci Catholic Church in Madi. Many fled by food.
On 26 July 2024, the 302 Siliwangi Raider Task Force dropped building materials for a military and a police post in central Bibida District and the Ugidimi Village. The military post had been planned since 2020. Security forces have repeatedly approached the Moni community in Bibida to get their consent. However, all components of the Bibida District community refused the formation of new security posts in Bibida. 

Photos of MR Pilemon Gobai’s body at the mortuary in Madi Hospital (left) and at the site of the crime (bottom right)

                                       Sketch of the raiding area in Bibida

A google translate.
Report below posted on FB

3) Indonesian Military and TPNPB Exchange Fire in Puncak Regency Until Aerial Search Occurs
Press Release from the Management of the Central Command Headquarters of the TPNPB as of Thursday, July 4, 2024
Please follow the report below.!

The Management of the Central Command Headquarters of the West Papua National Liberation Army (KOMNAS TPNPB) has received an official report from the TPNPB Kodap XVIII Ilaga troops in Puncak Regency that since Thursday, June 27, 2024, there has been a drop in Indonesian military troops from Timika to Ilaga with weapons, bombs and war logistics entering Puncak Regency.

And on Friday, June 28, 2024 at around 09:00 the Indonesian military with war equipment from Ilaga headed to Agandugume District to build a military post and logistics warehouse in a national defense mission to stem the movement of TPNPB troops in the TPNPB Kodap XVIII Puncak, Papua operations area. In the secret mission that was being carried out by the Indonesian military in Puncak Regency and the information leaked to the TPNPB troops, then at around 09:20, Penny Murib as the TPNPB Kodap XVIII war commander ordered his troops to pursue the Indonesian military until a gunfight occurred in Sinakin at around 09:45 am which lasted for 2 hours.

According to the report received directly by the TPNPB Komnas Headquarters on Thursday, July 4, 2024 by the TPNPB Kodap XVIII troops, it was clearer that; the gunfight that occurred for 2 hours, the Indonesian military not only used weapons, but also used Drones equipped with mortar bombs during the battle.
And in the air attack using Drones equipped with Mortar Bombs, the Indonesian military dropped bombs on residential areas and misdirected them, resulting in a civilian named Yangigik Kulua suffering serious injuries to the ribs due to being hit by a mortar bomb explosion that had been released from a Drone controlled by the Indonesian military.

The exchange of gunfire continued on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at around 15:00 in the afternoon, a series of gunfire occurred again between the Indonesian military and TPNPB troops for 50 minutes, resulting in the death of one TPNPB soldier named Tetan Murib and his body was evacuated by Major Sisip Tabuni and his members from Sinakin to the cemetery and was buried in a military manner by the TPNPB Kodap XVIII Puncak Regency troops on Monday, July 1, 2024.

In the exchange of gunfire between the TPNPB troops and the Indonesian military for three consecutive days from June 27-29, 2024, we from the Central Headquarters Management of the TPNPB National Commission urge the Indonesian President to immediately open humanitarian access for civilians to handle hundreds of children and adults to the elderly who have fled from Oneri District, Agadugume District and neighboring districts to Sinak District to receive humanitarian assistance locally and internationally while the war has not been declared over.
In a report received directly from the field, the TPNPB Kodap XVIII troops said that since Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at around 07:00 am, there had been a drop of Indonesian military troops from Timika to Agandugume, Puncak Regency using three military helicopters facilitated by war logistics to the TPNPB Kodap XVIII Puncak Papua operations area. Headquarters of KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM

General Goliath Tabuni
Commander-in-Chief of TPNPB-OPM
Lieutenant General Melchizedek Awom
Deputy Commander of TPNPB-OPM
Major General Terianus Satto
Chief of General Staff of TPNPB-OPM
Major General Lekagak Telenggen
Commander of General Operations of TPNPB-OPM
Brigadier General Penny Murib. =========================
This is the Press Release from the KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters Management as of Thursday, July 4, 2024 and forwarded to all parties by TPNPB Spokesperson Sebby Sambom
And thank you for your good cooperation.


4) West Papua received climate change grant fund of US$1.2 million  

July 4, 2024 14:13 GMT+700

Manokwari, West Papua (ANTARA) - Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) of the Ministry of Finance stated that West Papua Province received a climate change grant allocation of Rp20 billion (around US$1.2 million).

The funds are grants from countries on the European continent, such as Norway, for Indonesia, which are managed by the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) categorized as a public service agency (BLU).

"The total grant funds amounted to Rp1.5 trillion and West Papua received Rp20 billion in the medium category," Head of the DJPb West Papua Regional Office Purwadhi Adhiputranto said in Manokwari, Thursday.

He noted that the distribution of funds was not carried out through regional treasuries but several activities that had been determined by BPDLH were directly financed, such as strengthening forest management units and the climate village program.

Moreover, the BPDLH determined forest and land rehabilitation, reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) architecture, biodiversity and conservation, control of forest and land fires, and sustainable forest management as other activities that can be financed.

"The types of activities that can be financed have been determined by BPDLH. The regional government can choose which type they want to implement," Adhiputranto remarked.

He said that the DJPb had held a meeting with Acting Governor of West Papua Ali Baham Temongmere to inform him about the mechanism for distributing climate change grant funds.

The governor will form a working group team across regional apparatus organizations within the province to determine the types of activities that are adjusted to the provisions of BPDLH.

"After that, the governor appointed an intermediary institution or NGO with a medium classification to carry out the activities that had been determined by the working group team," he added.

He explained that proposals were submitted by NGOs along with the beneficiaries, in this case, the provincial governments, to BPDLH twice a year, i.e., in March and August.

Proposal registration is via the National Registry System (SRN) portal,, and if the submission is done outside the specified time, then the assessment will be conducted in the following period.

"If the concept of the proposed activity proposal has been approved by BPDLH, then the disbursement of funds can be realized," Adhiputranto remarked.

According to the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Number 1398 of 2023, the determination of fund allocation and beneficiaries is divided into three categories.

Provinces in the large category are Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, West Sumatra, South Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, North Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Jambi, and Riau.

Meanwhile, Papua, North Sumatra, Aceh, South Papua, Southeast Sulawesi, West Papua, Maluku, North Maluku, Southwest Papua, South Sulawesi, Highland Papua, West Sulawesi, Bengkulu, South Sumatra, and Central Papua fall in the medium category.

Beneficiaries in the small category comprise East Java, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Bangka Belitung, Lampung, Central Java, Riau Islands, West Java, Bali, Banten, Yogyakarta, and Jakarta.  

Related news: West Papua govt targeting to plant 71,600 tree seedlings in 2024

Related news: West Papua urged to allocate budget for census on indigenous Papuans

Translator: Fransiskus Salu Weking, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Tia Mutiasari

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