Friday, September 20, 2024

1) Separatist rebels say Indonesian army attacks threaten the safety of kidnapped New Zealand pilot

2) Human Rights Watch publishes new report: ““If It’s Not Racism, What Is It?”  Discrimination and Other Abuses Against Papuans in Indonesia

3) Yahukimo Police intimidate KNPB members in Yahukimo – House search carried out without warrant


1) Separatist rebels say Indonesian army attacks threaten the safety of kidnapped New Zealand pilot

Separatist rebels in Indonesia’s restive Papua region have warned that military attacks in recent days to rescue a New Zealand pilot who was taken hostage over a year ago could instead threaten his safety
ByNINIEK KARMINI Associated Press
September 20, 2024, 4:33 AM

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- Separatist rebels in Indonesia’s restive Papua region warned Friday that increased Indonesian military attacks in recent days to rescue a New Zealand pilot who was taken hostage over a year ago could instead threaten his safety.

Independence fighters led by Egianus Kogoya, a regional commander in the Free Papua Movement, stormed a single-engine plane on a small runway in Paro and abducted Philip Mark Mehrtens on Feb. 7, 2023. The pilot from Christchurch was working for Indonesian aviation company Susi Air.

His abduction reflected the deteriorating security situation in Indonesia’s easternmost region of Papua, a former Dutch colony in the western part of New Guinea that is ethnically and culturally distinct from much of Indonesia.

Kogoya initially said the rebels would not release Mehrtens unless Indonesia’s government allows Papua to become a sovereign country.

Despite promises from other leaders of the West Papua Liberation Army, the armed wing of the Free Papua Movement, known as TPNPB, that they would let Mehrtens go, the pilot is still being held.

The rebels issued a proposal on Tuesday for freeing Mehrtens that outlined terms including news media involvement in his release. 

“The Indonesian Government appears to be ignoring the TPNPB Proposal for the release of the Susi Air Pilot from New Zealand,” rebel spokesperson Sabby Sambom said in a statement Friday. “Therefore, the NZ Government must be serious and urge their friendly country, Indonesia, to stop the Military operations during the process, because it endangers the life of the New Zealand Pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens.”

Sambom said the Indonesian government has deployed more troops in Nduga, a regency in Papua Mountains province known as a rebel hotbed, and launched airstrikes with helicopters since Monday on the TPNPB headquarters in Alguru village, where the pilot is believed to be held.

A spokesperson for New Zealand’s foreign affairs ministry said Friday that officials were aware of the rebels' proposal, and that New Zealand would continue to work closely with all parties for Mehrtens’ release and would not discuss the details of its efforts publicly. 

In another statement on Thursday, Sambom said Indonesian soldiers with tanks were on their way from neighboring Wamena district to Alguru to rescue the pilot.

The Cartenz Peace Taskforce, the joint security force set up by the Indonesian government to deal with separatist groups in Papua, could not immediately be reached for comment on the rebels’ statements.

In April, armed separatists attacked Indonesian troops who were deployed to rescue Mehrtens. The group sent a letter the next month to Indonesian President Joko Widodo. Sambom said they received a response indicating that Widodo would negotiate with the TPNPB, but there was no further communication.

Indonesian authorities have said they are making efforts to free Mehrtens “by prioritizing persuasive aspects and approaches.”

In August, gunmen stormed a helicopter and killed its New Zealand pilot, Glen Malcolm Conning, after it landed in Alama, a remote village in the Mimika district of Central Papua province. No one has claimed responsibility for that attack, and the rebels and Indonesian authorities have blamed each other.

In 1996, the Free Papua Movement abducted 26 members of a World Wildlife Fund research mission in Mapenduma. Two kidnapped Indonesians were killed by their abductors. The remaining hostages were freed within five months.

Papua was incorporated into Indonesia in 1969 after a U.N.-sponsored ballot that was widely seen as a sham. Since then, a low-level insurgency has simmered in the region, which was divided into five provinces last year to boost development in Indonesia’s poorest region. Conflict has spiked in the past year, with dozens of rebels, security forces and civilians killed.

Associated Press writer Charlotte Graham-McLay in Wellington, New Zealand, contributed to this report.

Human Rights Monitor

2) Human Rights Watch publishes new report: ““If It’s Not Racism, What Is It?” Discrimination and Other Abuses Against Papuans in Indonesia


Nineteen-year-old Alfa Hisage was arrested on August 30, 2019, for joining a student-led protest against anti-Papuan racism in Jayapura, a city in the Indonesian territory of West Papua. He told Human Rights Watch that at the police station, officers beat and racially abused him, particularly for his dreadlocks. “They pushed my head on the table,” he said. “And they used a bayonet to cut off my hair.”
The Indigenous Papuan population of Indonesia has long encountered racial discrimination based on their ethnic origin, including from government agencies and institutions, as well as in laws and regulations. Ever since the Netherlands turned over West Papua to the newly independent government of Indonesia following a deeply flawed United Nations resolution in 1969, many Papuans have sought independence – primarily peacefully but also through the force of arms – from Indonesian rule.
The Indonesian government has responded with numerous grave abuses by the government security forces, the isolation of West Papua from the rest of the world, and the arrest, prosecution, and long prison terms for Papuan activists who have peacefully called for independence or other forms of self-determination. The Indonesian authorities have encouraged tens of thousands of non-Papuan families to work and to settle in West Papua, which has driven many Indigenous Papuans from their land.
The resistance of Papuans and many non-Papuans in Indonesia to discrimination took on a new dimension following an August 17, 2019 attack by security forces on a Papuan student dormitory in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second largest city, in which the students were subjected to racial insults. The attack renewed discussions on anti-Papuan racial discrimination and sovereignty for West Papua. Papuan students and others acting through a social media movement called Papuan Lives Matter, inspired by Black Lives Matter in the United States, took part in a wave of protests that broke out in many parts of Indonesia. Alfa Hisage was among the many students who joined the demonstrations.
The Indonesian government responded by detaining hundreds. Papuans Behind Bars, a nongovernmental organization that monitors politically motivated arrests in West Papua, recorded 418 new cases from October 2020 to September 2021. At least 245 of them were charged, found guilty, and jailed for joining the protests, with 109 convicted of “treason.” However, while in the past, Papuans charged with political offenses typically were sentenced to years – in many cases, 10 years or more – of imprisonment, in the recent cases, perhaps because of international and domestic attention and pressure, the courts handed down much shorter sentences, and many of those convicted were soon released because they had already served much of their term in pretrial detention.
Victor Yeimo, a prominent Papuan rights activist and spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee (Komite Nasional Papua Barat, KNPB), was arrested on May 9, 2021, but had to be hospitalized for tuberculosis three months later. He was eventually detained again in January 2023 to face trial for treason, and was convicted. When he was released after completing his one-year jail sentence (including pre-trial detention) on September 23, 2023, he was welcomed at a large public gathering, where he called on Papuans to resist racial discrimination: “It is imperative that the Papuan people learn that the annexation of this region is based on racist prejudice.”
West Papuan independence campaigners have largely protested peacefully against repression by Indonesians authorities. However, since the 1960s a small Papuan separatist insurgency has mainly targeted Indonesian security forces, but has also at times targeted Indonesian settlers to West Papua, foreign workers and corporations, and others they claim to be “spies.” The Indonesian military has been deployed in West Papua in large numbers to counter the insurgents. Secessionist demands have also been fueled by countless government and security force human rights violations.
Human Rights Watch takes no position on claims for independence in Indonesia or in any other country. We support the right of everyone to peacefully express their political views, including for independence, without fear of arrest or other forms of reprisal. The Indonesian government has legitimate security concerns in West Papua stemming from Papuan militant attacks. But these provide no justification for the government’s failure to uphold international human rights and humanitarian law prohibitions against arbitrary arrest and detention, torture and ill-treatment of persons in custody, and unlawful killings.
This report profiles cases of Papuan activists convicted after the Papuan Lives Matter protests, and also describes ongoing human rights violations rooted in racial discrimination, in particular, the right to education and to the highest attainable standard of health. We also documented recent abuses by security forces and Papuan militants during the ongoing conflict.

Human Rights Monitor

3) Yahukimo Police intimidate KNPB members in Yahukimo – House search carried out without warrant

On 14 August 2024, members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) in the Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, Papua Pegunungan Province, experienced acts of intimidation and unauthorised search by members of the 1715 Kodim (military district command) and Brimob (mobile brigade corps). The operation was led by Yahukimo Police Chief, Commissioner Heru Hidayanto. Six KNPB members were present at their office when the security forces arrived, resulting in a tense confrontation and forceful entry into the KNPB office.
The incident began with surveillance activities on 13 August 20214, with two vehicles monitoring the KNPB office. On August 14, the surveillance intensified. At 3:20 pm, a large contingent of security forces, comprising nine vehicles including armoured cars and patrol vehicles from various units, arrived at the KNPB office. Despite attempts by KNPB members to negotiate and clarify that no demonstrations were planned for 15 August 2024, the security forces forcibly entered the office without providing a warrant. They searched the office and took photographs of the premises. The operation concluded around 3:40 pm when the forces withdrew. 
The incident raises serious concerns about respect for civil liberties, freedom of association, and the use of intimidation tactics against political activists in West Papua, Indonesia.

Security force vehicles approaching the KNPB office in the Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, on 14 August 2024

Detailed Case Data
name of the location: Dekai (-4.874653772472966, 139.48856096842403)
administrative region: Indonesia, Papua Pegunungan Province, Yahukimo Regency, Dekai District
total number of victims: six
period of incident: 14.08.2024
perpetrator: police, other security forces
perpetrator details: 1715 Kodim and Brimob
Issues: freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly, indigenous peoples, intimidation 
Further HRM News:
NumberName, DetailsGenderAgeGroup AffiliationViolations
6unknownunknownunknownindigenous, activistfreedom of assembly, freedom of expression, intimidation


Thursday, September 19, 2024

1) World’s biggest deforestation project gets underway in Papua for sugarcane

2) Human Rights Watch report: Papuans in Indonesia face ‘entrenched’ racism, discrimination


(Photos/map in article)

1) World’s biggest deforestation project gets underway in Papua for sugarcane

  • Land clearing has begun is what’s being called the biggest deforestation effort in the world, as Indonesia looks to establish 2 million hectares (5 million acres) of sugarcane plantations in the Papua region.
  • One of the companies involved in the project, whose inaugural seed-planting ceremony was attended by the Indonesian president, has already cleared at least 356 hectares (880 acres) of forest since June.
  • Satellite imagery analysis shows that 30% of the concessions appear to fall inside a zone that the 
  • Indigenous rights advocates have also flagged concerns over the sidelining of Indigenous Papuans by the project, including the imposition of an industrial agricultural model on peoples who have long been hunter-gatherers.

  • JAKARTA — Excavators have begun clearing land in the Indonesian region of Papua in what’s been described as the largest deforestation undertaking in the world.

    A total of 2 million hectares (5 million acres) of forests, wetlands and grasslands in Merauke district will be razed to make way for a cluster of giant sugarcane plantations, part of the Indonesian government’s efforts to boost domestic sugar production.

    Five consortiums, consisting of Indonesian and foreign companies, are confirmed to be participating in the 130 trillion rupiah ($8.4 billion) project, with roles ranging from developing sugarcane plantations and processing mills, to building the power plants to run them.

    At least one of the companies, PT Global Papua Abadi (GPA), has already seeding its concession, with President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, planting the first seeds in a ceremony on July 23.

    “I see that the land here is flat and there’s plenty of water. I think this is an opportunity to turn Merauke into Indonesia’s food barn,” the president said at the ceremony.

    Satellite monitoring by technology consultancy TheTreeMap has detected large land clearings inside GPA’s concession since June 2024. Using alerts data from Nusantara Atlas, a forest monitoring platform run by TheTreeMap, the organization found at least 356 hectares (880 acres) of forest cleared during that time.

    This is contrary to the government’s claims that it will mitigate the environmental impact of the sugarcane project by avoiding forested areas as much as possible. Senior officials have also claimed there’s not much natural forest left in Merauke in the first place.

    “There’s no forest in the middle of Merauke,” said the country’s energy minister, Bahlil Lahadalia, who’s in charge of a government task force that manages the project. “There’s only eucalyptus [trees], swamps and savannas.”

    TheTreeMap founder David Gaveau said it’s true the ecosystem in southern Merauke, where the project is located, consists of savanna and grassland, but there’s also closed-canopy evergreen forest there, making it unique.

    Besides the revelation of natural forest being cleared in the sugarcane project area, some parts of the project area also appear to fall inside a zone that the government has declared should be protected under a moratorium program.

    The moratorium, introduced in 2011 and made permanent by President Jokowi in 2019, bans the clearing of primary forest and peatland that hasn’t yet been allocated for plantation or logging concessions. Under the moratorium, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry publishes a map that shows which areas are protected by the moratorium. This map is revised every six months.

    The Pusaka Foundation, an NGO that works with Indigenous peoples in Papua, overlaid a map of the sugarcane concessions with the moratorium map and found that 30% of the concessions, 145,644 hectares (359,894 acres), are located within the moratorium zone.

    While the figure might not be accurate since the concession maps used in the analysis are in JPEG format rather than shapefiles, the finding still indicates that there’s natural forest left standing in the project area, according to Pusaka Foundation director Franky Samperante.

    “Therefore, this project poses environmental risks, particularly in the form of increasing greenhouse gas emissions [from deforestation],” he said.

Savanna and grasslands

The rest of the land that’s been cleared for the sugarcane project is savanna and grasslands of the Trans Fly ecoregion, Gaveau said.

Spanning 2.6 million hectares (6.4 million acres), the Trans Fly ecoregion is one of the most extensive lowlands on the island of New Guinea, where Indonesian Papua is located, and home to some of the largest and healthiest wetlands in the Asia-Pacific region.

Its savanna and grasslands resemble the landscape of northern Australia, which lies to the south. While they don’t resemble the tropical rainforest that cover most of the island, the savanna and grasslands still comprise an important ecosystem that’s home to unique plant and animal species, many of which are rare or threatened, such as the dusky pademelon (Thylogale brunii) and the Fly River grassbird (Megalurus albolimbatus).

More than half of New Guinea’s total bird population is found in the ecoregion, including 80 species endemic to the island.

“Regionally, the Trans-Fly is very rich in bird fauna and no other site in the region compares to it, including Kakadu World Heritage Site [in Australia’s Northern Territory],” UNESCO wrote in its descriptionof the ecosystem.

That makes protecting the Trans Fly savanna and grasslands from deforestation essential for maintaining biodiversity, activists say. Any failure to do so will also be catastrophic for the climate and derail the Indonesian government’s target of curbing deforestation rates, said Glenn Hurowitz, CEO of U.S.-based advocacy group Mighty Earth.

And much of the sugar produced from the Merauke project won’t even be used for food, he pointed out: the government plans to develop sugarcane-derived bioethanol as part of its transition away from fossil fuels.

“Simply put, it is a disaster,” Hurowitz said. “The tragedy is that this project would also single-handedly undermine Indonesia’s greatest climate success: reducing the rate of commodity deforestation by an amazing 90%. I hope that President Jokowi, incoming President Prabowo, and Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya will examine the project to see if the companies involved are actually delivering on its purposes — or are instead breaking the government’s legal commitments.”

Indigenous communities sidelined

Besides deforestation, there are also concerns that the rights of Indigenous Papuans will be violated in the process as they continue to be sidelined from consultation on the project.

“Has [the government] asked Papuans whether they want to plant sugarcane or not?” Faisal Basri, a prominent economist at the University of Indonesia, said at a seminar in June. Faisal, a vocal critic of government policies he deemed unjust, passed away in early September from illness.

In his remarks in June, he cited the example of a similar megaproject in Merauke, the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE), initiated by Jokowi’s predecessor, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in 2011 to turn the district into the “future breadbasket of Indonesia.”

The MIFEE project was earmarked for rice and sugarcane plantations to shore up national food security — the same justifications being touted by Jokowi administration officials today. Yet the project turned out to be a failure, used as cover to establish oil palm and pulpwood plantations instead. The MIFEE project also became a “textbook land grab,” activists say. Under the project, companies acquired large swaths of Indigenous lands without the free, prior and informed consent of communities, and without providing adequate compensation.

This should be more than enough reason for the government to scrap the sugarcane project, Faisal said. He also questioned the wisdom of imposing an industrial agricultural model on the lands of a people who for generations have lived as hunter-gatherers.

“They have a different culture. In the past, [the government] tried planting rice in Merauke as well, and it failed because there’s no anthropological or sociological study [to determine what Indigenous Papuans want],” he said. “This is because Papuans are considered to not exist. The mindset [of development] is Java- or Jakarta-oriented.”

GPA, the sugarcane company, said it’s committed to be transparent and actively involve Indigenous communities in the project by mapping the concession together with them. This participatory mapping effort is necessary to identify which parts of the concession overlap with ancestral lands, according to GPA surveyor Ikrar Bakti.

“We want to make sure that Indigenous peoples have a broad understanding of the size of their ancestral lands that will be managed by the company, and how the management will be carried out with sustainability principles,” he said as quoted by local media.

But as long as Indigenous Papuans don’t get to decide by themselves how to manage their own lands, then there’s no meaningful participation and consent given by the communities, according to Frederika Korain, a human rights lawyer from Papua. She singled out Bahlil, the investment minister, who identifies as Papuan after having spent much of his childhood there, for usurping the voice of native Papuans.

“It’s very easy for the minister to come and earmark [lands] as he pleases,” Frederika said at the June Seminar with Faisal. “Let me ask him, where do you have your ancestral right in [Papua]? Where did your ancestors live? You’re not Papuan, so how can you come [to Papua] and declare this region a place for investment?”

Banner image: President Joko Widodo plants the first seed in PT Global Papua Abadi’s sugarcane concession in Merauke, South Papua, Indonesia. Image courtesy of BPMI Setpres/Muchlis Jr.


2) Human Rights Watch report: Papuans in Indonesia face ‘entrenched’ racism, discrimination

Jakarta responds to calls for independence from the indigenous ethnic Melanesian people with arrests, torture and extrajudicial killings, report adds.

Tria Dianti and Victor Mambor 2024.09.19 Jakarta and Jayapura, Indonesia

An international human rights watchdog has detailed what it calls entrenched racism and systemic discrimination against the indigenous ethnic Melanesian people in Indonesia’s Papua region in a new report released on Thursday.

Papua has seen a long-running conflict between Indonesian security forces and separatist rebels since it was formally integrated into the Southeast Asian nation in 1969 after a controversial referendum.

The report by Human Rights Watch (HRW), titled “If It’s Not Racism, What Is It?,” said the Indonesian government had responded to Papuans’ calls for independence with arbitrary arrests, torture, forced displacement and extrajudicial killings.

International human rights organizations have repeatedly called on Indonesia to allow independent investigations into the human rights situation in Papua, but the government has restricted access to the region.

Andreas Harsono, a senior researcher at HRW, said Indonesian authorities needed to tackle the systemic racism against the indigenous Papuans.

 “The Indonesian government needs to finally recognize that international human rights law applies in West Papua and meet its obligations to the people there,” he said in a statement accompanying the report.

West Papua is another name for the Indonesian half of New Guinea island.

The HRW report highlights the Papuan Lives Matter movement, a social media campaign inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.

The campaign gained momentum after a racist attack on a Papuan student dormitory in Surabaya in 2019, which sparked protests across Indonesia.

The Indonesian authorities responded by arresting more than 1,000 demonstrators, with more than 240 convicted on charges such as treason, according to a group called Papuans Behind Bars, which monitors political prisoners in the region.

“The Indonesian government’s suppression of widespread protests after a 2019 attack on Papuan university students highlighted longstanding racial discrimination against Indigenous Papuans,” HRW’s report said.  

Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, a spokesperson at the Presidential Staff Office, rejected claims of racism and discrimination and questioned the standards used to make such allegations.

“In governance, there is something called soft diplomacy,” he told BenarNews.

“It is precisely because we deeply consider human rights that the president [Joko “Jokowi” Widodo] insists on using soft diplomacy, with a strong focus on human rights.”

The outgoing leader had visited Papua 19 times, Ali Mochtar noted.

“People should not overlook the significance of these visits.” He added.

‘They are called dirty’

The roots of Papuan discontent stretch back to the 1969 referendum, in which just over 1,000 Papuans were selected to vote on whether the region should remain part of Indonesia.

Many critics argued the process was rigged. Since then, Papuans have sought self-determination, often met with force by Indonesian authorities.

The increased militarization in Papua since the 2019 protests showed the Indonesian government’s efforts to stifle dissent in the region, according to Benny Giay, a senior figure in the group Papuan Church Council.

“People who are arrested, people who are killed – they are always labeled as separatists or terrorists,” Giay told BenarNews.

“The government has used security forces to silence critical voices. They view every Papuan as a threat, and that’s how they justify the arrests and killings.”

Veronica Koman, a human rights activist, said Papuan students studying outside the region often struggled to find housing because of negative stereotypes.

“They are called dirty, disruptive, or stupid,” Veronica told BenarNews. “It’s an example of the everyday racism Papuans face.”

At a policy level, Koman added, Papuans were sidelined during key political processes, including the controversial autonomy laws for Papua introduced in recent years.

“Special autonomy and regional division were driven by Jakarta, not by Papuans,” she said. “Papuan voices were never considered equal—that’s racism at the policy level.”

In the social sphere, the report found that Papuan children, particularly in remote areas, face severe barriers to health care and education.

Agus Sumule, a lecturer at the University of Papua, said that the Central Highlands, where most of the population is indigenous, did not have a single teacher training college.

“If it’s not racism, what should I call it?” he said in the report.

When Jokowi was elected in 2014, there were high hopes for significant human rights reforms in Papua.

Early in his presidency, Jokowi took a symbolic step by releasing five Papuan political prisoners. At the time, he also pledged to open Papua to foreign media, diplomats, and human rights monitors.

However, nearly a decade on, as Jokowi ends his second and final term, little has changed for Papuans, HRW said.

And the looming presidency of Prabowo Subianto, who is scheduled to be sworn in on Oct. 20, doesn’t inspire hope among Papuans.

Allegations of grave human rights abuses have dogged Prabowo, a former general, since his time in the military, and Papuans are concerned about the policies he will adopt towards their region.

Rebels to release detained pilot

Meanwhile, the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) on Tuesday announced it would unconditionally release New Zealand pilot Phillip Mark Mehrtens, who has been held hostage since February last year.

Sebby Sambom, a spokesperson for the group, said in a video statement posted on YouTube that the decision was made on humanitarian grounds and that no conditions would be attached to Mehrtens’ release.

He did not say when Mehrtens would be freed.

Sambom reiterated, however, that the group’s demand for West Papuan independence remains unchanged.

“Our struggle for an independent West Papua is non-negotiable,” he said.


Human Rights Watch Report “If It’s Not Racism, What Is It?” Discrimination and Other Abuses Against Papuans in Indonesia

 Human Rights Watch

September 18, 2024

 “If It’s Not Racism, What Is It?” Discrimination and Other Abuses Against Papuans in Indonesia

Nineteen-year-old Alfa Hisage was arrested on August 30, 2019, for joining a student-led protest against anti-Papuan racism in Jayapura, a city in the Indonesian territory of West Papua. He told Human Rights Watch that at the police station, officers beat and racially abused him, particularly for his dreadlocks. “They pushed my head on the table,” he said. “And they used a bayonet to cut off my hair.”

The Indigenous Papuan population of Indonesia has long encountered racial discrimination based on their ethnic origin, including from government agencies and institutions, as well as in laws and regulations. Ever since the Netherlands turned over West Papua to the newly independent government of Indonesia following a deeply flawed United Nations resolution in 1969, many Papuans have sought independence – primarily peacefully but also through the force of arms – from Indonesian rule.

The Indonesian government has responded with numerous grave abuses by the government security forces, the isolation of West Papua from the rest of the world, and the arrest, prosecution, and long prison terms for Papuan activists who have peacefully called for independence or other forms of self-determination. The Indonesian authorities have encouraged tens of thousands of non-Papuan families to work and to settle in West Papua, which has driven many Indigenous Papuans from their land.

The resistance of Papuans and many non-Papuans in Indonesia to discrimination took on a new dimension following an August 17, 2019 attack by security forces on a Papuan student dormitory in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second largest city, in which the students were subjected to racial insults. The attack renewed discussions on anti-Papuan racial discrimination and sovereignty for West Papua. Papuan students and others acting through a social media movement called Papuan Lives Matter, inspired by Black Lives Matter in the United States, took part in a wave of protests that broke out in many parts of Indonesia. Alfa Hisage was among the many students who joined the demonstrations.

The Indonesian government responded by detaining hundreds. Papuans Behind Bars, a nongovernmental organization that monitors politically motivated arrests in West Papua, recorded 418 new cases from October 2020 to September 2021. At least 245 of them were charged, found guilty, and jailed for joining the protests, with 109 convicted of “treason.” However, while in the past, Papuans charged with political offenses typically were sentenced to years – in many cases, 10 years or more – of imprisonment, in the recent cases, perhaps because of international and domestic attention and pressure, the courts handed down much shorter sentences, and many of those convicted were soon released because they had already served much of their term in pretrial detention.

Victor Yeimo, a prominent Papuan rights activist and spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee (Komite Nasional Papua Barat, KNPB), was arrested on May 9, 2021, but had to be hospitalized for tuberculosis three months later. He was eventually detained again in January 2023 to face trial for treason, and was convicted. When he was released after completing his one-year jail sentence (including pre-trial detention) on September 23, 2023, he was welcomed at a large public gathering, where he called on Papuans to resist racial discrimination: “It is imperative that the Papuan people learn that the annexation of this region is based on racist prejudice.”……………………………


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

1) West Papuan fighters who kidnapped Kiwi pilot propose terms of release

2) Papuan rebels set terms for release of New Zealand pilot
3) Indonesian Military Bombing TPNPB Headquarters in Alguru, Where Captain Philips Mark Marthens Lives

(Note. A number of Images from X in article_

1) West Papuan fighters who kidnapped Kiwi pilot propose terms of release 
By APR editor -  
September 18, 2024

RNZ Pacific

Pro-independence fighters in the Indonesian-ruled West Papua region have proposed the terms of release for the New Zealand pilot taken hostage almost 18 months ago.

The armed faction of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) kidnapped Phillip Merhtens, a 38-year-old pilot working for the Indonesian internal feeder airline Susi Air, in February last year after he landed a small commercial plane in a remote, mountainous area.

The group has tried to use Mehrtens to broker independence from Indonesia.

It is now asking the New Zealand government, including the police and army, to escort the pilot and for local and international journalists to be involved in the release process.

Both Foreign Affairs and the minister’s office say they are aware of the proposed plan.

In a statement, they say their focus remains on securing a peaceful resolution and the pilot’s safe release.

“We continue to work closely with all parties to achieve this and will not be discussing the details publicly.”

This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

The Guardian reports that Indonesian human rights advocate Andreas Harsono, who covers the country for Human Rights Watch, said the proposal was “realistic”, despite Indonesia’s ongoing restriction on reporters and human rights monitors in the region.

“The top priority should be to release this man who has a wife and kids,” The Guardian quoted Harsono as saying.


2) Papuan rebels set terms for release of New Zealand pilot
Demand Indonesia call off military operations in West Papua and allow NZ to monitor the release of Phillip Mark Mehrtens

 By UCA News reporter Published: September 18, 2024 11:14 AM GMT

A rebel group in Indonesia’s conflict-hit West Papua has proposed terms for the release of a New Zealand pilot held hostage for a year and seven months while appealing to all parties to support the "humanitarian mission."

The West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), the military wing of the Free Papua Movement, said on Sept. 17 that it would release Phillip Mark Mehrtens if its conditions were met. A number of those conditions were “to be followed” by the Indonesian government.

The rebel group has sought the involvement of a facilitator team that could include Bishop Yanuarius Teofilus Matopai You of Jayapura, representatives of the World Church Council, Papuan Council of Churches, International Human Rights Monitor, Pacific Conference of Churches, and representatives of New Zealand government.

"We have listed the names of the facilitator team so that all parties can take part," said TPNPB spokesman Sebby Sambon while adding "This is a humanitarian mission that must be supported by all parties."

Mehrtens was kidnapped on Feb. 7 last year after landing a small commercial plane in the remote mountainous area of Nduga in Papua.

The northern Christian-majority region has been a hotbed of conflict for more than six decades since it became a part of Indonesia following the end of Dutch colonial rule in the 1960s.

Sambon said the TPNPB has asked the Indonesian government “not to carry out military operations” and allow New Zealand to monitor the release of Mehrtens,

"If the Indonesian government does not comply, then we will cancel the release process until there is goodwill from both countries," he said.

Military spokesman in Papua Lieutenant Colonel Inf Candra Kurniawan questioned the TPNPB's "humanitarian" ground for releasing the pilot.

Their “actions and statements are not in sync," he said in a statement.

However, he said the government was grateful for the news of Mehrtens’ release.

"The pilot’s safety is a priority," he said.

Bishop You of Jayapura declined to comment on the rebels seeking him in the role of a facilitator for the pilot's release.

New Zealand's foreign ministry said it was aware of the TPNPB's release proposal.

"Our focus remains on achieving a peaceful resolution and the safe release of Phillip [Mehrtens]," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in an email to BBC News Indonesia.

"We continue to work with all parties to achieve this and will not discuss the details publicly," it added.

On Aug. 5, another New Zealand pilot, Glen Malcolm Conning, 50, was killed in Papua and security officials blamed TPNPB  for his death. The armed rebel group, however, denied the allegation.

Despite being mineral-rich -- home to the world's largest gold mine, as well as extensive sources of natural gas, minerals, timber and palm oil -- the restive region remains one of the poorest and underdeveloped provinces in the country.

The Papuans want to free their region from Indonesian control but Indonesia looks to suppress it militarily.

The struggle, ongoing since 1962, is estimated to have killed up to 500,000 people. At least 300 people have died in the last decade.


3) Indonesian Military Bombing TPNPB Headquarters in Alguru, Where Captain Philips Mark Marthens Lives
Press Release from KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters Management as of Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Please follow this report!
The management of KOMNAS TPNPB Central Headquarters has received an official report today Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 11:00am from Major Armi Tabuni, Commander of the TPNPB Alguru Battalion Commander led by Egianus Kogeya, commander of TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama Darakma that; The Indonesian military has carried out helicopters airstrike and bombs attacks ten times at the TPNPB Headquarters in Alguru.
However, in this bombardment attack we and Philips Pilot Mark Marthens survived the attack and the attack was carried out by the Indonesian military from 03.00am in the morning until this afternoon the Indonesian military was still carrying out helicopters airstrike operations from the air.
In a further report, Major Armi Tabuni said that; Indonesian military officers since 16-17 September 2024 have carried out bombs attacks since 03:00am in the morning and have bombarded the TPNPB headquarters in Alguru, however, there were no casualties from our side and also Captain Philips Mark Marthens, a citizen of New Zealand.
Regarding the field and battlefield situation, Major Armi Tabuni said that the Indonesian military apparatus was still carrying out military operations by airstrike from 03.00am in the morning to 10.30am in the We were still on alert and if the Indonesian government respected the human rights of Captain Philips Mark Marthens and civilians in Alguru were asked to immediately stop bombing in the Alguru area because there were still many civilians who had taken refuge in Alguru during the outbreak of the conflict.
This is the Press Release from the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters as of Tuesday, September 17 2024 by Sebby Sambom, Spokesperson for TPNPB OPM.
And thank you for your good cooperation.
National Responsibility for the National Command Headquarters of the TPNPB-OPM,
General Goliath Tabuni TPNPB-OPM Commander in chief
Lieutenant General Melchizedek Awom Deputy Commander in Chief of TPNPB-OPM
Major General Terryanus Satto Chief of General Staff of TPNPB-OPM
Major General Lekagak Telenggen TPNPB-OPM General Operations Commander
Militer Indonesia Bombardir Markas TPNPB Di Alguru Tempat Tinggal Kapten Philips Mark Marthens
Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB Per Selasa, 17 September 2024
Silahkan ikuti laporan dibawa ini.!
Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB telah menerima laporan resmi pada hari ini Selasa, 17 September 2024 jam 11.00 siang dari Mayor Armi Tabuni, Komandan TPNPB Batalyon Alguru dibawa pimpinan Egianus Kogeya panglima TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama Derakma bahwa; Militer Indonesia telah melakukan serang bom sepuluh kali di Markas TPNPB di Alguru. Namun, dalam serangan bombardir tersebut kami dan Pilot Philips Mark Marthens selamat dalam penyerangan tersebut dan penyerangan tersebut dilakukan oleh militer indonesia sejak jam 03.00 pagi hingga siang ini aparat militer indonesia masih melakukan operasi dari udara.
Dalam laporan lebih lanjut, Mayor Armi Tabuni mengatakan bahwa; aparat militer indonesia sejak tanggal 16-17 September 2024 telah melakukan serangan bom sejak jam 03:00 pagi subuh dan telah membombardir markas TPNPB di Alguru namun, tidak ada korban dari pihak kami dan juga Kapten Philips Mark Marthens warga negara selandia baru.
Terkait dengan situasi lapangan dan medan pertempuran Mayor Armi Tabuni mengatakan bahwa aparat militer indonesia masih saja melakukan operasi militer lewat udara sejak jam 03.00 pagi hingga jam 10:30 masih dalam situasi siaga oleh kami dan jika pemerintah indonesia menghargai hak asasi manusia terhadap Kapten Philips Mark Marthens dan warga sipil di Alguru diminta untuk segera hentikan pengeboman di wilayah alguru sebab, masih banyak warga sipil yang mengungsi di alguru selama konflik pecah.
Demikian Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Per Selasa, 17 September 2024 oleh Sebby Sambom Jubir TPNPB OPM.
Dan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik.
Penanggungjawab Nasional Komando Markas Pusat Komando Nasional TPNPB-OPM.
Jenderal Goliath Tabuni
Panglima Tinggi TPNPB-OPM
Letnan Jenderal Melkisedek Awom
Wakil Panglima TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Terianus Satto
Kepala Staf Umum TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Lekagak Telenggen
Komandan Operasi Umum TPNPB-OPM
