Wednesday, July 24, 2024

1) Melanesian nations hold dialogue in Jakarta

2) Children displaced by conflict in Papua are always underserved
3) Discussion and Launch of Research Report on Treason and Political Prisoners in West Papua on Friday 26th July


1) Melanesian nations hold dialogue in Jakarta

  •  July 24, 2024 22:36 GMT+700

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Puan Maharani has announced that the 2nd Indonesia-Pacific Parliamentary Partnership (IPPP), scheduled for July 24–26, will feature a dialogue among Melanesian countries.

IPPP is a DPR-initiated forum for the parliaments of archipelagic and island countries in the Pacific region. Eight parliament speakers and representatives from the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) are present at the forum.

The forum aims to serve as a diplomacy platform for the parliaments of Pacific region countries for building cooperation in common priority sectors, such as maritime, blue economy, connectivity, and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 2nd IPPP is also expected to bolster Indonesia's Pacific Elevation Strategy, which aims to strengthen its presence in the region through partnership.

The forum, themed 'Partnership for Prosperity: Fostering Regional Connectivity and Inclusive Development,' is being held in Jakarta and highlights global issues from Pacific parliaments' perspectives.

The issues include determining how to handle climate change, promote sustainable development and tourism, contribute to the blue economy, strengthen the role of women and youth, and increase friendship and intercultural cooperation.

The event will also include a parliamentary dialogue with MSG member countries, which will be attended by the parliamentary leaders of Fiji, the Solomon Islands, and Papua New Guinea.

Maharani said that several provinces in Indonesia's eastern region are included in the Pacific region and are also part of the Melanesian group, namely East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku, and six provinces of Papua.

"Indonesia is inseparable from the Pacific community, both in terms of identity and geographical similarity," she said in a statement on Wednesday.

Maharani expressed optimism that the forum would increase solidarity among Melanesian countries.

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Translator: Bagus R, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso


A google translate.
Original Bahasa link

2) Children displaced by conflict in Papua are always underserved
“The government must have a standard concept in handling internal refugees in Papua so that children can recover from their trauma.”

July 24, 2024 in Health
Author: Hengky Yeimo - Editor: Syofiardi

Nabire Jubi – Dozens of babies are being carried by their mothers on the veranda of their houses. Several mothers are breastfeeding their children. Some kindergarten and elementary school children are roaming around in the yard. Some are playing, some are just sitting in a place they find comfortable.

That is the daily portrait of children who accompanied their parents to evacuate in Nabire Regency. They fled from their hometown in Bibida District and four surrounding districts in Paniai Regency, Central Papua Province.

They were forced to flee because they were afraid of being hit by stray bullets from the conflict or gunfire between TNI-Polri security forces and TPNPB-OPM members in their district. Thousands of residents have fled from five districts, namely Bibida District, Dumadama District, Dogomo District, East Paniai District, and Wegemuka District.

Most of them evacuated to locations still in Paniai Regency. However, more than 400 residents, mostly from Bibida District, chose to evacuate further, namely to Nabire Regency, still in Central Papua Province.

Data from the Paniai Regency Refugee Post Team in Nabire recorded that 216 children, from toddlers to teenagers, had fled to Nabire. They fled from July 15, 2024 until they were finally repatriated on Monday, July 22, 2024. During the 37 days or more of one month in the refugee camp, what did the children do? Was there any special attention given to them, including psychological, medical, and educational treatment?
On the last day in Nabire, before leaving for his village, Sabinus Zonggonau, a fourth grade student at Bibida Elementary School, Paniai Regency, was seen playing at the refugee post.

"My friends and I fled because there was a shooting in the village and fled to Nabire, for a month in Nabire, so now we want to go back to our hometown in Bibida, Paniai," he told

According to Zonggonau, while fleeing in Nabire, children's activities were generally just playing or being inside the house.

"While in the refugee camp, we played with friends. We also usually sit at home while telling stories," he said.

He hopes that there will be no more war in his village so that his village is safe and he can do his activities as usual.

"Don't let incidents like this happen again because it is detrimental to us school children," he said.

Another child, Siska Zonggonau, a student at Bibida State Elementary School, said that after returning to her village she would continue her education.

"I want to go to school, so I went back to my hometown in Bidida," she said.

No attention

Former Coordinator of the Bibida Community Refugee Post in Nabire Martinus Zonggonau said that while in the evacuation, the children did not receive additional lessons or 'trauma healing' activities, either from the government or from NGOs and private institutions.

"While they were in the evacuation, the children only played as usual," he told via WhatsApp message, Tuesday (7/23/2024).

In the morning, said Zonggonau, they played. During the day, some took a nap and some played. For those who took a nap, they played again in the afternoon.

"When they finish playing, some also go on an outing to the beach, join their relatives in gardening, and so on," he said.

When children play, he added, there are various games they do, such as playing weapons using jubi (bows), chasing, and playing marbles.

According to Zonggonau, the government must have a standard concept in handling internal refugees in Papua so that children can recover from their trauma.

"Trauma healing for children is something that should be done by the government so that children and their mothers can recover from fear," he said.

Zonggonau also reminded government officials to keep their promises when they are given to children. "Don't make false promises to children," he said.

He said that while in refugee camps in Nabire, the children were promised by the local government to learn to count using the Gasing method, but this was not realized. "It is very unfortunate that methods like this," he said.

Children become victims

Responding to the condition of children during refugee camps due to conflict, Secretary of the Papuan Literature Community Alexander Giyai said that children's education in conflict areas tends to be sacrificed and they are also psychologically disturbed.

"Therefore, the government and all components must be responsible for the future of the generation in conflict areas so that their future does not become a victim," he said.

According to Giyai, sometimes children in refugee camps do not get an education. Therefore, as a literacy activist in Tanah Papua, he appealed to the district governments in conflict areas to pay attention to this.

"I hope that dormitories can be prepared as a place to foster children in conflict areas to handle psychological and educational issues for their future," he said. (*)



Discussion and Launch of Research Report on Treason and Political Prisoners in West Papua on Friday 26th July

After more than two decades of Special Autonomy in the Land of Papua, the Indonesian Government has still not taken justice and respect for human rights seriously. Treason charges are still being used by law enforcement agencies to silence expressions perceived to be against the interests of those in power. The number of political prisoners continues to rise.

Aliansi Demokrasi untuk Papua (ALDP, Democratic Alliance for Papua)and TAPOL have carried out a study to investigate the effect of Treason articles in Papua, as well as other articles used to silence expression. This study also highlights other related aspects, such as irregularities in the court process, the rights of political prisoners, threats to freedom of expression, as well as the intimidation of human rights defenders who take on treason cases.

Come along to our webinar to launch the report “Treason and Political Prisoners in the Land of Papua” and discuss its contents this Friday 26th July.

Register for the webinar:

The organisers have prepared simultaneous interpretation for both Bahasa Indonesia and English.



Paralyzing Papuan Political Resistance, Human Rights Regulated from Behind

Theo van den Broek


In this reflection, we outline the characteristics of the societal situation in Papua at the end of 2022. The current situation is the result ofthe 'security approach strategy' implemented by the Indonesian Government over the past 3 ½ years. The government hoped that with the 'security approach' the conflict in Papua could be resolved. De facto, what has been achieved: the application of this strategy has resulted in the opposite situation, namely: the conflict has not been resolved, but has become much more complex and difficult to overcome. The security approach strategy was accompanied by an escalation of violence that not only threatened the physical lives of many citizens, but alsohad a very negative impact on several sectors of society (including the rule of law sector, the freedom of expression and assembly sector, the democracy sector, and the population sector). After three and a half years of favoring the security approach, the Papuan people, in particular the indigenous Papuan people, feel that they have been ushered into a dead end. An atmosphere in which there is no longer a bright spot for a resolution of their problems with dignity. In order to pave the way for a good and peaceful resolution of the problem, we need to [1] eliminate the negative impact of the 3 ½ years of policy, and [2] the willingness of all parties to show a true 'political will' and open themselves to dialogue, including discussion of the political aspects which are actually the main root of the problem in Papua.

Full article

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