Sunday, July 7, 2024

Action Refuses to Forget 26 Years of Bloody Bias Tragedy, Silencing of Democracy Space, Internet Access Shutdown And Foreign Journalists In Batasi, Bali.

Posted on  Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua-AMP FP Page. 

(Machine translated)

Rally in Bali remembering the Biak tragedy


Aksi Menolak Lupa 26 tahunTragedi Biak Berdarah, Pembungkaman ruang demokrasi, Akses internet Dimatikan Dan Wartawan Asing Di Batasi, Bali.

Aksi menyikapi 26 tahun Tragedi Biak Berdara 1998 - 2024 di bali terjadi pembungkaman Ruang demokrasi dan pemutusan akses internet pada saat aksi di depan Plaza Renon Denpasar bali 06 uli 2024. Dalam Berjalanya Aksi, Pihak kepolisian kolonialisme indonesia membatasi massa untuk tidak melanjutkan aksi ke konsulat Amerika namaun massa di … 

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Action Refuses to Forget 26 Years of Bloody Biak Tragedy, Silencing of Democracy Space, Internet Access Shutdown And Foreign Journalists In Batasi, Bali.

Action to address 26 years of Biak Berdara Tragedy 1998 - 2024 in bali the closure of democracy room and the interruption of internet access at the time of action in front of Plaza Renon Denpasar bali 06 uli 2024 

In the course of action, the Indonesian colonialism police restricted the masses not to continue the action to the American consulate even though the masses are directed to the roundabout in front of the Plaza and Internet access is also turned off.

Although we know that indonesia is a law and democracy country but in practice democratic space for people and students is still narrowed and silenced by indonesian colonialism against papuan nation especially papuan students mass who did demonstration action in bali.

Even during today's demonstration action, intel as well as some Police in ordinary clothes detained one (1) foreign journalist for knowing and covering Papua's action, refused to forget the 26 years of the tragedy that was carried out by Amp in bali on 06 july 2024 the foreign warawan who wanted to cover the said camera was closed then the police told him to leave finally the policeman dressed as thugs took him to jahu from the masses finally the Journalist under to the police car and was interrogated by the police in bali.

Not only this time, the practice of shutting up and disconnection of internet access continues to happen in bali repeatedly, each time the alliance of papua students kk bali does action we are often faced with such matters. The police has violated the freedom of expression and to convey in public which was provided in article 28f, article 1945 28e paragraph (3) also guaranteed in article 39 1999 on human rights.

The police should side the course of action and not disconnect internet access as freely as possible.

On the other hand, the reactionary organizations that are in action at the US consulate are left without even restriction against them. The broadcasting process against the reactionary Organization Patriot Garuda archipelago (PGN) is also still carried out by the police in bali, as if it is a mass action of AMP that always does anarchist action in bali so the masses are kept by the reactionary organization.

The case of the tragedy of the poor breed in 1998 until now is still not solved by colonialism although we know it is the Republic of Indonesia a country of law and democracy. but indonesia is considered a democratic country but in practice indonesian colonialism still continues to practice crime against the papuan nation.

Until now, Exactly 26 years of the heavy ham violation of Biak Berdara happened, the Bloody Biak Tragedy is the result of the actions of the military apparatus of the Indonesian Colonial State committing acts of violence against the people of West Papua in Biak that conveyed the aspirations and raised the Kejora Star Flag peacefully and democratically.

The crime and violence of the Department against the Papuan people in Biak on July 2-6 1998 has cost 230 people. 8 people died; 8 people missing; 4 people were seriously injured and evacuated to Makassar; 33 people were detained at will; 150 people were tortured; and 32 mysterious bodies were found stranded in the waters of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and some casualties have not been listed since July 6, 1998.

The case of heavy ham violations Until today, July 6, 2024 has entered 26 years, but the State still continues to ignore and belittle the cases of ham violations, even violations and violence against the people and the people of Papua continue to happen everywhere.

*Chronology of Action

At 08:40 friends masssa action doing prayer before traveling to action point. the prayer is done in front of denpasar bali hostel by the action mass before continuing the journey.

At 08:56 Korlap directs the masses to the gathering point, earlier the masses did verification then escort using motor to the action point of denpasar east renon.

At 09:03 the masses perform command ropes to prepare the masses to move towards the action point. Before time moves, Gusyadi as the chairman of PGN Organization and his friends have done monitoring around the gathering point of the action mass gathering, in the east renon parking.

At 09:39 after the period started to move towards the action point, shortly after the police department saw 8 people using Cross motorcycles moving and stopped behind the crowd that was heading towards the action point. then they follow friends moving towards the action point by scaring the masses from behind.

At 9:50 thugs and intel are seen along Plaza Renon street, then intel 3 people stand by the street and also one (1) Army man follows monitoring the action mass that is going to the action point.

At 09:53 police using 2 sabhara cars have already blocked the road around Plaza roundabout next to the consulate and the police ordered the masses not to take action in front of the American consulate as a mass action point amp kk bali.

At 09:05 the comrades started to do orations around the roundabout in front of Plaza because the action was prevented by the police and were told not to continue the action to go to the US conjen office. Whereas the pgn organization also carry out action in front of the American consulate, but the police do not disperse the pgn action mass that is carrying out counter action with the AMP mass.

At 10:22 it was seen that comrades handing out flyers were forced and ordered not to hand out flyers around the roundabout with the reason of causing traffic on the road. However, at 10:28 there was an interruption and interruption of the internet network done by the authorities.

At 11:06 after the comrades negotiated with the police, but the period of action was given space for oration only a few hours, but to distribute leaflets to the left and right side the comrades the action mass was still prevented by the police, and not forced to give leaflets.

at 11:44 while comrades were performing stunts, orations and poetry, 2 suspected police officers were around the masses were sitting and doing obstruction and contracting to shut down the network using a snack device filled in a black backpack.

12:05 oration and poetry reading done by action participants. After the internet network is restored After several hours the masses had interruption of internet access. Finally at 12:30 the internet is back on, and the action masses read the attitude statement in front of Plaza roundabout

At 12:48 after reading the attitude statement of comrades the action masses started to move Back to the meeting point. At the time of reading the attitude statement. At 12:49 the foreign journalist was restricted and not allowed to cover the action of the comrades of the action the foreign journalist was taken out by force out of the action, then the journalist was under to the police car and interrogated by the police.

At 13:21 the mass returned to the meeting point and arrived at the meeting point. Then at 13:23 korlap ordered the action mass to return Back to the hostel. Arrival at the parking of east renon meeting point, 3 motorcycles mass action damaged the motor key. The damage to this motorcycle was done by unknown person.

Thus the Chronologist of Action Amp kk bali, that's all and Thank you.

Denpasar ,06 July 2024









Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua-AMP


Pembungkaman Ruang Demokrasi Dan Pemutusan Jaringan Internet Serta Wartawan Di batasi di Bali

Foto ini saat wartawan asing berbaju Putih, sedang Meliput AMP kk bali Menyikapi 26 tahun Tragedi Biak Berdarah yang di lakukan depan Plaza renon. 

Saat wartawan tersebut sedang meliput, ia di paksa keluar oleh Intel berpakaian biasa.… 

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Demolition of Democracy Space And Interruption Of Internet Networks And Journalists In Restricted In Bali

This photo when foreign reporters dressed in White, was Covering AMP kk bali Addressing the 26 years of Bloody Biok Tragedy in front of Plaza Renon.

While the reporter was covering, he was forced out by Intel in plain clothes.

He was then taken to the police car for questioning

Denpasar, 06 July 2024

Next Timeline To Follow



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