1) Wamena facing difficulty to cope with HIV/AIDS
2) Australian Government Gives $26 Million in Fight Against HIV in Papua
3) Perpetrators OPM Danramil Honor Hunted
1) Wamena facing difficulty to cope with HIV/AIDS
Tue, August 7 2012 15:51 | 79 Views
Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA News) - A non-governmental organization (LSM) in Wamena, Papua Province, complained about financial difficulty in coping with the spread of HIV/AIDs in that area. Chairman of the Yokemdi LSM in Wamena Yoram Yogobi told visiting health minister Nafsiah Mboi here on Monday they need fund to cover the cost of treating HIV/AIDS carriers living in Papua.
Yoram said his LSM needs government assistance in the form of motor vehicles to be more mobile in providing counseling services how to prevent the spread of the disease for the villagers in interior areas.
He said currently there are 2,071 known cases of HIV/AIDS in the regency of Puncak Jaya, Papua.
They live in different small villages, therefore, higher mobility is needed especially most of the villages are located in difficult mountainous areas ,he added.
"Wamena needs a hospital with standard equipment to treat HIV/AIDS patients " he said.
The minister promised to attend to the problem faced by Wamena, saying she would ask the Papua provincial administration to provide the necessary assistance.
The minister was on a two day working visit to this Papua`s capital city top attend the launch of a program to eradicate HIV/AIDs and commission a number of clinics and hospital in this province.
Editor: Ella Syafputri
Jakarta Globe | August 07, 2012
Australia is providing A$25 million ($26 million) in assistance to help Indonesia improve access to HIV services in its two Papua provinces, embassy officials said on Monday.
The aid is part of a A$100 million HIV six-year partnership commitment between Australia and Indonesia that started four years ago.
The embassy said that the Australian government, through its aid program AusAID, has been combating HIV with the Indonesian government in Papua and West Papua since 2004.
The new Rapidly Expanding Access to Care for HIV (Reach) program will be building on the success of the existing partnership, an Australian official said.
Mat Kimberley, the acting head of Aus-AID in Indonesia, is traveling to Papua with Indonesian Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi to see firsthand how the partnership makes a difference in the lives of people with HIV, the embassy said.
“We share the same concern as Indonesia on the HIV epidemic in Papua and West Papua, which have the highest HIV prevalence in Indonesia,” Kimberley said.
“Australia’s assistance will help improve access to HIV services and increase the number of people who are getting the care and treatment they need.”
Indonesia has one of the fastest-growing HIV transmission rates in Asia, and in most instances the actual number of people living with HIV is believed to be far higher than the official data shows.
The World Health Organization estimates there are 300,000 people in Indonesia living with HIV/AIDS, with the worst-affected places being Jakarta and the province of Papua, where 2.3 percent of the population is infected.
The government said that about 50,000 HIV patients require drugs, but only 20,000 are getting them.
There are 796 people with either AIDS or HIV on record in Papua, according to data from the AIDS Handling Commission (KPA) and the Health Department of Papua, including 335 HIV cases and 461 AIDS cases. Of those cases, 59 percent are women or girls.
The local KPA however estimated that there were 2,500 people living with HIV in the province.
KPA data shows that HIV/AIDS affects Papuans of all different backgrounds, from sex workers to housewives to even a handful of religious leaders.
The aid is part of a A$100 million HIV six-year partnership commitment between Australia and Indonesia that started four years ago.
The embassy said that the Australian government, through its aid program AusAID, has been combating HIV with the Indonesian government in Papua and West Papua since 2004.
The new Rapidly Expanding Access to Care for HIV (Reach) program will be building on the success of the existing partnership, an Australian official said.
Mat Kimberley, the acting head of Aus-AID in Indonesia, is traveling to Papua with Indonesian Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi to see firsthand how the partnership makes a difference in the lives of people with HIV, the embassy said.
“We share the same concern as Indonesia on the HIV epidemic in Papua and West Papua, which have the highest HIV prevalence in Indonesia,” Kimberley said.
“Australia’s assistance will help improve access to HIV services and increase the number of people who are getting the care and treatment they need.”
Indonesia has one of the fastest-growing HIV transmission rates in Asia, and in most instances the actual number of people living with HIV is believed to be far higher than the official data shows.
The World Health Organization estimates there are 300,000 people in Indonesia living with HIV/AIDS, with the worst-affected places being Jakarta and the province of Papua, where 2.3 percent of the population is infected.
The government said that about 50,000 HIV patients require drugs, but only 20,000 are getting them.
There are 796 people with either AIDS or HIV on record in Papua, according to data from the AIDS Handling Commission (KPA) and the Health Department of Papua, including 335 HIV cases and 461 AIDS cases. Of those cases, 59 percent are women or girls.
The local KPA however estimated that there were 2,500 people living with HIV in the province.
KPA data shows that HIV/AIDS affects Papuans of all different backgrounds, from sex workers to housewives to even a handful of religious leaders.
A google translate from article in Bintang Papua. (be-aware goggle translate can be a bit erratic). Original bahasa below.
3) Perpetrators OPM Danramil Honor Hunted
Monday, August 6, 2012 22:43
JAYAPURA-Team Joint Army / Police is conducting the pursuit of the alleged perpetrator and the gang hostage Puncak Jaya Danramil Noble Inf First Lieutenant. Paulinus logo and seize the weapon.
This was disclosed Head of Public Relations Papua Police Commissioner Pol Drs Johannes Nugroho Wicaksono in his office on Monday (6/8).
According to him, the actors who perform an action to steal weapons and Members of the Mobile Brigade Danramil This is a group of OPM faction Yambi. While the perpetrators of the theft of weapons was found to belong to members of the Mobile Brigade characteristics. He said the current lineup of Puncak Jaya district police led by Police Chief with the TNI is still in pursuit of the alleged offender fled towards the forest.
"Having this group managed to pick up a weapon belonging to one member of the Mobile Brigade. They immediately fled towards the forest. And now we also have to shift troops to Mewoluk Brimob of Honor, "he said.
Meanwhile, the result of the loss of weapons belonging to the type AK 47 Brimob, the Papua Police Propam will impose discipline to members of the Mobile Brigade who uses a stolen weapon.
"Members of the Mobile Brigade, threatened sanctions Discipline for 21 days, delayed promotions and also not allowed to attend school in a relatively specific. While this Propam Papua police file was complete the examination, "he said.
Therefore, to prevent from recurring, he said it appealed to members of the police who have the weapons to be good in the Puncak Jaya and elsewhere in order to always be vigilant in carrying or using firearms.
"Let your loved one item of work equipment. Whether it's weapons, and goods services. In order for things like this do not happen again.
And this applies to all members who use the weapons wherever he served, "he said.
Election security Disentil Birthday District Mewoluk ongoing, he said, the situation in the region are safe and in control.
He expressed, it received a report, Re-Election in Mewoluk safe and peaceful place without interruption., "He said.
Asked whether the OPM faction Yambi perform an action to thwart the General Election in Mewoluk Birthday, he said, the group's only stealing senjatan Police and TNI who served in the Puncak Jaya, but did not derail the plan has an Re-Election in the region.
Officials Asked to Prove
Hostage and beating action against Danramil Mulia, Puncak Jaya regency Lt. Inf. Paulinus logo and seize the weapon on August 4, also responded to human rights activist and former member of Komnas HAM Representative in Papua, Mathius Murib. "We prihatian on this event, we suspect there is a play on their behalf," he said in Papua Star releasenya received via short messages (SMS), Monday (6/8).
In addition, men who now serves as the Director of the Baptist Voice Papua, also regretted the success of the police in question are not the main actor revealed the occurrence of conflict in Puncak Jaya district since 2004.
"We deplore the Police from 2004 to 2012 and have yet to reveal who the perpetrators and the motive to play in the Puncak Jaya," he continued.
He called the engineering shopped stop all violent means to achieve certain goals.
"The ways such as this are cursed by God the Creator of heaven and human beings all over the world," he said.
But he admitted that on the engineering is still to be proved. "Engineering or whether the conflict must be proven legally. Recriminations not playing, "he said.
He also appealed to civil society to remain calm and strengthen themselves so as not easily provoked to momentary interests of certain parties. "Surely if love and peace is realized by all parties, Puncak Jaya is like the Hell-Fire for this can be changed as a safe heaven, peaceful and noble," he said. (Mdc/aj/don/l03)
OPM Penyandera Danramil Mulia Dikejar |
Senin, 06 Agustus 2012 22:43 |
OPM Penyandera Danramil Mulia Dikejar
JAYAPURA—Tim Gabungan TNI/Polri tengah melakukan pengejaran terhadap pelaku yang diduga menyandera dan mengeroyok Danramil Mulia Puncak Jaya Lettu Inf. Paulinus Logo dan merampas senjatanya.
Hal ini diungkapkan Kabid Humas Polda Papua Kombes Pol Drs Johannes Nugroho Wicaksono di ruang kerjanya, Senin (6/8). Menurutnya, para pelaku yang melakukan aksinya mencuri senjata Danramil dan Anggota Brimob ini adalah kelompok OPM Faksi Yambi. Sedangkan pelaku pencurian senjata milik anggota Brimob sudah ditemukan ciri-cirinya. Dia mengungkapkan, saat ini jajaran Polres Puncak Jaya dipimpin Kapolres bersama TNI masih melakukan pengejaran terhadap pelaku yang diduga melarikan diri kearah hutan. “Setelah kelompok ini berhasil mengambil senjata milik salah satu anggota Brimob. Mereka langsung melarikan diri kearah hutan. Dan saat ini kami juga sudah melakukan penggeseran pasukan Brimob dari Mulia ke Mewoluk,” tandas dia. Sementara itu, akibat dari hilangnya senjata milik anggota Brimob jenis AK 47, pihak Propam Polda Papua akan mengenakan sanksi disiplin kepada anggota Brimob yang menggunakan senjata yang dicuri tersebut.
“Anggota Brimob itu, terancam sanksi Disiplin selama 21 hari, penundaan kenaikan pangkat dan juga tidak diperbolehkan bersekolah dalam waktu yang relatif tertentu. Sementara ini Propam Polda Papua tengah melengkapi berkas pemeriksaannya,” ucapnya.
Karena itu, untuk mencegah tak terulang lagi, dia mengatakan, pihaknya menghimbau kepada anggota polisi yang memiliki senjata agar baik di Puncak Jaya maupun dimana saja agar selalu waspada dalam membawa atau mempergunakan senjata api. “Mari cintai barang perlengkapan kerja anda. Baik itu senjata, maupun barang dinas. Agar hal-hal seperti ini tidak terulang lagi. Dan ini berlaku kepada seluruh anggota yang menggunakan senjata dimana pun dia bertugas,” tegasnya. Disentil keamanan Pemilukada Ulang di Distrik Mewoluk yang tengah berlangsung, kata dia, situasi di wilayah ini dalam keadaan aman dan terkendali. Dia mengutarakan, pihaknya mendapat laporan, Pemilukada Ulang di Mewoluk berlangsung aman dan tentram tanpa gangguan.,” tutur dia. Ditanya apakah kelompok OPM Faksi Yambi melakukan aksinya untuk menggagalkan Pemilukada Ulang di Mewoluk, dia menuturkan, kelompok ini hanya melakukan pencurian senjatan milik Polri maupun TNI yang bertugas di wilayah Puncak Jaya, tapi tak mempunya rencana menggagalkan Pemilukada Ulang di wilayah tersebut. Aparat Diminta Buktikan Aksi penyanderaan dan pengeroyokan terhadap Danramil Mulia, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya Lettu Inf. Paulinus Logo dan merampas senjatanya pada 4 Agustus lalu, juga mendapat tanggapan aktifis HAM yang juga mantan anggota Perwakilan Komnas HAM Papua, Mathius Murib. “Kami prihatian atas kejadian ini, kami menduga ada yang bermain untuk kepentingan mereka,” ungkapnya dalam releasenya yang diterima Bintang Papua melalui pesan singkat (SMS), Senin (6/8). Selain itu, pria yang kini menjabat sebagai Direktur Baptist Voice Papua, juga menyesalkan terkait belum berhasilnya pihak kepolisian mengungkap actor utama terjadinya konflik berkepanjangan di Kabupaten Puncak Jaya sejak Tahun 2004. “Kami menyesalkan pihak Polisi sejak tahun 2004 sampai 2012 ini belum juga mengungkap siapa pelaku dan motifnya yang bermain di Puncak Jaya,” lanjutnya. Ia menyerukan uantuk menghentikan segala rekayasa dengan cara-cara kekerasan dalam mencapai tujuan tertentu. “Cara-cara seperti ini sangat dikutuk oleh Tuhan pencipta langit dan manusia di seluruh dunia,” tegasnya. Namun diakuinya bahwa tentang rekayasa tersebut masih harus dibuktikan. “Rekayasa atau tidaknya dalam konflik tersebut harus dibuktikan secara hukum. Bukan main tuduh menuduh,” tegasnya. Ia juga menghimbau kepada masyarakat sipil agar tetap tenang dan perkuat diri agar tidak mudah terpancing untuk kepentingan sesaat pihak tertentu. “Sesungguhnya kasih dan damai itu jika diwujudkan oleh semua pihak, Puncak Jaya yang seperti Api Neraka selama ini bisa dirubah seperti Sorga yang aman, damai dan mulia,” ujarnya.(mdc/aj/don/l03)
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