1) For Papua, a Continuing Struggle to Provide a Good Education
2) Pacific leaders silent on West Papua
3)KNPB Question Allegations Against Police Mako Tabuni
1) For Papua, a Continuing Struggle to Provide a Good Education
Banjir Ambarita | September 07, 2012
Banjir Ambarita | September 07, 2012
Papua receives about Rp 1 trillion ($104 million) a year from the central government for education, but the province continues to be plagued by a lack of teachers and crumbling schools.
“Education in Papua is frightening due to poor management in remote areas as a result of the lack of attention from the head of the regional working unit,” said Kenius Kogoya, a member of Papua’s regional legislative council.
The regional working unit oversees education, and Kenius pointed the finger of blame squarely at it when talking about the problems in the province.
“Schools in remote areas are inadequate,” he said. “Many of the teachers don’t show up for classes because they prefer to stay in the city. The number of teachers is very limited. One teacher has to handle two to three classes a day, and there are no new recruits coming in.”
With schools struggling to provide an adequate education, he said, Papua will not have the educated work force needed to lift the province out of poverty.
Papua has had special autonomy for 11 years and the central government has sent tens of trillions of rupiah in development funds to the easternmost province.
But with few signs that this money has brought the kind of improvements expected for the education sector, some regional legislators are beginning to question how much money is actually going to education, and how it is being spent.
“The mandate under the special autonomy law is to allocate 30 percent of the budget for the education sector, but only 7.15 percent was disbursed [last year],” Kenius said. “So it’s obviously very small. How can you radically improve education in Papua that way?”
Syamsul Arief Rivai, Papua’s caretaker governor, responded to the concerns by saying that the regional government continued to build new schools and other facilities and repair old ones across the province.
“For fiscal year 2011, money was allocated for the construction of official residences for school teachers and principals,” he said.
“There was also money allocated for elementary, junior high and high school teachers working under contract. The money allocated by the Papuan provincial government for the education and health sectors is in line with the mandate in the special autonomy law.”
“Education in Papua is frightening due to poor management in remote areas as a result of the lack of attention from the head of the regional working unit,” said Kenius Kogoya, a member of Papua’s regional legislative council.
The regional working unit oversees education, and Kenius pointed the finger of blame squarely at it when talking about the problems in the province.
“Schools in remote areas are inadequate,” he said. “Many of the teachers don’t show up for classes because they prefer to stay in the city. The number of teachers is very limited. One teacher has to handle two to three classes a day, and there are no new recruits coming in.”
With schools struggling to provide an adequate education, he said, Papua will not have the educated work force needed to lift the province out of poverty.
Papua has had special autonomy for 11 years and the central government has sent tens of trillions of rupiah in development funds to the easternmost province.
But with few signs that this money has brought the kind of improvements expected for the education sector, some regional legislators are beginning to question how much money is actually going to education, and how it is being spent.
“The mandate under the special autonomy law is to allocate 30 percent of the budget for the education sector, but only 7.15 percent was disbursed [last year],” Kenius said. “So it’s obviously very small. How can you radically improve education in Papua that way?”
Syamsul Arief Rivai, Papua’s caretaker governor, responded to the concerns by saying that the regional government continued to build new schools and other facilities and repair old ones across the province.
“For fiscal year 2011, money was allocated for the construction of official residences for school teachers and principals,” he said.
“There was also money allocated for elementary, junior high and high school teachers working under contract. The money allocated by the Papuan provincial government for the education and health sectors is in line with the mandate in the special autonomy law.”
2) Pacific leaders silent on West Papua
• Posted on September 7, 2012 - 11:05am | Category: Local News
By Anita Roberts
The leaders of the West Papuan National Coalition for Liberation (WPNCL) are disappointed that the leaders of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) meeting did not mention anything about the bloodshed and continued violence in West Papua during the 43rd PIF communiqué in the Cook Islands.
“This kind of attitude of, see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing, look the other way, will only encourage more bloodshed and ultimately prolong the 49 years conflict in West Papua,” the WPNCL leaders said in a statement.
The WPNCL leaders described the attitude of the PIF leaders as it was eerie and too quiet to be true as if the leaders have not yet awaken from a deep sleep to realize what is happening next door.
The Head of WPNCL Mission to Vanuatu, Andy Ayamiseba said many organisations and politicians have written to the PIF leaders requesting action on the reports of increased violence in the territory during the PIF meeting in the past two months but the leaders did nothing about these reports.
“We are very disappointed that the leaders had chosen to ignore the reports,” Mr Ayamiseba said.
He said this kind of response from the PIF will not stop the West Papuan’s determination to continue the struggle but will encourage more creative measures in the future on the part of our people.
Speaking at the recent Pacific Institute of Public Policy’s face-to-face event in Port Vila the Vanuatu leader of opposition, Rialuth Serge Vohor said that it is the responsibility of Melanesian leaders to know their brothers.
“(To) the people of Vanuatu, those are our brothers, Vanuatu’s fight to free our Melanesian brothers and sisters in West Papua will never end until they are free,” he said.
The 43rd pacific Islands Forum was held in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, from August 28-30 2012 involved leaders from the 16 member pacific nations including Australia and New Zealand.
The PIF communiqué leader’s meeting was an opportunity for regions to come together and work on the issues they jointly face.
A Google translate of article in Bintang Papua. Be-aware that google translate can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa below translation
Thursday, September 6, 2012 22:21
3)KNPB Question Allegations Against Police Mako Tabuni
JAYAPURA - Incessant coverage in the mass media about the plan of Jakarta-Papua dialogue following the visit of the Working Team Wantimpres (Presidential Advisory Council) under the leadership of DR.Albert Hasibuan to Papua, responded by KNPB. KNPB states that the root of the problem that must be addressed first before talking dialogue. "But we still have a way of KNPB out to mnyelesaikan Papua issue through a referendum for Papua liberate themselves from the shackles and free to mngurusi himself and his own country," said spokesman KNPB, Wim R. Medlama accompanied two activists were at a press conference held at the Prima Garden, Abepura, Thursday (6/9).
So the party continued KNPB asked not to be hasty in the effort to hold a Jakarta-Papua dialogue. "We are asking not to be hasty because Papuan independence ideology is on the grassroots," he said.
Another thing that is highlighted is the problem of allegations that had been addressed to the (late) Mako Tabuni. That after the arrest of Danny Kogoya to alleged acts of terror and armed violence in a number of events around the city of Jayapura, making the KNPB wonder. Because, the police also directs terror events similar to Mako Tabuni Alm.
"We asked the police to prove the actual perpetrators of the alleged spate of shootings case to Alm Mako Tabuni. While media coverage this time the culprit is directed to Danny Kogoya, so we asked for proof of the fact that obviously KNPB spokesman, Wim R. Medlama accompanied two activists were at a press conference held at the Prima Garden, Abepura, Thursday (6/9). It is said, when shooting Mako Tabuni all cases of armed violence directed towards the Mako Tabuni, and after Danny Kogoya arrested, all the cases were directed to Danny Kogoya. So pihanynya asking where the disclosure of the true facts of the case.
KNPB also accused the Papua Police making it up in the case, to close the space-democracy activist activists in Papua.
In addition, KNPB also questioned the truth of the reported ammunition found in the headquarters of Danny Kogoya. "Is it truly ammunition owned by the regional police Danny Kogoya or just making it up," he wondered.
In a memorandum also requested the opportunity to Papua Police to prove the truth in the case of the Germans shooting at Base-G, burning cars and drivers in the cemetery Waena. (Aj/don/l03)
Kamis, 06 September 2012 22:21
KNPB Pertanyakan Tudingan Polisi Terhadap Mako Tabuni
JAYAPURA – Gencarnya pemberitaan di media massa tentang rencana dialog Papua-Jakarta menyusul kunjungan Tim Kerja Wantimpres (Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden) di bawah pimpinan DR.Albert Hasibuan ke Papua, direspon oleh KNPB. KNPB menyatakan bahwa akar persoalannya yang harus dibicarakan dulu baru bicara dialog. “Tapi kami dari KNPB tetap mempunyai jalan keluar untuk mnyelesaikan masalah Papua melalui referendum untuk membebaskan Papua dari belenggu dan merdeka sendiri untuk mngurusi diri dan negaranya sendiri,” ungkap Juru Bicara KNPB, Wim R. Medlama didampingi dua aktifisnya saat menggelar jumpa pers di Prima Garden, Abepura, Kamis (6/9).
Sehingga lanjutnya pihak KNPB meminta untuk tidak gegabah dalam upaya menggelar dialog Jakarta-Papua. “Kami minta untuk tidak gegabah karena ideologi Papua merdeka ada pada masyarakat akar rumput,” tegasnya.
Hal lain yang disoroti adalah masalah tuduhan yang selama ini dialamatkan kepada (Alm) Mako Tabuni. Bahwa setelah tertangkapnya Danny Kogoya dengan dugaan aksi teror dan kekerasan bersenjata dalam sejumlah peristiwa di sekitar Kota Jayapura, menjadikan pihak KNPB bertanya-tanya. Karena, pihak kepolisian juga mengarahkan peristiwa teror yang serupa kepada Alm Mako Tabuni.
“Kami minta kepada pihak kepolisian untuk membuktikan pelaku sebenarnya serentetan kasus penembakan yang dituduhkan kepada Alm Mako Tabuni. Sementara pemberitaan di media saat ini pelakunya diarahkan ke Danny Kogoya, sehingga kami minta pembuktian fakta yang jelas Juru Bicara KNPB, Wim R. Medlama didampingi dua aktifisnya saat menggelar jumpa pers di Prima Garden, Abepura, Kamis (6/9). Dikatakan, sewaktu menembak Mako Tabuni segala kasus kekerasan bersenjata diarahkan kepada Mako Tabuni, dan setelah Danny Kogoya ditangkap, maka segala kasus diarahkan ke Danny Kogoya. Sehingga pihanynya menanyakan mana fakta yang sebenarnya dalam pengungkapan kasus tersebut.
KNPB juga menuding pihak Polda Papua hanya mengada-ada dalam perkara tersebut, untuk menutup ruang demokrasi aktivis—aktifis di Papua.
Selain itu, KNPB juga mempertanyakan kebenaran amunisi yang diberitakan ditemukan di Markas Danny Kogoya. “Apakah amunisi itu betul-betul milik Danny Kogoya atau pihak polda hanya mengada-ada,” ungkapnya bertanya-tanya.
Dalam kesempatan tersbeut juga dimintanya kepada Polda Papua untuk membuktikan kebenaran dalam kasus penembakan warga Jerman di Base-G, pembakaran mobil dan sopirnya di kuburan Waena.(aj/don/l03)
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