Saturday, October 27, 2012

1) Outsiders told to stay off Papua campus

1) Outsiders told to stay off Papua campus

2) Written questions to Dutch minister of Foreign Affairs

3) CONTRAST: Papua will be operating areas Detachment 88


1) Outsiders told to stay off Papua campus

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Non-student protesters should stop using the Cenderawasih University (Uncen) campus in Jayapura, Papua, as a place to hide if they are being pursued by local police during rallies, according to the head of a student board.

Chairman of Uncen’s Students Executive Board (BEM) Paul Numberi said the campus was not a place to shelter criminals, but was a place of learning for the younger generations of the nation.

“The campus is a place of learning, not a haven for criminals. We call upon non-students not to carry out provocation on campus, especially that which can harm the students and put them at a disadvantage,” Numberi told reporters in Jayapura.

He was speaking of the frequency of which the Uncen campus was blocked whenever there was a rally in Jayapura.

Numberi said thousands of Uncen students expressed regret whenever there was a rally — carried out by a handful of students on behalf of all students — because such actions disrupted learning and teaching on campus.

Separately, Papua Police chief Insp. Gen. Tito Karnavian said police continued to pursue the alleged criminals, despite the latter seeking refuge on campus.

“Whenever police enter the campus, it doesn’t mean they are intervening but they are processing criminals,” Tito said.

Tito added that the police did not have the authority to enter only two places in Indonesia — the House of Representatives and regional legislative offices during session and houses of worship during religious services — but when a session or worship was completed, they could enter for the sake of upholding the law.

“Entrance to these two places is exempt during a session or service. We are only looking for the suspects, not intervening but carrying out law enforcement,” he said.
2) Written questions to Dutch minister of Foreign Affairs

Written questions from Christian Union parliamentarian Joël Voordewind, Members
and Van der Staaij (SGP), Van Bommel (SP) & De Roon (PVV) to the Dutch
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Uri Rosenthal.
Translation Pro Papua

Subject: The bloody repression of Papuans in Indonesia

Date: October 23, 2012

Question 1
Have you taken notice of the bloody intervention of the Indonesian authorities
during a demonstration held by Papuans at which there were at least 4
casualties? 1)

Question 2
Do you agree with us that the bloody repression of Papaun demonstrations by
the Indonesian authorities is structural?

Question 3
Are you willing to condemn the repressions? Are you also willing to summon the
Indonesian ambassador? If not, why not?

Question 4
Are you willing to deploy initiatives in order to promote free press in West
Papua given the fact that free media is obstructed by Indonesian authorities?
If so, which initiatives?

Question 5
Do you agree with us that now is the time to send independent observers to the
area? If not, why not?

1 ) See West Papua Media, 23 October 2012, &
    ‘Papua rally in Jayapura broken up, say reports, Radio New Zealand
    International,23 October 2012,
A google translate. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic.
3) CONTRAST: Papua will be operating areas Detachment 88
Written By Voice Of Baptist Papua on 10/26/12 | 3:16 AM

An Australian funded Detachment 88 units in 2010.

JAKARTA: The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Contrast) will be assessed Papua Detachment operating area (Detachment) 88 so that the violence in the province will continue. Civil society urged to withdrawal the military and police.

Contrast coordinator Haris Azhar said it regretted the right to liberty, association and Papua are not fully guaranteed by the state. The organization recorded from January to October 2012 there were 81 acts of violence, at least 31 people died and 107 were injured in Papua.

"Democracy in Papua has been beheaded and a challenge for civilians to menkritisi State policy that the military and police that lasted until today," Harris said in a joint statement with the National Papua Solidarity, United for Truth and Yapham, who was quoted on Friday ( 10.26.2012).

He said one reason why the violence in the province of West Papua is to maketh the operation Detachment 88. While other causes, according contrast, is a separatist labeling on a number of residents in West Papua and security issues in the Asia Pacific region, particularly in West Papua has been the reason for Indonesia to strengthen security cooperation with the imperialist countries.

Haris said the condition has made Papua a fertile ground for conflict, for the sake of the state, economy and power. Contrast judge no wonder the fact that the indigenous people of Papua pushed up to fight for justice and truth that never arrived.

"We urge the President to immediately open up the space for democracy in Papua and realize the peaceful dialogue between the Papuan people and the Indonesian government unconditionally mediated third party," said Haris. (Bsi)


KONTRAS: Papua akan jadi wilayah operasi Densus 88
Written By Voice Of Baptist Papua on 10/26/12 | 3:16 AM

An Australian funded Detachment 88 unit in 2010.
JAKARTA: Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan  (Kontras) menilai Papua akan dijadikan wilayah operasi Detasemen  Khusus (Densus) 88 sehingga kekerasan di provinsi tersebut akan terus  berlangsung. Kalangan masyarakat sipil mendesak untuk dilakukannya  penarikan TNI dan Polri. 

Koordinator Kontras Haris Azhar mengatakan pihaknya menyesalkan hak  atas kemerdekaan, berkumpul dan mengeluarkan pendapat di Papua tidak  sepenuhnya dijamin oleh negara. Organisasi tersebut mencatat sejak  Januari hingga Oktober 2012 terdapat  81 tindakan kekerasan,  setidaknya 31 meninggal dan 107 orang mengalami luka-luka di Papua.

"Demokrasi di tanah Papua telah dipancung dan menjadi tantangan berat  bagi warga sipil untuk menkritisi kebijakan Negara yakni TNI dan Polri  yang berlangsung hingga saat ini," ujar Haris dalam pernyataan bersama dengan National Papua Solidarity, Bersatu untuk Kebenaran dan Yapham,  yang dikutip pada Jumat (26/10/2012).

Dia mengatakan salah satu sebab mengapa terjadinya kekerasan di  provinsi tersebut adalah ingin dijadikannya Papua Barat sebagai  operasi Densus 88. Sedangkan sebab lainnya, kata Kontras, adalah  adanya pelabelan separatis pada sejumlah warga di Papua serta isu  keamanan di Asia Pasifik, khususnya Papua Barat telah menjadi alasan Indonesia memperkuat kerja sama keamanan bersama negara-negara imperialis.

Haris mengungkapkan kondisi tersebut telah menjadikan Papua sebagai  lahan subur bagi konflik, demi kepentingan negara, ekonomi dan  kekuasaan. Kontras menilai tidak heran kenyataan itu mendorong rakyat  pribumi di Papua bangkit memperjuangkan keadilan dan kebenaran yang  tak kunjung tiba.

"Kami mendesak kepada Presiden untuk segera membuka ruang gerak demokrasi di Papua dan merealisasikan dialog damai antara rakyat Papua dan pemerintah Indonesia tanpa syarat yang dimediasi pihak ketiga," demikian Haris. (Bsi)


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