Sunday, November 4, 2012

1) Another KNPB activists killed.

Another KNPB activist killed. 
Below message from Victor Yeimo.
Also attached is a google translate of posting on KNPB web page which includes photos on the incident. Original bahasa below article. Be-aware that google translate can be a bit erratic.
1) Another KNPB activists killed.
2) KNPB Leader Killed in Pak-Pak Indonesia Mysterious

1) Another KNPB activists killed.
Begin forwarded message:

From: "Victor F. Yeimo" <>

Dear people in the world,

This is the third times i'm writing this letter in sorrow on the emergency situation being faced by all independence activists of The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) in whole regions of West Papua, when the Indonesian President is selling our natural resources with UK and others.

This is really hurts when every day Indonesia killed, arrested, terrorized and imprisoned pro independence activists who were conducting peaceful resistance in West Papua.

In the UK, SBY was named honor in the name of democracy, but in West Papua, activists KNPB who held demos disbanded, shot, killed and imprisoned.

Yesterday, 4 November 2012, one of the leader of KNPB in the Pak-Pak, Paul Horis killed by Indonesian special forces mysteriously, one member of KNPB named Klisman Woi still critical in hospital (see the news & photos here). Whereas previously, the secretary of the Regional Parliament in Merauke, Peter T. Katem beaten and tortured by the Indonesian military (TNI) 755th Infantry Company E Yalet Merauke at 03.00 pm on November 3 (see the news & photos here). The beatings without cause and effect.

The other KNPB's activists continue to be arrested. There are 13 member of KNPB's activists in Wamena arrested and jailed by the discovery of a bomb engineering. Detachment 88 in Wamena was made leader KNPB in this area as the Most wanted and continue targeted without evidence of a crime.

In Timika, Detachment 88 and Brimob also made engineering of discoveries bomb at KNPB office. 13 people were arrested, including the region head of KNPB  Steven Itlay and chef of Bomberai Region Parliament, Romario Yatipai. They are still detained without clear evidence of action (see photos).

In Biak, two members of KNPB also arrested on charges of storing bombs. In fact, I as chairman of KNPB knew that our members have not any capacity to assemble bomb, also there is no program in the struggle of KNPB to train them assembling bomb, because we are fighting for the right of self-determination in a peaceful and dignity.

In Sentani, at the Maribu village, the Detachment 88 has invaded the house of Terrianus Sato who is a member of the National Parliament of Tabi region. Terrianus families and residents in the village fled into the woods and they're calling international protection (see photos and news here).

I feel the world with lust political economy was afflicted us. We believe that there are still people in this world who have a heart to appreciate humanity, justice and freedom that continues to be fought by the people of West Papua. We ask the international community to encourage solidarity Parliaments and your government to urge UN intervention in the current conditions in West Papua.

When your heart tremble because of oppression, you are our friend

Thank you

Victor F. Yeimo 
Chairman of The West Papua National Committee [KNPB]


Victor F. Yeimo,
International Spokesperson for the West Papua National Committee [ KNPB ]
"Tidak ada kemenangan revolusioner tanpa teori revolusioner"


2) KNPB Leader Killed in Pak-Pak Indonesia Mysterious
Pak-Pak, KNPBnews - The killing of activists and leaders KNPB continues. This time, one of the leaders in the region KNPB Sorong, Paul Horik found dead in Road A. Matondang precisely Pak-Pak on the river bank on Sunday (4/11) at 01.00 at night. Meanwhile, activists KNPB, Klisman Woi is in critical condition at the Regional General Hospital Pak-Pak. The victim allegedly carried out by specially trained forces in Indonesia.

To KNPBnews, Board KNPB Pak-Pak and Pak-Pak region sent chronological murder. According to court sources, chronology begins with the two activists were hired motor. Do not know how it happened, but in the evening at 01.00, a traffic policeman officer (Traffic Police) found two victims lying in menganaskan in The Genesis of the Case (the scene). However, the motors used are found in good condition with no damage or abrasions.

The victim's family learned of this incident at 07.00 AM in hospitals Pak-Pak. According to the autopsy doctor, Paul Horik killed, and found a big hole in the top of the head and neck in a broken condition, a broken nose and the face there are serious injuries. While his friend, Klisman Woi still critical in hospital are also seriously wounded in the head front / testa, both eyes swollen and bluish, affluent section picah ribs and cuts to the left and feet.

According KNPB Pak-Pak region, Arnold Kocu it with family are looking for a data murders. "We are lost, and all the people of the nation of Papua grieving, and we KNPB and PRD were collected the data, and if the data and the results are stronger then our event and the PRD region Pak-Pak will melakuakn anything, and we hope that the Pak-Pak Police in order to fully investigate this incident.

Paul Horik is one of the leaders in the commissariat KNPB Pak-Pak region. Klismon Woi is also a member of KNPB. Activity during their struggle was followed by a special unit of the Republic of Indonesia. Earlier, in Merauke, Merauke Secretary PRD region battered by the military struck.

Pak-Pak, KNPBnews – Pembunuhan terhadap aktivis dan pimpinan KNPB terus berlanjut. Kali ini, salah satu pimpinan KNPB di Wilayah Sorong, Paulus Horik ditemukan tewas di Jalan A. Matondang tepatnya dipinggir sungai Pak-Pak pada minggu (4/11) pukul 01.00 malam. Sedangkan, aktivis KNPB, Klisman Woi berada dalam kondisi kritis di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pak-Pak. Korban diduga kuat dilakukan oleh pasukan terlatih khusus Indonesia.

Kepada KNPBnews, Pengurus KNPB dan Pak-Pak wilayah Pak-Pak mengirim kronologis pembunuhan itu. Menurut sumber lapangan, kronologis kejadian berawal dari kedua aktivis ini menyewa Motor. Belum tahu bagaimana kejadiannya, namun pada pukul 01.00 malam, seorang petugas Polantas (Polisi Lalu Lintas) menemukan kedua korban terlentang secara menganaskan di Tempat Kejadian Perkara (TKP). Namun, motor yang digunakan ditemukan dalam kondisi baik tanpa ada kerusakan atau lecet.

Keluarga korban baru mengetahui kejadian ini pada pukul pukul 07.00 pagi di RSUD Pak-Pak. Menurut hasil visum dokter, Paulus Horik mati terbunuh, dan ditemukan lubang besar di bagian atas kepala, leher dalam kondisi patah, hidung patah dan bagian muka terdapat luka yang parah.  Sedangkan temannya, Klisman Woi yang masih kritis di rumah sakit juga terdapat luka parah di bagian kepala depan/testa, kedua mata bengkak dan kebiruan, limpah picah dan luka dibagian rusuk bagian kiri dan kaki.

Menurut KNPB Wilayah Pak-Pak, Arnoldus Kocu pihaknya bersama keluarga sedang mencari data pembunuhan ini. “kami sangat kehilangan, dan seluruh rakyat bangsa Papua berduka, dan kami KNPB dan PRD sedang kumpulkan data, dan bila data dan hasil kejadian yang kuat maka kami dan PRD wilayah Pak-Pak akan melakuakn apa saja, dan kami harap pihak Polres Pak-Pak agar mengusut tuntas kejadian ini.

Paulus Horik adalah salah satu pimpinan komisariat KNPB di Wilayah Pak-Pak. Klismon Woi adalah juga anggota KNPB. Aktivitas perjuangan mereka selama ini dibuntuti oleh satuan khusus NKRI. Sebelumnya, di Merauke, Sekretaris PRD wilayah Merauke dipukul babak belur oleh TNI.

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