1) RI, Oz
police cooperation hangs in balance as diplomatic spat heats up
2) Statement by Yan Christian
Warinussy, Executive Director of the LP3BH. on draft autonomy law
3) Indonesia Tells Australia It Needs
to Act to Save Relationship
4) 5 Year KNPB Reflection : "
The fight is on "
5) KNPB in Merauke Anniversary Cake
Cutting Coloured Morning Star
6) Ask Jabar AMP Disconnect UN
Resolution 2504 and Holds Referendum for Papua
1) RI, Oz police cooperation hangs in balance as diplomatic spat heats up
Yuliasri Perdani, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | World | Tue, November 19 2013, 5:58 PM
National Police chief Gen. Sutarman says that his force may discontinue its cooperation with the Australian government over revelations that an Australian spy agency attempted to bug the phones of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his inner circle.
“We will wait for the President’s instructions on whether to continue collaborating with the Australians,” Sutarman said on Tuesday at National Police headquarters in South Jakarta.
When asked about the possibility that Yudhoyono would order him to bring the cooperation to an end, Sutarman answered, “We will implement the President’s order."
According to Sutarman, the National Police collaborate with the Australian government in the fields of counterterrorism, people trafficking and transnational organized crime.
Cooperation on counterterrorism began in the wake of the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians. At the time, the Australian Federal Police worked closely with the National Police to discover the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
In 2008, the Indonesian and Australian governments jointly launched the Jakarta Center for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC) in Semarang, Central Java. The center was designed for senior law enforcement officials from the Southeast Asia region to develop their skills, including in tackling terrorism and transnational crime.
2) Statement by Yan Christian Warinussy, Executive Director of the LP3BH. on draft autonomy law
The provincial administration of West Papua is at present discussing the draft of a law for the Land of Papua which would be 'identical' with Law 21/2001 on Special Autonomy for the province of Papua. It is understood that a Team of Experts from Cenderawasih University is taking part in these discussions.
I myself, together with several members of the legal staff of the LP3BH (Institute for Study, Investigation and Promotion of Human Rights) in Manokwari are involved in these discussions to draw up the draft of a law which would be called Law on the Governance of Papua.
In response to a request from the Governor of West Papua, Abraham Octavianus Atururi, we are discussing what proposals we would submit which would not necessarily be in line with the contents of the draft now under discussion. But at the same time, we are holding discussions with the leaders of staff of the SKPD (?) as well as with mass organisations and academics to offer our honest criticisms of the mechanisms and procedures of these discussions about the draft law.
The basic issue which we have submitted is that the political dynamics in the Land of Papua reveal very clearly that the Papuan people collectively and through the intermediary of the Majelis Rakyat Papua Barat (West Papuan People's Assembly) as well as the two Papuan Provincial Legislative Assemblies (DPRP) have called on the Government of Indonesia to agree to enter into dialogue with the Papuan people, that is to say to hold a peaceful dialogue, facilitated by a neutral third party.
Moreover, speaking in terms of the law, Article 78 of the Special Autonomy Law stresses the importance of the implementation of the law being evaluated every year and for the first time at the end of the third year following the enactment of the Autonomy Law.
The LP3BH wishes to record the fact that today, twelve years after the enactment of the autonomy law, there has never been any comprehensive evaluation of the afore-mentioned autonomy law. Such an evaluation would involve all the components of the Papuan people as well as all the stakeholders, such the the governmental administration, the Indonesian army, the Indonesian police, senior academics, civil society mass organisations and representatives of the various religions throughout the Land of Papua.
Translated by Carmel Budiardjo
3) Indonesia Tells Australia It Needs to Act to Save Relationship
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot speaks with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Presidential Palace on Sept. 30, 2013. (Reuters Photo/Beawiharta)
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has characterized the Australian prime minister’s latest statement over spying allegations as “regrettable” and demanded Canberra take further steps to “save” its relations with Jakarta, his spokesman said on Tuesday.
“This kind of espionage is unacceptable and cannot be justified,” Julian Aldrin Pasha told the Jakarta Globe.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott earlier said he regretted if the reports that Australian spies tapped Yudhoyono’s phone had caused any embarrassment, but Abbott has stopped short of offering a formal apology.
Julian said that the State Palace’s position was that Abbott’s comments on the matter were unsatisfactory, citing the “trust” that had formed the basis for the two neighbors’ strategic partnership.
Australia had, however, “crossed the line” and Indonesia will review all bilateral cooperation with Canberra, he said, adding that the recalling of Indonesia’s ambassador to Canberra was a proportionate and firm response for the time being.
“They acted like they did not take us seriously, and from our point of view, we feel underestimated,” Julian said.
The president’s spokesman was, however, forced to deny that the scandal had reached fever pitch only because of the “personal” insult that Australia had planned to listen in on phone calls between Yudhoyono and his wife, Ani, in 2009.
Hikmahanto Juwana, a professor of international relations at the University of Indonesia, said he agreed with the decision to recall the ambassador but that Jakarta should also withdraw its representative to the United States.
“Why does the government only react when SBY and Ibu Ani’s names are mentioned? Doesn’t Indonesia belong to Indonesians and not only SBY and Ani?” he asked.
Julian told AFP that “today’s development is not the final stance of the Australian government and we hope for a positive development to save relations between the two countries.”
Indonesia has reacted furiously to reports, based on leaked documents from US intelligence fugitive Edward Snowden, that Australian spy agencies tried to listen to the phone calls of Yudhoyono, his wife and senior ministers.
On Monday, Jakarta said it would recall its ambassador to Australia and Yudhoyono said cooperation with Canberra would be reviewed following the “hurtful action.”
The reactions among many lawmakers and observers in Indonesia to the revelations was led by voices calling for Indonesia to send Australia a stronger message.
“The Indonesian government should also tell the Australian ambassador in Indonesia to go back to his country for the time being,” Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) legislator Tjahjo Kumolo said on Tuesday.
— Additional reporting by AFP
A google translate of posting on KNPB web page. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic.
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A google translate of posting on KNPB web page. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic.
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4) 5 Year KNPB Reflection : " The fight is on "
November 19, 2013 By : admin Category : News
It's been 5 years we were standing in a row this resistance with the suffering people of West Papua , because we realize that the real struggle is apparently implementing measures of longing , dreams , prayers , words and ideas are clogged and blocked by fear prison .
This rebellion is not a mistake . We do not feel guilty about being a rebel. After all , is not we who gave birth to the rebellion , but the rebellion was born by the invaders who invaded our homeland of West Papua . Our soul revolted against the occupying Indonesian colonialism action , master , killing , robbing the nation of Papua land and humanity .
KNPB date coincides with the history of the formation of 19 November 1969 , where the United Nations conspiracy which affected the interests of the United States , the Netherlands and Indonesia , without discussing the results of the implementation of the Act of 1969 (act of free choice) that manipulative , blame ( take note ) a UN General Assembly Resolution 1504 ( XXII ) which allow Indonesia occupied and colonized the West Papuan until now .
Indonesian colonialism which has become a bridge for global capitalism is the enemy of the people of the world that should be abolished . They are robbers Papuan political rights , namely the right to self-determination through engineering Act of 1969. Colonialism and capitalism ( imperialism ) without feeling guilty about being an actor determine the future of the nation of Papua . Of the Act of 1969 to the politicization of the Special Autonomy package ( Plus ) , 2013, colonialism unrelenting determine the future of the nation of Papua .
Therefore , the demands of self-determination ( the right of self - determination ) is an absolute fight . We should be deciding our own future , not the colonial power , also open global capitalism . That the colonial political package deal through Autonomy , Redistricting , UP4B , and all such forms are false happiness . We should discard empty illusions that promoted colonial Indonesia and the capitalist .
Resistance movement that we mobilize today is mass-based people's movement , because that condition people's freedom . The people are the determinants of life , because it's the people should be the basis and the actors struggle . That's what our enemies fear . They are afraid that if the people rise up against , hence konial Indonesian authorities over the military / police currently conducting a grass roots destruction with every rotten tactics such assistance , acceptance CPNS , Redistricting , Elections , Autonomy Plus , UP4B , the formation of civilian militias , BMP , LMA , and many more deals . All was done that we forget the struggle , we forget ourselves , forget that the land we are the hands of outsiders , and forget that we are being depleted and extinct on our soil .
West Papua National Committee [ KNPB ] continue to seek unity mass struggle of the people of West Papua . Methods of peaceful resistance and dignity will continue , even for peaceful resistance lives are at stake . But that's the reason our Indonesian colonialism that our enemies are more afraid when KNPB continues to be at the line of peaceful resistance . That is why peaceful protest blockade , activists were arrested and imprisoned , others were killed . But we believe that this struggle will continue to mushroom not only to foreign outposts West Papua , but to all the people of the world , because we really struggle .
Rest assured that the issue of West Papua continues to be the international spotlight . Suffering of the Papuan people kept filtering into the ears of the world , not because of international interest , but because the truth is that we continue to strive to be the spirit that moves the conscience of the world community . And in time , the world solidarity movement and the rise of West Papuan people will merely bullion colonialism and global capitalism that gripped the nation of Papua .
KNPB will continue to stand with the masses of the people of West Papua . KNPB will continue to foster a spirit of resistance . KNPB will continue to Fight , Fight and Fight !
To all patriots KNPB , which is spread across 23 lands on a land area KNPB West Papua , our Board congratulates KNPB Center celebrates anniversary KNPB 5th . God is the owner of the truth always protect and bless this struggle .
Regards rebellion
" We Must End "
Jayapura , 19 November 2013
Victor F. Yeimo
Abepura prison
Ones Suhuniap
Secretary- General
A google translate of posting on KNPB web page. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic.
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5) KNPB in Merauke Anniversary Cake Cutting Coloured Morning Star
November 19, 2013 By : admin Category : KNPB Areas, News
KNPB report Merauke ( Chronology )
In order to commemorate the KNPB - 5 , we KNPB & PRD Region Merauke with the thanksgiving prayer implement joint secretariat Merauke KNPB & PRD region Jl . No Bupul . 01 Village Coconut Five . Accordance with applicable rules , we have sent a notification letter to the police on 15 November 2013 but
until the date of the administration of the activities we are not given a receipt notice ( STTP ) from the police . In view of this it is our view that there has been a silencing democracy constantly going on around the land in Merauke in Papua over which we alamai and feel. In the case of our activities and even then only at a thanksgiving prayer activities but we did not get the STTP .
Thanksgiving prayer activities carried out at 09.00 and berahkir 10:30 WPB WPB , activity was opened by Mr. Elieser Anggaynggom as master of ceremonies and the celebration continued with a prayer that was delivered by Mr. Peter Katem and dikolaburasi with prayers from representatives of indigenous tribes in the Merauke region , then a moment of silence in memory of the heroes of West Papua who have fallen in the struggle led by the chairman of KNPB Merauke region and followed by a reception Merauke region KNPB chairman , in his speech delivered KNPB KNPB chairman has been around since 1957 called Papua National Committee ( NCI ) as a preparation for the establishment of state agency and has prepared a state dideklerasi on December 1, 1961 , this institution has been born and rose again on the 19th of November 2008, with the title plus we KNPB so only the word " West " , so on this day we commemorate the anniversary of the KNPB to - 5 .
KNPB present to mediate towards determining the fate of his own people through rules and principles of international law , and he further said that the KNPB work with the people of West Papua have pushed the issue so as to fruition , such as re-establishment of institutions PRD politicians in seven region and PNWP , OPM office opening in the UK, the Netherlands and PNG , Encouraging full membership in MSG , Vanuatu PM Speech at UN , Prime Minister of Vanuatu in the commonwealth countries and the Chairman of the KNPB covered by conveying to the people that we KNPB ready to mediate people towards REFERENDUM .
Cover the following activities , which ended with a closing prayer by Mr. Julian Mondayop of Parliament Wambon tribe . Under the theme of our activities are :
Yohakim Gebze ( Parliamentary Secretary Woyu rate Makleuw ) Police Arrested
Our activities are closely guarded by the joint military / police uniform and there are no thugs dressed . Each intersection guarded by them .
Detention chronological Mr. Yohakim Gebze ( Parliamentary Secretary Woyu rate Makleuw )
At approximately 9:20 WPB Mr. Yohakim were heading to the secretariat KNPB & PRD Merauke region with the aim to follow the prayer with thanksgiving Anniversary KNPB Yang Ke - 5 , but exactly at the intersection of Jl . Mangga Dua - Johar hosts Yohakin arrested by five police officers , four men and one woman they detained and asked lord Yohakim :
- Police ( L ) : Mr. where are you going ?
- Mr : Want to join KNPB thanksgiving prayer
- Police ( P ) : No license , cpc government has banned as misleading people KNPB
- Mr : Indonesia is the third largest democratic country in the world , why silence democracy in Indonesia and more specifically in Papua .
Then they told Mr. Yohakim home , but she persist to go follow a thanksgiving prayer in the secretariat but he was questioned and detained due to their finding parts Woyu Makleuw stamp Parliament , ID card and a notebook in her bag down , seals , ID cards and books on hold . Mr. Yohakim taken to the Police at Merauke and interrogated . There he asked :
- Police : Mr KNPB care of what ?
- Mr. : only takes care of streamlining the legal and human rights violations in Papua .
- Police : Mr why make cap ?
- Mr : I create a cap so that people can know that there are parts Woyu Makleuw Parliament .
WPB approximately 10:40 hours we get host information that Yohakim Gebze Merauke detained at the Police station , then we are led by the chairman of KNPB KNPB numbered 10 members drove to the Police station to free Mr Yohakim Merauke . And about 11.20 we shared hosting Yohakim home or back to the secretariat and the PRD Region KNPB Merauke . Menurur us that the Indonesian government through its police have intimidated the people to suppress democracy in West Papua more specifically in Merauke .
photos salso at
A google translate. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic.
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6) Ask Jabar AMP Disconnect UN Resolution 2504 and Holds Referendum for Papua
Author: Jekson Ikomou | Viewed 123 times | Tuesday, November 19, 2013 15:38
Peaceful Demonstration AMP action in West Java on Tuesday ( 11.19.13 ) . Photo : MS / Jekson Ikomou
Bandung , STEP MAGAZINE - Dozens of youth , the community and the West Papuan students in Java, which is incorporated in Papua Student Alliance ( AMP ) West Java this afternoon , Tuesday ( 19.11.13 ) staged a peaceful demonstration at the House satay Diponego Road , Bandung , West Java .
They demanded of the United Nations ( UN ) to revoke the UN Resolution 2504 and revisit the political status of Papua to the referendum .
Spokesman AMP , Kobogau Wenas said , " We demand the immediate pull UN Resolution 2504 issued on 19 November 1969 . Resolution was issued in preparation for the implementation of self-determination ( PEPERA ) in July and August 1969 , " he said .
Because he said, the UN resolution 2504 that the UN is a form of insult against Democracy and Human Rights ( HAM ) for the Papua people who should be treated fairly and with dignity .
Wenas said , PEPERA implemented undemocratic and full of manipulation , terror , and intimidation . In fact , he said , catching , pemenjarahan and murder of Papua rakayat done at that time .
In addition , Clear Wenas , PEPERA deny the contents of the New York Agreement in accordance semenstinya International mechanisms that are One man one vote .
" Act of which should be followed by 809 337 in 1024 represented only . Reality show UN involvement in denying the democratic rights of the people of Papua , " he said firmly .
Mass action also highlighted about the PT Freeport Indonesia Contract of Work is performed sebelem perjanjiannnya PEPERA done . Contract work performed before the Act of Freeport Indonesia held , ie 7 April 1967 . That means , PEPERA held just a formality under pressure weapons without UN supervision .
Thus , Wenas said , "The UN should be responsible for hundreds of thousands of people who die due to neglect Papua for this since 1963. UN should immediately unplug the UN Resolution 2504 and revisit the political status of Papua to the referendum for Papua , " he pleaded . ( MS / Jekson Ikomou )
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