7) Final Investigation into Dec 1 Wanampompi Yapen flag raising payback shootings
Jan 27, 2016
The Executive Secretary of the People’s Network , Septer Manufandu, head of representative office Komnas HAM Papua, Frits Remanded, coordinator of the Papua Peace Network (JDP)
Seles Tebay and Coordinator of the Secretariat of Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation (SKPKC) Papua Yuliana Languwuyo also discussed the issue during a meeting
with the ambassador of the United States to Indonesia, Robert Blake.
“He (US ambassador) also mentioned dialogue, and then we said that dialogue is a dignified way to negotiate the problems in Papua,” Manufandu said.
“Everything must be placed in a dignified manner to look for a solution together and make a political commitment to live together in the future, ” he
told reporters on last week.
told reporters on last week.
Then US ambassador responded that dialogue is a good way, but there must be equation perception or view of the concept of dialogue both from government and public.
Earlier, coordinator of the Papua Peace Network (JDP) Neles Tebay said, there should be an internal dialogue in Papua first before dialogue between Jakarta and Papua is held.
According to him, internal dialogue is important for it is such a need, a longing for Papuans.
He also found that among the Papuans themselves, there is no common understanding of the Jakarta-Papua dialogue especially about the purpose and agenda.
According to him, internal dialogue is important for it is such a need, a longing for Papuans.
He also found that among the Papuans themselves, there is no common understanding of the Jakarta-Papua dialogue especially about the purpose and agenda.
There is a party that thinks that the Jakarta-Papua dialogue will be endangering the territorial integrity of Indonesia. There is also a view that the Jakarta-Papua dialogue is dangerous
because it can destroy the ideology of Papuan independence.
While some people understand that the Jakarta-Papua dialogue is a solution to the conflict in Papua. Jakarta-Papua dialogue is not the goal but it is a means to identify problems and
look for the best solution by involving all parties.
“Internal dialogue will be attended by all Papuans to discuss the concept and goal of Papua – Jakarta dialogue,” Neles Tebay said. (Roy Ratumakin/Tina)
Jan 27, 2016
Jayapura, Jubi – Chairman of the Customary Council of Wolani, Mee and Moni tribes (LMA SWAMEMO) has accused gold miners of stealing Degeuowo gold and creating conflicts at the site.
“The illegal businessmen are creating a conflict to achieve their goals there,” said Bagubau to Jubi in Sentani, Papua on last week.
He said conflicts are created through entertainment facilities such as karaoke, bar and sexual business. Communities are then to compete using existing entertainment facilities.
“Order a women means one package with liquor. This can cause people to fight till they die,” he pointed out the murder of a mobile brigade conducted by a miner in the Blue Baya location at the end of December 2015.
He said, the stabbing occurred when the two men competed for a commercial worker at that location and when they were arguing the police came.
“The perpetrator took his machete out and stabbed the chest of victim. After that he fled into the woods. I got this report from Yohanes Kobepa, my secretary, ” he said.
He continued, at the same time, there was combustion event of heavy equipment owned by the company, PT. Quarta Air at 81 site.
He said the burning was very detrimental to the company but also the local community, including the institution he leads. We never teach communities to resolve the existing problems in the region by force despite the company harm indigenous peoples.
“If you are furious, let’s take it into the court. We, as the institution are working to find out why it was happened. I think the company and people who live in the surrounding areas do not want the customary council institution to control Degeuowo area, “he added.
Yohanes Kobepa confirmed it and said that this conflict was full interests motives that want to dominate Degeuwo area.
“The area is a region full of gold. People want to get rid of the control of indigenous peoples in the name of security management. That’s all they want by sacrificing others, “he said through a short message. (Mawel Benny/Tina)
Jan 30, 2016
Jayapura, Jubi – A total of 400 high school and vocational school students participated in legal education training to preparate for the ASEAN Economic Community.
“Why should they learn? Because they would directly experience the influence of the ASEAN Economic Community, so we did it to educate and improve their legal knowledge,” John Charles Sinambela, the Counseling and Legal Aid staff of Papua Justice Department told Jubi on Thursday (29/1/2016).
Having knowledge on legal issue, said Sinambela, will protect the students from misleading behavior. Without realizing it, most of them have broken the law, therefore it should be prevented by providing the understanding about the law itself.
“This is the government’s program and the counseling is not providing only for the young generation, but also for many components of society in Papua. There are 23 counseling locations in Jayapura Municipality, meanwhile the Counseling and Legal Aid Unit of Justice Department in the entire Papua regions also do the same,” he said.
Jayapura Mayor Benhur Tommy Mano asked the students to also have knowledge about the role and function of the law. Meanwhile the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Papua Office Chief Abner Banosro in the speech of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights said the Law should be notice as the superior.
“By understanding the practice of the State of Law, it should be the main principal in solving the problem, instead of referring to political or other interests,” he said. (Sindung Sukoco/rom)
Jan 27, 2016
Jayapura, Jubi – PT Freeport Indonesia wants its work contract with the Indonesian government extended from 2021 to 2041, but a local politician suggested that Jakarta nationalize the company.
Freeport has said it planned an investment of 16.9 billion US dollars for the continuation of the company’s operations until later in 2041. The details, as many as 9.8 billion US dollars of investment in the period 2012 to 2021 and as much as 7.1 billion US dollars in investment from 2021 to 2041.
It said that the investment is to set up underground mining activities which have been started since 2008. He admits the future of Freeport Indonesia is indeed rely on underground mining.
In response, the PDI-P politician, Jimmy Deminaus Ijie to Jubi, last week in Jayapura stated that PT Freeport Indonesia does not provide a significant impact for Indonesia especially Papuan people as the owners of natural resources.
Moreover, there is the idea of nationalizing the assets of PT Freeport by the Indonesian government. According to him, the Indonesian nation is greater than Venezuela or countries in Latin America that were able to nationalize the assets and questioned why Indonesia cannot do the same thing.
He stated Freeport actually could contribute to Papua special autonomy in order to fund other sectors.(Roy Ratumakin/Tina)
Jan 29, 2016
Jayapura, Jubi – Indonesian legislator Tantowi Yahya said the Papua conflict must be solved without creating new problems.
However, he said he believed there are differences of views between the parliament and the government on the issue of Papua. The parliament considered it a long-term important issue, that must be a priority to be solved together.
“But it is impossible to resolve the Papua problem comprehensively and dignifiedly if all stakeholders do not support each other, do not have similar way of think,” said Tantowi Yahya in Jakarta on Wednesday (27/1/2016).
According Yahya who’s politician of Golkar, the similar thought and opinion are very important to do together. In the parliament’s view, the government has not embraced all parties yet.
“While in the context of problem resolution, Papua problem is not able to be solved only by the government and parliament. It should involve another parties. I agree if the problem solving in Papua and Papua Barat provinces, the government has not embraced all parties,” he said.
Additionally, he added, the coordination between ministries is also not well implemented. He could feel it when Jokowi granted exemption towards five Papua political prisoners in last May and opened access towards foreign journalist.
“It becomes a critical discussion in the Commission I that has not fully support this because we are not in the same opinion with the government about it. About the release, even those who are in the government have different opinions. Some said they were political prisoners, but some said they were just criminals,” he said.
In the same place, the Expert on Ideology and Political Affairs of State Intelligent Agency, Major General Kaharuddin Wahab said talking about Papua problem must refer to the fact. It cannot do by self-assuming or get tendency.
“In particular to those who live outside of Papua. Let’s give factual information to not increase another bottomless issue. Do not generate things happened in Papua. The most important is the President Jokowi and his officials to be more serious in paying attention to Papua,” said Kaharuddin Wahab.
Meanwhile the Minister Deputy for Domestic Political Affairs of the Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Yoedhi Swastono said in general, the point is the indigenous Papuans have no trust to Jakarta. “And vice versa. Jakarta does not know how to build a grand design of Papua problem. It is said the key is having a dialogue. I agree with it,” added Yoedhi. (Arjuna Pademme/rom)
Jan 28, 2016
Wamena, Jubi – The Jayawijaya Regional Social Office has listed as many as 600 street children who are working on the street every day in Wamena City and its surrounding areas.
Office chief Marthen Yogobi told reporters on Wednesday (27/1/2016) at Jayawijaya Legislative Council Office that the government should pay attention to the street children because most of them are not from Jayawijaya.
“Based on our record, their number is more than 600 people whose parents are mostly in some other regencies. Therefore, in the future we will try to make coordination with the specific local regencies where the children origin from and try to communicate with social office of extension regencies to handle this case,” he said.
Related to the Street Children Community (kanjal) existed in Jayawijaya, he revealed the social office has not measured some actions to provide assistant or empower them because they have a community group.
Referring to regulation issued by social ministry, the street children are those who stay on the street for 1×24 hours and are not in a group community. Those children are subjected to get assistance from social office.
But if they have a group community, therefore the social office only need to coordinate with the group for further assistance. “We have not yet made coordination with Street Children Community or kanjal, though we have their records. In the future, it would depend on the regional budget, if it allocated budget for street children community, we would execute the program,” he firmly said.
“There’s a budget but it was mostly allocated for our economic empowerment or poor community program. We are just having the capacity building program for street children this year and it would be on trial. Because about two years ago, the Social Office conducted survey on street children at Pasar Misi, Pasar Sinakma, Potikelek, Jalan Irian and Pasar Jibama and recorded their numbers are more than 600 people. And most of their parents are live in the extension regencies,” he added.
The Commission C Chairman of Jayawijaya Legislative Council for education, health and community welfare, Welmina Logo explained the existence of street children in Wamena City and surrounding area is also becoming a concern of parliament’s members.
According to Logo, the Social Office should build an orphanage to accommodate the children who currently live on the street. “Because when they were asked about where is their parents, they might answer their parents live here and they used to get money easily and being ignorance to the school,” she said.
Related to orphanage, Jayawijaya Legislative Council is ready to support this. “We will continue to enforce this to reduce the number of children living on the street that they are actually not the street children because they have parents at home,” she said. (Islami/rom)
7) Final Investigation into Dec 1 Wanampompi Yapen flag raising payback shootings, beatings and torture incidents (Warning: graphic images)
Investigation Report
by JPIC* Nabire, with additional reporting from West Papua Media
January 21, 2016
Apologies for the delay in publication due to translation and verification requirements
This report contains graphic images of human rights abuses in context and with actionable data
This report is part of the investigations carried out by the “Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Desk” of the Evangelical Christian Church in Papua (Gereja Kristen Injili di Tanah Papua (GKI), into the shootings in the Yapen Island village of Wanampompi on December 1, 2015, and also sever beatings on indigenous Papuan people of the Oyehe tribe near Nabire. The Nabire report will be published shortly………………….. http://westpapuamedia.info
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