Thursday, August 29, 2024

1) Another Papuan activist intimidated after speaking at international human rights tribunal


2) Police officers shot indigenous Papuan in Tolikara Regency

3) Indonesia, Australia ink defense cooperation agreement in Magelang  
4) RI-Australia defense pact a boost for TNI's position: observer 

Human Rights Monitor

1) Another Papuan activist intimidated after speaking at international human rights tribunal

In late June 2024, Ms Tineke Rumkabu participated in the 53rd session of the Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT) in London via Zoom. During this session, she testified about state violence in West Papua during the New Order period and the situation of internally displaced people. Following her testimony, she and her family experienced a series of acts of intimidation. Ms Rumkabu understood the repeated visits by police officers as an attempt to prevent her from advocating for justice and human rights. 
On 6 July 2024, on the anniversary of the 1998 Biak Massacre, Ms Rumkabu participated in an assembly commemorating the event at the water tower near Biak’s harbour, where the massacre took place 26 years ago. She and other activists faced intimidation from the police, who claimed there was no notification for the assembly. During the incident, police officers also challenged the validity of allegations about the killings, leading to a confrontation where Ms Rumkabu demanded the whereabouts of the victims’ bodies. Following the dispute, Ms Rumkabu and the other activists decided to disperse the assembly and leave the water tower. 
Starting from 7 July 2024, following the commemoration, the harassment intensified. Plainclothes police and military personnel visited Ms Rumkabu at her home in Dafuar village, sometimes parking cars outside and making suspicious phone calls. On one occasion, they coerced her into accompanying them to the office of the Indonesian Christian Youth Movement (GMKI) under pretences, only to find the office empty. Due to the escalating threats, Ms Rumkabu sought refuge in Jayapura and Sorong for a month before returning home in early August 2024. 
On 4 August 2024, after returning to Biak the intimidation resumed. Two police intelligence officers visited her home under the pretext of offering her a position in the special autonomy parliament. They questioned her about her status as a victim of human rights violations. However, Ms Rumkabu refused to answer their questions.  
On 11 August 2024, the intimidation continued with anonymous text messages and phone calls from an unknown number. Cars persistently parked outside Ms Ramkabu’s house, perpetuating a climate of fear and insecurity. 


Ms Rumkabu is not the only human rights defender who faced acts of intimidation and harassment after raising concerns about the human rights situation in West Papua in international fora. Indigenous Papuan human rights defender, Ms Lamiberti Faan, experienced a series of harassment and intimidation after delivering a statement at the 8th meeting during the 56th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on 21 June 2024. Considering that Ms Faan and her two children have sought protection in Jayapura since the acts of intimidation intensified, we kindly ask you to address the patterns of intimidation against Ms Faan and her relatives as a matter of urgency.  
We would also like to draw your attention to an armed attack against indigenous Papuan Lawyer and human rights advocate, Mr Yan Christian Warinussy in the town of Manokwari, Papua Barat Province, on 17 July 2024. The incident occurred shortly after Mr Warinussy spoke about the human rights situation in West Papua at the  Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) in London in late June 2024

Human Rights Monitor

2) Police officers shot indigenous Papuan in Tolikara Regency

A member of the Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) special unit shot Mr Charles Kogoya, 24, in front of the GIDI Jerusalem Church in Karubaga Town, Tolikara Regency, Papua Pegunungan Province, on 21 August 2024. Mr Kogoya sustained a bullet injury on the left side of the rib cage and was immediately admitted to the Igari General Hospital in Tolikara for emergency treatment. Following the incident, angry community members and relatives set tires on fire and blocked all traffic passing through the area.
It is not clear why the police officer opened fire at Mr Charles Kogoya. According to the information received, Mr Kogoya was walking in front of the Cross monument when the bullet suddenly hit his ribcage. Eyewitnesses confirmed that a Brimob officer released the shots After the shooting, the perpetrator allegedly left the site of the crime and drove his police truck to the nearby police post.
One week after the incident, the police in Tolikara have been silent about the incident due to the lack of public awareness of the case. The relatives demand an independent and effective investigation by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) into the shooting. The perpetrator should be held accountable in a public trial for the non-procedural use of his firearm against Mr Charles Kogoya. 

Mr Kogoya shortly after being shot (left) and after admission to the general hospital in Tolikara (right)


3) Indonesia, Australia ink defense cooperation agreement in Magelang  
August 29, 2024 19:03 GMT+700
Magelang, Central Java (ANTARA) - Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles signed the Indonesia-Australia Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) at the Military Academy (Akmil) in Magelang on Thursday.

"We have just signed a defense cooperation agreement. This agreement can assist us to overcome various security threats," Prabowo remarked at the event.

According to Prabowo, the DCA signifies the two countries' willingness to continue and maintain friendly relations.

"I am determined to maintain relations with Australia to be better in the future," he remarked.

He also emphasized that the DCA is not a military pact but rather a cooperation agreement for closer partnership in the defense sector between both nations.

Meanwhile, Minister Marles said he was cognizant of Indonesia's free and active political policy. Hence, its position will remain as a non-aligned country.

Prabowo explained that the agreement has a binding nature as a form of serious commitment between the two countries to improve and strengthen defense relations within the framework of a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Prabowo stated that the consideration for upgrading the status of DCA to a legally binding agreement is based on the intensity of increasing military cooperation activities between Indonesia and Australia over the past decade, especially in the fields of education and training.

He explained that this was demonstrated by the sending of Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) troops to study at the Australian Defence Forces Academy (ADFA) and the Royal Military College, Duntroon; the Joint UN Mission plan between the TNI and ADF; and by increasing the intensity of joint exercises (LATMA), both between services and a combination of the three services of the two countries.

Prabowo said his side, along with other Indonesian ministries and institutions, held more than 30 coordination meetings since March 2023 to prepare the draft of this agreement.

Negotiations on the draft agreement have been carried out through a series of meetings in Jakarta in May and December, along with a meeting in Canberra in August 2023.

Related news: Tempering expectations from new Indonesia-Australia defense treaty
Related news: Indonesia's Defense University meets global standards, says Prabowo
Related news: RI, Australia complete negotiation on defense cooperation agreement

Translator: Heru Suyitno, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Arie Novarina


4) RI-Australia defense pact a boost for TNI's position: observer 
August 29, 2024 21:51 GMT+700

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The defense cooperation agreement (DCA) between Indonesia and Australia will bolster the position of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) on the international stage, according to military observer Khairul Fahmi.

"This cooperation is a tool that shows that Indonesia can be a credible and important partner in the field of national defense," he said when contacted here on Thursday.

According to him, there is a need to strengthen the military's position on the international stage considering the various ongoing cross-country conflicts.

One of the disputes is the territorial dispute in the South China Sea, which is continuing to heat up.

He said that even though Indonesia is not one of the countries directly in conflict in the South China Sea, it must still demonstrate strong military diplomacy to maintain its territorial sovereignty.

Fahmi, who is also the co-founder of the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS), noted that Indonesia will gain many benefits from military cooperation with Australia.

The benefits include stronger military ties with Australia, improved quality of the military through joint training, as well as knowledge improvement through the exchange of personnel.

However, he underscored that Indonesia must not completely depend on the cooperation to strengthen its military.

"This is one of the ways that Indonesia does, first, to show that Indonesia's position with other countries is equal. Second, it shows eagerness to build a balanced relationship," he explained.

On Thursday, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles signed the Indonesia-Australia DCA at the Military Academy in Magelang, Central Java.

Prabowo noted that the signing of the DCA signifies that Indonesia and Australia wish to continue and maintain their friendly relations.

The agreement has a binding nature as a form of serious commitment from the two countries to improve and strengthen defense relations within the comprehensive strategic partnership framework.

The consideration for upgrading the status of the DCA to a legally binding agreement was the increasing military cooperation activities between the two countries over the past decade, especially in the fields of education and training.  

Related news: Indonesia, Australia ink defense cooperation agreement in Magelang

Related news: Indonesia-Australia defense deal not a military alliance, says Prabowo

Translator: Walda Marison, Raka Adji
Editor: Tia Mutiasari


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