Thursday, August 1, 2024

1) TPNPB-OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo claims to have shot dead two military personnel and burned a truck

2) Press Release from KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters Management as of Thursday, 01 August 2024
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1) TPNPB-OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo claims to have shot dead two military personnel and burned a truck
August 1, 2024 in Papua Mountains Province, Politics, Security, Papua Land

Author: Admin - Editor: Kristianto Galuwo

Jayapura, Jubi – TPNPB-OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo under the leadership of Dejang Heluka, claims to have shot dead two Indonesian military personnel and burned a truck in Massi Village, Dekai District, Yahukimo Regency, Papua Mountains, on Wednesday (31/7/2024). The attack was carried out due to the deployment of troops and additional Indonesian military logistics in Yahukimo.

This was conveyed by the Management of the KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Headquarters, after receiving an official report from the Commander of the TPNPB-OPM Operations Battalion Yamue, Dejang Heluka, on Thursday (1/8/2024), at 1 pm, via mobile phone.

KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Spokesperson Sebby Sambom said that regarding the incident, the Commander of the Yamue Battalion and the Commander of the TPNPB OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo Brigadier General Elkius Kobak and his staff are ready to take responsibility for the incident.

"TPNPB-OPM troops from Kodap XVI Yahukimo have ordered the Indonesian military to immediately stop building roads and stay away from civilian facilities while carrying out state security duties in the TPNPB-OPM operational area in Yahukimo," said Sambom, according to a press release received by Jubi, Thursday (1/8/2024).

TPNPB-OPM stated that the task of the Indonesian military in Papua is only to secure the country and fight against TPNPB-OPM. Not assigned to be builders, health workers, education workers, and civil duties and functions as usual.

"So in this case, the Management of the KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters also ordered all Indonesian transmigration residents in Papua to immediately leave the Land of Papua. This is because TPNPB OPM in 36 Kodap will carry out the death penalty for all Indonesian citizens who work as motorcycle taxi drivers, builders, civil servants and even health and education workers. This is because all civil function experts have been controlled by the Indonesian military in the armed conflict areas in the Land of Papua," he said.

TPNPB-OPM also ordered President Jokowi and the TNI and Polri Commanders to immediately stop all civilian transfers of functions that are being carried out by Indonesian military personnel throughout the TPNPB-OPM operational areas in Papua.

Posted on Facebook

2) Press Release from KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters Management as of Thursday, 01 August 2024
Please follow this report!
The management of the KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters has received an official report from the Operations Commander of the TPNPB OPM Yamue Battalion, Dejang Heluka on Thursday, 01 August 2024 at exactly 01:00 am via telephone that; TPNPB OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo troops under the leadership of Dejang Heluka have succeeded in shooting dead 2 Indonesian military members and burning a truck in Yahukimo Regency while carrying out an operation.
And for this incident, the Yamue Battalion Commander and the commander of the TPNPB OPM Kodap
In this case, the TPNPB OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo troops ordered the Indonesian Government Military to immediately stop carrying out road construction and stay away from civilian facilities while carrying out state security duties in the TPNPB OPM operational area in Yahukimo.
Because the job of the Indonesian military in Papua is only to provide security for the country and the war against us and not to be assigned as construction workers, health workers, education and civil duties and functions as usual.
So in this case, the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters also ordered all Indonesian immigrants residing in Papua to immediately leave Papua. Because, TPNPB OPM in 36 Kodap will carry out executions for citizens throughout Indonesia who work as motorbike taxi drivers, construction workers, civil servants and even health and education workers. This is because all members of the civilian function have been controlled by the Indonesian military apparatus in areas of armed conflict in Papua.
TPNPB OPM is ready to take responsibility for this and has ordered President Jokowi Dodo and the Commanders of the TNI and POLRI to immediately stop all transfers of civilian functions being carried out by Indonesian military personnel in all TPNPB OPM operational areas in Papua and comply with the rules of humanitarian law in war area.
Person in Charge of TPNPB-OPM National Command Headquarters.
General Goliath Naaman Tabuni
TPNPB-OPM High Commander
Lieutenant General Melchizedek Awom
Deputy Commander of TPNPB-OPM
Mayor General Terianus Satto
Chief of General Staff TPNPB-OPM
Mayor General Lekagak Telenggen
TPNPB-OPM General Operations Commander
This is the Press Release from the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters as of Thursday, 01 August 2024 and forwarded to all parties by KOMNAS TPNPB Spokesperson Sebby Sambom.
And thank you for your good cooperation.
TPNPB OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo Berhasil Tembak Mati 2 Aparat Militer Indonesia Dan Membakar Sebuah Truck Yang Selalu Melakukan Pendoropan Pasukan Militer Serta Logistik Bangunan
Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Per Kamis, 01 Agustus 2024
Silahkan ikuti laporan dibawa ini.!
Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB OPM telah menerima laporan resmi dari Komandan Operasi TPNPB OPM Batalyon Yamue, Dejang Heluka pada hari Kamis, 01 Agustus 2024 tepat pukul 01:00 pagi melalui telepon bahwa; Pasukan TPNPB OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo dibawah pimpinan Dejang Heluka telah berhasil menembak mati 2 anggota militer indonesia dan membakar sebuah mobil truck di Kabupaten Yahukimo Saat melakukan operasi.
Dan atas kejadian tersebut Komandan Batalyon Yamue dan panglima TPNPB OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo, Brigader Jenderal Elkius Kobak beserta jajarannya siap bertanggung jawab atas kejadian tersebut yang mengakibatkan dua aparat militer dan sebuah mobil truck dibakar oleh pasukannya di Yahukimo pada hari Rabu, 31 Juli 2024.
Dalam hal tersebut pasukan TPNPB OPM Kodap XVI Yahukimo memerintahkan kepada Militer Pemerintah Indonesia untuk segera berhenti melakukan pembangunan jalan dan jauhi fasilitas sipil selama melakukan tugas pengamanan negara di wilayah operasi TPNPB OPM di Yahukimo.
Karena tugas aparat militer indonesia di Papua hanya melakukan pengamanan negara dan perang melawan kami dan bukan ditugaskan sebagai tukang bangunan, tenaga kesehatan, pendidikan dan tugas dan fungsi sipil seperti biasanya
Maka dalam hal tersebut juga Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB OPM memerintahkan kepada seluruh warga imigran indonesia yang berada di Papua untuk segera keluar dari tanah Papua. Sebab, TPNPB OPM di 36 Kodap akan melakukan eksekusi mati bagi seluruh warga indonesia yang bekerja sebagai tukang ojek, tukang bangunan, pegawai negeri bahkan tenaga kesehatan dan pendidikan. Sebab, semua ahli fungsi sipil telah dikendalikan oleh aparat militer indonesia di daerah konflik bersenjata di tanah Papua.
TPNPB OPM siap bertanggung jawab atas hal tersebut dan memerintahkan kepada Presiden Jokowi Dodo dan Panglima TNI serta POLRI untuk segera hentikan semua alih fungsi sipil yang sedang dikerjakan oleh aparat militer indonesia di seluruh wilayah operasi TPNPB OPM di tanah Papua dan tunduk sesuai dengan aturan hukum humaniter di wilayah perang.
Penanggung Jawab Markas Pusat Komando Nasional TPNPB-OPM.
Jenderal Goliath Naaman Tabuni
Panglima Tinggi TPNPB-OPM
Letnan Jenderal Melkisedek Awom
Wakil Panglima TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Terianus Satto
Kepala Staf Umum TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Lekagak Telenggen
Komandan Operasi Umum TPNPB-OPM
Demikian Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Per Kamis, 01 Agustus 2024 dan diteruskan kepada semua pihak oleh Juru Bicara KOMNAS TPNPB Sebby Sambom.


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