Wednesday, September 18, 2024

1) West Papuan fighters who kidnapped Kiwi pilot propose terms of release

2) Papuan rebels set terms for release of New Zealand pilot
3) Indonesian Military Bombing TPNPB Headquarters in Alguru, Where Captain Philips Mark Marthens Lives

(Note. A number of Images from X in article_

1) West Papuan fighters who kidnapped Kiwi pilot propose terms of release 
By APR editor -  
September 18, 2024

RNZ Pacific

Pro-independence fighters in the Indonesian-ruled West Papua region have proposed the terms of release for the New Zealand pilot taken hostage almost 18 months ago.

The armed faction of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) kidnapped Phillip Merhtens, a 38-year-old pilot working for the Indonesian internal feeder airline Susi Air, in February last year after he landed a small commercial plane in a remote, mountainous area.

The group has tried to use Mehrtens to broker independence from Indonesia.

It is now asking the New Zealand government, including the police and army, to escort the pilot and for local and international journalists to be involved in the release process.

Both Foreign Affairs and the minister’s office say they are aware of the proposed plan.

In a statement, they say their focus remains on securing a peaceful resolution and the pilot’s safe release.

“We continue to work closely with all parties to achieve this and will not be discussing the details publicly.”

This article is republished under a community partnership agreement with RNZ.

The Guardian reports that Indonesian human rights advocate Andreas Harsono, who covers the country for Human Rights Watch, said the proposal was “realistic”, despite Indonesia’s ongoing restriction on reporters and human rights monitors in the region.

“The top priority should be to release this man who has a wife and kids,” The Guardian quoted Harsono as saying.


2) Papuan rebels set terms for release of New Zealand pilot
Demand Indonesia call off military operations in West Papua and allow NZ to monitor the release of Phillip Mark Mehrtens

 By UCA News reporter Published: September 18, 2024 11:14 AM GMT

A rebel group in Indonesia’s conflict-hit West Papua has proposed terms for the release of a New Zealand pilot held hostage for a year and seven months while appealing to all parties to support the "humanitarian mission."

The West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), the military wing of the Free Papua Movement, said on Sept. 17 that it would release Phillip Mark Mehrtens if its conditions were met. A number of those conditions were “to be followed” by the Indonesian government.

The rebel group has sought the involvement of a facilitator team that could include Bishop Yanuarius Teofilus Matopai You of Jayapura, representatives of the World Church Council, Papuan Council of Churches, International Human Rights Monitor, Pacific Conference of Churches, and representatives of New Zealand government.

"We have listed the names of the facilitator team so that all parties can take part," said TPNPB spokesman Sebby Sambon while adding "This is a humanitarian mission that must be supported by all parties."

Mehrtens was kidnapped on Feb. 7 last year after landing a small commercial plane in the remote mountainous area of Nduga in Papua.

The northern Christian-majority region has been a hotbed of conflict for more than six decades since it became a part of Indonesia following the end of Dutch colonial rule in the 1960s.

Sambon said the TPNPB has asked the Indonesian government “not to carry out military operations” and allow New Zealand to monitor the release of Mehrtens,

"If the Indonesian government does not comply, then we will cancel the release process until there is goodwill from both countries," he said.

Military spokesman in Papua Lieutenant Colonel Inf Candra Kurniawan questioned the TPNPB's "humanitarian" ground for releasing the pilot.

Their “actions and statements are not in sync," he said in a statement.

However, he said the government was grateful for the news of Mehrtens’ release.

"The pilot’s safety is a priority," he said.

Bishop You of Jayapura declined to comment on the rebels seeking him in the role of a facilitator for the pilot's release.

New Zealand's foreign ministry said it was aware of the TPNPB's release proposal.

"Our focus remains on achieving a peaceful resolution and the safe release of Phillip [Mehrtens]," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in an email to BBC News Indonesia.

"We continue to work with all parties to achieve this and will not discuss the details publicly," it added.

On Aug. 5, another New Zealand pilot, Glen Malcolm Conning, 50, was killed in Papua and security officials blamed TPNPB  for his death. The armed rebel group, however, denied the allegation.

Despite being mineral-rich -- home to the world's largest gold mine, as well as extensive sources of natural gas, minerals, timber and palm oil -- the restive region remains one of the poorest and underdeveloped provinces in the country.

The Papuans want to free their region from Indonesian control but Indonesia looks to suppress it militarily.

The struggle, ongoing since 1962, is estimated to have killed up to 500,000 people. At least 300 people have died in the last decade.


3) Indonesian Military Bombing TPNPB Headquarters in Alguru, Where Captain Philips Mark Marthens Lives
Press Release from KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters Management as of Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Please follow this report!
The management of KOMNAS TPNPB Central Headquarters has received an official report today Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 11:00am from Major Armi Tabuni, Commander of the TPNPB Alguru Battalion Commander led by Egianus Kogeya, commander of TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama Darakma that; The Indonesian military has carried out helicopters airstrike and bombs attacks ten times at the TPNPB Headquarters in Alguru.
However, in this bombardment attack we and Philips Pilot Mark Marthens survived the attack and the attack was carried out by the Indonesian military from 03.00am in the morning until this afternoon the Indonesian military was still carrying out helicopters airstrike operations from the air.
In a further report, Major Armi Tabuni said that; Indonesian military officers since 16-17 September 2024 have carried out bombs attacks since 03:00am in the morning and have bombarded the TPNPB headquarters in Alguru, however, there were no casualties from our side and also Captain Philips Mark Marthens, a citizen of New Zealand.
Regarding the field and battlefield situation, Major Armi Tabuni said that the Indonesian military apparatus was still carrying out military operations by airstrike from 03.00am in the morning to 10.30am in the We were still on alert and if the Indonesian government respected the human rights of Captain Philips Mark Marthens and civilians in Alguru were asked to immediately stop bombing in the Alguru area because there were still many civilians who had taken refuge in Alguru during the outbreak of the conflict.
This is the Press Release from the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters as of Tuesday, September 17 2024 by Sebby Sambom, Spokesperson for TPNPB OPM.
And thank you for your good cooperation.
National Responsibility for the National Command Headquarters of the TPNPB-OPM,
General Goliath Tabuni TPNPB-OPM Commander in chief
Lieutenant General Melchizedek Awom Deputy Commander in Chief of TPNPB-OPM
Major General Terryanus Satto Chief of General Staff of TPNPB-OPM
Major General Lekagak Telenggen TPNPB-OPM General Operations Commander
Militer Indonesia Bombardir Markas TPNPB Di Alguru Tempat Tinggal Kapten Philips Mark Marthens
Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB Per Selasa, 17 September 2024
Silahkan ikuti laporan dibawa ini.!
Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB telah menerima laporan resmi pada hari ini Selasa, 17 September 2024 jam 11.00 siang dari Mayor Armi Tabuni, Komandan TPNPB Batalyon Alguru dibawa pimpinan Egianus Kogeya panglima TPNPB Kodap III Ndugama Derakma bahwa; Militer Indonesia telah melakukan serang bom sepuluh kali di Markas TPNPB di Alguru. Namun, dalam serangan bombardir tersebut kami dan Pilot Philips Mark Marthens selamat dalam penyerangan tersebut dan penyerangan tersebut dilakukan oleh militer indonesia sejak jam 03.00 pagi hingga siang ini aparat militer indonesia masih melakukan operasi dari udara.
Dalam laporan lebih lanjut, Mayor Armi Tabuni mengatakan bahwa; aparat militer indonesia sejak tanggal 16-17 September 2024 telah melakukan serangan bom sejak jam 03:00 pagi subuh dan telah membombardir markas TPNPB di Alguru namun, tidak ada korban dari pihak kami dan juga Kapten Philips Mark Marthens warga negara selandia baru.
Terkait dengan situasi lapangan dan medan pertempuran Mayor Armi Tabuni mengatakan bahwa aparat militer indonesia masih saja melakukan operasi militer lewat udara sejak jam 03.00 pagi hingga jam 10:30 masih dalam situasi siaga oleh kami dan jika pemerintah indonesia menghargai hak asasi manusia terhadap Kapten Philips Mark Marthens dan warga sipil di Alguru diminta untuk segera hentikan pengeboman di wilayah alguru sebab, masih banyak warga sipil yang mengungsi di alguru selama konflik pecah.
Demikian Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Per Selasa, 17 September 2024 oleh Sebby Sambom Jubir TPNPB OPM.
Dan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik.
Penanggungjawab Nasional Komando Markas Pusat Komando Nasional TPNPB-OPM.
Jenderal Goliath Tabuni
Panglima Tinggi TPNPB-OPM
Letnan Jenderal Melkisedek Awom
Wakil Panglima TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Terianus Satto
Kepala Staf Umum TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Lekagak Telenggen
Komandan Operasi Umum TPNPB-OPM


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