3) A very Papuan batik
Jayapura , 7/1 ( Jubi ) – “Weapons seizure on January 4, 2014 at the police station in Puncak Jaya is a pure guerrilla operations led by Tengamati Telenggen, a member of Papua Liberation Army ( TPN-PB) under the command of Gen Goliath, a commander of TPN-PB .
Victor Yeimo through official West Papua National Committee website ( KNBP) said there should be no speculation about who the perpetrators and what motives of guns seizure in Kulirik, Puncak Jaya, which has been going on for 10 years. In fact, this area has been ongoing armed struggle between TPN-PB and Colonial Indonesian military and police. The TPN – PB under the command of Gen Goliath Tabuni has repeatedly stated that the purpose of open warfare and guerrilla warfare is clearly to expel Indonesian colonial occupation from West Papua . Thus, he repetitively rejected any terms of unidentified person (OTK) , Paramilitary (GPK / B) , terrorists , and other designations that aiming to undervalue the struggle.
” Weapons seizure on January 4, 2014 at the Police Station, Puncak Jaya is a pure guerrilla operations led by Tengamati Telenggen, a member of TPN-PB, who has Gen Goliath Tabuni as a chief commander . This action is one of guerrilla tactics which always found in a war and struggle around the world. So, it is wrong when Poengky Indarti who does not know the situation in the field of Puncak Jaya named this guerrilla as gangsters or for the sake of money and elections , ” said Victor Yeimo .
According to KNPB , guerrilla TPN – OPM is not new, so the military/ police , NGOs , and all parties, especially local and national media no need to seek out the perpetrators, because the TPN / OPM is the actor who has always existed to fight though no elections or other colonial interests. Goliath repeatedly said that he and all the members are not fighting for food, drink, or money , but purely we fight for West Papua independence.
Goliath Tabuni is an official member of the TPN – PB under the command of Kelly Kwalik in the 90s to 2004. Then, in Puncak Jaya he was appointed as a regional commander and in 2012, at TPB -PB congress in Biak, he was again elected as the high commander. Goliath was vowed on December 14, 2012 in Tingginabut , Puncak Jaya . TPN – PB is a wing of the military defense of West Papua who fighting for West Papua independence.
According to the KNPB’s website , the terms of the perpetrator as OTK , GPK / B , Gangster and others would have a pivotal impact to the process of creating conflict resolution. These obscure terms also can be misused for the interest of rulers and military leaders. The parties who involved in protecting the key actor has tendency to maintain conflict.
Previously , Puncak Jaya Police , Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner, Marcelis stated that actors attacking police station in kulirik district, Puncak Jaya is Telenggen Leka group. The Chief of Puncak Jaya Police identified these armed groups as maintaned group.
“They are a maintained group and involved to keep the road construction in Puncak Jaya, but somehow it happened,” said Marcelis, (5/1).
“They are a maintained group and involved to keep the road construction in Puncak Jaya, but somehow it happened,” said Marcelis, (5/1).
Marcelis also said Leka and Tengamati Telenggen with some of his friends took away the guns belonging to members of the Puncak Jaya district police, instead of Brimob . These actors are members of Goliath Tabuni . Currently, it’s been doing an approach towards indigenous groups and religious leaders , as well as the public to persuade Telenggen Leka and his colleagues to return the guns they took away. ( Jubi / Mawel/Tina )
Design of the bridge (IST)
Jayapura, 7/1 ( Jubi ) – The Jayapura Municipality ensures that bridge construction project from Hamadi to Holtekamp will begin this year(2014).
This was stated by the Head of the Regional Development Agency ( Bappeda ) of Jayapura Municipality, Nurjainuddin Konu. She mentioned that initially the bridge construction should go through piling up – dirt process, but after going through a long process of the Environmental Impact Analysis (Amdal), Detail Engineering Design (DED) happens to change as the construction of Ring Road Bridge .
“DED is altered after AMDAL result, conducted by BLH is received. Initial plan, its construction only will be done by doing piling – up , but it got changed immediately like Ring Road mechanism used poles,”said Nurjainuddin Konu to tabloidjubi.com , Monday ( 6/1 ).
As is known, the distribution of bridge construction budget- Holtekam to Hamadi will be funded from three different sources, are from Public Works Ministry, the Provincial Government of Papua and Public Works Department of Jayapura municipality.
The head of Public Works Department of Jayapura municipality, Ir. Jenny Karinda, M.MT via cell phone confidently justified the plan.
“So, it has been allocated, and will be built this year. Hall Road and Bridge have also been budgeted. Public Works Department ( DPU) of Jayapura Municipality has also budgeted it. If administrative process is completed and approved then the auction can be started out .”said Karinda.
“So, it has been allocated, and will be built this year. Hall Road and Bridge have also been budgeted. Public Works Department ( DPU) of Jayapura Municipality has also budgeted it. If administrative process is completed and approved then the auction can be started out .”said Karinda.
The same thing also expressed by the Head of Financial Asset Management Agency Urban Jayapura , Bambang Wirawan. He said that the municipal government confirmed that Holtekam- Hamadi bridge construction will begin this year.
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