1) The shooting in Mulia Puncak Jaya,
allegedly often done by teenagers
2) Need for more funds for MSG Regional
Police Academy
Kogoya, CHIEF DETAINED Vanimo Hospital
4) Fiji stays away from issue
1) The shooting in Mulia Puncak Jaya, allegedly often done by teenagers
The West Papua Liberation Army (IST)
Jayapura, 09/01 (Jubi) – The armed attacks against civilians and Police Station, in District of Puncak, which resulted a civilian dead and 8 weapons belonging to the police was seized, responded by the Vice Regent of Puncak Jaya , Justus Wonda .
Wonda said shooting in Mulia , Puncak Jaya, allegedly often done by teenagers who are still in school .
” The children of the group they always come to join the community and ask for help to the government . In community activities as well as activities of the government , they are always there . They were ordinary people . They are not coming using the uniform , ” said Vice Regent to reporters in Jayapura on Wednesday ( 08 / 01 ) .
” The children of the group they always come to join the community and ask for help to the government . In community activities as well as activities of the government , they are always there . They were ordinary people . They are not coming using the uniform , ” said Vice Regent to reporters in Jayapura on Wednesday ( 08 / 01 ) .
If they successfully seized weapons belonging to military or police , said Vice Regent , their status in the group will be increase . But the group does not have a clear leadership structure.
“Although they are in young age , when they could seized a weapon, their status and position in the group will be increase . Anyone should to respect him . Including kids who often shoot members of the military and police or civilians . If he successfully seize any weapon, may join any group and got the position, ” he said .
Until now there are 3 armed groups in the district of Puncak Jaya. These three groups located in Yambi area. In fact , some members of these group are still under age , often wandering in the City of Mulia, without any suspicion.
“They are elementary school students , junior high school and above. So it is difficult to identify. We do not know whether these kids is OPM or not . They are not using the uniform. We know the OPM’s leader such as Goliath Tabuni. But these kids in the city of Puncak Jaya is very difficult to be identified .” Wonda added.
“They are elementary school students , junior high school and above. So it is difficult to identify. We do not know whether these kids is OPM or not . They are not using the uniform. We know the OPM’s leader such as Goliath Tabuni. But these kids in the city of Puncak Jaya is very difficult to be identified .” Wonda added.
The local government also recognizes the difficulty in seeking information from the public .
” When we asked where the kids, they definitely say they do not know .” said the Vice Regent of Puncak Jaya.(Jubi/Indrayadi TH/Victor Mambor)
” When we asked where the kids, they definitely say they do not know .” said the Vice Regent of Puncak Jaya.(Jubi/Indrayadi TH/Victor Mambor)
2) Need for more funds for MSG Regional Police Academy
SUVA, Fiji -- Plans to establish the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) regional police academy in Fiji remain in limbo as the Defence Ministry calls for more funding to construct the proposed institution.
Yesterday the Indonesian Government injected $US500, 000 as the first funding for the construction of the academy.
Defence Minister Joketani Cokanasiga said more than $20m (US$10 million) was needed for the project, which is expected to be built at Nabukavesi, outside Lami Town.
The project had been scheduled for construction in 2011.
“The academy would have been established long time ago but funding is an issue because it's regional — we have to be mindful,” he said.
Cokanasiga said the issue now was how to progress, adding with the Indonesian Government injecting the first funds, more funds from donor agencies would enable construction.
The handover was made to Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama by Indonesian Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Lieutenant General Langgeng Sulistiyono.
“I think it is a timely donation because this has been going on since 2011 and one of the issues that we have is how we progress this. This is the first funding from our donor agents,” Cokanasiga said.
He said Fiji was contributing towards the establishment of the academy through an interim academy at Nasese and from the ministry's budget.
The academy will train police officers from Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS), Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands.
A google translate of article in Jubi. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic.
Otiginal bahasa link at
3) ORDER AGAINST DANNY autopsy Kogoya, CHIEF DETAINED Vanimo Hospital
Author HEAD : Victor Mambor on January 9 , 2014 at 12:30:24 WP
Editor : -
All the work that was published in tabloidjubi well as text , images and sound as well as all forms of graphics ( other than those coded IST ) be copyright tabloidjubi.com
Family Support Center in Vanimo Hospital when it was unveiled two years ago ( IST )
Jayapura , 9/1 ( Jubi ) - Vanimo court today, Thursday ( 9/1 ) has ordered police to arrest Chief Vanimo Vanimo Hospital , Doctor Jimmy Stela . This doctor has been arrested for a court order against the death of Danny Kogoya investigation .
Amos Bonn , Magistrates Court coroner in Vanimo , via cell phone to justify the arrest of the head of the Vanimo Hospital . Amos , Vanimo court officials who issued a report Kogoya Danny 's death as a homicide , said police Vanimo hold Stella as a doctor 's doctor issued a letter on behalf of the hospital doter appoint others to do the autopsy Danny Kogoya . This is contrary to court orders and requests Vanimo family .
" Yes . The court has ordered the police to hold the head Vanimo Vanimo Hospital . He was arrested around 9:30 and had been brought to justice . The doctor was arrested for resisting a court order . The court has ordered the doctor Philip Gopak from Port Moresby and a doctor from Sri Lanka to conduct an autopsy , but doctors Stella appoint another doctor . " Bonn said Amos told Jubi via cell phone on Thursday ( 9/1 ) morning .
Amos also confirmed that the death of Danny Kogoya case is in the jurisdiction of Papua New Guinea ( PNG ) so that in this case , anyone should be subject to court orders PNG .
" Danny Kogoya died in PNG . Vanimo court had confirmed he died killed and existing court order to conduct an investigation and an autopsy by a court-appointed doctor . PNG 's jurisdiction . Anyone should not take any action against Danny's body Kogoya PNG without the knowledge of the court . Although it was the hospital or Indonesian Consulate . The body of Danny Kogoya current state . " Bonn said Amos .
The information collected indicates Jubi conspiracy carried out by the Vanimo Hospital with certain parties with an interest in Danny's body Kogoya . Hospital Parties have known Danny Kogoya family forced to perform an autopsy on January 7, 2013. Although it had previously been agreed by both parties that the autopsy should be done no later than January 7 , but it failed to do an autopsy on the tangggal . Court-appointed doctors are still on vacation while the doctor appointed Vanimo Hospital could not come because his son had an accident . Because the doctor appointed by the hospital could not come , the family forced the hospital to make sure Danny Kogoya Philip Gopak doctor perform an autopsy on the same day , January 7, on the grounds Kogoya Danny's body must be removed as soon as possible because of Vanimo carry dangerous disease virus , while an autopsy to determine the cause of death has not been done Danny Kogoya .
" Because they appoint doctors could not come , the Vanimo Hospital gave us two hours to make sure the doctor Philip perform an autopsy . They say , the bodies must be removed from Vanimo for carrying a dangerous disease . " Said Jeffrey Pagawak the Jubi ( 9/1 ) .
According to Jeffrey , Stella doctor after examination , the court ordered an autopsy performed Vanimo fixed by Doctor Philip Gopak with an independent physician .
" The court has ordered continued investigation and an autopsy performed by the two families requested doter . Hospital Parties have also been instructed not to take any action against Danny's body sepengetahun Kogoya without trial . " Said Jeffrey . ( Jubi / Victor Mambor )
4) Fiji stays away from issue
Nasik Swami
Thursday, January 09, 2014
THE government will not interfere with West Papua's call to join the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG).
This has been confirmed by Defence Minister Joketani Cokanasiga who said he would leave the matter to the Indonesian Government to deal with.
"Our policy is never to interfere with other people's internal affairs," he said.
"I believe there is a delegation from MSG going up to see West Papua — we maintain our very strong stand that if any thing should happen, it should emanate from Indonesia rather than us going outside and getting them."
The Indonesian Government confirmed it will deal with the issue because it claims West Papua is part of its sovereignty.
Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Lieutenant General Langgeng Sulistiyono said they would tackle the call by West Papua to join the MSG.
"With regards to the issue of West Papua — it is part of our issue, so we have to tackle it by ourself because it is part of our sovereignty," he said.
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