VISIT TO - Melanesian nation INDONESIA
3) Freeport, Newmont Exempted as Mineral
Ban Comes Into Effect
A google translate of article in Jubi. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic.
Original bahasa at
Author : Victor Mambor on January 12 , 2014 at 10:07:58 WP
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All the work that was published in tabloidjubi well as text , images and sound as well as all forms of graphics ( other than those coded IST ) be copyright tabloidjubi.com
Jayapura , 12/1 ( Jubi ) - Vanuatu sure not to send its Foreign Minister on a visit to Indonesia . The Government of Vanuatu sure , a visit to Indonesia is not in accordance with Resolution ( Communique ) is decided by the leaders of the countries Melanesian Spearhead Group ( MSG ) in June last year in Noumea .
Government of Vanuatu , previously threatened to boycott the invitation of the Government of Indonesia to the Melanesian countries to visit Indonesia , if it does not include a visit to Papua on the agenda . Invitations were delivered by the Government of Indonesia , according to sources in the secretariat Jubi MSG , initially only scheduled visit to Jakarta and Bali alone , without Papua . Prime Minister of Vanuatu , Moana Carcases Kalosil then asked the Chairman of MSG , Victor Tutugoro ensure the Indonesian Government to include a visit to Papua in the mission of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the MSG countries . Once there is certainty agenda a visit to Papua , Vanuatu still does not include the Foreign Minister , Eduard Natapei in this visit because the agenda did not include a visit to Papua meetings with civil society , including political prisoners and pro- independence groups in Papua. Vanuatu government said this visit because not only visit Multilateral accordance with the mandate Communique MSG leaders and are more economic promotion and development cooperation between the Government of Indonesia with Countries in the region of Melanesia .
Vanuatu Foreign Office said only include Joe Natuman , Special Envoy for Decolonisation in Vanuatu this visit .
" Foreign Minister of Vanuatu Edward Natapei , has pulled out of the visit because the government of Vanuatu sure the scheduled program is very unlikely to achieve what you want to achieve by MSG leaders . MSG leaders want to meet with various groups in West Papua , including some of the leaders of the pro - independence movement in order to improve the understanding of the membership bid West Papua National Coalition for Liberation . "Said a press release received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jubi Vanuatu , Saturday ( 11 / 1 ) night .
Vanuatu government , through the press release states , the programs offered by the Indonesian government only provides a visit to Papua in a very limited time and meetings that are closed to the Governor of Papua and the DPRP in addition to a visit to Jakarta and Bali . Vanuatu government says there is no point in visiting Bali or doing the whole agenda of the visit if MSG can not be met with the right people . Plans signing the joint statement between the Indonesian government and some Melanesian countries during a visit to Indonesia is mentioned by the Government of Vanuatu as a failure of the purpose of visit as mandated in the communique in Noumea last year .
While the Government of Fiji who led the visit of the Foreign Minister of the Melanesian countries said a delegation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs will be in Papua for two days to meet with local government officials and other stakeholders .
" We are very pleased to make a visit at the invitation of the Indonesian government in order to assess WPNCL application to become a member of MSG . It inik allows us to present our recommendations to the leader , "said Ratu Inoke Fiji Government through a press release received by Jubi , Sunday ( 12/1 ) morning .
" We fully respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Indonesia and we further acknowledge that West Papua is an integral part of Indonesia .
This visit will provide an opportunity to learn firsthand about the situation in West Papua and understand the aspirations of our Melanesian brothers in Papua relating to their representation in WPNCL to be a member of the MSG , "said Ratu Inoke .
The visit , according to the Fiji government will also deepen economic relations and development cooperation between the Indonesian and Melanesian countries .
Members of the delegation in this visit included the Honourable Rimbink Pato ( Foreign Minister of Papua New Guinea ) , the Honourable Soalaoi Forau ( Foreign Minister Solomon Islands ) , Honorable Joe Natuman ( Special Representative of Vanuatu to Decolonization ) and Yvon Faua , Vice Kanak and FLNKS .
The delegation is scheduled to arrive in Jayapura on Monday ( 13/1 ) morning and immediately met with the Provincial Government of Papua and the DPRP . ( Jubi / Victor Mambor )
Author : Victor Mambor on January 12 , 2014 at 10:07:58 WP
Editor : -
All the work that was published in tabloidjubi well as text , images and sound as well as all forms of graphics ( other than those coded IST ) be copyright tabloidjubi.com
Jayapura , 12/1 ( Jubi ) - Vanuatu sure not to send its Foreign Minister on a visit to Indonesia . The Government of Vanuatu sure , a visit to Indonesia is not in accordance with Resolution ( Communique ) is decided by the leaders of the countries Melanesian Spearhead Group ( MSG ) in June last year in Noumea .
Government of Vanuatu , previously threatened to boycott the invitation of the Government of Indonesia to the Melanesian countries to visit Indonesia , if it does not include a visit to Papua on the agenda . Invitations were delivered by the Government of Indonesia , according to sources in the secretariat Jubi MSG , initially only scheduled visit to Jakarta and Bali alone , without Papua . Prime Minister of Vanuatu , Moana Carcases Kalosil then asked the Chairman of MSG , Victor Tutugoro ensure the Indonesian Government to include a visit to Papua in the mission of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the MSG countries . Once there is certainty agenda a visit to Papua , Vanuatu still does not include the Foreign Minister , Eduard Natapei in this visit because the agenda did not include a visit to Papua meetings with civil society , including political prisoners and pro- independence groups in Papua. Vanuatu government said this visit because not only visit Multilateral accordance with the mandate Communique MSG leaders and are more economic promotion and development cooperation between the Government of Indonesia with Countries in the region of Melanesia .
Vanuatu Foreign Office said only include Joe Natuman , Special Envoy for Decolonisation in Vanuatu this visit .
" Foreign Minister of Vanuatu Edward Natapei , has pulled out of the visit because the government of Vanuatu sure the scheduled program is very unlikely to achieve what you want to achieve by MSG leaders . MSG leaders want to meet with various groups in West Papua , including some of the leaders of the pro - independence movement in order to improve the understanding of the membership bid West Papua National Coalition for Liberation . "Said a press release received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jubi Vanuatu , Saturday ( 11 / 1 ) night .
Vanuatu government , through the press release states , the programs offered by the Indonesian government only provides a visit to Papua in a very limited time and meetings that are closed to the Governor of Papua and the DPRP in addition to a visit to Jakarta and Bali . Vanuatu government says there is no point in visiting Bali or doing the whole agenda of the visit if MSG can not be met with the right people . Plans signing the joint statement between the Indonesian government and some Melanesian countries during a visit to Indonesia is mentioned by the Government of Vanuatu as a failure of the purpose of visit as mandated in the communique in Noumea last year .
While the Government of Fiji who led the visit of the Foreign Minister of the Melanesian countries said a delegation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs will be in Papua for two days to meet with local government officials and other stakeholders .
" We are very pleased to make a visit at the invitation of the Indonesian government in order to assess WPNCL application to become a member of MSG . It inik allows us to present our recommendations to the leader , "said Ratu Inoke Fiji Government through a press release received by Jubi , Sunday ( 12/1 ) morning .
" We fully respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Indonesia and we further acknowledge that West Papua is an integral part of Indonesia .
This visit will provide an opportunity to learn firsthand about the situation in West Papua and understand the aspirations of our Melanesian brothers in Papua relating to their representation in WPNCL to be a member of the MSG , "said Ratu Inoke .
The visit , according to the Fiji government will also deepen economic relations and development cooperation between the Indonesian and Melanesian countries .
Members of the delegation in this visit included the Honourable Rimbink Pato ( Foreign Minister of Papua New Guinea ) , the Honourable Soalaoi Forau ( Foreign Minister Solomon Islands ) , Honorable Joe Natuman ( Special Representative of Vanuatu to Decolonization ) and Yvon Faua , Vice Kanak and FLNKS .
The delegation is scheduled to arrive in Jayapura on Monday ( 13/1 ) morning and immediately met with the Provincial Government of Papua and the DPRP . ( Jubi / Victor Mambor )
A google translate of article in Jubi. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic.
Original bahasa at
Author : Benny Mawel on January 12 , 2014 at 11:56:03 WP
Editor : Victor Mambor
All the work that was published in tabloidjubi well as text , images and sound as well as all forms of graphics ( other than those coded IST ) be copyright tabloidjubi.com
MSG head office in Port Villa , Vanuatu ( Doc MSG )
Jayapura , 11/1 ( Jubi ) - Chairman of the National Council of Papua ( DNP ) , Enggelbert Surabut says disappointed over the agenda changes Melanesian Spreahead Group ( MSG ) to Papua . As per the resolution of the MSG leaders in Noumea last year , the mission of the visit of the Foreign Minister MSG member countries is to look at the reality of Papua , but the agenda has changed only to meet with the Governor and the DPRP on January 13, tomorrow .
" We are very disappointed . As planned it , the object of the visit the people of Papua , the Indonesian government is not . The Indonesian government instead become perpetrators of violence against the people of Papua concern MSG countries some time ago in the MSG trial , "said , Engelbert , to tabloidjubi.com through mobilephonenya of Wamena , Sunday ( 12/1 ) .
Then , if it turns into a meeting agenda Indonesian government , according to Engelbert , delegates will never see the reality of Papua . The Indonesian government will definitely show his apparent kindness on the agenda of Special Autonomy , and Autonomy UP4B Plus that was never realized either .
" We definitely know the Indonesian delegation directing , shows shophouses that adorn the city , hiding the reality of the people of this nation of Papua , " he said .
If it does not meet the people of Papua , see the actual reality , Engelbert hope , MSG does not necessarily accept the Indonesian government explanation as Papua reality . " Criminals are not likely to say crime , it must be a delegate in assessing the grip -style government of Papua reality later . " Said Engelbert .
Reality bad or good , the bad , according to Joshua Pakage , activists Papua , the Indonesian government should convey. " The Indonesian government must minded reputational Indonesia as a democratic state , " he said .
If it says is far from reality , the world already knows of Papua . Especially shooting incident in recent times .
" Shooting in Freeport and the reality of Puncak Jaya . This reality should be delivered . Otherwise , the world will judge other than diagungkannya democracy . "Said Pakage .
In June last year , the leaders of the MSG countries have menanandatangi Joint Communique which one it is about the application WPNCL as a representation of West Papua . Point 20 and 21 of this Communiqué has been decided that :
1 . MSG leaders of countries noted in relation to the application roadmap West Papua National Coalition of Liberation ( WPNCL ) for membership should be based on clear and measurable schedule .
2 . Leaders also recognize that human rights violations need to be highlighted , and to progress the application WPNCL important to continuously engage with Indonesia .
3 . The leaders agreed to establish a process of dialogue and consultation with Indonesia .
4 . The leaders noted and welcomed the invitation from Indonesia to invite the Minister for Foreign Missions ( FMM ) which will be led by Fiji which is a confirmation of the mission time is still awaited .
5 . Decisions on applications will be determined by the WPNCL / after reports of the mission FMM .
In this communiqué the leaders of the MSG countries have also decided :
( i ) AGREED that MSG fully supports the rights of the West Papuan people to self-determination as set out in the preamble of the constitution of MSG ;
( ii ) that the AGREE MSG concerns about human rights abuses and other forms relating to atrocities against West Papuans will be submitted along with the Indonesian government on a bilateral basis and as a group
( iii ) NOTES that the application of WPNCL to be a member of MSG has been accepted and the application will be reviewed after the filing of the report FMM , and
( iv ) AGREED roadmap as recommended by FMM include :
a) that the MSG mission sent foreign ministers at the level of the FMM , led by the Foreign Minister of Fiji to Jakarta and then to West Papua in 2013 and received an invitation from the Indonesian government .
b ) foreign minister 's mission will present its report to the leaders of the msg at the first opportunity in the next six months .
c . WPNCL will be formally notified of the decision regarding the application of MSG leaders , and
d . mission will be part of the process of determining the membership application WPNCL . ( Jubi / Mawel )
3) Freeport, Newmont Exempted as Mineral Ban Comes Into Effect
An aerial photo of Batu Hijau mining Newmont Nusa Tenggara in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. (JG Photo/Safir Makki)
Indonesia, one of the world’s biggest resource exporters, halted all mineral ore exports on Sunday in a bid to promote domestic processing, but the country’s president passed a last-minute regulation to ease the ban’s impact on major miners.
In one of his biggest economic policy decisions since taking office nearly 10 years ago, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono approved the ban, but allowed US mining giants Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold and Newmont Mining Corp to continue to ship billions of dollars worth of copper overseas.
The Southeast Asian nation is the world’s biggest exporter of nickel ore, refined tin and thermal coal and home to the fifth largest copper mine and top gold mine.
The long-expected ban aims to boost Indonesia’s long-term return from its mineral wealth by forcing miners to process their ores domestically. But officials fear a short-term cut in foreign revenue could widen the current account deficit, which has undermined investor confidence and battered the rupiah.
“Starting at midnight on Jan. 12, 2014, raw ore definitely cannot be exported,” Energy and Mines Minister Jero Wacik told reporters after a meeting with the president and cabinet.
However, Yudhoyono’s last-minute regulation will allow 66 companies, which include Freeport and Newmont, to continue to export processed mineral as they have provided assurances to the government that they will soon build the necessary smelters.
“As long as they can fulfill the requirements, Freeport and tens of national miners are still allowed to export,” Industry Minister M.S. Hidayat told Reuters.
Details of the regulations were to be released later.
Most of the companies expected to feel the impact of the ban are small domestic miners, numbering in the hundreds, that cannot afford to invest the hundreds of millions of dollars needed to build a smelter.
Mineral shipments totalled $10.4 billion in 2012, or around 5 percent of Indonesia’s total exports, according to the World Bank.
Halting shipments
Shortly before the ban took effect, Freeport halted copper exports and would not resume them until there was clarity on which minerals can be shipped, a union official told Reuters.
“There will be no concentrate exports from Freeport Indonesia in Papua as long as there is no government policy providing certainty on concentrate exports,” said union official Virgo Solossa, adding that the firm has not made a shipment from its port since Dec. 15.
It was not immediately clear if the government announcement late Saturday would be enough for Freeport to resume exports immediately. A company spokeswoman said Freeport continued to provide copper to its local smelter for domestic use.
Freeport, the country’s dominant copper produce with 73 percent market share, last month warned that an unrevised export ban would cut output at its Grasberg mine by 60 percent and lead to layoffs of half of its 15,000 Indonesian employees.
Under the proposed regulation being reviewed by the president in the run-up to the deadline, Freeport, Newmont Mining Corp and other miners would be allowed to export copper, manganese, lead, zinc and iron ore concentrate until 2017. But nickel ore and bauxite exports worth more than $2 billion annually would still be banned, while coal and tin shipments would not be affected.
However, it was not clear whether the final regulation had been revised.
“In our discussion (about the ban), our considerations were first about the workforce, which shouldn’t face mass layoffs,” Energy and Mines Minister Wacik said.
“Second was about the local economy, so it doesn’t face any burden from the new regulations. Then, domestic companies should be allowed to continue operating.”
More than 100 mining companies have been forced to reduce or shutdown operations due to the uncertainty surrounding the mineral export ban.
Along with Freeport, Indonesian miner Perusahaan Perseroan Aneka Tambang (Antam) also stopped nickel ore exports a few days ago, the firm’s corporate secretary Tri Hartono said.
Election issue
A major economic impact could make the ban a hot political issue in this year’s legislative and presidential elections, especially if it sparks a wave of layoffs in the world’s fourth most populous country.
Thousands of mine workers have already been laid off ahead of the ban, sparking protests in Jakarta.
“We call on all mining workers to prepare to go on the streets and swarm the presidential palace if the government goes ahead with the implementation of the ban,” said Juan Forti Silalahi of the National Mine Workers Union in a statement earlier on Saturday.
Police have been stationed at ports and around mines to secure those places in case of public disturbances, said national police spokesman, Boy Rafli Amar.
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