Wednesday, July 31, 2024

1) TPNPB OPM Attacks Indonesian Military Post in Intan Jaya, One TNI Soldier Claimed Dead and Military Vehicle Damaged

2)  W Papua: 167 students qualify for higher education affirmation program  

3) Central Papua officials urged to stay neutral for 2024 Pilkada  

A google translate.
Original Bahasa link

1) TPNPB OPM Attacks Indonesian Military Post in Intan Jaya, One TNI Soldier Claimed Dead and Military Vehicle Damaged
August 1, 2024 in Press Release, Politics, Law and Security

Author: Admin Jubi - Editor: Edho Sinaga

Intan Jaya, Jubi – The West Papua National Liberation Army of the Free Papua Movement (TPNPB OPM) carried out an attack on an Indonesian military post in Titigi Village, Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua. They claimed that this attack resulted in one TNI soldier being killed, one injured, and an armored military vehicle being damaged.

The KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters Management issued a press release stating that Enos Tipagau, the TPNPB OPM Operations Commander of Kodap VIII Intan Jaya from the Angin Bula Battalion, reported the incident by telephone on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 20.30 WP (Papua Time). In the report, Tipagau admitted that the attack was carried out at 13:00 WP and that the TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya was fully responsible for the incident.

"TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya is ready to take responsibility for the attack on Indonesian military personnel who were carrying out state security duties at the Titigi Village Military Post," said Enos Tipagau in his report delivered through TPNPB OPM Spokesperson, Sebby Sembom to Jubi via press release.

He also confirmed that the attack killed one TNI soldier and injured another. In addition, an armored military vehicle belonging to the TNI was damaged by the shooting.

In the press release, TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya also submitted a demand to the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, to immediately hold international negotiations to resolve the armed conflict in West Papua. They requested that these negotiations be held before Jokowi's term ends and to immediately resolve the issue of human rights violations in Papua.

TPNPB OPM emphasized that the war they are waging is a guerrilla war that will not stop until the Indonesian government is ready to resolve the armed conflict in Papua through international negotiations.
"This war will never stop until the Indonesian government is ready to resolve the armed conflict in Papua through international negotiations and we will prove who is wrong in seizing the rights of indigenous peoples in Papua," said Tipagau through Sebby Sembom.

In addition, TPNPB OPM also called on all Papuans who work as Indonesian military personnel to immediately stop being "traitors to the Papuan nation”.

They threatened to prosecute anyone involved in the killing of fellow Papuans. "We have seen a lot of evidence of the killings they have committed, so sooner or later you will be tried by the Papuans themselves for your crimes," he added.

The attack has added to tensions in the Papua region, which has long been a conflict zone between armed groups and the Indonesian government. The TPNPB OPM continues to carry out attacks on security forces as part of their struggle for West Papuan independence.

The press release was signed by several high-ranking TPNPB-OPM leaders, including General Goliath Naaman Tabuni, Commander-in-Chief of the TPNPB-OPM; Lieutenant General Melkisedek Awom, Deputy Commander of the TPNPB-OPM; Major General Terianus Satto, Chief of General Staff of the TPNPB-OPM; Major General Lekagak Telenggen, Commander of General Operations of the TPNPB-OPM; and Brigadier General Undius Kogoya, Commander of the Intan Jaya VIII Defense Region.

The Headquarters Management of KOMNAS TPNPB OPM through its spokesperson, Sebby Sambom, emphasized that the relevant parties should immediately respond to the demands submitted by TPNPB OPM. (*)


2)  W Papua: 167 students qualify for higher education affirmation program  

July 31, 2024 19:28 GMT+700

Manokwari, West Papua (ANTARA) - As many as 167 students from seven districts of West Papua province have qualified for the 2024 higher education affirmation program.

Acting secretary of West Papua, Yacob Fonataba, said here on Wednesday that prospective students of the affirmation program attended a briefing organized by the provincial education office.

The students came from Manokwari, South Manokwari, Arfak Mountains, Bintuni Bay, Wondama Bay, Kaimana, and Fakfak districts.

They will pursue higher education outside Papua in regions such as Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Maluku, and Bali Islands.

"Prospective students are equipped with knowledge about the area they will go to and the rules that must be followed," Fonataba said.

He noted that the higher education affirmation program is one of the government's efforts to prepare quality and competitive human resources for the future.

The affirmation program provides benefits for all young people, especially from West Papua, who face financial difficulties in pursuing higher education.

At least 1,075 people from West Papua have started pursuing higher education under this year's affirmation program, according to the province's education office.

Related news: W Papua: Environmental education diffusing through conservation areas

Related news: Addressing inequality in Indonesia's quality education

Translator: Fransiskus W, Kenzu
Editor: Tia Mutiasari


3) Central Papua officials urged to stay neutral for 2024 Pilkada  
July 31, 2024 18:42 GMT+700

Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) - Acting Governor of Central Papua Ribka Haluk urged local officials to remain neutral ahead of the 2024 regional elections (Pilkada) on November 27.

"Let me stress that being neutral is mandatory for all local officials and regional heads in eight districts so that Pilkada can be implemented well," she remarked on Wednesday.

She said that her administration also encouraged the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkompinda), religious leaders, and the community to maintain stability and public security.

"All must be monitored so that everything is fair and neutral, and Pilkada can be implemented well," she emphasized.

She called on regional heads to build communication with the Regional Election Commission (KPUD), the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), the military, and the police to support Pilkada.

She also called on all civil servants in the province to carry out their duties so that public services can be optimal.

Related news: Central Papuan regions should develop cultural park: Deputy Minister
Related news: Central govt vows to develop Highland Papua, says Indonesian official

Translator: Qadri P, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

1) Letter to the Rt Hon Winston Peters from West Papua Action Aotearoa

2) TNI Shoot Dead 1 OPM want to attack Task Force Post in Nduga


1) Letter to the Rt Hon Winston Peters from  West Papua Action Aotearoa

West Papua Action Aotearoa 

Rt Hon Winston Peters
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Parliament Buildings

25 July 2024

Kia ora Minister Peters,

We write to draw your attention to the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in West Papua.  It is urgent that Indonesia should now fulfil its long-standing commitment to allow the UN Human Rights Commission to conduct a fact-finding mission.

We expect that you are aware of the militarisation and ongoing conflict in the central highlands which has resulted in the mass displacement of over 70,000 civilians.  There has been increased military presence in the conflict areas, including more military posts and intense monitoring of local communities.  

There are regular reports of civilian deaths – the latest being the killing of three civilians in Pepera Village, Mulia district, Puncak Jaya regency on Tuesday July 16.  The local Baptist Pastor, Stevanus Yan Wenda strongly disputes any suggestion that the three villagers killed, one of whom was village head, had any association with the armed resistance movement (TPNPB). Rev. Wenda and other community leaders are calling for the soldiers concerned to be held to account. Amnesty International Indonesia has called for a transparent investigation of the deaths.

It is also very disturbing to learn of the shooting of Yan Christian Warinussy, a highly respected human rights advocate and the Director of the Legal Aid, Research, Investigation and Development Institute (LP3BH) in Manokwari. Warinussy was shot in the street after using an  ATM  bank and is recovering in hospital from gunshot wounds. The shooter remains at large.   This event has provoked international outrage and concern – particularly in the light of the fact that Warinussy gave the opening address at the recent London Permanent People’s Tribunal on  “State and Environmental Violence in West Papua” .   Many Indonesian and Papuan organisations have joined to denounce this attack and to call for an end to the harassment and violence experienced by  human rights defenders in West Papua. There is a growing list of prominent community leaders who have been attacked both physically and with verbal threats including lawyers Latifah Anum Siregar, Yuliana Yabansabra, senor journalist Victor Mambor and Papua Justice and Human Integrity Foundation Director Theo Hesegem.

Since 2019 the Pacific Islands Forum has been calling on the Indonesian Government to allow the UN Human Rights Commission to visit but so far without success. 

We urge you to use your good offices to call on the Indonesian Government to facilitate the visit of the UN Human Rights Commission without further delay, and to allow international aid agencies, humanitarian workers and journalists to visit West Papua.  We also urge an immediate end to all military ties with Indonesia, since New Zealand should not be complicit in the military persecution of the West Papuan people.


Yours sincerely,


Catherine Delahunty, Rev. Brian Turner and Maire Leadbeater

(For West Papua Action Aotearoa)


A google translate
Original Bahasa link

2) TNI Shoot Dead 1 OPM want to attack Task Force Post in Nduga
CNN Indonesia
Tuesday, 30 Jul 2024 10:26 WIB

The TNI was reported to have shot dead a member of one member of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) Egianus Kogoya Group in Yigi District, Nduga Regency, Papua Province Mountains. Papua Regional Police

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - The TNI was reportedly shooting dead one member of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) of the Egianus Kogoya group in Yigi District, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountain Province.
Based on information from Kogabwilhan III, the incident occurred on Friday (7/26).

At that time, based on the monitoring of the authorities, a group of OPM was seen with one of them carrying weapons moving into Yigi Village and led to the TNI Task Force Post.

The authorities then took action to expel the group. Reportedly there was one member of OPM killed and two others were injured.

"The results of the action, obtained 1 OPM were shot dead by security forces and 2 people were injured," said Pangkogabwilhan III Letjen Richard Tampubolon in a written statement on Tuesday (30/7)

He explained based on the results of the investigation, an OPM member who was killed was named Engabub. While the identity of two people who were injured were still in deepening.

"The strict action of the combined apparatus carried out the security of the area in Yigi Village, an effort to maintain security stability in the context of the smooth acceleration of development in the Papua region," Richard said.


Monday, July 29, 2024

1) West Papua collects children's data for nutritious lunch program

1) West Papua collects children's data for nutritious lunch program 
2) West Papua seeks Tabi community's support for successful 2024 Pilkada  
3) Transnational drug trafficker arrested in Papua  
4) Happy 30th July


1) West Papua collects children's data for nutritious lunch program 

 July 29, 2024 17:26 GMT+700

Manokwari (ANTARA) - The West Papua provincial government is gathering data in seven districts to identify children targeted under President-elect Prabowo Subianto's free nutritious lunch program.

"The data collection process is still underway. We are currently waiting for a letter or official guidance from the central government," West Papua Acting Governor Ali Baham Temongmere remarked in Manokwari District on Monday.

He affirmed that the provincial government would collaborate with the district governments of Manokwari, South Manokwari, Pegunungan Arfak, Teluk Bintuni, Teluk Wondama, Kaimana, and Fakfak to collect accurate data and ensure the success of the lunch program.

Temongmere also said he views the lunch program as being congruent with similar programs aimed at alleviating childhood stunting or chronic malnutrition.

He remarked that his side had been promoting the implementation of the Diverse, Nutritionally Balanced, and Safe (B2SA) Food Program to encourage residents to prioritize cooking and consume healthy meals for the sake of future generations.

The acting governor explained that the B2SA Food Program is being echoed by organizing routine educational activities, such as a cooking competition that promotes the use of non-rice local food materials.

"For instance, people can creatively cook dishes using tubers, corn, bananas, breadfruit, sago, vegetables, fruits, beans, and various materials from animals," he remarked.

He then emphasized the need for people's creativity to process local food ingredients into a variety of meals, considering the popularity of such ingredients is still overshadowed by modern ready-to-eat dishes.

Temongmere further affirmed that nutritious meals are paramount to augmenting the quality of human resources in Indonesia's Papua region. 

Related news: Gibran plans to try different schemes to perfect free lunch program
Related news: No budget cut for free lunch program: Minister Hartarto

Translator: Fransiskus S, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Rahmad Nasution


2) West Papua seeks Tabi community's support for successful 2024 Pilkada  

July 29, 2024 20:18 GMT+700

Manokwari, West Papua (ANTARA) - The West Papua provincial government invited the customary community of Tabi to actively contribute to ensuring the successful implementation of the 2024 regional head election (Pilkada).

Staff to the West Papua Governor, Niko Untung Tike, conveyed the invitation during a meeting with the Tabi community here on Monday.

Tike explained that community organizations are partners of the local government in maintaining public security and order to support the safe, peaceful, and smooth implementation of Pilkada.

Hence, he expected community groups to educate their members on ways to avoid getting involved in money politics, which can negatively impact democracy.

"Let us educate the people by using our rights to vote responsibly, and let us not intimidate each other," he remarked.

According to Tike, community groups must serve as a platform that unifies people so that differences in choices during the election will not cause social conflicts, which can slow down regional development.

Related news: VP hopes situation in Papua remains safe ahead of regional election

He explained that the regional government continues to step up synergy and collaboration with customary and religious leaders, as well as public figures in the region, to prevent cases of intolerance ahead of the regional election.

"I appreciate the Tabi community that has carried out efforts to strengthen friendship with other tribal groups," he remarked.

Furthermore, Tike expressed hope that the meeting with the Tabi community would result in innovative programs relevant to the West Papua regional government's program, including at the provincial and district levels.

He explained that the programs should prioritize the empowerment of communities at the grassroots level, which can contribute to regional development in the future.

"Identify issues and strategic needs that are relevant to the local government programs," he stated.

The Manokwari district government, the Arfak Tribe chief, and the West Papua Regional Police attended the meeting with the Tabi community.

Related news: Working together to realize peaceful Regional Head Election in Papua

Translator: Fransiskus W, Kenzu
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga


3) Transnational drug trafficker arrested in Papua  
July 28, 2024 15:54 GMT+700

Sentani, Papua (ANTARA) - A drug trafficker was arrested for attempting to smuggle 16 packages of dried marijuana, weighing about 1,180 grams, from Papua New Guinea into the city of Jayapura in Papua, on Saturday, July 27, a police officer said.

The suspected drug smuggler was apprehended at about 02.20 p.m. local time on his way to Jayapura, the capital of Papua Province, according to the Indonesia-PNG border police chief, 2nd Inspector Alexander Yarisetouw.

The suspect told the security officers who arrested him that he obtained the drug package from PNG and entered Papua by taking a shortcut near the Skouw-Wutung border crossing checkpoint in the outskirts of Jayapura.

"The suspect along with the evidence of his crime have been handed over to the Muara Tami police precinct for further investigation into the case," he said without disclosing the suspect's identity.

The Indonesia-PNG border remains vulnerable to cross-border criminal activities, including the trafficking of marijuana.

On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, for instance, the Papua police arrested three suspected drug smugglers, believed to belong to a Papua-Papua New Guinea kingpin, during a raid in Jayapura District, Papua.

Local cops seized 394 packages of marijuana from the suspects, identified as NJDM, IT, and TT, according to Chief of the Papua Police's Narcotics Directorate, Senior Commissioner Alfian.

In the early morning of Thursday, March 21, 2024, Papua police officers nabbed two PNG citizens for allegedly smuggling 51 packages of marijuana from their country into Papua.

They were apprehended at around 2:15 a.m. local time in the Hamadi Hanurata neighborhood of Jaya Selatan Sub-district, Jayapura City.

The suspects, identified as Junior Lenga and Rindox, carried 51 packages of marijuana that they had concealed in four sacks of rice.

Police investigators found that Junior Lenga was on the Jayapura city police's priority watch list, as he had escaped from the Abepura Penitentiary when jailed in connection with a drug smuggling case.

On March 22, 2021, police officers in Papua also arrested a citizen of PNG for allegedly being involved in a cross-border drug trafficking network.

The police personnel confiscated five sacks of marijuana from the detainee, named Gadafi Kuentaw Waropo, 18.

He was apprehended in Many Island of Jayapura Selatan Sub-district, Jayapura City, following the arrest of Beny Toway Waropo, 28.

To fight cross-border drug trafficking operations, the PNG Police in West Sepik Province have sought collaboration with the Indonesian police in Papua.

A total of 110 PNG citizens are being sentenced in connection with drug cases in the Doyo Penitentiary in Jayapura District.

Related news: Papua Police seize 394 packages of marijuana

Related news: PNG police seeks collaboration with Papua to fight drug trafficking

Translator: Yudhi E, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Tia Mutiasari


4) Happy 30th July

Congratulations to the people of Vanuatu on the 44th anniversary of their Independence Day and on their continuous and courageous support for the people of West Papua in their self-determination struggle.
Vanuatu Independence Day- 30 July 1980


Saturday, July 27, 2024

1) Papuan human rights defender faces intimidation after delivering statement at the UN

2) Jokowi's Papua visit over the blood and tears of the Papuan people: ULMWP


Human Rights Monitor

1) Papuan human rights defender faces intimidation after delivering statement at the UN

Mrs Lamberti Faan, a Papuan human rights defender and internally displaced woman from the Maybrat Regency, Papua Barat Daya Province, and her relatives have been subjected to a series of intimidations following her testimony at the 56th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The statement brought attention to the condition of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Maybrat Regency. Since delivering her statement, Mrs Faan and her family have experienced harassment and threats, creating a climate of fear and insecurity. This intimidation includes constant surveillance, direct threats, and attempts to gather personal information, affecting not only Mrs Faan but also her relatives in Sorong and Maybrat.
The intimidation began on 25 June 2024, when the Maybrat Police Chief contacted Mrs Faan’s brother, asking about her whereabouts. The following day, Mrs Faan’s sister received a similar call from the Maybrat military chief (Dandim), inquiring about Mrs Faan’s location. On 27 June 2024, an individual suspected to be an intelligence officer contacted Mrs Faan’s sister, seeking personal information about her, including her full name, nickname, religion, occupation, and residence. This surveillance pattern continued as, on 1 July 2024, Mrs Lamberti Faan noticed a familiar police officer from Maybrat on her flight, indicating she was being closely monitored.
The threats escalated in early July 2024, after Maybrat government officials took notice of the statement at the UNHRC. On 3 July 2024, Mrs Faan was advised by a friend to move away from Maybrat to a safe place for a month. Meanwhile, Mrs Faan’s relatives in Sorong and Maybrat reported visits from unknown individuals and ministry officials, attempting to gather information about her family under the pretext of offering housing and scholarships. On 5 July 2024, an intelligence officer contacted Mrs Faan’s sister again, asking detailed questions about her and her family. This was followed by an unknown man visiting Mrs Faan’s house in Sorong on 7 July 2024, under the guise of searching for vegetables.
The harassment reached a peak with multiple incidents in mid-July. On 13  July  2024, Mrs Faan’s sister received another call from an intelligence officer asking to meet and inquire about her children. On 15 July 2024, a close relative reported being approached by two men at a restaurant in the town of Kumurkek, who showed a video of Mrs Lamberti Faan’s UN statement while asking questions about her. On 16 July 2024, drones were spotted flying around Mrs Faan’s house in Sorong. on 17 July 2024, a vendor parked his vehicle suspiciously outside her house for an extended period, adding to the family’s distress.
In response to these events, Mrs Lamberti Faan and her children have relocated to a different town for safety. Despite the ongoing threats, she remains committed to her advocacy work and calls for the protection of human rights defenders. Mrs Faan urged international bodies and local authorities to investigate the acts of intimidation and ensure the safety of her and her family. The continuous harassment underscores the urgent need for greater protection for those speaking out against human rights abuses in West Papua.

Mrs Lamberti Faan, speaking during the 56th regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva



2) Jokowi's Papua visit over the blood and tears of the Papuan people: ULMWP

Suara Papua – July 24, 2024

Jayapura – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's visit to Jayapura, West Papua, on July 23 in the context of the commemoration of Indonesian National Children's Day at the Istora Papua Bangkit sports complex was a form of distain and insult when as many as 62,000 Papuans are still displaced.

Most of them are mothers and children in eight conflict areas, Intan Jaya, Maybrat, the Star Mountains, Nduga, Puncak, Yahukimo, Puncak Jaya and Paniai.

This was conveyed in a statement by United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) President Executive Menase Tabuni not long ago.

Tabuni emphasised that, "President Jokowi has been in power for 10 years, he has conducted safari visits and development tours more than 15 times in the land of Papua. The visits by Jokowi have been carried out over the bloody debris, bones and suffering of the Papuan people".

"During this time, he has repeatedly visited West Papua, but there has never been any impact or benefit for indigenous Papuans. He does not have a road map to resolve the root problem of the political conflict and human rights [abuses] in West Papua, while at the same time the Indonesian government is busy dealing with conflicts and problems in other countries, such as Palestine, Myanmar and others", said Tabuni.

Tabuni said that the infrastructure development, the roads and the bridges built by the Indonesian president are actually an effort to accelerate the migration of the Indonesian population into Papua.

These roads and bridges are also a strategy to smooth the process of developing civil infrastructure and specifically to facilitate access for the Indonesian Military (TNI) and Indonesian Police (Polri) to conduct military operations in conflict areas.

Tabuni said that President Widodo needs to know that the land of Papua has the third largest tropical forests in the world, after the Amazon forests in Brazil and the Congo Basin in Central African. And since he came to power the forests in Papuan are threatened with ecocide.

"Of the 34 million hectares of forests in West Papua, 13 million hectares are controlled by investors in the interests of the oligarchy through a handful of Indonesian political elites in Jakarta", he said.

A similar view was conveyed by ULMWP Vice President Executive Octovianus Mote, who said that over the 10 years that Widodo has been in office space for free expression has been gagged.

"Under President Jokowi's leadership, there has also been a curbing of space for freedom in the land of Papua. Around 7,000 Papuans have been arrested and imprisoned for carrying out actions to support the ULMWP membership, especially during the 2015-2018 period, as well as carrying out acts of resistance against racism in 2019 and various other aftershocks".

"Many civilians who are of a productive age are tortured and shot dead by TNI and Polri forces in the land of Papua. President Jokowi's promise in 2015 in Jayapura to open access for [foreign] journalists to visit Papua and his promise in February 2018 in Jakarta of a UN Human Rights Council visit to Papua have not been realised", said Mote.

Therefore the ULMWP emphasised that after 61 years of the Indonesian occupation of the land of Papua, the future of the Papuan nation is threatened by destruction through genocide, ethnocide and ecocide.

"Therefore we call on the Papuan people and the Papuan political elite who work in the Indonesian colonial system not to sell their self-esteem and the hak kesulungan [hereditary rights afforded to first born child] of the Papuan nation to foreign nations. We call on the Papua people not to sell the lands, forests and hak kesulungan of the Papuan nation to anyone", he asserted.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "ULMWP Menyatakan Kunjungan Presiden Jokowi Ke Papua di Atas Darah dan Air Mata".]



Friday, July 26, 2024

1) MSG Director-General under fire for West Papua comments

2) Indonesia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum Discusses Climate Change, Papua: House Speaker  

3) Koteka Wenda's unique position as an exiled-woman reimagines the Free West Papua movement


ABC Pacific

1) MSG Director-General under fire for West Papua comments

Broadcast Thu 25 Jul 2024 at 6:00am

Play   Duration: 4 minutes 55 seconds

There has been a backlash against the Director-General of the Melanesian Spearhead Group, Leonard Louma, after Indonesian media reports emerged of him saying the situation in West Papua was "stable and conducive" during a visit to the territory last month.

The visit, which was unannounced, has been criticised for lack of transparency.

"Melanesian countries want to see how the MSG is dealing with the human rights issue in West Papua so they need to be transparent in any of the trips made to that place," said the President of the Vanuatu Free West Papua Association, Lai Sakita.

"The population of West Papua are Melanesian ... and the entity called the MSG should be working for this population not for people who are outside."



2) Indonesia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum Discusses Climate Change, Papua: House Speaker  
Translator Najla Nur Fauziyah 
Editor Laila Afifa 
26 July 2024 09:10 WIB

TEMPO.COJakarta - Indonesian House of Representatives Speaker Puan Maharani closed the Indonesia-Pacific Parliamentary Partnership (IPPP) forum on Thursday, July 25, 2024. According to Puan, the forum discussed various issues from climate change to Papua.

Puan said that IPPP is a forum initiated by the Indonesian House of Representatives. "The Indonesian House of Representatives initiated this meeting because it considered that cooperation with Pacific countries would be geopolitically essential," said Puan on Thursday.

Puan said several countries in the Pacific region attended the meeting, including Cook Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Kiribati, the Republic of Fiji, and Indonesia. In addition, the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) organization was also present.

Regarding climate issues, Puan said the IPPP forum resulted in a joint commitment to work together to tackle the impacts of climate change.  

Meanwhile, the issue of Papua was discussed in the MSG-Indonesia meeting held on the sidelines of the IPPP. The meeting was attended by delegates from Fiji, Solomon, Papua New Guinea, and MSG representatives. 

"We relayed the information about our brothers and sisters in Papua, about how there are four provinces in Papua now, and about what Indonesia has done in regards to Papua,” said Puan.  

The IPPP Forum also discussed marine potential in the Pacific region, specifically on economic development which resulted in the agreement to advance multilateral agreements between Pacific countries.

Puan said that the IPPP Forum also produced several recommendations. "Among them is the mutual respect related to the principle of equal respect for sovereignty and territorial unity and how we maintain peace among the Pacific region," she said.

In addition, Puan said that the Indonesian House of Representatives has committed to helping Pacific countries, especially in carrying out parliamentary functions and producing synergy between parliament and government.

Previously, the IPPP Forum was opened by President Joko Widodo or Jokowi on Thursday morning, July 25, 2024. Jokowi appreciated the partnership between the Indonesian House of Representatives and the parliaments of Pacific countries as a strategic initiative to strengthen partnerships in the Pacific region.



3) Koteka Wenda's unique position as an exiled-woman reimagines the Free West Papua movement
Broadcast Wed 24 Jul 2024 at 9:00am

Audio 28 mins

Koteka Wenda's childhood is full of bittersweet memories and lessons. Her early memories are of her family fleeing West Papua as political-refugees to live in exile in the safety of the United Kingdom. 

It was in exile where Koteka and her family discovered what it means to grow a community and continue the spreading of their message to "Free West Papua" using their abilities as mucians, educators and living witnesses to being a West Papuan in Indonesia. 

Koteka is now developing her own understanding of the unique position she holds as a young-exiled-woman to bring fresh perspectives and goals to the "Free West Papua" movement.