Thursday, July 18, 2024

1) Flight services in Mulia suspended in wake of unrest: police

2) Shooting of human rights defender shows increasing threats in Papua

3) Brimob-Cartenz team in Mulia to restore law and order

4) Indonesia-Papua New Guinea meeting highlights defence, development cooperation

5) Rights of Sumuri indigenous community under threat in Teluk Bintuni

6) International tribunal demands end to Indonesia’s 'cold genocide' in West Papua  

7) Armed conflict in Papua Land is getting more complicated, increasingly difficult to resolve 
8) TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya Again Carries Out an Attack on the Indonesian Military Post in Sugapa

1) Flight services in Mulia suspended in wake of unrest: police  

July 18, 2024 21:19 GMT+700

Several police and military vehicles were torched by rioters in Mulia, Puncak Jaya district, Central Papua, on Wednesday (July 17, 2024). (ANTARA/HO/Dokumentasi)

Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) - The deadly violence that broke out in Mulia, the capital of Puncak Jaya district, Central Papua, on Wednesday forced the temporary suspension of civilian flights to and from the town, a local police officer said.

The flight services will remain suspended until further notice, the chief of Puncak Jaya Police, Adjunct Sen Coms Kuswara, told ANTARA during a telephonic conversation from Jayapura, the capital of Papua province, on Thursday.

Currently, the overall situation in Mulia is relatively conducive, but police personnel are continuing to exercise vigilance as many residents are still afraid of resuming outdoor and economic activities, he informed.

"We hope that the security situation will fully be conducive soon so that the flight service can be resumed, and locals' activities can get back to normal," he said.

To help restore law and order, the Papua police deployed joint personnel from the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) unit and Operation Peace Cartenz Task Force to Mulia.

They arrived on Thursday and joined their counterparts from the Puncak Jaya police station to commence efforts to restore law and order in the town.

The unrest on Wednesday broke out following the deaths of three insurgents belonging to the Teranus Enumbi-led armed group operating in Karubate village, Muara sub-district, Puncak Jaya district, on Tuesday (July 16, 2024).

The rebels, identified as SW (33), YW (41), and DW (36), died in a gunfight with the RK 753/AVR Infantry Battalion Task Force personnel, according to the XVII Cenderawasih Regional Military Command.

The ensuing violence left one resident dead and four others injured, according to Kuswara.

Abdulah Jaelani (30) died after sustaining injuries from a sharp weapon, he said adding that the injured were identified as Novald Dermawan, Arief, Safrudin, and Bude Nina.

They sustained injuries after rioters resorted to stone pelting and launched attacks with arrows and sharp weapons. The rioters also torched several vehicles parked near Mulia Public Hospital.

Over the past few years, armed groups have often employed hit-and-run tactics against Indonesian security personnel and mounted acts of terror against civilians in the districts of Intan Jaya, Nduga, and Puncak to incite fear among the people.

The targets of such acts of terror have included construction workers, motorcycle taxi (ojek) drivers, teachers, students, street food vendors, and even, civilian aircraft.

Related news: Brimob-Cartenz team in Mulia to restore law and order
Related news: TNI officers hosts study activity for Central Papua children

Translator: Evarukdijati, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono


Amnesty International  Indonesia July 18, 2024

2) Shooting of human rights defender shows increasing threats in Papua

Responding to the shooting of Yan Christian Warinussy, a senior lawyer and human rights defender in the province of West Papua, Amnesty International Indonesia’s executive director Usman Hamid said:

“This heinous act is not only a violation of Yan Christian Warinussy’s right to bodily integrity but also an alarming attack on the principles of justice and human rights in Papua.

“Yan Christian Warinussy has long been a steadfast defender of human rights in Papua, tirelessly working to ensure justice and equality for all. His advocacy has been instrumental in bringing to light numerous human rights violations and in providing legal assistance to those most vulnerable.

“This attack is a reprehensible attempt to silence a courageous voice and to instil fear in those who fight for justice.

“We call on the authorities to promptly conduct an effective, thorough and impartial investigation into this attack and to bring the perpetrators to justice in fair trials.

“The government must take immediate and decisive action to protect human rights defenders and to ensure that perpetrators who have committed such acts of violence are brought to justice.”


Yan Christian Warinussy, a senior lawyer and human rights activist in Papua, was shot by an unidentified person in Manokwari, West Papua province on Wednesday 17 July.

According to his driver, cited by some local media, the shooting occurred after Warinussy had just withdrawn money from an ATM kiosk on the roadside. Previously he attended a corruption trial involving some local state auditors at the Manokwari anti-corruption court.

He survived and was taken to hospital to get medical treatment. The doctor managed to remove an air rifle bullet projectile from his chest. Local police said they were investigating and attempting to find the suspected shooter.

Warinussy is known as a lawyer and human rights defender in Papua because of his dedication to advocating for the rights of the Papuan people. He leads the Research Institute for Legal Aid Assessment and Development (LP3BH) in Manokwari.

He has received various national and international awards for his human rights work, including the John Humphrey Freedom Award in 2005. This award recognized his efforts in exposing gross human rights violations in West Papua and defending the rights of the marginalized, despite facing repeated intimidation and threats. (*)


3) Brimob-Cartenz team in Mulia to restore law and order

  •  July 18, 2024 20:13 GMT+700

Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) - A joint team from the Papua Police's Mobile Brigade (Brimob) unit and Operation Peace Cartenz Task Force reached Mulia, Puncak Jaya district, Central Papua, on Thursday to help restore law and order following Wednesday's unrest.

They joined their counterparts from the Puncak Jaya Police to commence efforts to restore law and order in the wake of the unrest that left one resident dead and four others wounded.

According to the chief of the Puncak Jaya Police, Adjunct Commissioner Kuswara, the resident who died of wounds inflicted by a sharp weapon was identified as Abdulah Jaelani (30).

Currently, the overall situation in the area is relatively conducive, but police personnel are continuing to exercise vigilance as many residents are still afraid of resuming outdoor and economic activities, he said.

The unrest on Wednesday (July 17) broke out following the deaths of three insurgents from the Teranus Enumbi-led armed group operating in Karubate village, Muara sub-district, Puncak Jaya, the previous day.

The rebels, identified as SW (33), YW (41), and DW (36), died in a gunfight with the RK 753/AVR Infantry Battalion Task Force, according to the XVII Cenderawasih Regional Military Command.

Meanwhile, the four persons who were injured in the unrest that broke out in Mulia, the capital of Puncak Jaya district, on Wednesday were identified as Novald Dermawan, Arief, Safrudin, and Bude Nina, Kuswara said.

They sustained injuries after rioters resorted to stone-pelting and mounted attacks using arrows and sharp weapons. The rioters also torched several vehicles that were parked near Mulia Public Hospital.

Over the past few years, armed rebel groups have often employed hit-and-run tactics against Indonesian security personnel and mounted acts of terror against civilians in the districts of Intan Jaya, Nduga, and Puncak to incite fear among the people.

The targets of such acts of terror have included construction workers, motorcycle taxi (ojek) drivers, teachers, students, street food vendors, and also, civilian aircraft.

On February 7, 2023, New Zealand pilot Phillip Mark Mehrtens was taken hostage by the Egianus Kogoya-led armed group.

He was piloting an aircraft belonging to Indonesian airline Susi Air when the armed group captured him. Members of the group set his aircraft on fire shortly after it landed in Nduga district.

On October 16, 2023, Papuan separatists attacked several traditional gold miners in Yahukimo district, Papua Pegunungan province, killing seven of them.

On April 10, 2024, the commandant of the 1703-04 Aradide Sub-district Military Command, Second Lieutenant Oktovianus Sogalrey, was shot dead by Papuan rebels in Paniai district, Central Papua. 

Related news: Police, army deployed at Papua hospital after rebel threat: official

Related news: Armed Papuan insurgent shot in thigh in Central Papua: Police

Translator: Evarukdijati, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Tia Mutiasari


4) Indonesia-Papua New Guinea meeting highlights defence, development cooperation

Attending the third Indonesia-PNG Leaders Dialogue, PM Marape’s visit to the Bogor Palace in West Java heralded three memorandums of understanding on border movement, border transportation and education, as well as a renewed MoU on cooperation in the health sector.

Yvette Tanamal The Jakarta Post

JAKARTA – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Monday met with visiting Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape to emphasize the importance of cooperation in security and development, amid simmering tensions in the region and Jakarta’s increased emphasis on maintaining ties with its Pacific island neighbors.

Viewing the country as Indonesia’s “strategic partner”, Jakarta hopes that the PNG will aid its efforts in collaborating with Pacific island regional groups such as the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) and Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), Jokowi said after his bilateral meeting with Marape.

Attending the third Indonesia-PNG Leaders Dialogue, Marape’s visit to the Bogor Palace in West Java heralded three memorandums of understanding (MoUs) on border movement, border transportation and education, as well as a renewed MoU on cooperation in the health sector.

“I’m delighted by PM Marape’s visit to Indonesia, which displays the ever-tightening brotherhood between Indonesia and the PNG,” said Jokowi.

“Indonesia is committed to supporting the development of the PNG and other Pacific island countries. […] We appreciate and continue to count on the PNG’s support in elevating our cooperation with the Pacific.”

Among the top topics of discussion were cooperation in defense, energy and trade, with Jokowi also emphasizing the need to advance the Indonesia-PNG preferential trade agreement.

Marape’s visit also welcomed a fresh supply of Indonesian electricity through a collaboration between their state-owned electricity companies, Indonesia’s PLN and PNG Power, bringing power to the PNG border village of Wutung.

In recent years, Indonesia has put in diplomatic efforts to intensify its engagement with Pacific island nations, such as through financially investing in their development projects.

Experts have said Jakarta has much to benefit from good relations with its Oceanian neighbors given its geographical and political importance, particularly amid rivalry between the United States and China in the Indo-Pacific region.

Additionally, experts have said the relationship between Pacific island nations and the separatist Free Papua Movement (OPM) has on various occasions proved to be a diplomatic liability for Indonesia, with numerous international actors demanding accountability in response to reports of human rights abuses inflicted by Indonesian authorities.

After his Bogor stopover, Marape went to Jakarta to visit defense minister and president-elect Prabowo Subianto at his office in Jakarta, where the two discussed future cooperation.

“There is a lot that we can continue together,” Prabowo said. “We want to maintain good ties, and [the PNG] has a similar philosophy to that of Indonesia. They want to respect all countries and all powers. We do not wish to join any blocs.”

Earlier this year, Indonesia and PNG implemented a historic Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) that took over a decade to negotiate, to strengthen military ties between the two countries, including through the exchange of personnel for training, logistical support and intelligence cooperation.


5) Rights of Sumuri indigenous community under threat in Teluk Bintuni

A National Strategic Project (PSN) Teluk Bintuni Regency, Papua Barat Province, has sparked concerns over the potential violation of indigenous land rights. The project, handled by Genting Oil Kasuri Pte. Ltd, is accused of failing to implement Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) principles with the affected Sumuri indigenous community.
Environmental activist Sulfianto Alias raised the alarm after obtaining a draft agreement containing a clause on the release of customary land by the Sumuri people. This, he argues, contradicts the fact that the community already holds state recognition for their land.
Sulfianto criticises the Teluk Bintuni government for a lack of commitment to protecting indigenous rights. He emphasises the need for the government to safeguard customary rights after granting recognition. He urges Genting Oil to adhere to FPIC principles and ensure transparent communication regarding land use plans with the Sumuri community.
The current agreement’s land release clause, according to Sulfianto, violates Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning FPIC implementation in Indonesia. He warns of potential legal action if the government and Genting Oil fail to comply with the law.
The symbolic handover of compensation money to the seven Sumuri clans for land use was also cancelled due to dissatisfaction with the agreement’s lack of clarity on land contracts and lease durations. While community leader Tarsisius Dorisara acknowledges the agreed compensation amount, he emphasises the community’s desire for a transparent cooperation contract outlining the specific lease terms.


Tamil Guardian

6) International tribunal demands end to Indonesia’s 'cold genocide' in West Papua  
18 July 2024

The “Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on State and Environmental Violence in West Papua” took place last month at Queen Mary University of London.

A panel of tribunal experts heard evidence from numerous international NGOs and local civil society organisations as well as testimonies from individuals who have witnessed human rights violations and environmental destruction.

The Tribunal stated that the Indonesian state has forcibly taken Indigenous Papuan lands through racial discrimination, leading to cultural loss and violent repression, including unlawful detention, extrajudicial killings, displacement, and environmental degradation. It urged the international community, particularly the UN, to respond urgently to the situation in Papua.

The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) is a public opinion tribunal based on the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples (Algiers, 1976) and on all the instruments of  international law; the various chapters of the PPT have sought to struggle against impunity and to promote respect for human rights, access to justice and the re-appropriation of the human rights instruments; the PPT is able to adjudicate flagrant, systemic and systematic violations of the rights  of peoples;

It combined legal scholars, right-defending NGOs, and West Papuans in exile, with eye-witnesses from West Papua connecting via online calls. These tribunals examine international law, but cannot enforce their judgement. The Indonesian state is accused of the following, 

The Indonesian state is accused of taking the ancestral land of the Indigenous Papuan people against their will, employing racial discrimination which leads to the loss of culture, traditions and Indigenous knowledge, erases their history and subsumes them into the Indonesian national narrative. 

The Indonesian state is accused of violent repression, including unlawful detention, extra-judicial killing, and population displacement in West Papua as a means of furthering industrial development.

The Indonesian state is accused of organised environmental degradation, including the destruction of eco-systems, contamination of land, the poisoning of rivers and their tributaries and of providing the permits, concessions and legal structure of non-compliance for national and foreign companies to invest in West Papua in a way that encourages environmental degradation.

The Indonesian state is accused of colluding with national and foreign companies to cause environmental degradation, population displacement and sustain violent repression in West Papua.

The panel of experts comprised of Teresa Almeida Cravo (Portugal), Donna Andrews (South Africa), Daniel Feierstein (Argentina), Marina Forti (Italy), Larry Lohmann (UK), Nello Rossi (Italy), and Solomon Yeo (Solomon Islands), according to the website of Queen Mary University of London

The territory of West Papua refers to the Western half of the island of New Guinea, partitioned as a result of European colonial settlement. West Papuans, an Indigenous Melanesian people, have been engaged in a struggle for their right to self-determination since colonisation by the Netherlands in 1898.

Responding to the final statement of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on Papua in London, Amnesty International Indonesia’s executive director Usman Hamid said:

“The final statement truly mirrors the deteriorating developments in Papua. Their historic findings signal the depth of human rights violations and environmental destruction in the region.

“The tribunal is a great start to paving the way to justice in Papua and we hope that it serves as an opportunity for the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Papua, to acknowledge their suffering and to support their fight for human rights.

“The Indonesian authorities have continuously failed to end the conflict that keeps claiming more civilian lives in the region. It is therefore essential for authorities to evaluate its military operations and business activities by corporate actors to ensure the recovery and the protection of human rights in Papua.

“This arduous path of justice for Papuans must end. It is high time for the international community to call on the Indonesian authorities to end the long-established violence.”

Read more here and here

A google translate.
Original Bahasa link.

7) Armed conflict in Papua Land is getting more complicated, increasingly difficult to resolve 
July 18, 2024 in Polhukam, Tanah Papua
Author: Theo Kelen -
Editor: Aryo Wisanggeni

Refugees from Agandugune and Woneri Districts to Sinak District in Puncak Regency, Central Papua Province in July 2024.- Doc. Mis Murib

Jayapura, Jubi – The armed conflict in Papua is considered increasingly complicated and therefore increasingly difficult to resolve. There has been no seriousness from the Indonesian government in opening up a substantive dialogue space to resolve the root causes of the Papua conflict. The distribution of armed conflict areas between the TNI/Polri security forces and the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) is increasingly widespread. Incidents of armed conflict are also increasingly frequent, and often civilians/ordinary people become victims. When victims occur, the TNI/Polri often immediately issue a verdict that the victim is a member of the TPNPB, and most of the TNI/Polri claims are denied by the TPNPB. Even if the TNI/Polri and TPNPB both admit that the victim is a civilian/ordinary person, the TNI/Polri and TPNPB often accuse each other of who is the perpetrator of violence against the victim. On July 16, 2024, for example, three indigenous Papuans died after being shot by soldiers from the Special Raider Infantry Battalion 753/Arga Vira Tama Infantry Battalion Task Force in Puncak Jaya Regency, Central Papua Province. The Head of Information for the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Regional Command (Kapendam), Lieutenant Colonel Inf Candra Kurniawan immediately stated that the three victims—SW (33), YW (41), and DW (36)—were members of the Free Papua Movement (OPM).

The statement by Kapendam XVII was then denied by the TPNPB Spokesperson, Sebby Sambom. According to him, the three victims were civilians/ordinary people, not members of the TPNPB/OPM. Sambom stated that the victims who died from being shot by TNI soldiers were the Head of Kalome Village, the Head of Dokkome Village, and a civilian.

In the midst of the argument, a mob riot broke out in Mulia, the capital of Puncak Jaya Regency, who were angry to hear of the deaths of the three victims. A form of public reaction that almost never happens when they find out that TPNPB members were shot dead by security forces.

The shooting incident that occurred in Puncak Jaya is a continuation of a long series of armed conflicts that continue to occur in Papua. The Papua Representative Office of the National Human Rights Commission or Komnas HAM Papua noted that in the period January - May 2024 there were 41 violent incidents related to armed conflict in Papua. Komnas HAM Papua data details that the various cases of violence have resulted in up to 53 victims (32 people died, and 21 people were injured). Among them were 12 civilians who died, and 16 civilians were injured. In addition, 11 TPNPB members died and two people were injured. Nine TNI/Polri members also died, and 3 others were injured. Increasingly unresolved Researcher from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Prof. Cahyo Pamungkas said that armed conflicts are increasingly difficult to resolve because the Indonesian government is imposing a security approach in Papua. According to Cahyo, the Indonesian government wants to show its sovereignty through the presence of security forces in Papua. "The state wants to show sovereignty over civilians. The state wants to control Papuans [by] strengthening its role through the military,” Cahyo said. Cahyo said that if this security approach continues, armed conflict will continue to occur and cause a humanitarian crisis. He also criticized the Indonesian government which continues to prioritize a development approach, without listening to the aspirations of the Papuan people. “The number of victims is increasing, the incentives for armed conflict are increasing. Refugees continue to occur. The government prioritizes a security approach, a development approach, the expansion [of Papua Province, and] extending Special Autonomy according to Jakarta’s wishes,” he said.

Cahyo assessed that the approach was chosen by the central government which wanted to narrow the political struggle of the Free Papua movement. On the other hand, said Cahyo, the roots of the Papuan conflict have not been resolved by the Indonesian government. Cahyo said the roots of the conflict were the failure of development, marginalization and discrimination of indigenous Papuans, state violence and accusations of human rights violations, as well as the controversy over the history and political status of the Papua region. According to Cahyo, if the root of the problem is not resolved, the armed resistance movement will continue to be carried out by the TPNPB. "The roots of the conflict must be resolved first. [If not, then], the Papuan conflict will become more and more complicated. There is an ideological problem/political status problem of the Papuan people's desire for independence. There is a problem of marginalization and discrimination, there is a problem of development failure as indicated by the expansion of mining, plantations, food estates [which are carried out] without recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples," he said.

Waiting for peace initiatives Cahyo said that the increasingly complicated armed conflict can only be cooled by growing a peace movement as encouraged by the Papua Peace Network. There needs to be various peace initiatives that emerge from civil society and the government. Cahyo said that dialogue to build peace in Papua must be substantive and involve Papuan conflict actors. According to him, the Indonesian government must be willing to dialogue with groups that want independence. “Currently, there is no initiative offered to resolve the Papuan conflict non-violently. There is an initiative to resolve the Papuan conflict with a security approach and a development approach. There really needs to be [a peace dialogue that] was [pioneered] by the late Pastor Neles Tebay and Muridan S Widjojo [by] prioritizing a human security approach rather than a state security approach,” he said. The Director of LBH Papua, Emanuel Gobay also said that the armed conflict in Papua is increasingly difficult to resolve because the Indonesian government continues to use a security approach. Meanwhile, said Gobay, civilians who are victims and refugees do not receive serious attention from the government. “So that civilians do not become victims, the security approach should be evaluated so that it can then reduce human rights violations. We all know that the choice of a security approach not only [causes] the torture of civilians, but [also causes] people to flee and become victims. That is [the consequence of] the government's choice to resolve the problem in Papua with a security approach," said Gobay on Thursday (7/18/2024). Gobay said that the Indonesian government must find an effective way out of the Papua problem. According to Gobay, resolving the Papua problem can use the approach to resolving the Aceh conflict carried out by the Indonesian government through negotiations with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). Another option is to refer to the approach to resolving the Timor Leste conflict carried out by the Indonesian government through the Right to Self-Determination. "These are two existing references that [can] be carried out by the Indonesian government. Why doesn't [the Indonesian government] think about using these two alternatives in [resolving] the conflict in Papua," he said. New sources of conflict

Head of the Papua National Human Rights Commission Representative Office, Frits Ramandey, said the cycle of violence and armed conflict is increasingly occurring in Papua. Ramandey said the formation of New Autonomous Regions (DOB) through regional expansion has actually led to an escalation of armed conflict. Regional expansion also has the potential to marginalize Papuans even more. “Even if there are many expansions, they will only cause violence, because expansion [has] the potential to marginalize indigenous Papuans. Because, what happens [is that] non-Papuans expand economically. The expansion of large companies attacks the customary rights of indigenous Papuans. [Finally] expansion [has become] a source of [new] conflict and people will play their business interests,” said Ramandey. Ramandey said the cycle of violence and armed conflict must be stopped. Ramandey stated that peaceful dialogue must continue to be encouraged as an effort to resolve the armed conflict in Papua. “Dialogue must continue to be encouraged. If we stop and do not make efforts for dialogue, then it is the same as allowing the cycle of violence to develop continuously. That is why Komnas HAM then initiated a humanitarian dialogue,” he said. Ramandey said the Indonesian government must initiate the peaceful dialogue. Ramandey said the dialogue must involve armed civilian groups/TPNPB, families of victims and victims of human rights violations, government representatives, and political factions of the Papuan independence movement such as the Republic of West Papua (NRPB) or the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP).


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8) TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya Again Carries Out an Attack on the Indonesian Military Post in Sugapa
Press Release from KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters Management as of Wednesday, July 17 2024
Please follow this report!
The management of the KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters has received an official report from Enos Tipagau, Operations Commander of the TPNPB Angin Bula Battalion and Afrianus Bagubau Deputy Commander of the Kinogo Battalion on Wednesday, July 17 2024 at 21:00 pm from the battlefield in the center of Sugapa city that;
TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya has carried out an attack on Indonesian military troops at an Indonesian military post adjacent to Bank Papua. The attack took place from behind Bank Papua towards the Indonesian military post until gunfire occurred for more than 1 hour and ended at 12:10 minutes.
Due to the attack carried out by TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya troops today, via cell phone Major Enos Tipagau and Afrianus Bagubau claimed to have shot 2 members of the Indonesian military during the battle which lasted for more than 1 hour and resulted in several families from Sugapa City Center fleeing towards the Church. Catholics in Sugapa City Center and towards Baitapa village since this afternoon.
And in this attack, Intan Jaya Regional Commander Bridjen Undius Kogoya has deployed TPNPB troops from 4 TPNPB battalions to carry out follow-up attacks in carrying out operational missions in the center of Sugapa City and carrying out attacks on all Indonesian military posts from the end of the plane airport to Titigi village for 1 month forward and ready to take over the city.
In this case, Brigadier General Undius Kogoya ordered all civil and government activities to be stopped immediately starting on Thursday, July 18 2024 so that there would be no further casualties during our party's attack on all Indonesian military posts in Intan Jaya and we had to issue this notification. in accordance with humanitarian law before the war occurred. So the civilians vacated the road from Bilogai to Titigi.
In this case, the TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya troops issued the following statement:
1. The Indonesian government will immediately resolve the issue of political conflict between the Papuan people and the Indonesian government.
2. Foreign countries immediately stopped selling war logistics to the Indonesian government because Indonesia had misused war equipment during the non-international conflict in Papua against TPNPB troops.
3. The President of Indonesia will immediately open access to international human rights institutions to help more than 70 thousand civilians who have been displaced as a result of the war between us and the Indonesian military because of political problems that have not been resolved by the Indonesian government since 1960 until now.
4. The war will never end if the Indonesian government continues to colonize Papuans.
5. The Indonesian military immediately stops taking over civilian functions such as teachers, health workers and others in areas of armed conflict, so the TPNPB is ready to burn down all health and education buildings in the TPNPB operational areas.
6. Intan Jaya will be safe if the Regent of Intan Jaya pulls the Indonesian military out and allows civilians to live without military pressure on children, mothers and adults.
7. All civilians in Intan Jaya have been monitored by TPNPB Kodap VIII and will immediately cease to be Indonesian state intelligence agents.
Person in Charge of TPNPB-OPM National Command Headquarters.
General Goliath Naaman Tabuni
TPNPB-OPM High Commander
Lieutenant General Melchizedek Awom
Deputy Commander of TPNPB-OPM
Mayor General Terianus Satto
Chief of General Staff TPNPB-OPM
Mayor General Lekagak Telenggen
TPNPB-OPM General Operations Commander
Person in Charge of TPNPB OPM Regional Defense Command VIII Intan Jaya
Brigadier General Undius Kogoya
Regional Commander
Lieutenant Colonel Apeni Kobogau
Regional Chief of Staff
Mayor Lewis Kogoya
Kodap Operations Commander
This is the Press Release from the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters as of Wednesday, July 17 2024, and forwarded to all parties by Komnas TPNPB OPM Spokesperson Sebby Sambom.
And thank you for your good cooperation.
TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya Kembali Melakukan Penyerangan Di Pos Militer Indonesia Di Sugapa
Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Per Rabu, 17 Juli 2024
Silahkan ikuti laporan dibawa ini.!
Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB OPM telah menerima laporan resmi dari Enos Tipagau Komandan Operasi TPNPB Batalyon Angin Bula dan Afrianus Bagubau Wakil Komandan Batalyon Kinogo pada hari Rabu, 17 Juli 2024 jam 21:00 malam dari medan perang di pusat kota Sugapa bahwa;
TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya telah melakukan penyerangan terhadap pasukan militer indonesia di pos militer indonesia yang berdekatan dengan Bank Papua. Aksi penyerangan tersebut terjadi dari belakang Bank Papua kearah pos militer indonesia hingga baku tembak terjadi selama 1 jam lebih hingga berakhir pada pukul 12:10 menit.
Atas penyerangan yang dilakukan oleh pasukan TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya pada hari ini, melalui telepon seluler Mayor Enos Tipagau dan Afrianus Bagubau mengklaim telah menembak 2 anggota militer indonesia selama pertempuran terjadi selama 1 jam lebih dan mengakibatkan pilihan keluarga dari Pusat Kota Sugapa mengungsi ke arah Gereja Katolik di Pusat Kota Sugapa hingga ke arah kampung baitapa sejak siang tadi.
Dan dalam penyerangan tersebut Panglima Daerah Intan Jaya Bridjen Undius Kogoya telah menurunkan pasukan TPNPB dari 4 batalyon TPNPB untuk melakukan serang lanjutan dalam melakukan misi operasi di pusat Kota Sugapa dan melakukan penyerangan terhadap seluruh pos militer indonesia dari ujung bandara pesawat hingga di kampung Titigi selama 1 bulan kedepan dan siap ambil alih Kota.
Dalam hal tersebut Bridjen Undius Kogoya memerintahkan kepada semua aktivitas sipil dan pemerintah segera dihentikan mulai pada hari Kamis, 18 Juli 2024 agar tidak adanya jauhnya korban jiwa selama pihak kami melakukan penyerangan di seluruh pos-pos militer indonesia di Intan Jaya dan pemberitahuan tersebut kami harus keluarkan sesuai dengan hukum humaniter sebelum perang terjadi. Maka warga sipil kosongkan ruas jalan Bilogai sampai Titigi.
Dalam hal tersebut pasukan TPNPB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya mengelurakan pernytaan sikap sebagai berikut:
1. Pemerintah Indonesia segera menyelesaikan persoalan konflik politik antara rakyat Papua dan pemerintah indonesia.
2. Negara-negara asing segera hentikan penjualan logistik perang ke Pemerintah Indonesia karena Indonesia telah menyalahgunakan alutsista perang selama konflik Non-Internasional di Papua melawan Pasukan TPNPB.
3.Presiden Indonesia segera buka akses lembaga-lembaga HAM Internasional untuk membantu lebih dari 70 ribu warga sipil yang telah mengungsi akibat perang antara kami dan Militer Indonesia karena masalah politik yang belum diselesaikan oleh pemerintah indonesia sejak tahun 1960 sampai sekarang.
4. Perang tidak akan pernah usai jika pemerintah indonesia masih saja melakukan penjajahan terhadap orang Papua.
5. Militer Indonesia segera hentikan ambil alih fungsi sipil seperti menjadi guru, tenaga kesehatan, dan lainnya di wilayah konflik bersenjata maka demikian TPNPB siap membakar habis semua bangunan kesehatan dan pendidikan di wilayah operasi TPNPB.
6. Intan Jaya akan aman jika Bupati Intan Jaya tarik militer indonesia keluar dan biarkan warga sipil hidup tanpa adanya tekanan militer bagi anak-anak, ibu-ibu dan orang dewasa.
7.Seluruh warga sipil di Intan Jaya telah dalam pantauan TPNPB Kodap VIII maka segera berhenti menjadi agen intelejen negara indonesia.
Penanggung Jawab Markas Pusat Komando Nasional TPNPB-OPM.
Jenderal Goliath Naaman Tabuni
Panglima Tinggi TPNPB-OPM
Letnan Jenderal Melkisedek Awom
Wakil Panglima TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Terianus Satto
Kepala Staf Umum TPNPB-OPM
Mayor Jenderal Lekagak Telenggen
Komandan Operasi Umum TPNPB-OPM
Penanggung Jawab TPNPB OPM Komando Daerah Pertahanan VIII Intan Jaya
Brigadir Jenderal Undius Kogoya
Panglima Daerah
Letnan Kolonel Apeni Kobogau
Kepala Staf Daerah
Mayor Lewis Kogoya
Komandan Operasi Kodap
Demikian Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB Per Rabu, 17 Juli 2024, Dan diteruskan kepada semua Pihak Oleh Jubir Komnas TPNPB OPM Sebby Sambom.
Dan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik.


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