Wednesday, July 31, 2024

1) TPNPB OPM Attacks Indonesian Military Post in Intan Jaya, One TNI Soldier Claimed Dead and Military Vehicle Damaged

2)  W Papua: 167 students qualify for higher education affirmation program  

3) Central Papua officials urged to stay neutral for 2024 Pilkada  

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1) TPNPB OPM Attacks Indonesian Military Post in Intan Jaya, One TNI Soldier Claimed Dead and Military Vehicle Damaged
August 1, 2024 in Press Release, Politics, Law and Security

Author: Admin Jubi - Editor: Edho Sinaga

Intan Jaya, Jubi – The West Papua National Liberation Army of the Free Papua Movement (TPNPB OPM) carried out an attack on an Indonesian military post in Titigi Village, Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua. They claimed that this attack resulted in one TNI soldier being killed, one injured, and an armored military vehicle being damaged.

The KOMNAS TPNPB OPM Headquarters Management issued a press release stating that Enos Tipagau, the TPNPB OPM Operations Commander of Kodap VIII Intan Jaya from the Angin Bula Battalion, reported the incident by telephone on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at 20.30 WP (Papua Time). In the report, Tipagau admitted that the attack was carried out at 13:00 WP and that the TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya was fully responsible for the incident.

"TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya is ready to take responsibility for the attack on Indonesian military personnel who were carrying out state security duties at the Titigi Village Military Post," said Enos Tipagau in his report delivered through TPNPB OPM Spokesperson, Sebby Sembom to Jubi via press release.

He also confirmed that the attack killed one TNI soldier and injured another. In addition, an armored military vehicle belonging to the TNI was damaged by the shooting.

In the press release, TPNPB OPM Kodap VIII Intan Jaya also submitted a demand to the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, to immediately hold international negotiations to resolve the armed conflict in West Papua. They requested that these negotiations be held before Jokowi's term ends and to immediately resolve the issue of human rights violations in Papua.

TPNPB OPM emphasized that the war they are waging is a guerrilla war that will not stop until the Indonesian government is ready to resolve the armed conflict in Papua through international negotiations.
"This war will never stop until the Indonesian government is ready to resolve the armed conflict in Papua through international negotiations and we will prove who is wrong in seizing the rights of indigenous peoples in Papua," said Tipagau through Sebby Sembom.

In addition, TPNPB OPM also called on all Papuans who work as Indonesian military personnel to immediately stop being "traitors to the Papuan nation”.

They threatened to prosecute anyone involved in the killing of fellow Papuans. "We have seen a lot of evidence of the killings they have committed, so sooner or later you will be tried by the Papuans themselves for your crimes," he added.

The attack has added to tensions in the Papua region, which has long been a conflict zone between armed groups and the Indonesian government. The TPNPB OPM continues to carry out attacks on security forces as part of their struggle for West Papuan independence.

The press release was signed by several high-ranking TPNPB-OPM leaders, including General Goliath Naaman Tabuni, Commander-in-Chief of the TPNPB-OPM; Lieutenant General Melkisedek Awom, Deputy Commander of the TPNPB-OPM; Major General Terianus Satto, Chief of General Staff of the TPNPB-OPM; Major General Lekagak Telenggen, Commander of General Operations of the TPNPB-OPM; and Brigadier General Undius Kogoya, Commander of the Intan Jaya VIII Defense Region.

The Headquarters Management of KOMNAS TPNPB OPM through its spokesperson, Sebby Sambom, emphasized that the relevant parties should immediately respond to the demands submitted by TPNPB OPM. (*)


2)  W Papua: 167 students qualify for higher education affirmation program  

July 31, 2024 19:28 GMT+700

Manokwari, West Papua (ANTARA) - As many as 167 students from seven districts of West Papua province have qualified for the 2024 higher education affirmation program.

Acting secretary of West Papua, Yacob Fonataba, said here on Wednesday that prospective students of the affirmation program attended a briefing organized by the provincial education office.

The students came from Manokwari, South Manokwari, Arfak Mountains, Bintuni Bay, Wondama Bay, Kaimana, and Fakfak districts.

They will pursue higher education outside Papua in regions such as Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Maluku, and Bali Islands.

"Prospective students are equipped with knowledge about the area they will go to and the rules that must be followed," Fonataba said.

He noted that the higher education affirmation program is one of the government's efforts to prepare quality and competitive human resources for the future.

The affirmation program provides benefits for all young people, especially from West Papua, who face financial difficulties in pursuing higher education.

At least 1,075 people from West Papua have started pursuing higher education under this year's affirmation program, according to the province's education office.

Related news: W Papua: Environmental education diffusing through conservation areas

Related news: Addressing inequality in Indonesia's quality education

Translator: Fransiskus W, Kenzu
Editor: Tia Mutiasari


3) Central Papua officials urged to stay neutral for 2024 Pilkada  
July 31, 2024 18:42 GMT+700

Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) - Acting Governor of Central Papua Ribka Haluk urged local officials to remain neutral ahead of the 2024 regional elections (Pilkada) on November 27.

"Let me stress that being neutral is mandatory for all local officials and regional heads in eight districts so that Pilkada can be implemented well," she remarked on Wednesday.

She said that her administration also encouraged the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkompinda), religious leaders, and the community to maintain stability and public security.

"All must be monitored so that everything is fair and neutral, and Pilkada can be implemented well," she emphasized.

She called on regional heads to build communication with the Regional Election Commission (KPUD), the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), the military, and the police to support Pilkada.

She also called on all civil servants in the province to carry out their duties so that public services can be optimal.

Related news: Central Papuan regions should develop cultural park: Deputy Minister
Related news: Central govt vows to develop Highland Papua, says Indonesian official

Translator: Qadri P, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso


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