Wednesday, October 2, 2024

1) TNI raises five battalions for Papua food resilience program

2) Indonesian Military Establishes Five New Battalions for Papua Security

3) A conservation treasure is threatened by Indonesian plans for food security

4) Supreme Court upholds acquittal of human rights activists Fatia Maulidyanti and Haris Azhar


1) TNI raises five battalions for Papua food resilience program 
 October 2, 2024 20:00 GMT+700

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) General Agus Subiyanto on Wednesday inaugurated five infantry battalions (Yonif) to support the government's food resilience program in Papua region.

The battalions will be dispatched to five regions of Papua to collaborate with the Agriculture Ministry and local residents to cultivate essential crops, including rice, he said.

"These battalions are specialized in different aspects, such as construction and production. We will carry out agricultural programs in Papua with their help," he told journalists after the inauguration in the National Monument (Monas) area, Central Jakarta.

The battalions include Yonif 801/Ksatria Yuddha Kentswuri, which will be stationed in Keerom, Papua Province; Yonif 802/Wimane Mambe Jaya, which will be posted in Sarmi, Papua; Yonif 803/Nduka Adyatma Yuddha, which will be sent to Boven Digoel, South Papua; and Yonif 804/Dharma Bhakti Asasta Yudha, which will work in Merauke, South Papua.

Meanwhile, Yonif 805/Ksatria Satya Waninggap will be based in Sorong, Southwest Papua.

Based on data obtained by ANTARA, each infantry battalion consists of 691 personnel drawn from different regional military commands (Kodam) across the country.

Kodam I/Bukit Barisan has dispatched 150 soldiers, Kodam II/Sriwijaya 150 soldiers, Kodam III/Siliwangi 450 personnel, Kodam IV/Diponegoro 400 officers, Kodam V/Brawijaya 230 personnel, and Kodam VI/Mulawarman has fielded 25 officers for the battalions.

Furthermore, Kodam IX/Udayana has contributed 306 soldiers, Kodam XII/Tanjungpura 43 officers, Kodam XIII/Merdeka 157 personnel, Kodam XIV/Hasanuddin 225 soldiers, Kodam XVI/Pattimura 294 officers, Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih 100 soldiers, and Kodam XVIII/Kasuari has sent 20 personnel.

Meanwhile, the Jaya Kodam of Jakarta and Iskandar Muda Kodam of Aceh have contributed 350 and 100 soldiers, respectively, to the special battalions. 

Related news: Army to develop 500 ha rice fields in Nabire, Papua
Related news: Agriculture Ministry develops climate change-adaptive rice varieties

Translator: Genta T, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Rahmad Nasution


2) Indonesian Military Establishes Five New Battalions for Papua Security

Bella Evanglista Mikaputri   
October 3, 2024 | 3:05 am

Jakarta. The Indonesian Military has established five new infantry battalions to be deployed in conflict-prone areas of Papua, Armed Forces Commander General Agus Subiyanto announced on WednesdayThe primary mission of these battalions is to maintain security and support the government’s development efforts in the eastern region of Indonesia.“We have inaugurated five battalions to be stationed in vulnerable areas of Papua. Their goal is to assist the government in accelerating development and improving the prosperity of the Papuan people,” Agus said during a press briefing in Jakarta.These ground forces will help secure major government projects, such as the food security program covering over 1,000 hectares of crops in Merauke Regency, and key road construction projects across Papua.

The newly established units are:

  • Ksatria Yuddha Kentsuwri 801st Infantry Battalion for Keerom Regency,
  • Wimane Mambe Jaya 802nd Infantry Battalion for Sarmi Regency,
  • Nduka Adyatma Yuddha 803rd Infantry Battalion for Boven Digoel Regency,
  • Dharma Bhakti Asasta Yudha 804th Infantry Battalion for Merauke Regency, and
  • Ksatria Satya Waninggap 805th Infantry Battalion for Sorong Regency.

In recent years, Papua has seen an escalation in insurgent activity, with sporadic attacks on both civilian and military targets. The Free Papua Movement (OPM) has been responsible for abductions and killings, particularly targeting construction workers involved in key infrastructure projects aimed at improving connectivity in the region.

A notable incident involved the abduction of New Zealand pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens, who was held hostage by an OPM rebel group for nearly 20 months before being released last month.


3) A conservation treasure is threatened by Indonesian plans for food security

Military-led project also risks stirring resentment in the easternmost Papua region, researchers say.
Stephen Wright
 for RFA 2024.10.02 Bangkok

Indonesia’s military is taking a leading role in plans to convert more than 2 million hectares of wetlands and savannah into rice farms and sugarcane plantations in a part of conflict-prone Papua that conservationists say is an environmental treasure.

The military’s involvement has added to perceptions that it is increasingly intruding into civilian areas in Indonesia and prompted a warning that it would bring bloodshed to Merauke, a regency in South Papua province slated to become a giant food estate. 

It’s an area of easternmost Indonesia that has largely avoided violence during the decades-long armed conflict between Indonesia and indigenous Papuans seeking their own state. 

The plans are part of the government’s ambitions for the nation of 270 million people to achieve food and energy self-sufficiency. They highlight the tension globally between the push for economic development in lower-income countries and protection of the diminishing number of pristine ecosystems.

Taken together, the sugarcane and rice projects for Merauke represent at least a fifth of a 10,000-square-kilometer (38,600-square-mile) lowland known as the TransFly, which spans Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Its name comes from the Fly River – a squiggle on the otherwise straight line on the map that marks the border of the two countries on New Guinea island. 

The great expanse of wetlands, grasslands and pockets of tropical rainforest in the south of the island is “globally outstanding,” said Eric Wikramanayake, a conservation biologist who wrote about its significance for a book on conservation regions in Asia.

Researchers say it is home to half of the bird species found in New Guinea including about 80 that exist nowhere else and other endemic animals such as the pig-nosed turtle and cat-like carnivorous marsupials.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has called it a “global treasure” and a proposed World Heritage listing says no other place in the region compares to it, including the famous Kakadu national park in northern Australia.  

“If you were to convert a lot of the TransFly into agriculture then it’s going to change the conservation assessment, it will make it much more threatened,” Wikramanayake said.

“There is going to be some impact and those impacts, it’s like opening the can of worms” in paving the way for further development, he said.  

For Ahmad Rizal Ramdhani, the major-general who heads Indonesia’s National Food Security Taskforce, the area targeted for development is swamps that should be converted to agriculture to realize their “extraordinary” fertile potential.

He told a 40-minute-long podcast with state broadcaster Radio Indonesia in August that the 1 million-hectare rice component of the agricultural plans was being funded by the government and overseen by the military and agriculture ministry. The sugar cane plantations and a related bioethanol industry are funded by private investors, he said.

Wearing an indigenous Papuan headdress, Ramdhani said he envisioned that Papuans would ask “Mr. TNI” – the initials of the name for the Indonesian military – for help with cultivating their customary lands. 

Sacred and conservation areas would be protected and the land would remain in the ownership of indigenous Papuans, he said.

“To the people of Papua, especially those in Merauke, there is no need to worry and doubt, there is no need to be afraid,” Ramdhani said.

In seemingly contradictory remarks, Ramdhani said the conversion to rice paddy needed to be carried out in three years to ensure food security, but rice would also be exported – to Pacific island countries and Australia because it’s too expensive to send it to Java, Indonesia’s most populated island. 

Analysis of land-use maps shows areas designated for rice overlap with conservation areas, indigenous sacred places and ancestral trails and hunting grounds, said Franky Samperante, director of Indonesian civil society organization Pusaka. 

Pusaka said in a report in September that more than 200 excavators had begun clearing wetlands, customary forests and other lands belonging to the Malind Makleuw indigenous people in Ilwayab, Merauke. 

Members of the community protested against the rice project during a Sept. 24 reception for Indonesian officials, video shows. 

Women with faces caked in white mud to symbolize grief wore cardboard signs around their necks that said “We reject the Jhonlin Group company” – an Indonesian conglomerate that is reportedly a key part of the agricultural projects.

Earlier government and military-led attempts to develop agriculture in Merauke, including in the last decade, led to land grabs and other problems.

‘Risk of resentment’

The military’s leadership of the rice program adds to perceptions it is increasingly intruding into civilian areas, according to three Indonesian security researchers.

The large agricultural projects could fuel pro-independence sentiment and grievances over environmental destruction, said military analyst Raden Mokhamad Luthfi at Al Azhar University Indonesia.

“There’s a real risk that the project could spark new resentment from OPM [Organisasi Papua Merdeka-Free Papua Movement], who may view it as further evidence of inequality, injustice, and environmental harm faced by Papuans,” he told BenarNews.

Justification for the military’s role in the Merauke project, Luthfi said, is based on the concept of food security outlined in Indonesia’s 2015 defense white paper. 

Officers at the army staff college perceived a security threat from possible food shortages in the future caused by climate change and population growth, he said. However, the white paper also said food security efforts should be led by civilian ministries.

Hipolitus Wangge, a researcher at Australian National University, said the military had silenced discontent among Papuans during a failed program last decade to make Merauke into a major center of food production.

“We should expect more discontent, even bloodshed in Merauke in the next five years,” he told Radio Free Asia.


Indonesia’s massive sugar-bioethanol project in South Papua causes locals to fear exploitation

Indonesian military apologizes to Papuans, detains soldiers linked to tortured civilian

In Southeast Asia, protecting the environment is its own hazard

The Indonesian government’s development plans for the region and armed conflict were likely behind the demise of a once ambitious plan to protect the TransFly environment.

WWF’s Indonesia and Papua New Guinea chapters made a concerted attempt in the early-to-mid 2000s to develop a conservation plan and expand protected areas. Within a few years, the effort had foundered. 

At the time, the WWF waxed lyrical about the environmental significance of the TransFly but the conservation group’s Indonesian chapter now says it “recognizes the importance of national strategic projects, such as the Food Estate initiative in Merauke, in addressing Indonesia’s food security challenges.” 

The conservation program ended in 2016 because of insecurity in Papua and lack of resources, WWF Indonesia spokeswoman Diah Sulistiowati told Radio Free Asia (RFA), a news service affiliated with BenarNews.

“We understand that the government prioritizes this [agricultural] development to meet the growing demand for food and to support national food security goals,” she said.

WWF Indonesia is helping to ensure development of the TransFly region respects “rich ecological and cultural values,” Sulistiowati said, through its past recommendations for protection of high conservation value forests, cultural heritage sites and areas crucial to indigenous communities.

A lesser heralded aspect of the TransFly’s importance is that it’s one of a diminishing number of wetland stopovers for migratory birds that make epic journeys along a millenia-old Asian “flyway” stretching from Alaska to New Zealand.

“Whatever few wetlands and bird habitats that are used by these birds should be conserved,” said Wikramanayake, the conservation biologist. “There could be some sort of tipping point that causes the flyway to collapse.” 


4) Supreme Court upholds acquittal of human rights activists Fatia Maulidyanti and Haris Azhar

On 24 September 2024, the Indonesian Supreme Court delivered a significant victory for civil liberties by upholding the acquittal of human rights activists Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti (see top image, source: FM). The case, which stemmed from allegations of defamation against Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, had drawn widespread attention due to its implications for freedom of expression and the right to criticize public officials. The Supreme Court’s decision to reject the prosecutor’s appeal affirms the lower court’s ruling that Azhar and Maulidiyanti did not commit any criminal acts as charged under various articles of Indonesian law, including the Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) Law.
The case originated from the activists’ public statements regarding alleged conflicts of interest involving Minister Luhut Pandjaitan in mining operations in Papua. During the initial trial, evidence emerged suggesting Luhut’s role as a beneficiary owner of PT Tobacom Del Mandiri, which was involved in business exploration in Papua alongside other companies. The court’s recognition of these facts has sparked calls for further investigation into potential legal violations related to mining activities in the region. The Advocacy Team for Democracy (TAUD), representing Azhar and Maulidiyanti, has urged law enforcement officials to conduct thorough investigations into the alleged conflict of interest and to follow up on recommendations from a study titled “The Political Economy of Military Deployment, Case Study of Intan Jaya in Papua.”
This landmark decision is being hailed as a crucial step in protecting civil liberties and environmental activists in Indonesia. Legal experts argue that the ruling should serve as a precedent for future cases involving the criminalization of activists and human rights defenders. The concept of Anti-Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) has been emphasized, highlighting the importance of safeguarding individuals who speak out on matters of public interest. The Supreme Court’s decision not only supports Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti’s cause of demanding accountability but also sends a strong message about the right of citizens to critique public officials without fear of legal repercussions in Indonesia.


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