2) Operations to Free Hostage in Papua Will Continue: Wiranto
WPLA says fighting won’t stop
- By Len Garae
WPLA soldiers
By Len Garae
Following news of the stand by West Papua Liberation Army or TPNPB that the fighting at Freeport Gold Mine won’t stop unless Jakarta closes the Mine, Port Vila-based Spokeman and human rights activist for WPLA, Sebby Bambom, has clarified and alleged that the reported destruction of three cars and one helicopter in a raid on a police post last week also included the killing of a senior Indonesian police officer.
Field Operations Commander of Tembagapura Defense Region Command of WPLA, Gusby Waker has declared war on the Indonesian Army and Police at Freeport Gold Mine and confirmed his men shot dead an Indonesian
senior police officer at a police post, while the enemy has killed two WPLA soldiers and wounded six.
The Commander has issued the following demands:
“• That we WPLA (TPNPB) demand the Indonesian military not to attack using rocket bombs;
“• That since the war began on October 22, 2017 until November 18, it has resulted in two of our soldiers dead and six injured by rocket bomb attack by the Indonesian military in Kembeli Village on November 17;
“• That our WPLA (TPNPB) convey to the countries supporting the struggle for the right of self-determination for the people of West Papua to urge the United Nations to send a team of UN Peacekeepers to west Papua;
“• That our WPLA convey to all Indonesian media that we are not “Armed Civilians (KKB)” but that we are “WPLA (TPNPB)”, fighting against Indonesian Military for the right of self-determination from the Colonial Government of Indonesia;
“• That WPLA (TPNPB) won’t accept any negotiation from the Military and the Indonesian Police through Church Leaders, NGOs, customary figures and any team established by the Government of Indonesia,
prior to the involvement of neutral parties of the United Nations in West Papua;
“• That, all international and local groups and organisations supporting the struggle for West Papuan people to be clear that the war at Freeport Gold Mine demands nothing more than self-determination for West Papua;
“• That we WPLA convey to the international community that the Indonesian Navy has sent a warship, ‘Slamet 352’, to the Timika region of Papua. The ship is carrying armaments for the Indonesian military. Therefore,
we also appeal to the International community, especially the supporting countries incorporated with the Pacific Coalition for West Papua forum to urge UN to send UN peacekeepers to West Papua.”
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