Saturday, May 18, 2024

AWPA condemns heavy -handed approach to protests in Kanaky


AWPA condemns heavy -handed approach to protests in Kanaky


Media statement 19 May 2024


The Australia West Papua Association stands in solidarity with the Kanak People.


New Caledonia is a colony of France. It’s on the UN list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. 


Joe Collins of AWPA said, “like all colonial powers anywhere in the world, the first response to what started as peaceful protests is to send in more troops, declare a state of emergency and of course accuse a foreign power of fermenting unrest”.  “In fact, the unrest is being caused by France itself”.   


The French parliament recently passed reforms to local provincial elections in New Caledonia, allowing French residents who have lived there for 10 years to vote.


This change to the electoral reform is against the terms of the 1998 Noumea Accord.  The Noumea Accord agreed that only the  Indigenous Kanak people and long-term residents would  be eligible to vote in provincial and local referendums.


Similar  to the situation in West Papua where Indonesian security forces crack down on peaceful demonstrations , the French security forces have also responded  with a heavy-handed approach, cracking down on protestors and arresting  hundreds.


The usual tough approach from politicians: French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal told reporters , “France will show the utmost firmness towards looters and rioters and toughen sanctions” .  Such short-sighted statements do not look at the underlying causes of the protests.


The main pro-independence party, the Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS), has denounced the reforms and has proposed establishing a  dialogue and mediation to discuss  a way forward.


France should listen to the Kanak people. 




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