1) NZ government response on Papua questions a cop-out, says Greens MP.
3) Police tactics and catch Activist Killed In KNPB
4) Chronological Hubertus Murder Arrest & Mabel
5) UK Embassy denies fake journalism in Bintang Papua article
6) Reverting to the DOM era: Papua back to being a Zone of Military Operations
7) DAP strongly condemns destruction of their ethnic home in Lapago region by TNI/Polri
RNZI Posted at 05:42 on 19 December, 2012 UTC
A New Zealand Green Party MP has strongly criticised the government over its response to questions regarding ongoing violence in Indonesia’s Papua region.
Throughout this year, Catherine Delahunty has lodged dozens of questions with the government about how it engages with Indonesia, a major trading partner, over security and human rights issues in Papua.
This includes questions about the New Zealand police training programme in Papua.
She has sought comment from the foreign minister about recent shootings of Papuan activists in the Highlands.
“I’ve been consistently asking questions of Murray McCully about the police shootings and all I get back are these bland replies saying that the New Zealand government is aware of these events but hasn’t raised any matters with the Indonesian President. I just think it’s a complete avoidance tactic. I think that they just don’t care how many people die in West Papua.”
Catherine Delahunty
RNZI Posted at 18:30 on 19 December, 2012 UTC
The New Zealand Green Party MP says the government’s stand on issues in Indonesia’s Papua is ironic given its principled line when dealing with Fiji.
Catherine Delahunty has been asking more questions of the government about how it engages with Indonesia, a major trading partner, on security and human rights issues in Papua.
This includes questions about the New Zealand police training programme in Papua.
She says the Foreign Minister Murray McCully says that his government is aware of ongoing violence and rights abuses but rarely takes up such matters with Indonesia’s government.
“You know, I find it very ironic that they (the government) are up in arms about Fiji and certainly things like torture in Fijian prisons are disturbing but we now have, on a weekly basis, military and police killings, harassment, torture, arrests of West Papuans who are simply standing up for their self-determination.”
A google translate of article on KNPB blog. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic but can be useful as a guide. Original bahasa below translation.
3) Police tactics and catch Activist Killed In KNPB
December 19, 2012 By: admin Category: Documents, News
Jayapura, KNPBnews - Terror, intimidation, arrests, imprisonment until the murders seemed endless experienced by activists West Papua National Committee [KNPB]. Radical militant attitude and fight for their independence in West Papua that is the reason why the Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia) was warned, and the brutal act in the face of increasingly fierce resistance movement KNPB far.
Since KNPB was formed in 2008, peaceful demonstrations led to the consolidation of the mass of the mass is KNPB to almost all areas of West Papua make Homeland use various tactics to silence and destroy the movement KNPB has an extensive international network as well as the consolidation of the grassroots and the armed opposition groups are spread all over West Papua.
Indonesia strongly feel threatened that KNPB with peace and dignity repeatedly demanded the right of self-determination under international law that regulated it can be done be done in West Papua through a fair referendum. KNPB through the establishment of International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) and the International Lawyers for West Papua (ILWP) continue to sue Indonesian crimes in practice one man one vote (Act of 1969) were harmed by the passion of Indonesia's political economy.
Resistance peace and dignity through seminars, demonstrations, press conference and made KNPB worship with the people of West Papua, Indonesia is considered as a powerful weapon to undermine the power of colonialism on the ground in West Papua. Thus, Indonesia cover a variety of tactics that can be done memandamkan giroh KNPB resistance.
KNPB leaders, ranging from Buchtar Tabuni, Mako Tabuni, Victor Yeimo and its members are in and out of jail, but did not make the fight back and saggy. The only way is to take a stand to kill Indonesian leaders KNPB. To kill the boss, Indonesia with the help of local media such as Bintang Papua and deliver Cepos untrue stories discrediting KNPB as vandals, murderers, terrorists and assorted bad label.
Labels poorly addressed without proof that begins shooting event Mako Tabuni. Mako Tabuni who is chairman I KNPB in mid 2012, the exact date is June 14 Detachment 88 was shot dead by police in Papua. Mako as reported by the Police and the local media that he was involved in the killing of Germans Dietmer Pieter and circuit peritiwa other shootings in the city of Jayapura. But until police shot dead Mako did not show evidence of the Mako Tabuni. Police shootings actually reverse chronological Mako Tabuni, that Mako shot for going against, seized weapons, and fled. In fact, the Mako was not in fact take the fight, seize weapons or escape.
After the death of Mako Tabuni, extrajudicial killings continue to occur to the members of KNPB. In Fak-Fak, 2 members KNPB killed by Indonesian police. Also occurs in the mass shooting in which police shot protesters mass demonstrators in the village of Hope Sentani June 4, 2012. As a result, four of the victims were shot by police in Indonesia. Police deliberately blocking the protesters that chaos and they can easily shoot KNPB activists.
After Tito Karnavian replaced, Papua police using the same scenario. Tito Karnavian kill and destroy method in the media but he is looking for public sympathy through for-for the groceries and money to bases that support KNPB.
Bomb Engineering conducted by Detachment 88 in Wamena that activists KNPB in Wamena can be labeled as terrorists. On 29 September 2012, the police deliberately put the bomb in the Secretariat KNPB and accused board members as perpetrators KNPB and blasting in the office and Jayawijaya Parliament Street Police Station in New Guinea. Yet according to residents, in Irian Street Police Station Police deliberately planted the bomb and meladakannya, and newcomers who are conditioned to close police stations closed before exploding.
Engineering it is clearly legible, which police through people pet put a bomb on a raid in Baliem KNPB Secretariat. KNPB arrested 13 members and to date their status is not clear, the legal process is not clear because the police have not revealed evidence to incriminate them. Meanwhile, Simion Dabi (chairman KNPB Baliem) and several other members registered as List People Search (DPO) for no reason obvious case.
Arrests and killings resumed again on Simion Dabi on December 15, 2012 yesterday with his friends. Hubertus Mabel was shot dead along Natalis Alua still Koma. Is an effort to silence the police and Detachment 88 KNPB resistance movement and part of the continued operation since Mako Tabuni killed. The shooting of Hubertus Mabel closely related to retaliation or attempts to meet sense keadialan victim Pirime three police officers were shot dead in the head TPN.OPM Okiman Wenda.
Hubertus murdered and implicated as perpetrators Pirime police station is not true. Because, Hubertus was far from the scene, which is in Kurulu hometown. From KNPB Center, Hubertus dimandati to consolidate militants KNPB for internal security and the way Hubertus no association with the attack led Okiman Wenda. Huber is also in a position to celebrate Christmas with family in Kurima, his hometown.
The series of shootings against activists and officials KNPB show that police conduct counterinsurgency operations against KNPB activists and organizations. Some time ago, it has been revealed by one of the police officers that the shooting of Papuan activist is a secret operation called "guerrilla operations" created and governed directly from Jakarta with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with the password "lost do not ask".
Siasat Polisi Dalam Membunuh dan Menangkap Aktivis KNPB
December 19, 2012 By: admin Category: Dokumen, News
Jayapura, KNPBnews – Teror, intimidasi, penangkapan, pemenjaraan hingga pembunuhan sepertinya tiada henti dialami oleh aktivis Komite Nasional Papua Barat [KNPB]. Sikap militan dan radikal dalam memperjuangkan hak kemerdekaan bangsa Papua Barat itulah alasan mengapa Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) sangat mewanti-wanti, bertindak brutal dan semakin ganas dalam menghadapi gerakan perlawanan KNPB selama ini.
Sejak KNPB dibentuk tahun 2008, aksi-aksi damai yang dimotori KNPB dengan konsolidasi massa rayat ke hampir seluruh wilayah Papua Barat membuat NKRI menggunakan berbagai macam siasat dalam membungkam dan menghancurkan gerakan KNPB yang memiliki jaringan internasional yang luas serta konsolidasi tingkat akar rumput dan kelompok perlawanan bersenjata yang dan tersebar di seluruh wilayah Papua Barat.
Indonesia sangat merasa terancam bahwa KNPB dengan damai dan bermartabat berkali-kali menuntut hak penentuan nasib sendiri yang diatur secara hukum internasional itu bisa dilakukan dilakukan di Papua Barat melalui jalur referendum yang fair. KNPB melalui pembentukan Internasional parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) dan International Lawyers for West Papua (ILWP) terus menggugat kejahatan Indonesia dalam praktek one man one vote (pepera 1969) yang dicederai oleh nafsu ekonomi politik Indonesia.
Perlawanan damai dan bermartabat melalui seminar, demo, jumpa pers serta ibadah yang dilakukan KNPB bersama rakyat Papua Barat dianggap Indonesia sebagai senjata ampuh yang dapat merongrong kekuasaan kolonialismenya diatas tanah Papua Barat. Sehingga, Indonesia menempuh berbagai macam siasat yang dapat memandamkan giroh perlawanan yang dilakukan KNPB.
Pimpinan KNPB, mulai dari Buchtar Tabuni, Mako Tabuni, Victor Yeimo dan anggota-anggotanya sudah masuk keluar penjara namun tidak membuat perjuangan mundur dan kendor. Cara satu-satunya adalah Indonesia mengambil sikap untuk membunuh pimpinan-pimpinan KNPB. Untuk membunuh pimpinannya, Indonesia dengan bantuan media lokal seperti Bintang Papua dan Cepos menyampaikan berita-berita bohong yang menyudutkan KNPB sebagai pengacau, pembunuh, teroris dan berbagai macam label buruk.
Label-label buruk yang dialamatkan tanpa bukti itu dimulai dari peristiwa tertembaknya Mako Tabuni. Mako Tabuni yang adalah ketua I KNPB pada pertengahan tahun 2012, tepatnya tanggal 14 Juni ditembak mati oleh Densus 88 Polda Papua. Mako seperti yang diberitakan oleh Polisi dan Media lokal bahwa dirinya terlibat dalam pembunuhan warga Jerman Dietmer Pieter dan rangkaian peritiwa penembakan lainnya di kota Jayapura. Namun hingga Mako ditembak mati Polisi tidak menunjukan bukti-bukti keterlibatan Mako Tabuni. Polisi justru merekayasa kronologis penembakan Mako Tabuni, bahwa Mako ditembak karena hendak melawan, merampas senjata, dan melarikan diri. Padahal, kenyataanya Mako Tabuni tidak melakukan perlawanan, merampas senjata atau melarikan diri.
Setelah tewasnya Mako Tabuni, pembunuhan kilat terus terjadi kepada anggota KNPB. Di Fak-fak, 2 anggota KNPB dibunuh oleh Polisi Indonesia. Penembakan juga terjadi pada massa pendemo dimana polisi menembak massa pendemo di Kampung Harapan Sentani 4 Juni 2012. Akibatnya, 4 orang korban ditembak polisi Indonesia. Polisi sengaja memblokade pendemo agar terjadi chaos dan mereka dengan mudah dapat menembak aktivis KNPB.
Setelah Tito Karnavian diganti, Polda Papua menggunakan metode skenario yang sama. Tito Karnavian menggunakan metode bunuh dan basmi namun di media ia mencari simpati rakyat melalui kegiatan bagi-bagi sembako dan uang ke basis-basis yang mendukung KNPB.
Rekayasa Bom dilakukan oleh Densus 88 di Wamena agar aktivis-aktivis KNPB di Wamena dapat dilabeli sebagai teroris. Pada 29 September 2012, Polisi sengaja menaruh Bom di Sekretariat KNPB dan menuduh pengurus KNPB dan anggotanya sebagai pelaku peledakan di kantor DPRD Jayawijaya dan Pos Polisi di Jalan Irian. Padahal menurut pengakuan warga, di Pos Polisi Jalan Irian Polisi sengaja menaruh bom dan meladakannya, dan para pendatang yang berada di dekat pos polisi dikondisikan untuk ditutup sebelum meledak.
Rekayasa itu sudah terbaca jelas, dimana polisi melalui orang-orang piaraannya menaruh bom pada hari penggrebekan di Sekretariat KNPB Baliem. 13 anggota KNPB ditangkap dan sampai saat ini status mereka tidak jelas, proses hukumnya juga tidak jelas karena polisi belum mengungkapkan bukti-bukti untuk memberatkan mereka. Sedangkan, Simion Dabi (ketua KNPB Baliem) dan beberapa anggota lainnya didaftar sebagai Daftar Pencarian Orang (DPO) tanpa alasan kasus yang jelas.
Penangkapan dan pembunuhan kembali terjadi lagi terhadap Simion Dabi pada tanggal 15 Desember 2012 kemarin bersama kawan-kawannya. Hubertus Mabel ditembak mati bersama Natalis Alua yang masih Koma. Adalah upaya polisi dan Densus 88 membungkam gerakan perlawanan KNPB dan bagian dari operasi lanjutan sejak Mako Tabuni dibunuh. Penembakan terhadap Hubertus Mabel erat kaitannya dengan upaya balas dendam atau upaya memenuhi rasa keadialan korban 3 aparat kepolisian di Pirime yang ditembak mati oleh TPN.OPM pimpinan Okiman Wenda.
Hubertus dibunuh dan dikaitkan sebagai pelaku penyerangan polsek Pirime adalah tidak benar. Sebab, Hubertus berada jauh dari tempat kejadian, yaitu di Kurulu kampung halamannya. Dari KNPB Pusat, Hubertus dimandati untuk melakukan konsolidasi anggota militan KNPB untuk pengamanan internal dan dalam perjalanannya Hubertus tidak ada hubungan dengan penyerangan yang dipimpin Okiman Wenda. Huber juga dalam posisi merayakan natal bersama keluarga di Kurima, kampung halamannya.
Rentetan penembakan terhadap aktivis dan pengurus KNPB menunjukan bahwa polisi melakukan operasi tumpas terhadap aktivis KNPB dan organisasinya. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, telah diungkapkan oleh salah satu anggota Polisi bahwa penembakan terhadap aktivis Papua adalah operasi rahasia yang disebut “operasi gerilya” yang dibuat dan diperintah langsung dari Jakarta melalui Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dengan sandi “hilang jangan tanya”.
A google translate of article on KNPB blog. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic but can be useful as a guide. Original bahasa below translation.
4) Chronological Hubertus Murder Arrest & Mabel
December 19, 2012 By: admin Category: Document
Hubertus Mabel / KNPB
On the day of Saturday, December 15, 2012, at approximately 12:00 pm, Simion Dabi (26), Chairman of the Regional KNPB Wamena Baliem be at home in the village Meky walo Kogoya Kulagaima. Its presence there apparently being followed by Indonesian intelligence. At that moment, the police and thugs berpakean Densus 88 which perform direct raid and capture Simion Dabi, Meky walo Kogoya and Ima Mabel. Without showing a warrant, police immediately took Simion Dabi et al to Mapolres Jayawijaya.
At 3:00 pm, police force and hold up Simion Dabi to go out together with members of Detachment 88 which use 1 piece of red Avansa car. Simion Dabi was forced by the police to show the existence of Namene Elokpere who is Vice Chairman of the KNPB Baliem area. Police trace number in hp hp Namene owned Simion and Simion Dabi Namene forced to call him out and see you at Terimal Hibele. Under robbery, Simion had ordered Namene come take money. However, the ailing Namene sala told one of his friends to see Simion.
Friends of Namene then approached the car driven by intelligence Avansa paid. The driver handed over the money to the envoy's 500,000 but Simion hidden in the car's tinted windows so it is not suspected.
Feeling does not work, the next day about 10 am, Meki walo Kogoya within the cells back mugged by the police with guns and forced her to lure Hubertus Mabel who is Chairman of Militant KNPB Center. Previously, the information disseminated by the arrest of Simion et Hubertus Mabel and until morning, Hubertus still communicate with comrades outside Wamena to advocate for the arrest of Simion Dabi et al.
On the morning of that same day, approximately at 09.00 Meky walo Kogoya called Hubert that he was escaping from prison and asked for help to pick her up at Hubert White Sands. Hubert without hesitation told Wene Gombo who is chairman of KNPB Yalimo to pick Meky at White Sands. Then Wene top Har vehicles heading to the white sand of approximately 11.00. Up there, Meky which are together taken at gunpoint by police then arrested Wene Gombo.
Wene Gombo and Meky walo Kogoya tortured and threatened in order to show the existence of Hubert Mabel. At approximately 11:30, Hubert and Mabel accompanied Anniversary Alua sala of his friends out of the village Habusa and closer to the car belonging to the inside filled Wene Gombo Detachment 88. Hubert suspect that the car was coming Wene Meky and that he intended to pick him up. Apparently when she opened the car door immediately mugged by Detachment 88 which berpakean thugs.
Hubert with her friends and told to creep into the ground. One member of the gang and said to Mabel Huber, "are you Hubertus Mabel?", And Huber replied "yes, I am ready Hubertus Mabel", suddenly bombarded arms legs. Hubert who thought he was in danger and sent one of them to run away in order to report this incident to friends. Hubert stood in the prone position and divert the attention of the members of Detachment 88's and at that time one of his friends fled sala.
Police returned crippling foot of Hubert and Natalis. To KNPB, the witness of one of the fuzzy friends (for the unpublished name) said at the time they intend to fetch Meky Wene and they do not use a gun or a machete. They also do not take the fight because the police immediately and tell them to push on his stomach on top of the road.
Hubertus Mabel and Natalis found Jayawijaya District General Hospital. Hubertus died position paralyzed by a bullet and stab sharp iron right on the chest until the jantunya. While Natalis Alua in a coma caused by a bullet lodged in his leg. At 6.30 pm, the bodies of Hubertus Mabel brought by Detachment 88 and placed in the village Holima Kurulu, Wamena. While Wene Gombo, Meky Kogoya, Simion Dabi et al are still languishing in prison Jayawijaya Police, Wamena.
- Chronology is made on the testimony of witnesses on the ground.
Kronologis Penangkapan & Pembunuhan Hubertus Mabel
December 19, 2012 By: admin Category: Dokumen
Hubertus Mabel/KNPB
Pada hari Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012, kira-kira pukul 12.00 siang, Simion Dabi (26), Ketua KNPB Wilayah Baliem Wamena berada di rumah Meky Walo Kogoya di kampung Kulagaima. Keberadaannya disana ternyata dibuntuti oleh intelijen Indonesia. Saat itu juga, polisi dan densus 88 yang berpakean preman melakukan penggrebekan langsung dan menangkap Simion Dabi, Meky Walo Kogoya dan Ima Mabel. Tanpa menunjukan surat penangkapan, Polisi langsung membawa Simion Dabi dkk ke Mapolres Jayawijaya.
Pada pukul 03.00 sore, Polisi memaksa dan menodong Simion Dabi untuk keluar bersama-sama dengan anggota Densus 88 yang menggunakan 1 buah mobil Avansa berwarna merah. Simion Dabi dipaksa oleh Polisi untuk menunjukan keberadaan Namene Elokpere yang merupakan Wakil Ketua KNPB Wilayah Baliem. Polisi melacak nomor hp Namene di hp milik Simion dan Simion Dabi dipaksa untuk menelpon Namene dan menyuruhnya keluar ketemu di Terimal Hibele. Dibawah todongan, Simion terpaksa menyuruh Namene datang mengambil uang. Namun, Namene yang sedang sakit menyuruh sala satu temannya untuk menemui Simion.
Teman dari Namene kemudian mendekati mobil Avansa yang dikendarai oleh intelijen bayaran. Sopir tersebut menyerahkan uang 500.000 kepada utusan tersebut namun Simion disembunyikan didalam mobil kaca gelap itu sehingga tidak dicurigai.
Merasa tidak berhasil, keesokan harinya kira-kira pukul 10 pagi, Meki Walo Kogoya yang berada dalam sel kembali ditodong dengan senjata oleh Polisi dan memaksa dirinya untuk memancing Hubertus Mabel yang merupakan Ketua Militan KNPB Pusat. Sebelumnya, info penangkapan Simion dkk disebarkan oleh Hubertus Mabel dan hingga pagi hari, Hubertus masih melakukan komunikasi dengan kawan diluar Wamena untuk advokasi atas penangkapan Simion Dabi dkk.
Pada pagi hari itu juga, kira-kira pukul 09.00 Meky Walo Kogoya menelepon Hubert bahwa dirinya sedang melarikan diri dari penjara dan meminta bantuan Hubert untuk menjemputnya di Pasir Putih. Hubert tanpa ragu menyuruh Wene Gombo yang merupakan ketua KNPB Yalimo untuk menjemput Meky di Pasir Putih. Kemudian Wene menggunakan kendaraan Har top menuju ke Pasir putih kira-kira pukul 11.00. Sampai disana, Meky yang berada bersama-sama dengan polisi dibawa todongan senjata kemudian menangkap Wene Gombo.
Wene Gombo dan Meky Walo Kogoya disiksa dan diancam agar menunjukan keberadaan Hubert Mabel. Kira-kira pukul 11.30, Hubert Mabel ditemani Natalis Alua dan sala satu temannya keluar dari kampung Habusa dan mendekat ke mobil milik Wene Gombo yang didalamnya dipenuhi Densus 88. Hubert menduga bahwa mobil itu Meky dan Wene yang datang sehingga ia bermaksud menjemputnya. Ternyata ketika begitu membuka pintu mobil langsung ditodong oleh Densus 88 yang berpakean preman.
Hubert bersama kedua temannya lalu disuruh merayap ke tanah. Salah satu anggota preman lalu berkata kepada Huber Mabel, “apakah kamu Hubertus Mabel?”, lalu Huber menjawab “ya, siap saya Hubertus Mabel”, tiba-tiba kakinya diberondong senjata. Hubert yang menduga dirinya dalam bahaya lalu menyuruh salah satu temannya untuk melarikan diri agar melaporkan kejadian ini ke teman-teman. Hubert berdiri dalam posisi tengkurap dan mengalihkan perhatian para anggota Densus 88 itu dan pada saat itu juga sala satu temannya melarikan diri.
Polisi kembali melumpuhkan kaki dari Hubert dan Natalis. Kepada KNPB, saksi dari salah satu teman yang kabur (untuk sementara namanya belum dipublikasi) menuturkan pada saat mereka bermaksud menjemput Wene dan Meky mereka tidak menggunakan Pistol atau parang. Mereka juga tidak melakukan perlawanan karena Polisi langsung mendorong dan menyuruh mereka tengkurap di atas badan jalan.
Hubertus Mabel dan Natalis ditemukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Jayawijaya. Hubertus dalam posisi tewas akibat dilumpuhkan oleh peluru dan tusukan besi tajam tepat pada bagian dada hingga mengenai jantunya. Sedangkan Natalis Alua dalam kondisi koma akibat peluruh yang bersarang di kakinya. Pada pukul 6.30 sore, mayat dari Hubertus Mabel dibawa oleh Densus 88 dan ditaruh di kampung Holima Kurulu, Wamena. Sedangkan Wene Gombo, Meky Kogoya, Simion Dabi dkk masih mendekam dalam rumah tahanan polres Jayawijaya, Wamena.
—-Kronologis ini dibuat atas keterangan saksi di lapangan.
via tapol
The following clarification has been received from the UK embassy in Jakarta relating to an earlier report about an embassy official's visit to West Papua:
5) UK Embassy denies fake journalism in Bintang Papua article
*West Papua Media EXCLUSIVE*
* December 18, 2012*
An article – “UK ambassador visits Papua to counteract ‘false information’ spread by ‘certain groups’ in London” – that appeared in the usually accurate Bintang Papua outlet on December 14, contained much false reporting in the original Bahasa Indonesia version <http://www.bintangpapua.com/headline/29676-kedubes-inggris-nilai-papua-aman-kondusif>, according to both Papuan journalists and the spokesperson for the British Embassy in Jakarta.
The Bintang Papua article reported that “The British Embassy to Indonesia has described the situation in Papua as ‘very peaceful and conducive’. It is quite different from the information being disseminated by certain groups to the British government.in London”.
However, according to the British embassy in Jakarta today, this statement was not made, nor was the staff officer identified in the article, Millie McDevitt, able to speak with the press.
5) UK Embassy denies fake journalism in Bintang Papua article
*West Papua Media EXCLUSIVE*
* December 18, 2012*
An article – “UK ambassador visits Papua to counteract ‘false information’ spread by ‘certain groups’ in London” – that appeared in the usually accurate Bintang Papua outlet on December 14, contained much false reporting in the original Bahasa Indonesia version <http://www.bintangpapua.com/headline/29676-kedubes-inggris-nilai-papua-aman-kondusif>, according to both Papuan journalists and the spokesperson for the British Embassy in Jakarta.
The Bintang Papua article reported that “The British Embassy to Indonesia has described the situation in Papua as ‘very peaceful and conducive’. It is quite different from the information being disseminated by certain groups to the British government.in London”.
However, according to the British embassy in Jakarta today, this statement was not made, nor was the staff officer identified in the article, Millie McDevitt, able to speak with the press.
/West Papua Media/ has been in extensive contact today with the Media Unit at the UK Embassy in Jakarta to establish the veracity or otherwise of this reporting. A spokesperson for the UK Embassy in Jakarta told West Papua Media exclusively on Tuesday night:
“Mrs Millie McDevitt, political officer at the British Embassy,
visited Papua last week as part of the British Embassy’s regular
programme of Provincial visits. While there, she met a range of
political and security representatives as well as the NGO and
religious communities.
This follows on from the Ambassador’s own visit to Papua in
September, when he wasted no opportunity with government, local
government, military and police interlocutors to emphasise our hope
that Papua will soon enjoy the same peace and prosperity as other
parts of Indonesia.”
The spokesperson also said that the article “was littered with inaccuracies”.
Sources for /West Papua Media/ who declined to be identified have claimed that the article, appearing in an outlet that is usually known for accurate reportage, was allegedly written by an Indonesian journalist in the pay of the Indonesian police. /West Papua Media/ has not yet been able to check the veracity of this particular claim, however there has been extensive prior reporting on the involvement and interference of Indonesian security and intelligence agencies in newsrooms <http://westpapuamedia.info/2012/07/01/indonesian-colonial-media-meddling-inspires-independent-journalist-slamming-of-fake-journalism-in-papua/> in West Papua.
Numerous Papuan journalists today have raised concerns that this level of misreporting could significantly harm relations between the UK and Papuan people.
/West Papua Media/
Rosa Moiwend
Independent Researcher
Participatory Facilitator
Phone : +44(0)7405227592
email : moiwend_rose@hotmail.com
Skype : moiwendrose
“Mrs Millie McDevitt, political officer at the British Embassy,
visited Papua last week as part of the British Embassy’s regular
programme of Provincial visits. While there, she met a range of
political and security representatives as well as the NGO and
religious communities.
This follows on from the Ambassador’s own visit to Papua in
September, when he wasted no opportunity with government, local
government, military and police interlocutors to emphasise our hope
that Papua will soon enjoy the same peace and prosperity as other
parts of Indonesia.”
The spokesperson also said that the article “was littered with inaccuracies”.
Sources for /West Papua Media/ who declined to be identified have claimed that the article, appearing in an outlet that is usually known for accurate reportage, was allegedly written by an Indonesian journalist in the pay of the Indonesian police. /West Papua Media/ has not yet been able to check the veracity of this particular claim, however there has been extensive prior reporting on the involvement and interference of Indonesian security and intelligence agencies in newsrooms <http://westpapuamedia.info/2012/07/01/indonesian-colonial-media-meddling-inspires-independent-journalist-slamming-of-fake-journalism-in-papua/> in West Papua.
Numerous Papuan journalists today have raised concerns that this level of misreporting could significantly harm relations between the UK and Papuan people.
/West Papua Media/
Rosa Moiwend
Independent Researcher
Participatory Facilitator
Phone : +44(0)7405227592
email : moiwend_rose@hotmail.com
Skype : moiwendrose
6) Reverting to the DOM era: Papua back to being a Zone of Military Operations
December 19, 2012
Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia
(Institute for Human Ri ghts Study and Advocacy of Papua)
Jl. Kampus USTP Padang Bulan–Abepura Jayapura
Telp /Fax : 62+ (0)697-581600
website: www.elshampapua.org
December 19, 2012
Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia
(Institute for Human Ri ghts Study and Advocacy of Papua)
Jl. Kampus USTP Padang Bulan–Abepura Jayapura
Telp /Fax : 62+ (0)697-581600
website: www.elshampapua.org
Reverting to the DOM era: Papua back to being a Zone of Military Operations
There was a significant increase in the intensity of the conflicts and violence in Papua between August 2011 and December 2012. ELSHAM Papua reported on several incidents that had resulted in serious casualties and although the growing severity of the incidents was disturbing, these did not prompt the Government to react. These events include the overwhelming offensive called “Operasi Aman Matoa I 2011”, terror actions and shootings by unidentified perpetrators (OTK), cases of internal displacements, as well as cases of extrajudicial killing of civilians by the police.
“Operasi Aman Matoa I 2011” is the designation for an armed crime prevention operation that was set up in the areas of Puncak Jaya and Paniai. This operation was under direct command of the Chief of Police, and was run by the Operations Task Force (Satgas Ops) through police telegram letter No. STR/687/VIII/2011 dated 27 August 2011.
The Operations Task Force for Operasi Aman Matoa I 2011 was led by Drs. Leo Bona Lubis, the Commissioner of Police. During the execution of Operasi Aman Matoa I 2011 in the Paniai Regency, a number of grave human rights violations were perpetrated, which include:
(a) the taking of the lives of two civilians, Salmon Yogi (20) and Yustinus Agapa (30) who died as a direct result of the armed conflict,
(b) the inflicting of injuries to at least four civilians: Yulian Kudiai (22), Melkias Yeimo (35), Yohanis Yogi (25) and Paskalis Kudiai (21), who became victim as a result of the armed conflict,
(c) great material loss due to the armed conflict in Eduda District which includes 78 houses that were burnt by the Operations Task Force; educational activities at 8 elementary school (SD) and 2 Junior High School (SMP) that had to be halted; religious and worship services could no longer be ensured in eight Catholic churches, seven Kingmi churches and four GKII churches; hundreds of machetes, knives, saws, hammers, bows and arrows were confiscated;
(d) villagers no longer felt secure in their own homes and they fled. As many as 37 people perished while in displacement: 13 toddlers, 5 children, 17 adults and 2 elders;
(e) communities from the Districts of Komopa, Keneugida, Bibida, East Paniai and Kebo have endured material loss due to their displacement. The villagers were forbidden from going to their gardens by the members of the Operations Task Force. As a result, this primary source of livelihood for the communities was left neglected and unattended. Prior to the evacuation, 1581 heads of livestock were forcibly slaughtered, including as many as 478 pigs, 3 cows, 11 goats, 132 rabbits, 381 ducks, and 576 chickens. After returning to their homes and villages, the residents experienced severe food shortage. Members of the Operations Task Force had also damaged the fences built by the residents, as they used those as firewood.
Violent acts committed by the security forces, both the military and the police, are still common and they are in flagrant violation of a number of international humanitarian standards and principles. Some of the cases that we note are as follows:
a. The heavy-handed assault carried out by the police against Persipura fans at Mandala Stadium on 13 May 2012, which led to 18 people suffering from respiratory problems due to tear gas that had been fired indiscriminately and six others being detained arbitrarily.
b. The shooting of four people in Degeuwo by the police on 15 May 2012, by which one person was killed and the other three were seriously wounded.
c. The assault against civilians in Honai Lama Wamena on 6 June 2012, by members of the Indonesian army (TNI) Battalion 756 Wimane Sili, which resulted in one person dead and 14 others seriously injured.
d. The arbitrary arrest and torture by the police of 10 people in the town of Serui, as they were commemorating the International Day for Indigenous People on 9 August 2012.
e. The forced disbanding by the police of a KNPB-led demonstration that was about to start in front of the campus of the State University of Papua in Manokwari on 23 October 2012. A total of 15 people were detained by the police, nine of them were tortured, and 2 others suffered gunshot wounds.
Summary executions by the police of pro-democracy activists who are active within the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) continue to occur. The extrajudicial shooting of Mako Tabuni (34), First Chairman of the KNPB on 14 June 2012, is clear evidence of acts of police brutality against civilians. A similar killing occurred in Wamena on 16 December 2012, when the police shot dead Hubertus Mabel (30), militant KNPB Chairman for the Baliem region.
Other violent acts such as terror acts and shootings by unknown assailants increased, both in 2011 and 2012. From 5 July to 6 September 2011, there were 28 shooting incidents where 13 people were killed and at least 32 people were wounded. Meanwhile, throughout 2012, there were 45 attacks by unknown assailants, killing 34 people, injuring 35 people and causing severe trauma to 2 people.
One of the worrisome events that received very little attention from the Government was the crisis which lasted from July to November 2012 in the Keerom where villagers fled their homes as they no longer felt secure because of activities conducted by the security forces. A joint effort between ELSHAM Papua and the Keerom Catholic Church enabled the return to their homes of 38 internally displaced people (IDPs) who had fled into the jungle.
Various cases of violence and human rights violations that occurred in Papua totally escaped the attention of the central Government and that of local Papuans. Conditions such as these indicate that the status of Papua as an autonomous region has turned into a status of "Special Operations Region", similar to what was experienced in the decades between 1970 and 2000 when Papua was designated as a Military Operations Area (DOM). Legal impunity for the perpetrators of the violence becomes flagrantly visible as the perpetrators of such violence are practically never brought to justice, nor do they receive fitting sentences.
Prohibiting international humanitarian organizations, international journalists and foreign researchers from accessing the Papuan region inevitably gives way to the increasing acts of violence by security forces in that region. Elite units, such as Anti-Terror Special Detachment 88, are conducting activities that are contrary to their mandate as they themselves are the ones creating terror against activists of the pro-democracy movement in Papua.
Bearing in mind the socio-political conditions faced by Papuans today, ELSHAM Papua is calling for:
1. the Indonesian Government, to open access to international humanitarian agencies, international journalists and foreign researchers to the region so they can freely visit and monitor the human rights situation in Papua;
2. the police of the Republic of Indonesia, to immediately reveal to the public the identity of those responsible for the numerous attacks and mysterious shootings that have occurred lately in Papua;
3. the Indonesian Government and groups opposing the Government, to choose dialogue as a way to end the conflict and the ongoing violence in Papua;
4. the military and the police, to uphold and respect the universal principles of human rights that have been ratified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
Further Query: Contact Mr. Sem Rumbrar, Coordinator of ELSHAM Advocacy Desk, Phone: +62967-581600, Mobile: +6285254352395
There was a significant increase in the intensity of the conflicts and violence in Papua between August 2011 and December 2012. ELSHAM Papua reported on several incidents that had resulted in serious casualties and although the growing severity of the incidents was disturbing, these did not prompt the Government to react. These events include the overwhelming offensive called “Operasi Aman Matoa I 2011”, terror actions and shootings by unidentified perpetrators (OTK), cases of internal displacements, as well as cases of extrajudicial killing of civilians by the police.
“Operasi Aman Matoa I 2011” is the designation for an armed crime prevention operation that was set up in the areas of Puncak Jaya and Paniai. This operation was under direct command of the Chief of Police, and was run by the Operations Task Force (Satgas Ops) through police telegram letter No. STR/687/VIII/2011 dated 27 August 2011.
The Operations Task Force for Operasi Aman Matoa I 2011 was led by Drs. Leo Bona Lubis, the Commissioner of Police. During the execution of Operasi Aman Matoa I 2011 in the Paniai Regency, a number of grave human rights violations were perpetrated, which include:
(a) the taking of the lives of two civilians, Salmon Yogi (20) and Yustinus Agapa (30) who died as a direct result of the armed conflict,
(b) the inflicting of injuries to at least four civilians: Yulian Kudiai (22), Melkias Yeimo (35), Yohanis Yogi (25) and Paskalis Kudiai (21), who became victim as a result of the armed conflict,
(c) great material loss due to the armed conflict in Eduda District which includes 78 houses that were burnt by the Operations Task Force; educational activities at 8 elementary school (SD) and 2 Junior High School (SMP) that had to be halted; religious and worship services could no longer be ensured in eight Catholic churches, seven Kingmi churches and four GKII churches; hundreds of machetes, knives, saws, hammers, bows and arrows were confiscated;
(d) villagers no longer felt secure in their own homes and they fled. As many as 37 people perished while in displacement: 13 toddlers, 5 children, 17 adults and 2 elders;
(e) communities from the Districts of Komopa, Keneugida, Bibida, East Paniai and Kebo have endured material loss due to their displacement. The villagers were forbidden from going to their gardens by the members of the Operations Task Force. As a result, this primary source of livelihood for the communities was left neglected and unattended. Prior to the evacuation, 1581 heads of livestock were forcibly slaughtered, including as many as 478 pigs, 3 cows, 11 goats, 132 rabbits, 381 ducks, and 576 chickens. After returning to their homes and villages, the residents experienced severe food shortage. Members of the Operations Task Force had also damaged the fences built by the residents, as they used those as firewood.
Violent acts committed by the security forces, both the military and the police, are still common and they are in flagrant violation of a number of international humanitarian standards and principles. Some of the cases that we note are as follows:
a. The heavy-handed assault carried out by the police against Persipura fans at Mandala Stadium on 13 May 2012, which led to 18 people suffering from respiratory problems due to tear gas that had been fired indiscriminately and six others being detained arbitrarily.
b. The shooting of four people in Degeuwo by the police on 15 May 2012, by which one person was killed and the other three were seriously wounded.
c. The assault against civilians in Honai Lama Wamena on 6 June 2012, by members of the Indonesian army (TNI) Battalion 756 Wimane Sili, which resulted in one person dead and 14 others seriously injured.
d. The arbitrary arrest and torture by the police of 10 people in the town of Serui, as they were commemorating the International Day for Indigenous People on 9 August 2012.
e. The forced disbanding by the police of a KNPB-led demonstration that was about to start in front of the campus of the State University of Papua in Manokwari on 23 October 2012. A total of 15 people were detained by the police, nine of them were tortured, and 2 others suffered gunshot wounds.
Summary executions by the police of pro-democracy activists who are active within the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) continue to occur. The extrajudicial shooting of Mako Tabuni (34), First Chairman of the KNPB on 14 June 2012, is clear evidence of acts of police brutality against civilians. A similar killing occurred in Wamena on 16 December 2012, when the police shot dead Hubertus Mabel (30), militant KNPB Chairman for the Baliem region.
Other violent acts such as terror acts and shootings by unknown assailants increased, both in 2011 and 2012. From 5 July to 6 September 2011, there were 28 shooting incidents where 13 people were killed and at least 32 people were wounded. Meanwhile, throughout 2012, there were 45 attacks by unknown assailants, killing 34 people, injuring 35 people and causing severe trauma to 2 people.
One of the worrisome events that received very little attention from the Government was the crisis which lasted from July to November 2012 in the Keerom where villagers fled their homes as they no longer felt secure because of activities conducted by the security forces. A joint effort between ELSHAM Papua and the Keerom Catholic Church enabled the return to their homes of 38 internally displaced people (IDPs) who had fled into the jungle.
Various cases of violence and human rights violations that occurred in Papua totally escaped the attention of the central Government and that of local Papuans. Conditions such as these indicate that the status of Papua as an autonomous region has turned into a status of "Special Operations Region", similar to what was experienced in the decades between 1970 and 2000 when Papua was designated as a Military Operations Area (DOM). Legal impunity for the perpetrators of the violence becomes flagrantly visible as the perpetrators of such violence are practically never brought to justice, nor do they receive fitting sentences.
Prohibiting international humanitarian organizations, international journalists and foreign researchers from accessing the Papuan region inevitably gives way to the increasing acts of violence by security forces in that region. Elite units, such as Anti-Terror Special Detachment 88, are conducting activities that are contrary to their mandate as they themselves are the ones creating terror against activists of the pro-democracy movement in Papua.
Bearing in mind the socio-political conditions faced by Papuans today, ELSHAM Papua is calling for:
1. the Indonesian Government, to open access to international humanitarian agencies, international journalists and foreign researchers to the region so they can freely visit and monitor the human rights situation in Papua;
2. the police of the Republic of Indonesia, to immediately reveal to the public the identity of those responsible for the numerous attacks and mysterious shootings that have occurred lately in Papua;
3. the Indonesian Government and groups opposing the Government, to choose dialogue as a way to end the conflict and the ongoing violence in Papua;
4. the military and the police, to uphold and respect the universal principles of human rights that have been ratified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
Further Query: Contact Mr. Sem Rumbrar, Coordinator of ELSHAM Advocacy Desk, Phone: +62967-581600, Mobile: +6285254352395
7) DAP strongly condemns destruction of their ethnic home in Lapago region by TNI/Polri
Bintang Papua, 18 December, 2012
The Dewan Adat Papua - Council of Ethnic Papuan Communities - strongly denounces the destruction by fire of the Filamo Ethnic Home Base which was torched by the Indonesian police on 16 December.
The torching of the DAP Ethnic Home occurred shortly after a number of activists of the KNPB (National Committee of West Papua) had been taken into custody following several incidents in the Lapago area.
The chairman of the Lapago Baliem Ethnic Council, Lamok Mabel, said that these incidents had led to the loss of life of several civilians, whose building was burnt down. These actions are a flagrant assault against the local communities and must be unreservedly condemned.. Moreover, these despicable actions occurred on a sacred day, Advent.
Lamok Mabel said that the destruction and loss of life occurred without explanation or reason. He pointed out that their building had been constructed in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Autonomy Law 2001/21 and the Declaration by the UN in September 2007 on the rights of indigenous people.
In view of these incidents, we make the following statements and recommendations:
* We strongly condemn the planned and deliberate torching of our ethnic home and declare that the TNI/Polri, the Indonesian army and police who ordered these actions will suffer the consequences of their actions for seven generations. These buildings were places of protection for all groups, not only Papuans from Baliem.
* This is a move for the forcible removal of our people from their homes, committed by the TNI/Polri
* Would not the people of Java be furious if their keratons were burnt down which, like our homes, are sacred and represent an integral part of their culture?
* We call on the president of Indonesia to accept responsibility along with the police for the destruction of our homes on 16 December.
[Translated by TAPOL]
The Dewan Adat Papua - Council of Ethnic Papuan Communities - strongly denounces the destruction by fire of the Filamo Ethnic Home Base which was torched by the Indonesian police on 16 December.
The torching of the DAP Ethnic Home occurred shortly after a number of activists of the KNPB (National Committee of West Papua) had been taken into custody following several incidents in the Lapago area.
The chairman of the Lapago Baliem Ethnic Council, Lamok Mabel, said that these incidents had led to the loss of life of several civilians, whose building was burnt down. These actions are a flagrant assault against the local communities and must be unreservedly condemned.. Moreover, these despicable actions occurred on a sacred day, Advent.
Lamok Mabel said that the destruction and loss of life occurred without explanation or reason. He pointed out that their building had been constructed in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Autonomy Law 2001/21 and the Declaration by the UN in September 2007 on the rights of indigenous people.
In view of these incidents, we make the following statements and recommendations:
* We strongly condemn the planned and deliberate torching of our ethnic home and declare that the TNI/Polri, the Indonesian army and police who ordered these actions will suffer the consequences of their actions for seven generations. These buildings were places of protection for all groups, not only Papuans from Baliem.
* This is a move for the forcible removal of our people from their homes, committed by the TNI/Polri
* Would not the people of Java be furious if their keratons were burnt down which, like our homes, are sacred and represent an integral part of their culture?
* We call on the president of Indonesia to accept responsibility along with the police for the destruction of our homes on 16 December.
[Translated by TAPOL]
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