1) Victor Yeimo Arrested At Massa Leads Towards Independence Celebration Worship
2) Disband mass demo December 1, police arrested three activists KNPB
3) Indonesia detains tourist in Papua
4) Celebrating West Papua ‘Independence,’ OPM Calls for Non-Violence
A google translate of article on KNPB web blog. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa below translation
1) Victor Yeimo Arrested At Massa Leads Towards Independence Celebration Worship
December 01, 2012 By: knpbnumbai Category: KNPB Region
Numbay, KNPBnews - Celebrating the independence of West Papua, the police arrested the Chairman of the West Papua National Committee [KNPB] right in front of PLN Waena, Housing III at 10.00 this morning. Victor Yeimo arrested while leading hundreds of people who want to follow the planned worship Tomb Theys, Sentani. Victor with two Festus students Salla and Humum Kiman arrested.
According KNPBnews watchlist this morning, initially the students in the BEM Uncen under the leadership of Jason Ngelia make speeches and distribution of tapes and brochures STOP AIDS in commemorating World AIDS day while waiting for another to lead the masses to worship Papuan independence anniversary on eating Theys Sentani.
Approximately 10:00 am, chairman KNPB joining the masses of students who want to forcibly dispersed by heavily armed police. Victor took over the megaphone and led the mass and clean hard to continue the journey. There was some fighting talk between Kapolsekta Jayapura, Alfred Papare and Victor Yeimo.
The masses are guided then continue to be directed toward the Expo Waena. Yeimo Victor in his speech asked the police to open the way. "Everyone should appreciate the history of the nation of Papua, and the police must respect the students who kompanye stop AIDS as a memorial to World AIDS Day, as well as the opening of the Christmas service," Victor koar while leading the action.
As he walked forward, Victor Yeimo keep doing speeches. "People should not be afraid, because the real invader is fear itself. Police are troublemakers security because they are disturbing us make the right of worship in the West Papuan independence anniversary celebrations. So they really are terrorists ", said Victor as he led the masses headed to the Expo.
But mass actions forcibly blocked and stopped by the police chief of Jayapura, Alfred Papare. Without negotiation, the police under the command of the operation while threatening Victor Kiki pushed firmly. "We are ready to police clashed for a count of 20 and if not we are ready to make a break up clashing with the masses," said Kiki who is kamandan Jayapura police operation.
Victor asked the masses calm and not be provoked by the instigation of the police who provoke violence. After count 20 count, the police immediately issued tear gas and arrested Victor Yeimo and two colleagues, Festus Salla, and Humum Kiman. Seen, all three were arrested unfairly. They kicked and beaten in the car Dalmas.
While other mass forcibly repelled by police. The police do not want the people of West Papua doing commemoration of World AIDS day, Christmas and the opening day of West Papua's independence day in the form of worship. Since that night, the place of worship in the field Theys controlled by the police and the military. To block the activity of worship memorial, military police deliberately made the event a rival in the field.
According to information, Yeimo Victor and his two friends are still being held in custody Abepura. Until now, their condition is not known. (Wl)
Victor Yeimo Ditangkap Saat Pimpin Massa Menuju Ibadah Perayaan Kemerdekaan
December 01, 2012 By: knpbnumbai Category: KNPB Wilayah
Numbay, KNPBnews – Memperingati hari kemerdekaan bangsa Papua Barat, Polisi tangkap Ketua Umum Komite Nasional Papua Barat [KNPB] tepatnya di depan PLN Waena, Perumnas III pukul 10.00 pagi ini. Victor Yeimo ditangkap saat memimpin ratusan rakyat yang hendak mengikuti ibadah yang direncanakan Makam Theys, Sentani. Victor bersama dua mahasiswa Festus Salla dan Humum Kiman ikut ditangkap.
Menurut pantauan KNPBnews pagi tadi, awalnya mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam BEM Uncen dibawah pimpinan Yason Ngelia melakukan orasi dan pembagian kaset dan brosur STOP AIDS dalam memperingati hari AIDS sedunia sambil menunggu massa yang lain untuk menuju ke kebaktian peringatan HUT kemerdekaan bangsa Papua di makan Theys Sentani.
Kira-kira pukul 10.00 pagi, ketua KNPB bergabung dengan massa mahasiswa yang hendak dibubarkan secara paksa oleh Polisi bersenjatakan lengkap. Victor mengambil alih megaphone dan memimpin massa dan bersih keras untuk melanjutkan perjalanan. Sempat terjadi adu bicara antara Kapolsekta Jayapura, Alfred Papare dan Victor Yeimo.
Massa yang terpimpin kemudian terus diarahkan menuju ke Expo Waena. Victor Yeimo dalam orasinya meminta polisi membuka jalan. “Siapapun harus menghargai sejarah bangsa Papua, dan juga polisi harus menghargai Mahasiswa yang kompanye stop AIDS sebagai peringatan hari AIDS sedunia, juga kebaktian pembukaan natal”, koar Victor saat memimpin aksi.
Sambil berjalan maju, Victor Yeimo terus melakukan orasi-orasi. “Rakyat tidak boleh takut, karena penjajah yang sesungguhnya adalah rasa takut itu sendiri. Polisi adalah pengacau keamanan karena mereka yang sedang mengganggu kami melakukan hak ibadah dalam perayaan HUT kemerdekaan Papua Barat. Jadi mereka sesungguhnya adalah teroris”, tegas Victor sambil memimpin massa menuju ke Expo.
Namun massa aksi diblokade dan dihentikan secara paksa oleh Kapolsek Jayapura, Alfred Papare. Tanpa negosiasi, polisi dibawah pimpinan operasi Kiki mendorong Victor sambil mengancam tegas. “Kami polisi sudah siap untuk bentrok dan sampai hitungan 20 kalau tidak bubar kami siap bikin bentrok dengan massa”, kata Kiki yang merupakan kamandan operasi Polsek Jayapura.
Victor meminta massa tenang dan tidak terpancing dengan hasutan polisi yang memancing kekerasan. Setelah hitungan 20 dihitung, polisi langsung mengeluarkan gas air mata dan menangkap Victor Yeimo dan dua rekannya, Festus Salla, dan Humum Kiman. Terlihat, ketiganya ditangkap secara tidak wajar. Mereka ditendang, dan dipukul dalam mobil Dalmas.
Sedangkan massa yang lain dipukul mundur secara paksa oleh Polisi. Polisi tidak menghendaki rakyat Papua Barat melakukan peringatan hari AIDS sedunia, hari pembukaan natal dan hari kemerdekaan Papua Barat dalam bentuk ibadah. Sejak malam, tempat yang ibadah di lapangan Theys dikuasai oleh Polisi dan TNI. Untuk menghalangi kegiatan ibadah peringatan, TNI Polri sengaja membuat acara tandingan di lapangan tersebut.
Menurut informasi, Victor Yeimo dan kedua temannya masih ditahan di tahanan Abepura. Sampai saat ini belum diketahui kondisi mereka. (wl)
A google translate of articlein Jubi. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa below translation
2) Disband mass demo December 1, police arrested three activists KNPB
Police officers guard around the Theys Eluay (suarapapua.com)
Jayapura, (1/1)-Three people were arrested during a demonstration commemorating the December 1 last. One of them, Victor Yeimo, Chairman of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB).
Police were forced to disperse dozens of mass demonstrations around KNPB going to the Expo site Waena to continue their journey to the tomb of Theys Eluay in Sentani. In addition to the dissolution, the police also arrested three leaders of the masses, namely Victor Yeimo, Alius and Usman Yogobi Asso.
Jayapura City police chief, Chief Alfred to tabloidjubi.com (1/1) said the police did not allow such activities. Since the mass forced himself to keep walking towards Waena, then it was forced to block a mass traveling around PLTD Waena, because negotiations between the masses and it failed. Police also fired tear gas to stop the mob forced to continue their journey.
Alfred confirmed the existence of three people arrested in the demonstrations, but did not specify who was arrested by the police. Information collected tabloidjubi.com, three activists were arrested KNPB is Victor Yeimo, the West Papua National Committee Chairman, Usman Yogobi and Alius Asso. Victor Yeimo arrested around PLTD Waena, while Alius Yogobi Asso and Usman were arrested around the circle Abepura, while other mass lead going to the Expo. Besides the three, reportedly two more, namely Humum Kiman (20) and Ebel Sala (19), both students of the College of Sciences Hukim Umel Mandiri, also arrested.
Wim R. Medlama, KNPB spokesman said the protest was that they do in fact in order to World AIDS Day, a warning ahead of Christmas for Christians, and the celebration of December 1 as a day of liberation and independence of the nation of Papua. But even the police disperse the crowd and arrested three of their colleagues. He rejected if their demonstration was described as anarchist action.
Papua Police Head of Public Relations, Chief Gede Sumerta Jaya also confirmed the arrest of activist KNPB. But according to I Gede, the police just memangmankan, not catching.
"We see that there is a mass movement that makes people uneasy. That is why we are secure, we are not a catch, we just secured, "said I Gede.
Monitoring tabloidjubi.com at the tomb of Theys Eluay, which has been the location of memorial December 1, it appears the police had been idle since 0600 WP. About 100 police officers looked doing the muster field at 07.00 WP. The field also looks a tent was set up and a banner bertulisakan "Events burn rock".
December 1st, is celebrated by people of Papua as a West Papuan independence day. But there are also commemorating the West Papuan independence on July 1. Besides in Jayapura, December 1 action is also commemorated in Manokwari, Sorong, Nabire, Fak Fak, Wamena, Timika, Serui to Australia and New Zealand. (Jubi / Benny Mawel)
Bubarkan massa demo 1 Desember, Polisi tangkap 3 aktivis KNPB
Jayapura, (1/1)—Tiga orang ditangkap saat demo memperingati 1 Desember berlangsung. Salah satunya, Victor Yeimo, Ketua Umum Komite Nasional Papua Barat (KNPB).
Polisi terpaksa membubarkan aksi demo sekitar puluhan massa KNPB yang hendak menuju lokasi Ekspo Waena untuk melanjutkan perjalanan mereka ke makam Theys Eluay di Sentani. Selain pembubaran, polisi juga menangkap tiga orang pemimpin massa, yakni Victor Yeimo, Alius Asso dan Usman Yogobi.
Kapolresta Jayapura Kota, AKBP Alfred kepada tabloidjubi.com (1/1) mengatakan pihak kepolisian tidak mengijinkan kegiatan tersebut. Karena massa memaksakan diri untuk tetap berjalan menuju Waena, maka pihaknya terpaksa memblokir perjalanan massa di sekitar PLTD Waena, karena negosiasi antara massa dan pihaknya gagal. Polisi juga menembakkan gas air mata untuk menghentikan massa yang memaksa terus melanjutkan perjalanan mereka.
Alfred membenarkan adanya tiga orang yang ditahan dalam aksi demo tersebut, namun tak merinci siapa saja yang ditangkap oleh Polisi. Informasi yang dikumpulkan tabloidjubi.com, ketiga aktivis KNPB yang ditangkap itu adalah Victor Yeimo, Ketua Komite Nasional Papua Barat, Usman Yogobi dan Alius Asso. Victor Yeimo ditangkap di sekitar PLTD Waena, sedangkan Alius Asso dan Usman Yogobi ditangkap di sekitar Lingkaran Abepura, saat memimpin massa lainnya yang hendak menuju Ekspo. Selain ketiganya, dikabarkan dua orang lagi, yakni Humum Kiman (20) dan Ebel Sala (19), keduanya mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukim Umel Mandiri, juga ikut ditangkap.
Wim R. Medlama, jubir KNPB mengatakan, unjuk rasa tersebut yang mereka lakukan sebenarnya dalam rangka Hari AIDS sedunia, peringatan jelang Natal bagi umat Kristen, dan perayaan 1 Desember sebagai hari pembebasan dan kemerdekaan bangsa Papua. Namun polisi malah membubarkan massa dan menangkap tiga rekan mereka. Ia menolak jika aksi demo mereka itu dikatakan sebagai aksi anarkis.
Kabid Humas Polda Papua, AKBP I Gede Sumerta Jaya juga membenarkan penangkapan aktivis KNPB tersebut. Namun menurut I Gede, polisi cuma memangmankan, bukan menangkap.
“Kita melihat bahwa ada gerakan massa yang membuat masyarakat resah. Itulah mengapa kita amankan, bukan kita tangkap, kita hanya amankan,” kata I Gede.
“Kita melihat bahwa ada gerakan massa yang membuat masyarakat resah. Itulah mengapa kita amankan, bukan kita tangkap, kita hanya amankan,” kata I Gede.
Pantauan tabloidjubi.com di makam Theys Eluay, yang selama ini menjadi lokasi peringatan 1 Desember, tampak aparat kepolisian telah siaga sejak pukul 06.00 WP. Sekitar 100 aparat kepolisian tampak melakukan apel siaga dilapangan tersebut pukul 07.00 WP. Dilapangan tersebut juga tampak satu tenda didirikan dan sebuah spanduk bertulisakan “Acara bakar batu”.
1 Desember, diperingati oleh masyarakat Papua sebagai hari kemerdekaan Bangsa Papua Barat. Namun ada juga yang memperingati kemerdekaan Bangsa Papua Barat pada tanggal 1 Juli. Selain di Jayapura, aksi 1 Desember ini juga diperingati di Manokwari, Sorong, Nabire, Fak Fak,Wamena, Timika, Serui hingga Australia dan Selandia Baru. (Jubi/Benny Mawel)
3) Indonesia detains tourist in Papua
INDONESIAN police in restive Papua have detained a Ukrainian tourist attending a prayer session to commemorate the 51st anniversary of the region's movement for independence.
Artem Shapirenko, 36, was detained by police on Saturday in the town of Manokwari in western Papua where around 50 people took part in a prayer at the traditional leaders council building. It was unclear why he had been held.
Shapirenko, wearing a Bob Marley T-shirt, held his fist in the air and yelled "Free Papua" in Indonesian as police officers ushered him into their vehicle, said an AFP reporter in Manokwari.
A photocopy of the man's tourist visa, obtained by the police, showed it had expired in July this year.
"A Ukraine citizen, Artem Shapirenko, is undergoing questioning at police headquarters and is co-operating," Manokwari police chief Ricko Taruna Mauruh said.
Papua declared independence from the Dutch on December 1, 1961, but neighbouring Indonesia took control of the region with force in 1963. It officially annexed Papua in 1969 with a UN-backed vote, widely seen as a sham.
The separatist Free Papua Movement (OPM), which formed in 1965, also marks the birth of its organisation on the December anniversary, when rallies and commemorations are held across Papua.
Police had beefed up security ahead of the anniversary and arrested three youth activists in the city of Jayapura, capital of Papua, according to a provincial police spokesman.
Jakarta keeps a tight grip on Papua and foreign journalists are de facto banned from reporting in the region.
More than 170 people are imprisoned in Indonesia for promoting separatism, most of them from Papua or the Maluku islands in eastern Indonesia, according to Human Rights Watch.
4) Celebrating West Papua ‘Independence,’ OPM Calls for Non-Violence
December 01, 2012
December 01, 2012
Jayapura. The separatist Free Papua Movement (OPM) called for non-violent actions to free the easternmost provinces from Indonesia as the group on Saturday marked what it considers the 51st anniversary of the independent nation of West Papua.
Lambert Pekikir, the chief of the OPM wing in the Papua district of Keerom, said during a commemoration there that violence would not solve Papuans’ problems.
“We have to admit that we can do nothing now. As Papua is still within Indonesian territory, we’ll have to make more directed approaches,” Lambert said.
Those approaches, Lambert suggested, should rely heavily on international negotiations aimed at amending 1969’s United Nations Resolution 2504, which concerned the handover of then-West New Guinea — now Papua and West Papua — from the Netherlands to Indonesia.
He added that the Indonesian government, in the interim, needed to be more open to the notion of an independent Papua.
“A democratic space must be opened. The Indonesian government has no other choice but to stop seeing Papua as a part of Indonesia,” Lambert said, as reported by Indonesian news portal tempo.co.
The Dec. 1 celebrations by pro-independence groups in Papua appeared largely peaceful despite prior warnings by Indonesia’s State Intelligence Agency (BIN) of heightened security concerns ahead of the commemorations.
On Tuesday, three police officers were killed in an attack on the Pirime Police precinct office in the district of Lanny Jaya, with OPM’s Pirime chief Purom Okiman Wenda claiming responsibility for the attack. OPM has often been blamed for attacks on Indonesian security forces in Papua.
On Saturday, the OPM office in Keerom only raised a Morning Star flag, a symbol of Papuan independence that is banned by law, and conducted a joint prayer to celebrate the day.
“No other activities... no shootings,” Lambert said.
There were no reports of separatist attacks nor violent crackdowns by Indonesian security forces across Papua and West Papua as of the time of writing.
Police did arrest several pro-independence activists, including the chairman of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), Viktor Yeimo, as they staged a rally in Jayapura on Saturday, but the incident was largely peaceful and the activists were reportedly released later in the day.
The supposed 51st anniversary of West Papua was also celebrated by hundreds of Papuan students on Java and Bali, who gathered in Yogyakarta on Saturday for a rally demanding Indonesian and international recognition of an independent West Papua, according to detik.com.
JG & Suara Pembaruan
Lambert Pekikir, the chief of the OPM wing in the Papua district of Keerom, said during a commemoration there that violence would not solve Papuans’ problems.
“We have to admit that we can do nothing now. As Papua is still within Indonesian territory, we’ll have to make more directed approaches,” Lambert said.
Those approaches, Lambert suggested, should rely heavily on international negotiations aimed at amending 1969’s United Nations Resolution 2504, which concerned the handover of then-West New Guinea — now Papua and West Papua — from the Netherlands to Indonesia.
He added that the Indonesian government, in the interim, needed to be more open to the notion of an independent Papua.
“A democratic space must be opened. The Indonesian government has no other choice but to stop seeing Papua as a part of Indonesia,” Lambert said, as reported by Indonesian news portal tempo.co.
The Dec. 1 celebrations by pro-independence groups in Papua appeared largely peaceful despite prior warnings by Indonesia’s State Intelligence Agency (BIN) of heightened security concerns ahead of the commemorations.
On Tuesday, three police officers were killed in an attack on the Pirime Police precinct office in the district of Lanny Jaya, with OPM’s Pirime chief Purom Okiman Wenda claiming responsibility for the attack. OPM has often been blamed for attacks on Indonesian security forces in Papua.
On Saturday, the OPM office in Keerom only raised a Morning Star flag, a symbol of Papuan independence that is banned by law, and conducted a joint prayer to celebrate the day.
“No other activities... no shootings,” Lambert said.
There were no reports of separatist attacks nor violent crackdowns by Indonesian security forces across Papua and West Papua as of the time of writing.
Police did arrest several pro-independence activists, including the chairman of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB), Viktor Yeimo, as they staged a rally in Jayapura on Saturday, but the incident was largely peaceful and the activists were reportedly released later in the day.
The supposed 51st anniversary of West Papua was also celebrated by hundreds of Papuan students on Java and Bali, who gathered in Yogyakarta on Saturday for a rally demanding Indonesian and international recognition of an independent West Papua, according to detik.com.
JG & Suara Pembaruan
5) HIV/AIDS in Indonesia’s Papua on the rise
JAKARTA: Through the end of September, the number of HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia`s eastern province of Papua reached 13,196, said Dewi Wulandari, a spokesperson for the Papua AIDS Management Commission, on Friday.
Quoting Wulandari, Indonesia’s Antara news agency said HIV/AIDS cases are common in the coastal parts of the province and the rural hinterland. In Jayapura, 2,666 cases have been reported, and in the Mimika district, 2,823 cases have been reported. In fact, the Mimika district has the most number of HIV/AIDS cases compared to all the districts in the province.
“A total of 13 districts have not submitted their reports on the number of HIV/AIDS cases,” said Wulandari.
There are a total of 2,384 men who have HIV and 4,323 men who have AIDS. 2,857 women have HIV and 3,521 women have AIDS.
A total of 3,015 HIV cases and 4,701 AIDS cases have been reported involving people between the ages of 25 and 49. On the other hand, 1,238 HIV cases and 1,758 AIDS cases have been reported among those between the ages of 20 and 24.
“Reports show that there are 35 infants (below the age of one) who have contracted HIV/AIDS. There are 296 children, between the ages of one and four, who have contracted HIV/AIDS, and there are 1,300 teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19 who have HIV/AIDS. Comparatively, only 413 people above the age of 50 have HIV/AIDS,” she said.
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