1) Secretary General Lanny Jaya KNPB Arrested and Tortured
2) Pirime Attackers Battle Police Once Again
2) Pirime Attackers Battle Police Once Again
3) Contact Weapons in Tiom, Kills One Citizen
4) “Victor, we are ready to wreak havoc and clash with all of you” : Reflections by an unrepentant leader
A google translation of article on KNPB web blog. Be-aware google translation can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa below translation.
1) Secretary General Lanny Jaya KNPB Arrested and Tortured
December 04, 2012 By: admin Category: KNPB Region
Wenda Athys
Lanny Jaya, KNPBnews-arrest of activists KNPB re-occur. This time KNPB Regional Secretary Lanny Jaya, Athys Wenda were arrested while in the waiting room Wamena Airport at 7:00 AM (1/12) ago. Athys Jayawijaya escorted to the police station and tortured.
To KNPBnews, Dules Wanimbo who is chairman of KNPB Lanny Jaya region that Athys being treated improperly in holding cells Jayawijaya. "Athys still in police custody and tortured Wamena (sampe-red) battered", Dules said in a brief message.
Athys is KNPB activists who in their activities Lanny Jaya mediate a peaceful people. Athys and other comrades KNPB targeted by Detachment 88. According Dules, armed conflict between the TPN and the Indonesian military made us KNPB activists that mediate a peaceful people have long been regarded as the military.
"We hope the police do not arbitrarily arrest without clear evidence", said Dules KNPBnews hung up this afternoon.
Lanny Jaya, KNPBnews -Penangkapan terhadap aktivis KNPB kembali terjadi. Kali ini Sekretaris KNPB Wilayah Lanny Jaya, Athys Wenda ditangkap saat berada di ruang tunggu Airport Wamena pada pukul 7.00 pagi (1/12) lalu. Athys digiring ke Polres Jayawijaya dan disiksa.
Kepada KNPBnews, Dules Wanimbo yang merupakan ketua KNPB wilayah Lanny Jaya bahwa Athys sedang diperlakukan dengan tidak wajar dalam sel tahanan Polres Jayawijaya. “Athys masih di tahanan Polres Wamena dan disiksa (sampe-red) babak belur”, kata Dules dalam pesan singkatnya.
Athys merupakan aktivis KNPB yang dalam aktivitasnya memediasi rakyat Lanny Jaya secara damai. Athys dan kawan-kawan KNPB lainnya diincar oleh Densus 88. Menurut Dules, konflik bersenjata antara TPN dan Militer Indonesia membuat kami aktivis KNPB yang memediasi rakyat secara damai selama ini dianggap sama seperti militer.
“Kami harap aparat kepolisian tidak sewenang-wenang menangkap tanpa bukti yang jelas”, tegas Dules menutup pembicaraan dengan KNPBnews siang ini.
SP/Robert Isidorus & Banjir Ambarita | December 04, 2012
Jayapura. The leader of a group claiming responsibility for a deadly attack on a police post in Papua’s Lanny Jaya district last week says his men engaged in a shootout with security forces on Monday.
“This morning, we had an exchange of fire with security forces,” Purom Wenda, the head of the Lanny Jaya branch of the Free Papua Organization (OPM), told reporters by phone on Monday.
Reports received in Jayapura said that a group of armed men attempted to enter Tiom, the Lanny Jaya district capital, but encountered resistance from a joint military and police force guarding the town. The exchange of fire only lasted a few minutes, the reports said, adding that the shootout began at around 8:45 a.m.
A civilian, identified as Ferdi Turuallo, 25, was killed in the shootout while walking to the market in Tiom.
Adj. Sr. Comr. I Gede Sumerta Jaya, a Papua Police spokesman, confirmed that the exchange of gunfire took place and that there was a civilian casualty.
“The victim’s body has been evacuated by helicopter from Tiom to Wamena,” he said, referring to the capital of neighboring Jayawijaya district.
“The perpetrators numbered about 100 people. They keep moving and they’re carrying around 20 stolen firearms.”
Sumerta added that the police were sending reinforcements to Lanny Jaya in the wake of the latest incident.
The group led by Purom has claimed responsibility for an attack on the Pirime police post in Lanny Jaya on Nov. 27 that left three officers dead.
The following day, a joint police and military team investigating the incident was caught up in a firefight with an armed group. No casualties were reported in that incident. In both cases, the unknown gunmen numbered around 50.
Police have not confirmed whether they were the same group.
Purom’s claim of responsibility for the Pirime attack is in contrast to a statement made by the widely recognized OPM commander in that part of Papua, Goliat Tabuni, who said that the separatist group had nothing to do with the incident.
In a statement to Tempo.co last Friday, Purom said: “OPM did the shootings. I led the shootings.”
“We’re the pure OPM. We’re not Goliat Tabuni, who sits idly. We will continue to move,” he added.
He also said there were thousands of OPM members in Lanny Jaya ready to launch more attacks.
Separately, police have arrested six people in connection with the Pirime attack.
“This morning, we had an exchange of fire with security forces,” Purom Wenda, the head of the Lanny Jaya branch of the Free Papua Organization (OPM), told reporters by phone on Monday.
Reports received in Jayapura said that a group of armed men attempted to enter Tiom, the Lanny Jaya district capital, but encountered resistance from a joint military and police force guarding the town. The exchange of fire only lasted a few minutes, the reports said, adding that the shootout began at around 8:45 a.m.
A civilian, identified as Ferdi Turuallo, 25, was killed in the shootout while walking to the market in Tiom.
Adj. Sr. Comr. I Gede Sumerta Jaya, a Papua Police spokesman, confirmed that the exchange of gunfire took place and that there was a civilian casualty.
“The victim’s body has been evacuated by helicopter from Tiom to Wamena,” he said, referring to the capital of neighboring Jayawijaya district.
“The perpetrators numbered about 100 people. They keep moving and they’re carrying around 20 stolen firearms.”
Sumerta added that the police were sending reinforcements to Lanny Jaya in the wake of the latest incident.
The group led by Purom has claimed responsibility for an attack on the Pirime police post in Lanny Jaya on Nov. 27 that left three officers dead.
The following day, a joint police and military team investigating the incident was caught up in a firefight with an armed group. No casualties were reported in that incident. In both cases, the unknown gunmen numbered around 50.
Police have not confirmed whether they were the same group.
Purom’s claim of responsibility for the Pirime attack is in contrast to a statement made by the widely recognized OPM commander in that part of Papua, Goliat Tabuni, who said that the separatist group had nothing to do with the incident.
In a statement to Tempo.co last Friday, Purom said: “OPM did the shootings. I led the shootings.”
“We’re the pure OPM. We’re not Goliat Tabuni, who sits idly. We will continue to move,” he added.
He also said there were thousands of OPM members in Lanny Jaya ready to launch more attacks.
Separately, police have arrested six people in connection with the Pirime attack.
A google translation of article in Bintang Papua. Be-aware google translation can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa below translation.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 09:21
3) Contact Weapons in Tiom, Kills One Citizen
JAYAPURA-A civilian named Ferdi Turuallo (25), the Toraja who works as a builder, was killed during a firefight between the TNI / police with armed civilian groups Bokon Road, District Tiom, Lanny Jaya, Monday (3/12) approximately 8:45 pm CDT
Head of Public Relations Papua Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Gede Sumerta Jaya, SIK confirmed on Monday (3/12) said clashes between the army / police with armed civilians occurred at around 08:45 CET on Bokon Road, District Tiom, Lanny Jaya.
He said, the victim hit a gunshot wound to the head while walking to the market for shopping Tiom.
The group is now also destroyed the only major bridge connecting to Lanny Jaya regency.
He said the shooter was armed groups kiriminal pure, led by RM, working with such groups as the existing EW, then there is also the name of FW and also named as executor YT.
After the shooting, he said, the economic activity of the local people are very disturbed, even a woman who was about to give birth off the local Pustu forced to give birth at home. As a result of the police action shooting today Brimob add as much as 1 SST. Earlier there were two Brimob SST, SST 1 Battalion 756 and the team Timsus Papua Police.
Papua Police Suspect Set 6
Meanwhile, Papua Police set up 6 suspects after the attack and burning of the Office of Police Pirime, Lanny Jaya, Tuesday (27/11) around 06.00 CET, which killed police chief Ipda Rolfi Takubesi with two members, each Brigpol Jefri Rumkorem and Brigadier Daniel Makuker.
Head of Public Relations Papua Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Gede Sumerta Jaya, SIK confirmed on Monday (3/12) said the six suspects KW respectively (40), LK (22), TW (24), GK (35), DT (45) and TT (17).
Currently, the six suspects were detained at the police station and charged under article Jayawijaya coated the article treason and martial law, because there are raids Morning Star. While DT Article treason charges because he DPO raising Morning Star 2010 in Bolakme, Jayawijaya.
"It's nothing to do and it was a group of police assault in Pirime. Then that one more person DPO cases in 2010. Five others are still one group. But because they koorperatif likely we will defer, "he said.
Earlier, on Wednesday (28/11) Police secure the seven people suspected perpetrators of assault and arson Police Office Pirime one that is currently still being treated in hospitals YW Wamena dipaha gunshot wound to the left. (Mdc/don/l03)
Selasa, 04 Desember 2012 09:21
Kontak Senjata di Tiom, Tewaskan Seorang Warga
JAYAPURA— Seorang warga sipil bernama Ferdi Turuallo (25), suku Toraja yang berprofesi sebagai tukang bangunan, tewas ketika terjadi kontak senjata antara aparat TNI/Polri dengan kelompok sipil bersenjata di Jalan Bokon, Distrik Tiom, Lanny Jaya, Senin (3/12) sekitar pukul 08.45 WIT
Kabid Humas Polda Papua AKBP I Gede Sumerta Jaya, SIK yang dikonfirmasi, Senin (3/12) mengatakan kontak senjata antara TNI/Polri dengan sipil bersenjata terjadi sekitar pukul 08.45 WIT di Jalan Bokon, Distrik Tiom, Lanny Jaya.
Kata dia, korban terkena luka tembak di kepala saat sedang dalam perjalanan untuk belanja ke Pasar Tiom.
Kelompok tersebut saat ini juga merusak satu-satunya jembatan utama penghubung ke Kabupaten Lanny Jaya.
Dia mengatakan, pelaku penembakan tersebut adalah kelompok-kelompok kiriminal bersenjata murni, yang dimotori oleh RM kemudian bekerjasama dengan beberapa kelompok seperti ada EW, kemudian juga ada nama FW dan juga ada namanya YT sebagai eksekutor.
Pasca aksi penembakan tersebut, ujarnya, aktivitas ekonomi masyarakat setempat sangat terganggu, bahkan seorang wanita yang hendak melahirkan batal ke Pustu setempat terpaksa melahirkan dirumahnya. Akibat aksi baku tembak tersebut Polisi hari ini menambah pasukan Brimob sebanyak 1 SST. Sebelumnya sudah ada sebanyak 2 SST Brimob, 1 SST Batalyon 756 dan satu regu Timsus Polda Papua.
Polda Papua Tetapkan 6 Tersangka
Sementara itu Polda Papua menetapkan 6 tersangka pasca penyerangan dan pembakaran Kantor Polsek Pirime, Lanny Jaya, Selasa (27/11) sekitar pukul 06.00 WIT, yang menewaskan Kapolsek Ipda Rolfi Takubesi bersama dua anggotanya, masing-masing Brigpol Jefri Rumkorem dan Briptu Daniel Makuker.
Kabid Humas Polda Papua AKBP I Gede Sumerta Jaya, SIK yang dikonfirmasi, Senin (3/12) mengatakan ke-6 tersangka tersebut masing-masing KW (40), LK (22), TW (24), GK (35), DT (45) dan TT (17).
Saat ini ke-6 tersangka ditahan di Polres Jayawijaya dan dijerat dengan pasal berlapis yakni pasal makar dan UU Darurat, karena saat penggerebekan terdapat Bintang Kejora. Sementara DT dikenakan pasal makar karena dia DPO pengibaran Bintang Kejora 2010 di Bolakme, Kabupaten Jayawijaya.
“Itu memang ada kaitannya dan itu satu kelompok dari penyerangan yang ada di Polsek Pirime. Kemudian yang satu orang lagi DPO kasus tahun 2010. Lima orang lainnya masih satu kelompok. Namun karena mereka koorperatif kemungkinan nanti kita akan tangguhkan,” tukas dia.
Sebelumnya, pada Rabu (28/11) Polisi mengamankan 7 warga yang diduga pelaku penyerangan dan pembakaran Kantor Polsek Pirime Saat ini satu orang yakni YW masih dirawat di RSUD Wamena karena luka tembak dipaha kiri. (mdc/don/l03)
From West Papua media
4) “Victor, we are ready to wreak havoc and clash with all of you” : Reflections by an unrepentant leader
by Victor Yeimo
Witness: Participant Analysis
December 3, 2012
Police Captain Kiki Kurnia: “We’re Ready To Clash.”
“Victor, we are ready to wreak havoc and clash with all of you.”
Those are the words spat out by police captain Kiki Kurnia, who yesterday (December 1) led hundreds of fully-armed police officers to put a stop to the Long March of students and the people. I was very sad to hear these words so righteously issued by the police, who present themselves as being on the side of safety. Do the police want safety, or do they not?
When I was the leader of the Long March headed for Expo Waena on December 1 in Sentani, police backed by the Indonesian military had already closed off access to the people of West Papua who would pray. Since the late afternoon (30/11), Theys H. Eluay field, which is the field of (great significance and sacredness to) the West Papuan national struggle, had been controlled by the military and by the national police, although all the civil society organizations had long since said that their prayers and celebrations would take place there.
On November 19, police entered a prayer room in Aula STAKIN in Sentani and tried to stop me as I was giving a reception after prayers, and then yesterday on December 1 the people wanted to worship and eat at the Theys H. Eluay field but were prohibited, blockaded and arrested by the full force of the military. The question is, why did the military and the police force deliberately take control of the field and then shamelessly hold a traditional stone cooking event (a Indonesian-appropriated Papuan Custom) with a handful of residents who were offered money?
If the police are tasked with security, why exactly is that security so insecure when facing inhabitants who are conducting prayers peacefully? Is the Theys H. Eluay field, owned by the traditional people of West Papua, only permitted for use by the Indonesian military and the police force? If the law is just, why wasn’t police captain Kiki Kurnia charged with incitement to violence? As he himself clearly (attempted) incited the mass action I led to commit violence on the streets in front of Dian Harapan Hospital yesterday.
If the police prohibit students from campaigning to put a stop to AIDS on West Papua’s Independence Day, why must it be prohibited? Do the police not want HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns to take place? Isn’t his proof that the police are ensuring and championing ethnic cleansing in West Papua? Why do the police prevent worship on West Papua’s Independence Day? Why do the police see more political and economic motivations than the goodwill and intentions of the people who want to interpret December 1, 2012 as World AIDS Day, the opening of Christmas festivities and the Independence Day of West Papua?
I lead my people safely and with restraint. I have personally guaranteed that I will be arrested or shot if there is a criminal act committed by people, but why in the safe Long March were we forcibly dispersed and captured like animals? Actually, who was it that committed the crime? Was it the people, or the police?
The police did not only incite the violence that happened, but yesterday (1/12) the police, through (Adjunct Senior Commissioner) Alfred Papare, publicly lied. Myself and the masses did not throw rocks at the police, however it was covered by several media sources that the police chief said we did so. In an era of openness such as this, why is there a need for mutual deceit when everybody saw yesterday that the police had no reason to blockade, arrest and attack people with tear gas? After I “escaped” from Abepura Sub-District Command, I had not received a call from the Jayapura Chief of Police, the aforementioned Alfred Papare, as stated by Wakapolda Papua, Paulus Waterpau, to Tabloid Jubi.
Better for the Police to become the Social Services
The idea of Papua’s Chief of Police, Tito Karnavian, to give out groceries and distribute help the mountain people of Papua in Jayapura and the Jayapura municipality makes me wonder a little. Has the police chief already switched functions from a chief of police who must preserve security, only to become the head of the Department of Social Services who must give social support to the people? Is this country unhealthy? Money for providing support to the people is redirected into the Police Department and the Police Department takes over the functions of the Department of Social Services.
For me, the efforts of the police department to muffle and destroy the basis of the Papua Independence conflict are obviously speculative, as well as inappropriate. Go ahead, if the police department and the Republic of Indonesia believe that our ideology can be bought off with money. Tens to hundreds of millions have been redirected to the Asrama Rusnawa Uncen, since becoming the basis for conflict, and the police are very hopeful that students will regard them as righteous people, as kind people. Well, again, it is better that the Police Institution in Jayapura be renamed as the Department of Social Security or the Department of Education, so that matters concerning the improvement of the Asrama Rusnawa Uncen and student welfare can just be taken over by the police.
Does Indonesia believe that money can silence the aspiration and ideology of independence for the people of West Papua? I am convinced the people of Papua that are given money and material aid from the police are only making use of them, because within the individual West Papuan person there is a flesh-and-blood desire for Papuan Independence, however difficult it is. So, go ahead, half-dead police and a waste of money to the people of Papua. Go ahead and pan the sympathy and dreams of the people who have hated the occupation of this land. Almost half a century practicing the policies of the Republic of Indonesia, and all models of development cannot turn the people of West Papua into people of Indonesia. Papua will rise and awaken by itself alone.
Idea of Separatists and Terrorists is a project of the TNI and Police
There are no separatists and terrorists in West Papua; only those who demand the right to self-determination as legally protected under international law. The idea of separatists and terrorists is created by the state to disgrace the legal struggle of the West Papuan people, and created by the Indonesian military and the police with a view to expanding their territory, and their wealth. For the sake of money alone, the circumvention of the state apparatus and the deception of the state apparatus, alias “bullshitting a lot” (direct translation).
My organization, the National Committee of West Papua (KNPB), struggles in peace and does not want to create chaos that will strengthen the funds of the military and the police force. Consequently, the national police force does not like peaceful action, because in a situation that is safe and peaceful, the military and the police force will be poverty-stricken. Many security institutions in Indonesia have hundreds of troops that must be paid by the state. Moreover in Papua, there are now many civilian militias formed by the state; thousands have been recruited, and must be paid. All are created with the objective of “stripping bare” the security responsibility from the Indonesian government in West Papua that fall under the name of “eradicating separatists and terrorists.”
Forgive me; my group and I will not accept food from the military or the police, so there is no need to criminalise or drop that bomb on the National Committee of West Papua to stigmatise us, so that the project money can be maintained. These ways have become commonplace, and we are bored of them. The people are smart, and getting smarter: they have already been taught these ruses by the colonialists. Ways such as this will finally tarnish the image of the Republic of Indonesia in West Papua. So it is best not to try to painstakingly search for such an image. Oh, and yesterday in Guyana, Member of Parliament told Benny Wenda: “Oppression alone will burn the spirit of the independence struggle.”
Why not kill me, or imprison me? Why was I released? Oh, it is certainly not because I cheated. I will see this for what it truly is. There are demonstrations in the streets. Now that I have planted the seeds of resistance here and the invaders sow these seeds with their own actions. I must thank the colonialists for continuously teaching us to aspire to true humanity by means of rebellion.
Victor Yeimo wrote this article immediately upon his release from police custody on Monday December 3.
Translated by West Papua Media volunteer translators
RNZI Posted at 01:46 on 04 December, 2012 UTC
Vanuatu’s Parliamentary Speaker, George Wells, has ruled a motion for a vote of no confidence in the new Government is invalid.
Parliament was due to hold an extra-ordinary session this Friday to debate the motion.
But Mr Wells says the opposition had not followed parliamentary procedures correctly when they deposited the motion against Prime Minister Sato Kilman last Friday.
He says it was left at the office of the clerk of parliament rather than in his office, while he was away at his Luganville constituency.
Mr Wells also claims one of the 27 signatories has since withdrawn his support meaning the opposition lacks the simple majority of the 52 MPs to force an extra-ordinary sitting of parliament.
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