Thursday, January 10, 2013

1) One killed, One Injured in Papua Gun Attack: Police

1) One killed, One Injured in Papua Gun Attack: Police
2) Officials Continue Joint Operation Sweep in Paniai

1) One killed, One Injured in Papua Gun Attack: Police
January 10, 2013
Timika. An unidentified gunman shot dead a civilian and seriously injured a soldier in Indonesia’s restive Papua province on Thursday, a local military official said.

“A gunman shot dead a man after he attacked our military member, who is now being treated in hospital for a serious gunshot wound on his back,” Papua province’s military spokesman Jansen Simanjutak told AFP.

“We haven’t identified the perpetrator,” he said.

The incident occurred in the Puncak Jaya district, which is believed to be a separatist center.

Gun attacks are not uncommon in Papua in Indonesia’s extreme east, where poorly-armed separatist groups have for decades fought a low-level insurgency on behalf of the mostly ethnic Melanesian population.

Agence France-Presse
A google translate of article in Jubi. Be-aware that google translate can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa below article.

2) Officials Continue Joint Operation Sweep in Paniai
Penulis :  | Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 | 15:32:53

A soldier carrying a weapon in Enarotali Market, August 15, 2012. (Ist)

Officials Continue Joint Operation Sweep in Paniai
186 Total Views

Paniai (9/1)-existence of the group John Magai Yogi in Paniai continues hunted Indonesian military security apparatus. Even today, a combined military and police officers are still chasing after a shootout earlier this week in Waidide, Pugo Village, East Paniai District.
Convening the sweeping operation against John Magai Yogi and his group, Paniai Police, Anthony Diance not provide official information. When confirmed via cell phone, not connected.

Even so, the source mention the ongoing combing operation would be bad on the part of civilians. "Especially at the top of Mount Ekaugi the post. They watch each other, "he said.

Members of Mobile Brigade, police and soldiers on duty in that post. Every vehicle passing on the highway security forces raided. "Currently the situation is not safe. In Pugo no one, because again displaced. All fears. The house was also burnt. TPN OPM officers chased again, "said Pastor. Nico Degei, prominent people in Paniai Kingmi Papua, on Wednesday (9/1).

Brimob troops from Kelapa II in Depok, Makassar and Papua Police were sent to reinforce the Paniai district police personnel, according to Nico, has not been withdrawn. In fact, the only troops safeguarding the interests of December 1, 2012. "Until now Paniai safe. But why plus much, yet also hold back? "He asked.
National Coordinator Papua Solidarity (BREATHING), Marthen Goo in Jakarta, Tuesday (8/1) yesterday condemned the sweep by a combined military and police in the village of Pugo, Paniai. He also stated, urging the military immediately stop the violence in Papua.

Previously, Monday (7/1) afternoon, there was a firefight in the village of Pugo. The series of shots as shocked locals. Scared, they immediately chose to flee to Madi, Enarotali, and other nearby villages.
TPN OPM argues hunt, even civilians were treated rudely. Continue to be interrogated to designate where John et al. Accusing the local residents helping and hiding the separatists.
"People, especially in Paniai and surrounding Pugo not wrong. Thus, these two groups should refrain. Do not chase each other, do not shoot, because the people who later victims, "he said.
Not just a case of displacement. Fences and plants in the gardens owned by local residents damaged by the action of the shootout at the edge of the Trans-Papua's Paniai Deiyai ​​shaft. In a search operation in the village of Pugo, 13 pieces of burned houses. One house burned suspected inhabited John Magai Yogi.

There was some gunfire. However, no data on casualties on both sides. Today, the military action by the sweep continues. Situation tense since two days ago yet tranquility. Pugo Residents can not return to their homes. (Jubi / Mark You)


Penulis :  | Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 | 15:32:53

Aparat Gabungan Lanjut Operasi Penyisiran di Paniai

186 Total Views

Seorang tentara menenteng senjata di Pasar Enarotali, 15 Agustus 2012. (Ist)
Paniai (9/1)—Keberadaan kelompok John Magai Yogi di Kabupaten Paniai terus diburu aparat keamanan militer Indonesia. Bahkan hingga kini, aparat gabungan TNI dan Polri masih mengejarnya setelah awal pekan ini baku tembak di Waidide, Kampung Pugo, Distrik Paniai Timur.
Digelarnya operasi penyisiran terhadap John Magai Yogi dan kelompoknya, Kapolres Paniai, Antonius Diance belum memberikan keterangan resmi. Saat dikonfirmasi melalui telepon selulernya, tidak terhubung.
Meski begitu, sumber menyebut masih berlanjutnya operasi penyisiran tersebut akan berdampak buruk di pihak warga sipil. “Apalagi di puncak Gunung Ekaugi ada pos. Mereka saling jaga itu,” katanya.
Anggota Brimob, polisi dan tentara bertugas di pos itu. Setiap kendaraan yang lewat di jalan raya dirazia aparat keamanan. “Saat ini situasinya tidak aman. Di Pugo tidak ada orang, karena lagi mengungsi. Semua ketakutan. Rumah juga dibakar. Aparat lagi kejar TPN OPM,” kata Pdt. Nico Degei, pemuka umat Kingmi Papua di Paniai, Rabu (9/1).
Pasukan Brimob dari Kelapa II Depok, Makassar dan Polda Papua yang dikirim untuk memperkuat personil Polres Paniai, menurut Nico, belum ditarik. Padahal pengiriman pasukan tersebut hanya kepentingan pengamanan 1 Desember 2012. “Sampai saat ini Paniai aman-aman saja. Tapi kenapa ditambah banyak-banyak, terus belum juga ditarik kembali?” katanya bertanya.
Koordinator National Papua Solidarity (NAPAS), Marthen Goo di Jakarta, Selasa (8/1) kemarin, mengecam terjadinya penyisiran oleh gabungan TNI dan Polri di Kampung Pugo, Paniai. Ia juga menyatakan, mendesak institusi militer segera hentikan aksi kekerasan di Tanah Papua.
Sebelumnya, Senin (7/1) siang, terjadi kontak senjata di Kampung Pugo. Rentetan tembakan saat itu mengagetkan warga setempat. Takut, mereka segera memilih mengungsi ke Madi, Enarotali, dan kampung terdekat lainnya.
Berdalih memburu TPN OPM, warga sipil justru diperlakukan kasar. Terus diinterogasi untuk menunjuk keberadaan John dkk. Menuduh warga setempat ikut membantu dan menyembunyikan kelompok separatis.
“Masyarakat Paniai khususnya di Pugo dan sekitarnya tidak salah. Jadi, sebaiknya kedua kelompok ini menahan diri. Jangan saling kejar, jangan baku tembak, karena masyarakat yang nanti korban,” ujarnya.
Tak hanya terjadi pengungsian. Pagar dan tanaman di kebun milik warga setempat rusak akibat aksi baku tembak di pinggir Jalan Trans Papua poros Paniai-Deiyai. Dalam operasi penyisiran di Kampung Pugo, 13 buah rumah warga terbakar. Satu rumah yang dibakar dicurigai dihuni John Magai Yogi.
Sempat terjadi kontak senjata. Namun belum ada data mengenai korban di kedua kubu. Hari ini, aksi penyisiran oleh militer masih berlanjut. Situasi tegang sejak dua hari lalu belum redah. Warga Pugo tak bisa kembali ke rumah mereka. (Jubi/Markus You)


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