Friday, January 11, 2013

1) TPN-OPM Responsible Admits Shooting in Puncak Jaya

1) TPN-OPM Responsible Admits Shooting in Puncak Jaya
2) Shooting in Puncak Jaya, Papua police go into one group

3) West Papua Advocacy Team Urges Unrestricted Visit by UN Special Rapporteur

A google translation of two articles in Tabloidjubi. Be-aware that google translate can be a bit erratic. 
Original bahasa below translations.

Penulis :  | Friday, January 11th, 2013 | 18:47:17
1) TPN-OPM Responsible Admits Shooting in Puncak Jaya
114 Total Views

Gen inauguration parade. Goliath Tabuni became Supreme Commander 
of TPN-OPM (

Jayapura (11/1)-The headquarters of the National Liberation Army of Free Papua Movement (TPN-OPM) officially issued a statement on the shooting in Mulia, Puncak Jaya regency, January 10, 2013. 

From this statement, they claimed responsibility for the shooting of a member of the military and a motorcycle taxi driver in Puncak Jaya.
It is said Chief of General Staff TPN-OPM, Maj. Teryanus Sato via press realesnya to, Friday (11/1). "The shooting of TNI Battalion 753 from Nabire and a motorcycle taxi driver, who is also member of Indonesia's intelligence is purely of TPN-OPM under the leadership Postal Operations Commander Jambi (Lekagak Telenggen), the National Command under Commander Leadership High TPN-OPM (Gen . Goliath Tabuni), "he wrote.

According to Maj. Teryanus, this shooting was in retaliation for the humiliation that has been leveled regent of Puncak Jaya, Henock Ibo, the TPN-OPM, the High Commander Gen. Goliath Tabuni through media Cepos (Cenderawasih Pos) and Papua Post on January 9, 2013.

"With this insult, TPN-OPM formally issued this statement. First, this is a pure shooting action of the TPN-OPM under the High Command Commander Gen. Goliath Tabuni as a form of revenge for the humiliation that has been raised by Puncak Jaya Regent Henock Ibo in the media and Papua Cepos Post some time ago.
Second, this shooting as an act of resistance to the inauguration Kodim 1714 Puncak Jaya, Papua recently. Third, the attack was carried out by the TPN-OPM purely under the leadership Lekagak Telenggen (Postal Operations Commander Jambi, Puncak Jaya), on the orders of High Commander of TPN-OPM (Gen. Goliath Tabuni).

TPN-OPM made this statement, to the attention of all parties. This statement was issued in the Command Center TPN-OPM, on: January 11, 2013. An. High Commander of TPN-OPM. Chief of General Staff. Maj. Teryanus Satto. NRP. 7312.00.00.003.
Previously, XVII Cenderawasih military commander, Major General. Christian Zebua said the gunman was not the TPN / OPM.
"Not true shooter armed gangs (OPM-red), that of the person OTK (a stranger)," said Commander via short message (10/01).
Papua police chief, Irjenpol. Tito Karnavian, the, Friday (11/01) admits all possibilities can occur, including if the shooter is the Goliath Tabuni. But while the police instead of the examination group.

"We see the addition of this group there is another group in the district of Puncak Jaya. For sure we are up for the group. While on what the motive, we can answer the motive if the culprit is caught or someone in the story, "said Police Chief. (Jubi / Benny Mawel)
TPN-OPM Akui Bertanggungjawab Penembakan di Puncak Jaya
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Parade pelantikan Gen. Goliat Tabuni menjadi Panglima Tertinggi TPN-OPM (
Jayapura (11/1)—Markas besar Tentara Pembebasan Nasional-Organisasi Papua Merdeka (TPN-OPM) secara resmi mengeluarkan penyataan atas kasus penembakan di Mulia, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya, 10 Januari 2013. Dari pernyataan resminya ini, mereka mengaku bertanggungjawab atas kasus penembakan seorang anggota TNI  dan seorang tukang ojek di Puncak Jaya.
Hal ini dikatakan Kepala Staf Umum TPN-OPM, Mayjen Teryanus Sato melalui pers realesnya ke, Jumat (11/1). “Penembakan terhadap anggota TNI dari Batalyon 753 Nabire dan seorang tukang ojek, yang juga anggota intelijen Indonesia adalah murni dari TPN-OPM di bawah Pimpinan Komandan Operasi Pos Jambi (Lekagak Telenggen), atas Komando Nasional di bawah Pimpinan Panglima Tinggi TPN-OPM (Gen. Goliat Tabuni),” tulisnya.
Menurut Mayjen Teryanus, aksi penembakan ini adalah pembalasan atas penghinaan yang telah dilontarkan Bupati Puncak Jaya, Henock Ibo, kepada Pimpinan TPN-OPM, yakni Panglima Tinggi Gen. Goliat Tabuni melalui media Cepos (Cenderawasih Pos) dan Papua Pos pada tanggal 9 Januari 2013.
“Dengan penghinaan ini, TPN-OPM secara resmi mengeluarkan pernyataan ini. Pertama, aksi penembakan ini adalah murni dari TPN-OPM dibawah Komando Panglima Tinggi Gen. Goliat Tabuni sebagai bentuk pembalasan atas penghinaan yang telah dilontarkan oleh Bupati Puncak Jaya Henock Ibo pada media Cepos dan Papua Pos beberapa waktu lalu.
Kedua,  penembakan ini juga sebagai aksi penolakan atas peresmian Kodim 1714 Puncak Jaya, Papua belum lama ini. Ketiga, penyerangan ini telah dilakukan oleh TPN-OPM murni di bawah pimpinan Lekagak Telenggen (Komandan Operasi Pos Jambi, Puncak Jaya), atas perintah Panglima Tinggi TPN-OPM (Gen. Goliat Tabuni).
TPN-OPM membuat pernyataan ini, guna menjadi perhatian semua pihak. Pernyataan ini dikeluarkan di Markas Pusat TPN-OPM, pada tanggal : 11 Januari 2013. An. Panglima Tinggi TPN-OPM. Kepala Staf Umum. Mayjen Teryanus Satto. NRP. 7312.00.00.003.
Sebelumnya, Panglima Kodam XVII Cenderawasih, Mayjen. Christian Zebua menyebutkan pelaku penembakan tersebut bukanlah kelompok TPN/OPM.
“Tidak benar pelaku penembakan gerombolan bersenjata (OPM-red), itu dari oknum OTK (orang tidak dikenal),” ujar Pangdam melalui pesan singkatnya (10/01).
Kapolda Papua, Irjenpol. Tito Karnavian , kepada, Jumat (11/01) mengakui semua kemungkinan bisa terjadi, termasuk jika pelaku penembakan adalah kelompok Goliat Tabuni. Namun dari pemeriksaan sementara Kepolisian bukan kelompok itu.
“Kita lihat selain kelompok ini ada kelompok lain lagi di Kabupaten Puncak Jaya. Yang pasti kita sudah mengarah pada satu kelompok. Sementara mengenai apa motifnya, kita bisa menjawab motif jika pelakunya sudah tertangkap atau ada orang dalam yang bercerita,” kata Kapolda. (Jubi/Benny Mawel)

2) Shooting in Puncak Jaya, Papua police go into one group
95 Total Views

Jakarta, to protect POL Tito Karnavian

Jayapura (11/1)-deepening Papua police conduct against one of the armed groups in Puncak Jaya regency, after the shootings in Kampung Kuyukwi, Puncak Jaya regency on Thursday (10/1) At approximately 17:45 EDT, resulting in one of TNI on behalf of PFC Hasan was wounded and one civilian named H. Hadith Nito died.
Papua Police Chief Inspector General of Police Tito Karnavian to reporters in Jayapura on Friday (11/1), said measures had been taken it is, the local police had done the crime scene, and then helping the victims included members of the victim's blood donation to critical.

"We are planning to form a team to go to Puncak Jaya. The team will be put through the crime scene and investigation, and identification of the suspect who did the shooting. The information we receive, it is actually in that area there are several armed groups, so we stayed mapping which groups are most likely to perform that action, both in terms of motives, traits likely perpetrator, and the type of weapons used. For sure we are up for a particular group, lived to the deepening of the group, "he said.
According to him, for the sole culprit, but there may be a help, supervise, and provide information, but which to execute a single culprit. "The weapon while the suspect a short barrel, from witnesses saw a short weapon. To still be kind of forensic examination, "he said.

When asked whether the shooting was the head of Goliath Tabuni, said provincial police chief, all possibilities can happen, but from the examination while the police is not the group. "We see the addition of this group there is another group in the district of Puncak Jaya. For sure we are up for the group. While on what the motive, we can answer the motive if the culprit is caught or someone in the storytelling, "he said.

Meanwhile, Lt. Col. Jansen Kapendam XVII Cenderawasih Simanjuntak as confirmed reporters via cell phone said military action in accordance with the rules of law applicable to the menterahkan matter to the police to investigate thoroughly.
"If you look kejadiaanya the shooter did not have a good sense of prikemanusian shooting of soldiers and civilians, the article of the victim did not do anything kesalahn suddenly shot from behind," he said.
Previously, the shooting by unknown person (OTK) back in the villages Kuyukwi, Puncak Jaya regency on Thursday (10/1) At approximately 17:45 CET which resulted in one of TNI members on behalf of PFC Hasan was wounded and one civilian named H. Hadith Nito died.

Hasan PFC victim was shot in the lower back, while H. Hadith Nito was shot in the upper right chest and was rushed to a local hospital, but did not help. Currently PFC Hasan was in intensive care at the General Hospital of Honor, Puncak Jaya regency from gunshot wounds he suffered. (Jubi / Alex)
Penembakan di Puncak Jaya, Polda Papua Dalami Satu Kelompok
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Jayapura (11/1)—Polda Papua melakukan pendalaman terhadap salah satu kelompok bersenjata yang berada di Kabupaten Puncak Jaya, pasca terjadinya penembakan di Kampung Kuyukwi, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya pada Kamis (10/1) sekitar Pukul 17.45 WIT, yang mengakibatkan satu anggota TNI atas nama Praka Hasan terluka dan satu warga sipil bernama H. Hadis Nito meninggal dunia.
Kapolda Papua Irjen Pol Tito Karnavian ke wartawan, di Jayapura, Jumat (11/1) mengatakan, langkah-langkah yang telah diambil pihaknya adalah, Polres setempat sudah melakukan olah TKP, kemudian membantu korban termasuk anggota melakukan donor darah untuk korban yang kritis.
“Kita berencana akan membentuk tim untuk berangkat ke Puncak Jaya. Tim ini akan melalukan olah TKP dan juga penyelidikan, kemudian identifikasi terhadap tersangka yang melakukan penembakan. Informasi yang kita terima, sebenarnya di daerah itu ada beberapa kelompok-kelompok bersenjata, jadi kita tinggal memetakan kelompok mana yang paling mungkin melakukan tindakan itu, baik dari segi motifnya, kemungkinan ciri-ciri pelaku, dan jenis senjata yang digunakan. Yang pasti kita sudah mengarah pada satu kelompok tertentu, tinggal melakukan pendalaman terhadap kelompok ini,” katanya.
Menurut dia, untuk sementara pelakunya tunggal, tetapi bisa saja ada yang membantu, mengawasi, dan memberi informasi, namun yang melakukan eksekusi pelakunya tunggal. “Senjata sementara di duga laras pendek, dari saksi mata melihat senjatanya pendek. Untuk jenisnya masih akan dilakukan pemeriksaan forensik,” ujarnya.
Saat ditanya apakah yang melakukan penembakan adalah kelompok pimpinan Goliat Tabuni, kata Kapolda, semua kemungkinan bisa terjadi, namun dari pemeriksaan sementara Kepolisian bukan kelompok itu. “Kita lihat selain kelompok ini ada kelompok lain lagi di Kabupaten Puncak Jaya. Yang pasti kita sudah mengarah pada satu kelompok. Sementara mengenai apa motifnya, kita bisa menjawab motif jika pelakunya sudah tertangkap atau ada orang dalam yang bercerita,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Kapendam XVII Cenderawasih Letkol Jansen Simanjuntak saat dikonfirmasi wartawan melalui telepon seluler mengatakan, tindakan TNI sesuai dengan aturan hukum berlaku dengan menterahkan persoalan tersebut ke pihak Kepolisian untuk mengusut sampai tuntas.
“Kalau lihat kejadiaanya pelaku penembakan itu tidak memiliki rasa prikemanusian baik penembakan terhadap prajurit maupun warga sipil, pasalnya korban tidak melakukan kesalahn apa-apa tiba-tiba di tembak dari belakang,” katanya.
Sebelumya, penembakan oleh orang tidak dikenal (OTK) kembali terjadi di Kampung Kuyukwi, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya pada Kamis (10/1) sekitar Pukul 17.45 WIT yang mengakibatkan satu Anggota TNI atas nama Praka Hasan terluka dan satu warga sipil bernama H. Hadis Nito meninggal dunia.
Korban Praka Hasan tertembak di bagian punggung belakang, sementara H. Hadis Nito tertembak di bagian dada kanan atas dan sempat dilarikan ke rumah sakit setempat namun tidak tertolong. Saat ini Praka Hasan sedang dirawat intensif di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Mulia, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya akibat luka tembak yang dideritanya. (Jubi/Alex)


3) West Papua Advocacy Team Urges Unrestricted Visit by UN Special Rapporteur

For immediate release

Contact: Ed McWilliams
+1- 575-648-2078

January 13, 2013 - The West Papua Advocacy Team is deeply concerned about the Government of Indonesia's unilateral decision to restrict the planned visit of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression Frank La Rue. 

The government invited La Rue to visit Indonesia last May during the UN Human Rights Council's periodic review of human rights in Indonesia. Indonesia came under pressure during that meeting because of its poor record of protecting human rights, notably in West Papua.
The government's proposed restrictions would prevent La Rue from visiting West Papuan and other political prisoners held in Jayapura and elsewhere. These political prisoners are incarcerated for their peaceful political dissent. For many years the Indonesian government has sought to limit freedom of expression by West Papuans, often by smearing dissenters as separatists and disingenuously claiming that these dissenters are tied to the Papuan armed opposition. 

According to reliable sources, the UN Special Rapporteur -- who is scheduled to arrive in Indonesia on January 14 -- plans to postpone his visit unless he is allowed to visit prisoners in both Jayapura and Ambon in the Moluccas. The government proposed only to allow him to meet with officials in Jakarta and with a religious cleric imprisoned in Sampang. Moluccan political prisoners, like Papuan political prisoners, have been incarcerated because of their peaceful dissent.

Human rights groups estimate that there are up to 100 political prisoners in Indonesia, mainly Papuans and Moluccans, including at least 15 Papuans imprisoned under charges of treason.

The West Papua Advocacy Team strongly urges the Indonesian government to lift any restrictions that would prevent the Special Rapporteur from meeting with political prisoners in Jayapura and in Ambon. The Indonesian government is accountable to the international community to respect rights of political prisoners under terms of numerous international conventions to which it is party. A visit by the Special Rapporteur is an important means by which to ensure Indonesian compliance with its international obligations.

The West Papua Advocacy team encourages the Special Rapporteur to postpone his visit until such time as he is able to set his own agenda for the visit, including meetings with political prisoners in Jayapura and Ambon.

The West Papua Advocacy Team is a U.S.-based NGO composed of academics, human rights defenders and a retired U.S. diplomat.

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