1) Disconnect
RI-Vanuatu relations, Prime Minister of Vanuatu Push West Papua at MSG
3) Indigenous
Peoples' Alliance/Indonesia: Deaths and Hunger in Kwoor District, Papua
4) KNPB protest
against police searches
Google translate of posting on KNPB web page. Be-aware that google translate can be a bit erratic
Original bahasa below translation .
1) Disconnect RI-Vanuatu relations, Prime Minister of Vanuatu Push West Papua at MSG
April 5, 2013 By: admin Category: International
Moana Kalosil
Vanuatu, KNPBnews - the new Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Moana carcasses Kalosil clapped and said he would push West Papua to be registered as a permanent member of the Melanesian Spearhead Groups (MSG). Told Radio New Zealand international today (5/4), Moana also said that the increase in support for the right of self-determination for West Papua will be announced nationally in the statement of plan 100 days in office.
"It's time to acknowledge the West Papuan struggle, someone should do something about it. We can not just close our eyes and refuse, saying that nothing is going on there, because there are many human rights issues going on there. We want West Papua became a full member of the Melanesian Spearhead Group - this is something that we will be lobbying, "says the radio Koloran RNZI.
Moana carcasses Kalosil who is also a member of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) said the government was going to end or terminate the agreement made between the previous government and Indonesia where Vanuatu received assistance from the Police and the Indonesian Military. Not only that, Morris also said that it would establish a special unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that focuses on the issue of West Papua. (Wd)
Moana Kalosil bersama Benny Wenda dan Ketua ILWP Melinda Jankie saat Peluncuran IPWP di London
Moana Kalosil, Andy Ayamiseba, Otto Ondowame & Paula Makabory
Hubungan RI-Vanuatu Putus, Perdana Menteri Vanuatu Dorong West Papua di MSG
April 05, 2013 By: admin Category: Internasional
Moana Kalosil
Vanuatu, KNPBnews – Perdana Menteri Vanuatu yang baru, Moana Carcasses Kalosil mengatakan dirinya akan membekap dan mendorong West Papua untuk didaftarkan sebagai anggota tetap dalam Melanesian Spearhead Groups (MSG). Kepada Radio New Zealand international hari ini (5/4), Moana juga mengatakan bahwa peningkatan dukungan terhadap hak penentuan nasib sendiri bagi West Papua akan diumumkan secara nasional dalam pernyataan rencana 100 hari kerja di kantor.
“Sudah waktunya untuk mengakui perjuangan West Papua, seseorang harus melakukan sesuatu tentang hal itu. Kita tidak bisa hanya menutup mata dan menolak, mengatakan bahwa tidak ada yang terjadi di sana, karena ada banyak masalah hak asasi manusia terjadi di sana. Kami ingin Papua Barat menjadi anggota penuh dari Melanesia Spearhead Group – ini adalah sesuatu yang kita akan melobi”, kata Koloran kepada radio RNZI.
Moana Carcasses Kalosil yang juga merupakan anggota dari International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) mengatakan Pemerintahannya akan mengakhiri atau memutuskan perjanjian yang dibuat antara pemerintah sebelumnya dengan Indonesia di mana Vanuatu menerima bantuan dari Kepolisian dan Militer Indonesia. Bukan saja itu, Moris juga mengatakan bahwa akan membentuk unit khusus pada Departemen Luar Negeri yang berfokus pada masalah West Papua.(wd)
Google translate of article in Jubi. Be-aware that google translate can be a bit erratic
Original bahasa below translation .
Author: Eveert Joumilena | 00:02
Editor: Dominggus a mampioper
117 Total Views
| April 6, 2013 | 0
Filed in: National & International
Preview UP4B Malnourished Locations in West Papua (Jubi / ist)
Jayapura, 5/4 - Unit to Accelerate Development in Papua and West Papua (UP4B) pay attention to the incidence of malnutrition in Tambrauw. UP4B, Friday (5/4) has commissioned a team to the site to identify the problem and the steps coordination.
As reported by a number of local and national media, due to malnutrition in the village Bikar / cleared and Kampung Kwesefo Kwoor District Tambrauw District have resulted in 15 deaths. The deaths are generally in the age of toddlers (under three years).
UP4B team assigned to the scene was Drg Herman Setia Hadi, Adrianus Taroreh, Salampessy Ishaq, M. Lakotani and Samsu Rizal. They will join a team of Health Department of West Papua and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
Meanwhile, there is no information obtained on the visit team. Given the location of the incident is rumored to be in the mountains and isolated. Similarly, the scene is not connected to the Capital District Kwoor. The only way to get to the location can only be reached by plane Heli. If you walk it takes 3-5 days of Sausapor District.
From the information cited in www.up4b.go.id reported by Team Media Center UP4B to Friday (5/4) afternoon, still have not been able to communicate with the team, chances are they still in air travel to the location.
District Tambrauw nearly 80 percent were in the protected forest areas with dispersed residential locations. Among the existing seven districts, 5 districts can be reached by road from the capital while Sausapor District. Being the other two, the District and the District Abung Miyah can only be reached by road Manokwari.
Team Professionals who served as the District Stakeholder Tambrauw Andrianus Taroreh and Michael Kambu when contacted Media Center UP4B Friday (5/4) tells, that the 22 March when the task will return to Sorong got the information directly from the health center Sausapor District when it was received a report from a resident.
Residents came to walk for 4 days of Kampung Kwesefo reported that in the last 2 weeks there has been an unusual event, 15 people died. Most of the victims were children under the age of 3 years, with symptoms of ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection), skin diseases and malnutrition. (Jubi / Eveerth)
Editor : dominggus a mampioper
117 Total Views
| April 6, 2013 | 0
Filed in: Nasional & Internasional
UP4B Tinjau Lokasi Kurang Gizi di Provinsi Papua Barat(Jubi/ist)
Jayapura, 5/4 –- Unit Percepatan Pembangunan Papua dan Papua Barat (UP4B) memberikan perhatian penuh atas kejadian gizi buruk di Tambrauw. UP4B , Jumat(5/4)ini telah menugaskan tim menuju lokasi untuk melakukan identifikasi masalah dan langkah-langkah koordinasi yang tepat.
Seperti diberitakan sejumlah media massa lokal maupun nasional, akibat gizi buruk di Kampung Bikar/ Berde dan Kampung Kwesefo Distrik Kwoor Kabupaten Tambrauw telah mengakibatkan 15 korban meninggal. Korban meninggal umumnya dalam usia batita (dibawah tiga tahun).
Tim UP4B yang ditugaskan ke lokasi kejadian adalah Drg Hermanto Setia Hadi, Adrianus Taroreh, Ishaq Salampessy, M. Lakotani dan Samsu Rizal. Mereka akan bergabung bersama tim dari Dinas Kesehatan Papua Barat dan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.
Sementara ini, belum ada informasi yang didapat atas kunjungan tim. Mengingat lokasi kejadian dikabarkan berada di daerah pegunungan dan terisolir. Demikian juga lokasi kejadian belum terhubung dengan Ibukota Distrik Kwoor. Satu-satunya jalan untuk menuju lokasi hanya bisa dijangkau dengan pesawat Heli. Jika berjalan kaki perlu waktu 3 – 5 hari dari Distrik Sausapor.
Dari informasi yang dikutip pada www.up4b.go.id dikabarkan oleh Tim Media Center UP4B hingga Jumat (5/4) sore,tetap belum bisa berkomunikasi dengan tim, kemungkinan mereka masih dalam perjalanan udara menuju ke lokasi.
Kabupaten Tambrauw hampir 80 persen berada di kawasan hutan lindung dengan lokasi pemukiman terpencar. Diantara 7 distrik yang ada, 5 distrik bisa ditempuh dengan jalan darat dari Ibukota sementara Distrik Sausapor. Sedang dua lainnya, yaitu Distrik Miyah dan Distrik Abung hanya bisa ditempuh melalui jalan darat Kabupaten Manokwari.
Tim Tenaga Profesional yang bertugas sebagai Pemangku Kabupaten Tambrauw Andrianus Taroreh dan Michael Kambu ketika dihubungi Media Center UP4B Jumat (5/4) menceritakan, bahwa 22 Maret lalu pada saat akan kembali tugas ke Sorong mendapat informasi langsung dari dokter Puskesmas Distrik Sausapor yang ketika itu sedang menerima laporan dari seorang penduduk.
Penduduk tersebut datang dengan berjalan kaki selama 4 hari dari Kampung Kwesefo melaporkan, bahwa dalam 2 minggu terakhir telah terjadi peristiwa yang luar biasa, 15 orang meninggal dunia. Sebagian besar korban adalah anak usia di bawah 3 tahun, dengan gejala ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut), penyakit kulit dan gizi buruk. (Jubi/Eveerth)
via Tapol
From Joyo
3) Indigenous Peoples' Alliance/Indonesia: Deaths and Hunger in Kwoor District, Papua
April 5, 2013
Indigenous Peoples' Alliance
of the Archipelago
Press Release
“We have been sick for so long yet the medical staffs do not care at
all,” complained people of Kwoor district, Tambrauw regency to The
Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) Chapter
Sorong Raya.
Since November 2012, indigenous peoples of Kwoor district have been
getting stricken by disease causing mass deaths. The people mostly
suffer from malnutrition and itching skin. These have been epidemic in
several villages, including Jokjoker, Kosefo, Baddei, Sukuweis and
According to the information AMAN Sorong Raya has obtained, as per
February 2013, about 535 people has been affected by those diseases
and 95 people died. In Baddei village, 250 people are ill and 45
people died. In Jokjoker, 210 people are ill and 15 people died. In
Kosefa, 75 people are ill and 35 people died.
According to villagers, the government of Kwoor doesn’t provide any
health service. The Postu (subordinate station) in Kwoor remains
lacking of medical staffs, thus people willing to consult are often
unable to obtain health service due to the absence of doctor or mantri
(medical practitioner). Villagers often have to walk to another
village just to get medical treatment.
Church staff of Jokjoker said that the epidemic in that village
started in November 2012. Villagers went to Werur village to get
medical treatment and have reported to medical staff and government of
Sausapor district and Tambrauw regency. Yet, they have not shown any
obvious effort to help the villagers. Today the people have to find
the medical treatment themselves by walking a very long distance for
Until February 2013, a lot of people of Kwoor died one after another.
Villagers of Kosefo (of which 12 people are ill) walked to Sausapor
district for four days just to get medical treatment and report to
hospital. Villagers of Jokjoker were traumatized because a lot of
people have died. They didn’t have any choice but to move to Bikar,
Baddei Sibi villages or to Sausapor. Travelling on foot from Jokjoker
to Bikar takes one whole day.
Local government is slow in giving health service. Until today, only
two villages (Sumbab and Bikar) have gotten medicines. People are
ordered to come to villages downhill. Since most of them are ill and
can’t walk long distance, just some people came to get medicines
from villages in where health service established.
AMAN Sorong Raya and its network have been trying to stop this
epidemic. They have sent representatives to obtain a more detailed and
complete information. AMAN Sorong is consolidating existing networks
to urge the local government to establish service to handle the
epidemic in Tambrauw regency.
AMAN Sorong Raya’s recommendations are as follow:
• The State is indicatively committing gross human rights violation
by neglecting its people. • Immediately sending medical teams
providing treatment and service for ill villagers. • Establishing
counseling and reinforcement for villagers losing their family members
to prevent lingering trauma. • Immediately establishing independent
investigation on the mass deaths and improper health services.
3) Indigenous Peoples' Alliance/Indonesia: Deaths and Hunger in Kwoor District, Papua
April 5, 2013
Indigenous Peoples' Alliance
of the Archipelago
Press Release
“We have been sick for so long yet the medical staffs do not care at
all,” complained people of Kwoor district, Tambrauw regency to The
Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) Chapter
Sorong Raya.
Since November 2012, indigenous peoples of Kwoor district have been
getting stricken by disease causing mass deaths. The people mostly
suffer from malnutrition and itching skin. These have been epidemic in
several villages, including Jokjoker, Kosefo, Baddei, Sukuweis and
According to the information AMAN Sorong Raya has obtained, as per
February 2013, about 535 people has been affected by those diseases
and 95 people died. In Baddei village, 250 people are ill and 45
people died. In Jokjoker, 210 people are ill and 15 people died. In
Kosefa, 75 people are ill and 35 people died.
According to villagers, the government of Kwoor doesn’t provide any
health service. The Postu (subordinate station) in Kwoor remains
lacking of medical staffs, thus people willing to consult are often
unable to obtain health service due to the absence of doctor or mantri
(medical practitioner). Villagers often have to walk to another
village just to get medical treatment.
Church staff of Jokjoker said that the epidemic in that village
started in November 2012. Villagers went to Werur village to get
medical treatment and have reported to medical staff and government of
Sausapor district and Tambrauw regency. Yet, they have not shown any
obvious effort to help the villagers. Today the people have to find
the medical treatment themselves by walking a very long distance for
Until February 2013, a lot of people of Kwoor died one after another.
Villagers of Kosefo (of which 12 people are ill) walked to Sausapor
district for four days just to get medical treatment and report to
hospital. Villagers of Jokjoker were traumatized because a lot of
people have died. They didn’t have any choice but to move to Bikar,
Baddei Sibi villages or to Sausapor. Travelling on foot from Jokjoker
to Bikar takes one whole day.
Local government is slow in giving health service. Until today, only
two villages (Sumbab and Bikar) have gotten medicines. People are
ordered to come to villages downhill. Since most of them are ill and
can’t walk long distance, just some people came to get medicines
from villages in where health service established.
AMAN Sorong Raya and its network have been trying to stop this
epidemic. They have sent representatives to obtain a more detailed and
complete information. AMAN Sorong is consolidating existing networks
to urge the local government to establish service to handle the
epidemic in Tambrauw regency.
AMAN Sorong Raya’s recommendations are as follow:
• The State is indicatively committing gross human rights violation
by neglecting its people. • Immediately sending medical teams
providing treatment and service for ill villagers. • Establishing
counseling and reinforcement for villagers losing their family members
to prevent lingering trauma. • Immediately establishing independent
investigation on the mass deaths and improper health services.
4) KNPB protest against police searches
The National Committee for West Papua - KNPB - has protested against measures taken by the police to search the homes of people in the vicinity of Perumnas-EXPO, Waene , Jayapura, in their search for Danny Wenda.
Spokesman for the KNPB, Wim Medlama told JUBI: 'The police carried out a search of the home of IM (initials only) on Thursday as well as other homes all of which is quite unjustified and would clearly not lead them to Danny Wenda, he said.
Wim Medlama said that since Danny has been declared to be on the 'wanted' list (DPO), he has not appeared anywhere in Jayapura or the vicinity. 'We too have not been in contact with him. We have no idea where he has gone.'
'These searches make no sense and can only create new problems,' said Medlama. He alleged that the police searches were part of a special agenda being pursued by the police on behalf of vested interests.
With regard to the comment by the police that they are not directing their search against the KNPB but against Danny Wenda and say that this is in connection with a shooting incident in July last year in Jayapura, Medlama said that if Danny were not a member of the KNPB, why would the police be looking for him? He is ssen as being connected with the case of the late Mako Tabuni.'
[Translated by TAPOL]
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