Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1) Smith off to Jakarta security talks

1) Smith off to Jakarta security talks

2) In Tambrauw, 95 People Died Due to Hunger


1) Smith off to Jakarta security talks

Defence Minister Stephen Smith and Foreign Minister Bob Carr will hold annual foreign and defence talks with their Indonesian counterparts.
Defence Minister Stephen Smith is off to Indonesia for annual talks on defence and security matters.
Although discussions will include maritime surveillance, Mr Smith says the focus won't specifically be the issue of asylum seeker boat arrivals in Australia.
Mr Smith and Foreign Minister Bob Carr will meet Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa for the second Annual 2+2 foreign and defence ministers meeting in Jakarta on Wednesday.
Australia's bilateral security and strategic cooperation with Indonesia has steadily increased in recent years under the 2008 Lombok Treaty.
The treaty provides a modern framework for increased bilateral cooperation on defence, law enforcement, counter-terrorism, maritime security and humanitarian and disaster relief.
Mr Smith said bilateral defence engagement, exercises and training increased in 2012.
"This year we are on track to see those levels exceeded," Mr Smith said in a statement on Tuesday.
Senator Carr arrived in Bali on Monday for a two-day conference on people smuggling co-chaired by Australia and Indonesia.
A Google translate of article in Surapapua.com. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic. 
Original bahasa below translation.

2) In Tambrauw, 95 People Died Due to Hunger

Monday, April 1, 2013, 23:01 News, Papua Barat418 viewsAdd a comment


PAPUAN, Tambrauw - Disaster again struck the death and starvation of hundreds of civilians in the District Kwoor, Tambrauw regency, West Papua. Since last November 2012, 553 people reportedly suffered from malnutrition, and 95 others had died.

It is delivered Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN) Sorong Kingdom, Constant, after checking directly in the field, as it is released in the website aman.or.id, this morning, Tuesday (02/04/2013).

According to Constant, some village in the district of the targeted Kwoor deadly disease is Kampung Jocjoker, Kosefo, Baddei, Sukuweis and Krisnos.

"In the village Baddei 250 people ill and 45 people died, Kampung Jokjoker 210 sick and 15 people died, Kampung Kosefa 75 sick and 35 people died," said Constant.

Known, there is no government health services in the District Kwoor. In addition, the District postu Kwoor still understaffed, so that every citizen who comes often do not get the service because of the spell or the doctor was not there.

"Often people have to walk to another village to seek treatment. We've been sick a long time but not health care, "complained resident to SAFE Sorong Kingdom.

Meanwhile, many types of illness people are malnourished or undernourished and itching. The outbreak has spread to several villages and is reportedly the situation got worse.

Ministers of the Church in the village of Jokjoker stated that the incidence (sick people) starting from November 2012. Residents had sought treatment to Kampung Werur and had reported to the medical report or to the government in the district and the district Sausapor Tambrauw. However, there has been no real effort to help the residents.

As of February 2013, many residents in the district who died Kwoor respectively. Residents of Kampung Kosefo (12 people sick) walking distance to the District Sausapor for 4 days to seek treatment and report the incident to the hospital.

People in the village Jokjoker trauma (fear) because a lot of people who died. They were forced to move to Kampung Bikar, Baddei Sibi and partly to Sausapor. While the distance from the village Jokjoker to Bikar is one day's walk.

Services or assistance from the local government is very slow. Currently only done delivery of drugs at some point (village Sumbab and Bikar) only.

Public told to go down to The villages. Because many are sick and unable to walk away again, only some people are taking medicines from the existing village health care.

According to Constant, SAFE shoves Kingdom and networks are working to help disaster outbreak in the district this Tambrauw.

In addition, SAFE shoves Kingdom are also being consolidated with existing networks to urge local governments to undertake service in disaster tackle disease outbreaks in this Tambrauw district.

Oktovianus POGAU


Di Tambrauw, 95 Orang Meninggal Dunia Karena Kelaparan
Monday, April 1, 2013, 23:01Berita, Papua Barat418 viewsAdd a comment


PAPUAN, Tambrauw — Bencana kematian dan kelaparan kembali melanda ratusan warga sipil di Distrik Kwoor, Kabupaten Tambrauw, Papua Barat. Sejak November 2012 lalu, dikabarkan 553 warga menderita sakit gizi buruk, dan 95 orang lainnya telah meninggal dunia. 

Hal ini disampaikan Kordinator Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) Sorong Raya, Konstan, usai mengecek langsung dilapangan, seperti yang dirilis dalam website aman.or.id, pagi tadi, Selasa (2/4/2013).

Menurut Konstan, beberapa kampong di Distrik Kwoor yang menjadi sasaran penyakit mematikan tersebut adalah Kampung Jocjoker, Kosefo, Baddei, Sukuweis dan Krisnos.

“Di Kampung Baddei 250 orang sakit dan 45 orang meninggal dunia, Kampung Jokjoker 210 sakit dan 15 orang meninggal dunia, Kampung Kosefa 75 sakit dan 35 orang meninggal dunia,” ujar Konstan.

Diketahui, tidak ada pelayanan kesehatan dari pemerintah di Distrik Kwoor. Selain itu, Postu di Distrik Kwoor masih kekurangan tenaga medis, sehingga setiap warga yang datang seringkali tidak mendapatkan pelayanan karena mantra atau dokter tidak ada di tempat.

“Seringkali warga harus berjalan kaki ke kampong lainnya untuk mencari pengobatan. Kami sudah sakit lama tapi petugas kesehatan tidak peduli,” keluh warga kepada AMAN Sorong Raya.

Sedangkan, jenis penyakit yang diderita kebanyakan warga adalah busung lapar atau kekurangan gizi dan gatal-gatal. Wabah ini telah menyebar dibeberapa kampung dan sampai saat ini dikabarkan situasi semakin memburuk.

Pelayan Gereja di Kampung Jokjoker menyatakan bahwa kejadian (warga sakit) mulai dari bulan November 2012. Warga sempat mencari pengobatan ke Kampung Werur dan sudah melaporkan laporan ke pihak medis atau ke pemerintah di distrik Sausapor dan Kabupaten Tambrauw. Namun, belum ada upaya nyata untuk membantu warga.

Hingga bulan Februari 2013, banyak warga di Distrik Kwoor yang meninggal dunia secara berturut-turut. Warga dari Kampung Kosefo (12 orang yang sakit) berjalan kaki ke Distrik Sausapor selama 4 hari untuk berobat dan melaporkan kejadian ini ke pihak Rumah Sakit.

Masyarakat di Kampung Jokjoker mengalami trauma (ketakutan) karena banyak warga yang meninggal dunia. Mereka terpaksa pindah ke Kampung Bikar, Baddei Sibi dan sebagian ke Sausapor. Sedangkan jarak tempuh dari Kampung Jokjoker ke Bikar adalah 1 hari berjalan kaki.

Pelayanan atau bantuan dari pemerintah setempat sangat lambat. Saat ini baru dilakukan pengiriman obat-obat di beberapa titik (kampong Sumbab dan Bikar) saja.

Masyarakat disuruh turun ke Kampung-kampung. Karena banyak yang sakit dan tidak mampu berjalan jauh lagi, maka hanya sebagian warga saja yang mengambil obat-obatan dari kampung yang ada pelayanan kesehatannya.

Menurut Konstan, AMAN Sorong Raya dan jaringannya sedang melakukan upaya untuk membantu bencana wabah penyakit di Kabupaten Tambrauw ini.

Selain itu, AMAN Sorong Raya juga sedang melakukan konsolidasi dengan jaringan yang ada untuk mendesak pemerintah daerah supaya melakukan pelayanan dalam menanggani bencana wabah penyakit di distrik Tambrauw ini.


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