Thursday, June 6, 2024

1) Indigenous communities oppose mining activities of PT Zoomlion in their customary land in Kapiraya, Deiyai


2) Weapon Contact In Yahukimo, TPNPB Shoot 1 Member Of Indonesian Army Until Critical


Human Rights Monitor

1) Indigenous communities oppose mining activities of PT Zoomlion in their customary land in Kapiraya, Deiyai

Indigenous communities in Kapiraya district, Deiyai Regency, Papua Tengah (Central Papua) Province, are actively protesting the operations of PT Zoomlion, a Chinese company, which entered the area in 2023 to extract gold with heavy machinery (excavators) without obtaining permits from either the customary right owners or the relevant government authorities. The use of heavy machinery by PT Zoomlion has already caused damage to riverbanks and surrounding areas, impacting water quality and local access to clean water. 
The Central Papua Provincial Government has confirmed that gold mining activities are illegal. Frets James Boray, Head of the Central Papua Manpower, Transmigration and Mineral Resources Energy Office (Disnakertrans-ESDM), stated this to Media outlet Koranpapua on 1 April 2024. Boray outlined the regulations governing community mining if such activities were to be legalised. “Community mining is permitted, but only with the use of simple tools, not heavy machinery like excavators,” he stated. “Bringing in excavators is strictly forbidden due to their detrimental impact on the environment and their violation of the law.” Boray admitted his lack of knowledge regarding the individuals who brought in the heavy equipment for the current illegal mining activities. He urged the public to provide clear information regarding the ownership of this equipment. Furthermore, he issued a direct plea: “To the public and any entrepreneurs involved, I urge you to cease these illegal mining activities immediately.” He also called upon law enforcement officials to take appropriate action before further damage occurs.
On 15 May 2024, the community through a representative issued an open letter (download PDF) to the authorities of Deiyai and Dogiyai Regencies objecting the entry of PT Zoomlion. They urged the authorities to clarify the situation and potentially stop the mining activity to protect the environment and local people.  In late May, community members blocked the site in protest, prompting a reaction from the authorities.
On 31 May 2024, a Dogiyai DPRD member said, they met the Provincial Mineral Resources Energy Office representative. During the meeting it was revealed that PT Zoomlion is operating illegally. The Office representatives committed to visiting the site in Kapiraya and monitoring the activities and ownership of customary land areas. The information collected should be the basis for stoping illegal mining sites in Kapiraya. 

Video showing the community blocking mining site in Kapiraya

From posting on FB
2) Weapon Contact In Yahukimo, TPNPB Shoot 1 Member Of Indonesian Army Until Critical

7/June /2024
Share By: Jubir Komnas TPNPB-OPM Sebby Sambom Sebby Sambom
2) Weapon Contact In Yahukimo, TPNPB Shoot 1 Member Of Indonesian Army Until Critical
Press Release of the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB Central Headquarters for Thursday, June 6, 2024
Please follow this carry report!
The management of the TPNPB KOMNAS Central Headquarters has received an official report from the TPPNB Kodap XVI Yahukimo troops on Thursday, June 6, 2024 at about 22:00 pm that there has been a weapon contact between the TPNP B Kodap X VI troops and the Indonesian Government Military Forces around 13:00 pm to 20:00 pm in 4 point in between; Kilo 2 Area, Blue River Direction, Logbon Region and Around the Airport in Dekai, Yahukimo County Capital.
Related to the shooting action of the TPNPB Kodap XVI Yahukimo troops have successfully shot a member of the Indonesian Army of Papua named Obaja Tegket until critical and is undergoing medical treatment at Dekai Hospital, which is still in the area of operation of the TPPNB KodapXVI Yahukimo special forces.
In that regard, the TPNPB Kodap XVI troops said that to all Papuan people must be aware of the acceptance of the POLRI army that is dedicated for Papuans is the same as complaining about our fellow Papuans to kill each other while we are still colonized in the colonial government of Indonesia and this is the same Just ethnic destruction of fellow Papuans.
Is it only Papuans who have to become POLRI ARMY while in the field of Government, Legislative, and Judiciary they are being taken over by Indonesian immigrants. This is what all Papuans must be aware of and do the resistance to lead to the independence of West Papua.
Related to the shooting action, the Commander of TPNPB Kodap XVI and the TPNPB Troops of Yahukimo Region are ready to be responsible for shooting a member of the Indonesian Army and a number of attacks that occurred at four points in Yahukimo Regency around 13:00 to 20:00 in the evening.
Thus Press Release of the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB Central Headquarters On Thursday, June 6, 2024 by Spokesperson Sebby Sambom and forwarded to all parties.
And thank you for the good cooperation.

Share By: Jubir Komnas TPNPB-OPM Sebby Sambom Sebby Sambom
Kontak Senjata Di Yahukimo, TPNPB Tembak 1 Anggota Tentara Indonesia Hingga Kritis
Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB Per Kamis, 6 Juni 2024
Silahkan ikuti laporan dibawa ini!
Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB telah menerima laporan resmi dari pasukan TPNPB Kodap XVI Yahukimo pada hari Kamis, 6 Juni 2024 sekitar pukul 22:00 malam bahwa telah terjadi kontak senjata antara pasukan TPNPB Kodap XVI dan Pasukan Militer Pemerintah Indonesia sekitar pukul 13:00 siang hingga pukul 20:00 malam di 4 titik diantaranya; Area Kilo 2, Arah Kali Biru, Wilayah Logbon dan Sekitar Bandara di Dekai, Ibu Kota Kabupaten Yahukimo.
Terkait dengan aksi baku tembak tersebut pasukan TPNPB Kodap XVI Yahukimo telah berhasil menembak seorang anggota Tentara Indonesia asal Papua atas nama Obaja Tegket hingga kritis dan sedang dalam perawatan medis di RSUD Dekai, yang masih berada dalam wilayah operasi pasukan khusus TPNPB Kodap XVI Yahukimo.
Dalam hal tersebut pasukan TPNPB Kodap XVI mengatakan bahwa kepada seluruh rakyat Papua harus sadar dengan adanya penerimaan TNI POLRI yang di khususkan untuk orang Papua itu sama saja dengan mengadu dombakan kita sesama orang Papua untuk saling membunuh selama kami masih dijajah dalam pemerintahan kolonial indonesia dan ini sama saja pemusnahan etnis sesama Papua.
Apakah hanya orang Papua yang harus menjadi TNI POLRI sedangkan dibidang Pemerintahan, Legislatif, dan Yudikatif sedang diambil alih oleh orang imigran indonesia. Ini yang harus semua rakyat Papua sadar dan melakukan perlawanan untuk menuju kepada kemerdekaan Papua Barat.
Terkait dengan aksi penembakan tersebut Panglima TPNPB Kodap XVI dan Pasukan TPNPB Wilayah Yahukimo siap bertanggung jawab atas penembakan terhadap seorang anggota Tentara Indonesia dan sejumlah serangan yang terjadi di empat titik di Kabaputan Yahukimo sekitar pukul 13:00 hingga jam 20:00 malam.
Demikian Siaran Pers Manajemen Markas Pusat KOMNAS TPNPB Per Kamis, 6 Juni 2024 oleh Juru Bicara Sebby Sambom dan di teruskan kepada semua pihak.
Dan terima kasih atas kerja sama yang baik.

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