Friday, June 7, 2024

1) MPR Speaker urges firm action against KKB in Papua

2) Soldier survives Papuan insurgent attack in Dekai: Police 
3) VP Ma'ruf Amin shares four messages on expediting Papua development   
4) SIPPP instrumental in tracking progress in Papua's development: govt  
5) Indonesia Declares Emergency as African Swine Fever Detected in Papua  

1) MPR Speaker urges firm action against KKB in Papua  
June 7, 2024 19:22 GMT+700
Jakarta (ANTARA) - People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo urged the Defense Forces (TNI) and the National Police (Polri) to catch members of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) who shot a soldier in Yahukimo, Papua Highland.

Bambang expressed his condemnation of the shooting incident and urged the TNI and Polri to take firm action against the KKB.

"I urged police officers, assisted by TNI units, to immediately pursue and restrict the movement of the perpetrators as well as take firm and measured action against the KKB," he noted in a statement on Friday.

He also called on the government to adopt a firm stance in dealing with the KKB, which continues to repeat its acts of violence that result in victims.

"They also created chaos and disturbed the security and comfort of the local community," Bambang pointed out.

He emphasized the need to identify root causes of the conflict through in-depth study and take appropriate solutions.

Bambang also urged all relevant stakeholders to jointly develop strategic steps for dealing with the KKB in Papua.

"It can be carried out through a collaborative and holistic approach, especially in maintaining and improving the security and welfare of the Papuan people," he stated.

The KKB members shot a soldier from a military district post in Dekai, Yahukimo, Papua Highland, on Thursday, injuring him on the left thigh.

Head of Information Center of the Papua Military Regional Command XVII/Cenderawasih, Lt. Col. Candra Kurniawan, stated that TNI and Polri officers are pursuing the perpetrators.

Related news: Papuan insurgent wounded in gunfight with Indonesian troops
Related news: Indonesian troops fight back three armed Papuan rebels in Intan Jaya

Translator: Melalusa Susthira K, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Anton Santoso


2) Soldier survives Papuan insurgent attack in Dekai: Police  
June 7, 2024 14:54 GMT+700
Timika, C Papua (ANTARA) - A soldier from the 1715/Yahukimo District Military Command (Kodim) survived a Papuan insurgent's assault on Thursday (June 6), albeit suffering from a bullet wound on his left thigh, a police spokesman confirmed.

The wounded soldier, identified as First Private Rajami Uhio, is currently receiving treatment at the Dekai Public Hospital, Operation Peace Cartenz Task Force spokesperson Adjunct Senior Commissioner Bayu Suseno stated.

Uhio was shot by an armed rebel while passing through Seradala Road KM 2 in Dekai Sub-district, Yahukimo District, Papua Pegunungan Province, at 6:20 p.m. local time, he remarked here, Thursday (June 6).

In response to the shooting incident, task force personnel had been deployed to hunt down the attacker, who is believed to belong to the XVI insurgent group operating in the Yahukimo region, he noted.

Over the past few years, armed Papuan groups have often employed hit-and-run tactics against Indonesian security personnel and mounted acts of terror against civilians in the districts of Intan Jaya, Nduga, Puncak, and Maybrat to incite fear among the people.

The targets of such acts of terror have included construction workers, motorcycle taxi (ojek) drivers, teachers, students, street food vendors, and also civilian aircraft.

On December 2, 2018, a group of armed Papuan separatists brutally killed 31 workers from PT Istaka Karya engaged in the Trans Papua project in Kali Yigi and Kali Aurak in Yigi Sub-district, Nduga District.

Early in the morning of September 2, 2021, several members of a Papuan separatist terrorist group operating in Maybrat District ambushed soldiers while they were asleep at the Kisor military post located at Kisor Village, South Aifat Sub-district.

On March 2, 2022, several members of an armed Papuan group operating in Beoga Sub-district, Puncak District, killed eight Palaparing Timur Telematika (PTT) workers who were repairing a base transceiver station (BTS) tower belonging to state-owned telecommunications operator Telkomsel.

On February 7, 2023, New Zealand pilot Phillip Mark Mehrtens was taken hostage by the Egianus Kogoya-led armed group.

Philip was piloting an aircraft belonging to Indonesian airline Susi Air when the armed group captured him. Members of the group set his plane on fire shortly after it landed in Nduga District.  

Related news: Police, army deployed at Papua hospital after rebel threat: official

Related news: Prioritize cultural approach to settle Papua's armed group issue: MPR

Translator: Agustina EJ, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Tia Mutiasari


3) VP Ma'ruf Amin shares four messages on expediting Papua development  

June 7, 2024 18:44 GMT+700

Sorong, Southwest Papua (ANTARA) - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin conveyed four strategic messages for accelerating development in Papua at the launch of the Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP) and the Papua Development Acceleration Information System (SIPPP) on Friday.

As per his first message, the design of comprehensive programs should have a direct impact on improving community welfare within the framework of the 2022–2041 RIPPP.

"Ensure that the planning and budgeting of these programs is carried out by considering the needs of the OAP community (indigenous Papuan people) and focuses on improving the quality of education, reducing extreme poverty, and overcoming stunting to increase the standard and quality of life of Papuans," he said at the event in Sorong, Southwest Papua.

Amin then emphasized that efforts to implement these programs must be supported by strengthening coordination, synergy, collaboration, and cooperation between the central government, regional governments, the private sector, and the community.

In his second message, he expressed hope for the optimization of SIPPP utilization.

He said that SIPPP is not merely a tool for monitoring and evaluating the acceleration of development and special autonomy for Papua, but a driving force to consolidate, synchronize, and harmonize all data and information on Papua's integrated development planning.

In his third message, the Vice President expressed the hope for increased involvement of OAP in preparing action plans for the accelerated development of Papua each period to ensure that the aspirations and needs of the Papuan people are accommodated.

In the last message, Amin called for ensuring an effective and sustainable development acceleration process.

Meanwhile, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa, who was also present at the launch, said that the preparation of 2022–2041 RIPPP was mandated by Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province.

"This master plan was prepared together with ministries/institutions, regional governments, and Papuan community leaders. This is an integrated plan between sectors and regions to prioritize the principles of good financial management," he added.

Related news: VP launches first Papuan Islamic economy committee in Southwest Papua
Related news: Support development of S Papua as sugar industry center: VP

Translator: Benardy Ferdiansyah, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution


4) SIPPP instrumental in tracking progress in Papua's development: govt  

June 7, 2024 15:21 GMT+700
Jakarta (ANTARA) - National Development Planning Minister and National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Head Suharso Monoarfa affirmed that the Papua Development Acceleration Information System (SIPPP) will play a crucial role in monitoring progress in expediting Papua's development.

"SIPPP will play an important role in monitoring progress in accelerating Papua's development, starting from planning, budgeting, and implementation to monitoring, evaluation, and control stages," Monoarfa remarked on Friday.

The minister made the statement at the launch of the 2022-2041 Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP) and SIPPP in Sorong City, Southwest Papua, which was monitored virtually from Jakarta.

The information system incorporates the synergy of several financing sources and planning and budgeting.

Specifically, SIPPP is directed to be used to support development planning by the central and regional governments, aligning development planning at the central and regional levels, central government review of regional planning, monitoring, controlling, reporting, and evaluating the implementation of development plans.

The SIPPP, developed by Bappenas, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Vice President's Secretariat, is presented to support the RIPPP 2022-2041.

That means the SIPPP is an integrated information system platform within the RIPPP framework that is connected to other information systems based on the principles of data sharing and interoperability.

Furthermore, the preparation of RIPPP 2022-2041 is a mandate of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 on special autonomy for Papua Province.

The master plan was prepared along with ministries and institutions, regional governments, and Papuan community leaders as a form of integrated planning between sectors and regions by prioritizing the principles of good financial management.

Currently, RIPPP has been stipulated as Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2023.

"By launching this document, we can introduce all development actors, including the wider community, to the direction of long-term development in the region we love, the Papua region," the Head of Bappenas remarked.

He also expressed hope that the launch would be an important momentum in encouraging synchronization and harmonization of planning and budgeting, as well as collaboration between the central government, regional government, and other development actors to accelerate development in the Papua region.

In maintaining synergy between development planning documents, various policies in RIPPP have been aligned with the Final Plan for the National Long Term Development Plan (RAPJPN) 2025-2045.

Moreover, Presidential Decree Number 24 of 2023 mandated that the RIPPP 2022-2041 must be incorporated into the Papua Regional Action Plan (RAD) for 2025-2029 in accordance with the 2025-2029 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

"The action plan document for the 2025-2029 period was prepared jointly with ministries, regional governments, Papuan community leaders, and other development actors that will contain priority programs and activities that address the root of development problems in Papua," Monoarfa explained.

He remarked that the action plan emphasizes synchronization of central, regional, and other development actors' planning as well as integration between funding sources.

"This aims to increase the integration of quality and effective planning and budgeting in order to achieve regional development targets," the Bappenas head remarked.

Related news: Govt creates three development plans to expedite Papua's development
Related news: Development in Papua Pegunungan is based on regional context: VP

Translator: M Baqir Idrus Alatas, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Rahmad Nasution


5) Indonesia Declares Emergency as African Swine Fever Detected in Papua  

Translator Ririe Ranggasari
 Editor Laila Afifa 
7 June 2024 14:22 WIB  

TEMPO.COJakarta - The African Swine Fever (ASF) virus has been detected in pigs in Indonesia. Antara reported that the Papuan government, through the local Livestock and Plantation Office, has declared an emergency status for an outbreak affecting pigs in the local area.

The head of the Papua Livestock and Plantation Service, Matheus P. Koibur, said the emergency status was declared after the death rate of pigs increased from February 6 to April 5, when 156 pigs died in Nolokla and Ayapo villages, Sentani district, Jayapura regency.

"The 156 animals showed symptoms of an ASF outbreak that has the potential to spread, therefore emergency disaster measures are needed to prevent its spread in the Papua province region," Koibur said in Jayapura, as quoted by Antara on Thursday, June 6.

Matheus said the authorities were taking the necessary measures to prevent and control the transmission of the ASF outbreak. These include banning the movement of pigs, products and processed goods to and from Jayapura Regency and other areas with ASF, depopulating infected animals, and monitoring cases throughout Papua. The authorities are also providing information on the dangers of ASF, stepping up disinfection on pig farms, and mapping pig farms.

"We are urging pig farm managers who use swill feeding to cook it perfectly. We are also conducting unannounced inspections of pig slaughterhouses, restaurants and eateries that serve processed pork," Koibur said, as reported by Antara on June 6.

Jenny S. Dena, acting head of the Jayapura Regency Plantation and Livestock Service, said dozens of pigs that died in Ayapo village and Nolokla, East Sentani district, had been identified as having ASF. The Jayapura Regency Plantation and Livestock Service has eliminated and buried the infected pigs in the two villages to prevent further spread.

Jenny S. Dena explained that the spread of the African swine flu virus can be transmitted within a radius of 100 meters. "…The disease that caused the death of dozens of pigs in the two villages of Ayapo and Nolokla could affect other livestock if it is not stopped immediately," Jenny said on June 3.

Ban in Nusa Tenggara

Meanwhile, the government of Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, has imposed a ban on the movement of pigs between sub-districts and villages to prevent the spread of the ASF virus. "There must be no more movement of pigs from within Lewoleba town to districts or villages," said Theresia Making, acting secretary of Lembata's agriculture and food security department, as reported by Antara on June 4.

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