Wednesday, June 12, 2024

AWPA -West Papua Update No 4- 13 June 2024

 Australia West Papua Association (Sydney) 

AWPA -West Papua Update No 4-   13 June   2024

The situation in West Papua remains the same. No improvement in the human rights situation.    There are ongoing restrictions and crackdown on protests and  a number of  students were  arrested for wearing Morning Star symbols/ flags on their clothing. Clashes continued between the TPNPB and the Indonesian security forces. The latest below.

A snapshot of events.

Soldier survives Papuan insurgent attack in Dekai: Police  

Antara June 7, 2024 

Timika, C Papua (ANTARA) - A soldier from the 1715/Yahukimo District Military Command (Kodim) survived a Papuan insurgent's assault on Thursday (June 6), albeit suffering from a bullet wound on his left thigh, a police spokesman confirmed. The wounded soldier, identified as First Private Rajami Uhio, is currently receiving treatment at the Dekai Public Hospital, Operation Peace Cartenz Task Force spokesperson Adjunct Senior Commissioner Bayu Suseno stated.Uhio was shot by an armed rebel while passing through Seradala Road KM 2 in Dekai Sub-district, Yahukimo District, Papua Pegunungan Province, at 6:20 p.m. local time, he remarked here, Thursday (June 6).

In response to the shooting incident, task force personnel had been deployed to hunt down the attacker, who is believed to belong to the XVI insurgent group operating in the Yahukimo region, he noted. Over the past few years, armed Papuan groups have often employed hit-and-run tactics against Indonesian security personnel and mounted acts of terror against civilians in the districts of Intan Jaya, Nduga, Puncak, and Maybrat to incite fear among the people. The targets of such acts of terror have included construction workers, motorcycle taxi (ojek) drivers, teachers, students, street food vendors, and also civilian aircraft.

On December 2, 2018, a group of armed Papuan separatists brutally killed 31 workers from PT Istaka Karya engaged in the Trans Papua project in Kali Yigi and Kali Aurak in Yigi Sub-district, Nduga District. Early in the morning of September 2, 2021, several members of a Papuan separatist terrorist group operating in Maybrat District ambushed soldiers while they were asleep at the Kisor military post located at Kisor Village, South Aifat Sub-district. On March 2, 2022, several members of an armed Papuan group operating in Beoga Sub-district, Puncak District, killed eight Palaparing Timur Telematika (PTT) workers who were repairing a base transceiver station (BTS) tower belonging to state-owned telecommunications operator Telkomsel. On February 7, 2023, New Zealand pilot Phillip Mark Mehrtens was taken hostage by the Egianus Kogoya-led armed group. Philip was piloting an aircraft belonging to Indonesian airline Susi Air when the armed group captured him. Members of the group set his plane on fire shortly after it landed in Nduga District.  
Translator: Agustina EJ, Rahmad Nasution Editor: Tia Mutiasari


MPR Speaker urges firm action against KKB in Papua  

Antara June 7, 2024 

Jakarta (ANTARA) - People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo urged the Defense Forces (TNI) and the National Police (Polri) to catch members of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) who shot a soldier in Yahukimo, Papua Highland.  Bambang expressed his condemnation of the shooting incident and urged the TNI and Polri to take firm action against the KKB. "I urged police officers, assisted by TNI units, to immediately pursue and restrict the movement of the perpetrators as well as take firm and measured action against the KKB," he noted in a statement on Friday. He also called on the government to adopt a firm stance in dealing with the KKB, which continues to repeat its acts of violence that result in victims.

"They also created chaos and disturbed the security and comfort of the local community," Bambang pointed out. He emphasized the need to identify root causes of the conflict through in-depth study and take appropriate solutions.Bambang also urged all relevant stakeholders to jointly develop strategic steps for dealing with the KKB in Papua. "It can be carried out through a collaborative and holistic approach, especially in maintaining and improving the security and welfare of the Papuan people," he stated. The KKB members shot a soldier from a military district post in Dekai, Yahukimo, Papua Highland, on Thursday, injuring him on the left thigh. Head of Information Center of the Papua Military Regional Command XVII/Cenderawasih, Lt. Col. Candra Kurniawan, stated that TNI and Polri officers are pursuing the perpetrators. Translator: Melalusa Susthira K, Resinta Sulistiyandari Editor: Anton Santoso

In its latest report on IDPs in West Papua,   Human Rights Monitor estimates that as of June 2024, there are over 76,919 people in West Papua  who  remain internally displaced due to the armed conflict in the region.

Full report

IDP Update June 2024: Urgent call for humanitarian access to conflict areas

Human Rights Monitor  12 June 2024 


As of June 2024, over 76,919 people in West Papua[1], predominantly indigenous Papuans, remain internally displaced due to the armed conflict in the region. While around two to three thousand people in the Maybrat Regency have reportedly returned home, new internal displacements have occurred. These arose from the assassination of a military member in the Paniai Regency on 11 April 2024 and new outbreaks of armed violence in the Intan Jaya Regency in early May 2024.


Human Rights Monitor has not received updated information on the condition and numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Pegunungan Bintang and Puncak regencies in the past eight months. Many of these IDPs are believed to still reside in towns like Nabire, Wamena, Jayapura and other locations across West Papua. These areas remain extremely isolated from media coverage and human rights reporting due to heavy security force presence and ongoing clashes between security forces and the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB). Information from local informants suggests entire villages and districts have been abandoned, such as Suru-Suru District in Yahukimo Regency. Villagers there continue to live in the forest or have relocated to villages in the neighbouring Asmath Regency. The health and education facilities in Suru-Suru have been devastated by security force members and remain inoperative.

The government continues to disregard the humanitarian crisis in West Papua, leaving IDPs without access to humanitarian assistance from national or international organisations.  

From the report

IDPs across West Papua, Indonesia, as of 1 June 2024

RegencyNo IDPsDisplaced sinceAdditional info
Nduga[2]56,9814 Dec. 18IDPs originate from 11 districts in Nduga; more than 615 IDPs reportedly died as of January 2022
Puncak[3]2,72427 Apr. 21at least 16 IDPs have reportedly died during displacement
Intan Jaya[4]5,85926 Oct. 21at least 126 IDPs face health issues, and 11 IDPs reportedly died
Maybrat[5]3.3872 Sep. 21IDPs originated from 5 districts; 138 IDPs reportedly died, and the local Govt reportedly facilitated the return of IDPs since November 2022
Pegunungan Bintang (Kiwirok District) [6]2,25210 Oct. 21about 200 IDPs fled to PNG, 74 IDPs reportedly died, and dozens of IDPs suffered from sickness
Pegunungan Bintang (Serambakon District) [7]9118 Sep. 23ten persons sick, two women pregnant, 47 children among the IDPs
Yahukimo (Suru-Suru District) [8]1,97120 Nov. 21IDPs from 13 villages sought shelter in 15 temporary camps, 16 women gave birth without medical attention, and 13 IDPs reportedly died. 
Yahukimo (Dekai District) [9]55421 Aug. 2313 persons were sick; one died, and two females murdered
Fakfak (Kramongmongga District)[10]50016 Aug. 23N/A
Paniai[11]>2,60012 Apr. 24internal displacements were reported from the districts of Agadide, Ekadide and Bibida
T O T A L> 76,919

Human Rights Monitor

Police blocked demonstration in Manokwari on 1 May – protestors remained peaceful

Human Rights News / Indonesia, West Papua / 

On 1 May, eight civil society organisations forming the Papuan People’s Front (FRP) indeed held a peaceful demonstration in Manokwari. The demonstration commemorated the 61st anniversary of Papua’s annexation into Indonesia and took place at three locations: in front of the Mansinam Student Dormitory, the Amban Subdistrict Office, and the entrance of the University of Papua Manokwari. The protesters carried banners, some reportedly waved red KNPB flags, and delivered speeches. Their key themes were the right of self-determination for the Papuan people and solidarity with international workers on 1 May (International Workers’ Day).

Coordinator Lotty Selak explained that the demonstrators originally planned a long march to the West Papua Provincial Parliament. However, security forces blocked their path at the Makalo Manokwari monument. Negotiations failed to reach an agreement, and the demonstrators occupied the road in protest. Eventually, security forces allowed representatives to deliver speeches and a statement outlining the FRP’s position. The FRP’s statement rejected Indonesia’s claim to Papua, arguing it lacked historical evidence. They see West Papua as an independent nation and reject the results of the 1969 Act of Free Choice due to its flawed process. The FRP’s core demand was the right to self-determination for West Papua, along with an end to martial law in the region.

The demonstration itself remained peaceful, and the demonstrators dispersed after their statement was read. However, it is important to note that security forces prevented them from carrying out their planned long march.

Papua Annexation Day rally in Bali harassed, forcibly dispersed by police

Papuan students face off against police in Denpasar, Bali – May 1, 2024 (SP)

Suara Papua – May 2, 2024

Elisa Sekenyap, Jayapura – A peaceful demonstration by Papuan students in the Balinese provincial capital of Denpasar on Wednesday May 1 to commemorate the day Papua was annexed into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) has been blocked and repressed by police. Earlier, according to the notification letter submitted to police, the protesters planned to gather at the Renon Field eastern parking area then hold a long-march to the location of the action at the American Consulate in Denpasar. The plan however was not realised because officers from the Bali regional police (Polda) and the Denpasar city municipal police (Polresta) rushed to intercept the protesters, who were then forced to disperse at exactly 12 noon……………………

Papuans head to Indonesian court to protect forests from palm oil

Campaigners are taking legal action to stop four palm oil companies from clearing vast tracts of forest for plantations.

By Al Jazeera Staff Published On 28 May 2004

The Awyu and Moi say they want to stop the plantations for the benefit of their community and future generations. [Bay Ismoyo/AFP] 

Indigenous activists from the Indonesian province of West Papua have held traditional ceremonies outside the country’s Supreme Court in Jakarta calling for their traditional land and forests to be protected from palm oil plantations.

Representatives of the Awyu and Moi communities held prayers and performed dances in front of the Supreme Court building on Monday as the court was reviewing an appeal in relation to their efforts to revoke permits for four palm oil companies whose proposed plantations threaten their customary forests. Indonesia began legally recognising customary forests in 2016.

“We have taken the long, difficult and expensive path from Tanah Papua [Papua homeland] to end up here in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, asking the Supreme Court to restore our rights, and the land that was snatched from us when these palm oil companies were issued permits over it,” said Hendrikus “Franky” Woro, an Awyu Indigenous man…………………………

Destruction of Customary Forests in Papua Constitutes Ecocide, INFID Says  

Translator Najla Nur Fauziyah   Editor Laila Afifa  5 June 2024 


TEMPO.COJakarta - Executive Director of the International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development or INFID, Iwan Misthohizzaman, stated that clearing customary forests in Papua by abusing state permits is an act of ecocide and a violation of human rights. 

"Ecocide must be seen as a systematic, aggressive, massive, and planned form of attack on the environment," said Iwan in a written statement on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. Ecocide, he said, potentially destroys the environment’s capacity to support the living.


He said there are at least three elements of ecocide seen from today's climate change. First, exploitation of the environment leads to the extermination of nature. Second, the extermination is related to the erasure of people’s right to life. Third, the exploitation of natural resources leads to threats to human life, now and in the future. In the case of Papua, Iwan said “the three elements of ecocide were met" since forests in Papua are a source of livelihood and civilization for indigenous peoples. The customary forest destruction in Papua also reflects the government’s failure and irresponsible business practices which defy sustainable development goals. "So everything becomes overlapping, weak, and corrupted," he said. 


The Indigenous communities in Papua will experience immense loss of their living space if the palm oil companies’ operational permits are not revoked. Therefore, INFID urges the Supreme Court not to be part of the ecocide actors in the case of Papuan forests. The organization also asked the government to revoke the corporation's permit and return the customary forest to Papua’s Indigenous communities.

Meanwhile, INFID Human Rights and Democracy Program Officer Ari Wibowo believed the case of Papuan customary forest exploitation is part of human rights enforcement in Indonesia. He said this case is contrary to the three pillars of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, namely protection of human rights by the state, respect for human rights by corporations, and reparation for human rights victims. Awyu Tribe in South Papua and the Moi Tribe in Southwest Papua are currently fighting against corporations that are set to destroy their forests. The operations of PT IAL and PT SAS have the potential to cause deforestation which will release 25 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and worsen the impact of the climate crisis.

Therefore, INFID urges President Jokowi and all relevant institutions to commit to fulfilling the human rights of the Indigenous Awyu and Moi ethnic communities.





#AllEyesonPapua goes viral to highlight threat to Indigenous forests from palm oil

Mongabay. by Hans Nicholas Jong on 7 June 2024

  • Two Indigenous tribes from Indonesia’s Papua region are calling for public support as the country’s Supreme Court hears their lawsuits against palm oil companies threatening to clear their ancestral forests.
  • Large swaths of Awyu customary forest lie inside three oil palm concessions that are part of the Tanah Merah megaproject, in Boven Digoel district, while part of the forest of the Moi tribe falls within a concession in Sorong district.
  • The cases now being heard mark the latest chapters in long-running legal battles by the tribes to prevent the concession holders from clearing the forests to make way for oil palms.
  • Using the hashtag #AllEyesonPapua, in a nod to the #AllEyesonRafah campaign, the tribes and their supporters have gone viral with their cause as they seek to save the forests on which their livelihoods — and lives — depend.

JAKARTA — A campaign calling for the protection of Indigenous peoples’ customary forests in Indonesia’s easternmost region of Papua has gone viral, with the campaign’s poster shared nearly 3 million times on Instagram. The poster contains a link into an online petition that calls for the revocation of an oil palm concession threatening to clear the ancestral forests of the Awyu tribe (also spelled Auyu). As of June 7, the petition has garnered more than 225,000 signatures, exceeding the campaigners’ initial goal of 200,000 signatures and nearing the new goal of 300,000.

 A video of a demonstration by the Indigenous Papuans outside Indonesia’s Supreme Court has been widely shared on social media as well. Made by the nonprofit, the video has been viewed more than 3.9 million times and shared nearly 15,000 times on TikTok. The campaign uses the hashtag #AllEyesonPapua, a riff on the #AllEyesonRafah hashtag used as a rallying cry to draw attention to Israeli attacks on civilian refuges in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

The Papua campaign aims to raise awareness of the risk to tribal forests from clear-cutting inside four oil palm concessions in Boven Digoel and Sorong districts. The four companies plan to establish more than 140,000 hectares (346,000 acres) of plantations — an area twice the size of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta — that will overlap with the tribes’ lands………………………………………

Govt says committed to protecting forests in Papua

 June 12, 2024 19:10 GMT+700

Traditional communities are pushing for the protection of forests from deforestation. In this regard, the government is on the same page …

Jakarta (ANTARA) - 


Indonesia's Environment and Forestry (LHK) Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar has affirmed that the government and traditional communities share the same view about the need to protect customary forest lands in Papua. "Traditional communities are pushing for the protection of forests from deforestation. In this regard, the government is on the same page with them, since we are against the conversion of primary forests into palm oil plantations," she said in Jakarta on Wednesday. She made the statement in response to a viral digital poster with the tagline "All Eyes on Papua," which claims that 36 thousand hectares of forest land in Boven Digoel, South Papua, will be converted into a palm oil plantation.

On May 27, 2024, representatives of the South Papuan Awyu Tribe and West Papuan Moi tribes held a demonstration in front of the Supreme Court (MA), Jakarta, to oppose the land conversion, arguing that the lands are customary and serve as their source of life. Bakar said that the government has revoked the forest land utilization permits of two companies, namely PT MJR and PT KCP. The permits, which allowed the companies to convert the use of 38 thousand hectares of forest land in Boven Digoel, were granted during the 2010–2012 period. In response, the two corporations have filed a lawsuit against the government's decision with the State Administrative Court (PTUN). The legal proceedings are still on. According to Bakar, the permits were revoked in accordance with the Job Creation Law and Government Regulation No. 23 of 2021, which stipulates that no primary forests should be used for palm oil plantations. She underlined that the LHK Ministry is currently striving to officially grant the forest land in Boven Digoel the status of a customary forest . "We are in the process of declaring the land a customary forest," she stressed.
Translator: Prisca T, Tegar Nurfitra Editor: Rahmad Nasution

On April 9, 2024, the West Papua Project at the University of Wollongong launched the first screening in the inaugural national West Papua Mini Film Festival [130mb]. Here is the report from the event, featuring essays from the director and synopses of each film including a report by Victor Mambor on “How Information About Papua is Being Distorted” 

Decades of struggle rewarded: Legal recognition of indigenous lands in Konda District

7 June 2024  Human Rights Monitor


The local Government of Sorong Selatan Regency has officially recognized the indigenous peoples and customary territories of four sub-tribes in Konda District through a Regent Decree. The decree was presented by Regional Secretary on behalf of the Regent, Mr Samsudin Anggiluli. The recognized areas include 4,960.828 hectares for the Gemna sub-tribe, 4,674.579 hectares for the Nakna sub-tribe, 27,399.432 hectares for the Yaben sub-tribe, and 3,307.717 hectares for the Afsya sub-tribe. This recognition is a testament to the local wisdom and efforts preserved by these communities for generations, symbolizing the government’s commitment to protecting the environment and ensuring the welfare of indigenous peoples. The legalisation of customary forest areas in Konda District covers a total of 40,282.556 hectares, benefiting two major tribes, Tehit and Yaben, with support from Konservasi Indonesia (KI). Additionally, a decree was issued to the Knasaimos customary law community, covering 97,441 hectares in Saifi and Seremuk districts, aided by Greenpeace Indonesia and Bentara Papua. KI’s Programme Director, Mr Roberth Mandosir, emphasized the importance of mapping for recognition, protection, and future generations. Nakna sub-tribe representative, Mr Nikolas Mondar, expressed gratitude for the decree, acknowledging the valuable assistance of NGOs in understanding forest management. Mr Fredrik Sagisolo, Chairman of the Knasaimos Indigenous Peoples Fellowship Council, highlighted the significance of legal recognition for the survival and certainty of indigenous lands.

The Knasaimos community has fought for two decades to protect their lands from exploitation by loggers and palm oil companies. Their persistence included mapping their territories, processing sago for economic independence, and seeking legal recognition. Greenpeace Indonesia’s Papua Forest Campaigner, Mr Amos Sumbung, pointed out that while the Knasaimos have succeeded, many other indigenous communities continue to lose their lands to corporate interests. This recognition marks a milestone in their long struggle, demonstrating the ongoing fight for indigenous rights and the protection of their lands and biodiversity.



Military members alleged of occupying hospital in Paniai Regency – Patients leave hospital, all health services temporarily ceased
Human Rights Monitor 
27 May 2024 
Intensified armed clashes between Indonesian security forces and members of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) in the Paniai since early May 2024 reportedly resulted in the temporary closure of the only general hospital in the regency. The closure of health facilities in conflict areas due to the armed conflict has occurred in various regencies across West Papua, leaving the residents in these areas isolated from access to fundamental health services.
On 24 May 2024, all patients were reportedly asked to leave the Uwibutu General Hospital (RSUD Paniai) in the town of Madi, while military members were taking control of the third floor of the building to overlook the Madi area to approach TPNPB fighters. On 26 May all patients and health workers reportedly left the hospital. All medical services were temporarily ceased. Six intensive care patients had to be transferred to other general hospitals in the neighbouring regency Deiyai, and others to Nabire Regency.      According to Dr Agus, Director of RSUD Paniai, the deployment of security forces was directly instructed by the Ministry of Health and coordinated with the Cenderawasi Military Command. He explained that the Paniai Hospital only followed instructions from Jakarta. Dr Kes denied that the patients were forced to leave, explaining that patients and health workers had voluntarily left the hospital afraid of being caught in the crossfire between the conflicting parties. XVII/Cenderawasih military command chief, Lieutenant-Colonel Candra Kurniawan, declared that the military members had been deployed to the hospital after receiving threats that the TPNPB had planned to burn the hospital to the ground.  On 27 May 2024, health workers gathered in front of the RSUD Paniai to protest against the occupation of the public health facility, demanding the immediate withdrawal of all security force members from the third floor of the Hospital. They added that all hospital staff will return to duty from 28 May 2024.
Patients leaving the Uwibutu Hospital in Paniai on 26 May 2024


Indonesia’s massive sugar-bioethanol project in South Papua causes locals to fear exploitation 

Victor Mambor  2024.06.05 Jayapura, Indonesia



An aerial view of the location for the laboratory and nursery to support a sugar plantation and bioethanol project in Ngguti Bob, a village in Merauke regency, South Papua province, Indonesia, May 29, 2024.  Courtesy Yayasan Pusaka



Indonesia is going ahead with a project to convert millions of acres in Papua into a gigantic sugarcane plantation so the restive region can become self-sufficient in sugar and its related liquid fuel, bioethanol. But indigenous communities and environmentalists worry that the project in South Papua’s Merauke regency will lead to land grabs, ecological damage, and the destruction of traditional livelihoods. They have been scarred by previous failed ventures in this sprawling regency, notably the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE), which they say cheated them on payments, broke promises, and disregarded local perspectives.

Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia has been touting the importance of involving local communities in investment plans, even as he has acknowledged the failures of previous projects in Papua. He insisted this time would be different.

“This program in Merauke has failed several times, right? There was MIFEE,” Bahlil told journalists during a visit to the project site last month. “I don’t want this one to suffer the same fate.”


He said one reason similar projects had failed before was the seeds used.  “We have learned from the mistakes of the past,” he said. “This time, we are addressing potential issues like seedling quality from the outset.” Faced with Indonesia’s rising consumption of sugar and its consequent increase in imports, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo announced a plan in 2020 for the country to become self-sufficient in the commodity in a decade.  A key to achieving this and avoiding the pitfalls of previous attempts, he said then, was to expand cane area under state-run sugar mills beyond the traditional Java heartland to other regions and islands, the International Sugar Association said on its website..........

Other News

Crackdown in Kanaky on peaceful protestors

The French parliament recently passed reforms to local provincial elections in New Caledonia, allowing French residents who have lived there for 10 years to voteThis change to the electoral reform is against the terms of the 1998 Noumea Accord.  The Noumea Accord agreed that only the  Indigenous Kanak people and long-term residents would  be eligible to vote in provincial and local referendums. What started as peaceful protests against the changed law resulting in a crackdown by the French security forces on the protesters Similar  to the situation in West Papua where Indonesian security forces cracked down on peaceful demonstrations , the French security forces have also responded  with a heavy-handed approach, cracking down on protestors and arresting  hundreds. 

Pacific civil society groups including AWPA condemned  ‘heavy-handed’ French crackdown by French forces on the Kanaky People.

Green Left interviewed David Robie on issues involved (below).  David  has contributed to journalism in New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region for more than 50 years. He became a  be a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit,  for services to journalism and Asia-Pacific media education in the latest NZ honours list. Congratulations David.

French repressive policies in New Caledonia have ‘betrayed’ Kanak hopes

By Pacific Media Watch -

May 27, 2024

Alex Bainbridge talks to David Robie on Kanaky and settler colonialism.  

 Video: Green Left Programme: 28min



Local media in West Papua also covered the Kanak story

Asosiasi West Papua Australia Mendesak Prancis Mendengarkan Suara Rakyat Kanak

and on the 10 June West Papuans took to the streets in a show of support for Kanaky.

9 dead since start of New Caledonia unrest

RNZ Pacific 12 June 2024

This photograph shows a Kanak flag waving next to a burning vehicle at an independantist roadblock at La Tamoa, in the commune of Paita, France's Pacific territory of New Caledonia on 19 May, 2024. Photo: DELPHINE MAYEUR / AFP

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday he had decided to "suspend", not to withdraw, New Caledonia's controversial constitutional amendment 

which triggered violent unrest in the French Pacific archipelago

During a press conference in Paris, the French President mentioned all of the now-dissolved National Assembly's "pending projects", saying "my wish is that they can be resumed (after the snap elections) once a majority is confirmed, enlarged or formed with other partners".

Solidarity in Vanuatu

Vanuatu's historic solidarity march and petition for Kanak people

By Nicholas Mwai    Jun 8, 2024



               Crowds getting ready for the peaceful parade at Saralana. More photos on page 13 By Nicholas Mwai

Led by the Malvatumauri Council of Chiefs (MCC), Vanuatu citizens in Port Vila organised a peaceful parade from Saralana Park to the French Embassy yesterday. 

The event aimed to show solidarity with the Kanak people in New Caledonia.

“This will be marked in the history of Kanak people. A similar parade was held in 1980 when Vanuatu gained its independence,” Chief Paul Robert Ravun, President of the MCC said. “Today, we march again, led by the chiefs, to honor our friends, the Kanaks, who have longed for the same privilege but have not yet achieved it.

“At this stage, we hear about the ongoing situation causing many deaths. As part of the Melanesian countries, Vanuatu wants to show the same respect through a peaceful parade, expressing our condolences to our brothers in Kanaky, some of whom have lost their lives."

The parade was supported by a petition signed by the MCC, Vanuatu Christian Council (VCC), Vanuatu National Council of Women (VNCW), Vanuatu National Youth Council (VNYC), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), and various Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). The petition was presented to the Deputy French ambassador and included the following translated points:……………..

TPNPB OPM Requests Govt to Open Access for Human Rights Agencies to Papua  

 Translator Najla Nur Fauziyah.  Editor Laila Afifa  10 May 2024 


TEMPO.COJakarta - The West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Movement(TPNPB OPM) asked the Indonesian government to open access for human rights agencies, both national and international, to Papua. This request was the result of an aerial military attack that was said to have burned down three civilian houses in Pogapa Village, causing them to flee to Sanepa, Bilae, and some other villages. "The Indonesian government (shall) immediately open humanitarian access to national and international human rights agencies to investigate civilians affected by the armed conflict in Papua," said TPNPB OPM spokesperson, Sebby Sambom, in a written statement to Tempo, on Thursday, May 9, 2024.


TPNPB OPM requests the Indonesian government to guarantee the rights of civilians in refugee camps and vacate civilian houses and government buildings used as military posts in Intan Jaya and areas of armed conflict in Papua. The attack which was said to have been carried out brutally was reported by the Ogobogo Battalion Commander and Operations Commander Keny Tipagau as well as TPNPB OPM soldiers on the battlefield in Pogapa, Intan Jaya, Central Papua. It was carried out after an armed group attacked the Homeyo Sector Police headquarters and Military District Command Post 1705-05/Homeyo from April 30 to May 1, 2024. TPNPB OPM asked the Indonesian government to take responsibility for the burning of three civilian houses. They asked the Indonesian government to open access to human rights agencies to inspect directly the situation and the refugees resulting from the armed conflict in Pogapa Village. According to Sebby, the Indonesian government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo or Jokowi and the TNI Commander has deployed military helicopters since the 4th and 5th of May as a retaliatory attack. "In this case, the President of Indonesia and the TNI Commander (shall)immediately clarify the report in accordance with international humanitarian law standards," said Sebby. 



West Papua National Committee holds 6th leadership meeting in Jayapura

Suara Papua – May 20, 2024



          KNPB central leadership issuing press release after 6th leadership meeting in Jayapura – May 15, 2024 (SP)


Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB), based on its organisational mechanisms, held its 6th Leadership Meeting (Rapim) at Port Numbay in Jayapura, Papua, between May 13 and 15.

The meeting, which was attended by 32 regional KNPB administrators and consulates, discussed and decided on various internal organisational issue both in Papua and the struggle of the Papuan nation internationally.

In a statement, KNPB Central Chairperson Warpo Sampari Wetipo said that during the three-day meeting, they decided on eight positions and solutions.

Among other things, he said that they called on the Papuan people to increase solidarity in the collective struggle, to anticipate patterns of division and to participate in organising the struggles of political and sectoral organisations.

In addition to this, he said, looking at the existing dynamics of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), the leadership meeting decided that the KNPB will leave this situation and take a permanent position as a national media outside of the results of the ULMWP official Summit (KTT) in Vanuatu and the temporary government's unilateral congress in Sentani. In taking a position as a media, the KNPB will play a role of mediation in overcoming all divisions in the struggle both at home and abroad.

"In order to coordinate the agenda of struggle internationally, both legally and politically, we ask all leaders and diplomats abroad to actively coordinate with each other in order to unite the strategy of lobbying and diplomacy", Wetipo said on Monday May 20.

The leadership meeting also agreed to push for the Nieuw Guinea Raad (the New Guinea Council, NGR) as a democratic institution to remain within the ULMWP.

The KNPB emphasised that the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) is a national liberation army, so it decided and asks that the TPNPB continue to improve its function of defending the ordinary people.

The following is the full statement of the results of the KNPB's 6th Leadership Meeting on May 13-15, 2024:

Seeing the threat of Indonesian colonialism that is so massive in West Papua, with a pattern and strategy of divide and rule which is making the threat of genocide, ecocide and ethnocide increasingly apparent, the Rapim reiterates that national liberation is an urgent agenda for the Papuan nation. Therefore, we call in the people of Papua to increase solidarity and mutual struggle, anticipate the patterns of divide and rule by the colonisers and participate in organising themselves in the organisations of political and sectoral struggle in the land of Papua.

The KNPB continues to encourage open consolidation from within and outside the country through the Papua People's Petition (PRP), the pre-KTT ULMWP, the ULMWP Summit and ULMWP Working Meeting (Raker). In its development, we view that there have been various enemy infiltrations and there is a lack of good faith from several foreign and domestic leaders to unite to coordinate the structure and agenda. In addition to the indecisive detection and strict resistance to the divisive efforts managed by the enemy, this has also been caused more by changes in the form of the ULMWP from an open democracy (coordinative) to semi-constitutional (UUDS) and the declaration of the provisional government, where factional political ambitions played a greater role than prioritising the consolidation of a greater unity of struggle.

The KNPB views that both the official ULMWP results of the ULMWP Summit in Vanuatu and the unilateral government of the ULMWP maintain the same form of constitution (UUDS) even though this is only distinguished by the terms organisation and government. The KNPB Rapim views the contents of the ULMWP Constitution starting from the opening concepts that do not accommodate all the differences that shape the characteristics of the nationality of Papua, to the contents of various chapter that do not represent the interests of all groups in the struggle, as not being a rule for struggle that should be used in a period of struggle.

Looking at the recent dynamics of the ULMWP, the KNPB Rapim decided that the KNPB will leave this situation and take a permanent position as a national media outside the official ULMWP Summit in Vanuatu and the results of the unilateral government congress of the provisional government in Sentani. By placing itself as a media, the KNPB will play the role of mediation in all divisions of struggle both at home and abroad, namely by actively building coordination between all parties and participating in the agenda of the joint struggle regardless of their respective factional roots.

In order to coordinate the agenda of struggle internationally both legally and politically, we ask all leaders and diplomats abroad to actively coordinate with each other to unite the strategy of lobbing and its diplomacy.

The Rapim agreed to push for the Nieuw Guinea Raad as a democratic institution to remain within the ULMWP in order to play its role of conveying the ideas of the unity of struggle in ULMWP.

The Rapim reiterated that the TPNPB is a national liberation army, so that the KNPB Rapim decided and is asking that the TPNPB continued to improve its function of defense of the people and all organisations of struggle without political factionalism. The Rapim asks that in the TPNPB guerrilla struggle consistently prioritise humanitarian principles in accordance with humanitarian law.

The KNPB Rapim is of the view that president elect Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto is a symbol of the continued power of colonialism, capitalism and militarism in the land of Papua. The KNPB together with the Papuan people will not remain silent. The Papuan nation will rise up to continue the struggle in a peaceful and dignified manner. Therefore, we ask for the solidarity of the Indonesian people and the world that loves humanity and independence to participate in supporting the struggle for the national liberation of West Papua.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "KNPB Gelar Rapim VI, Ini Delapan Poin Keputusannya".]



Friends of West Papua launched in Scottish Parliament

ULMWP. May 10, 2024  




Event attendees supporting the SFWP launch

A new Scottish chapter of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua (IPWP) launched yesterday (10th May 2024) at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. The Scottish Friends of West Papua launch was hosted by Bill Kidd MSP, and addressed by ULMWP President Benny Wenda, ULMWP Prime Minister Edison Waromi, and IPWP Chair Alex Sobel MP. The meeting was the fourth held as part of a new IPWP campaign to increase the pressure on Indonesia facilitate a UN High Commissioner for Human Rights fact-finding mission immediately. Previous meetings in the UKEU, and Dutch Parliaments highlighted Indonesia’s ongoing refusal to allow the UN into West Papua. Alongside these Parliamentary hearings, the IPWP has launched the Brussels Declaration accusing Indonesia of blocking a UN visit and calling for urgent international intervention.

Indonesia first invited then-High Commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein to West Papua in 2018, but have continually failed to make good on that promise, despite over 100 UN member states calling for a visit to happen. In the six years since, over 100,000 Papuans have been internally displaced by Indonesian military operations, with at least 1200 civilians dying as a result. President Wenda spoke about the progress of the campaign for a UN visit, as well as the current military escalation in West Papua. Alex Sobel discussed the importance of Parliamentarians signing the Brussels Declaration, along with the IPWP call for the creation of a Special Rapporteur for Indonesia.

ULMWP President Benny Wenda: “As I speak to you now, West Papuans are living under a shadow. We are scared of the future under new Indonesian President, the war criminal Prabowo Subianto. For West Papuans, this means the ghost of the dictator Suharto is back. Prabowo has never been held accountable or punished for his atrocities in East Timor and West Papua. He has committed massacres and never apologised. In his election campaign, he said that he will pursue a military approach in West Papua. We know that the situation will only get worse under this rule. 

West Papua needs short-term friends and long-term friends. We hope that Scottish Parliamentarian can join the Interantional Parliamentarians for West Papua and add their voice to the growing cry for a UN Human Rights visit to West Papua. We have been isolated and voice for a long time and we need supporters to speak for us. Just like the Basque and Catalan Parliaments, we hope the Scottish Parliament can make their own call for a UN visit to West Papua.

Any Scottish Parliamentarian who wishes to sign the Brussels declaration should contact

Tragedy in PNG

'Mass burial site': PNG landslide death toll remains unknown

RNZ Pacific12 June 2024

The number of people killed and displaced in the horrific landslide in Papua New Guinea's Enga Province remains unknown. Hundreds are thought to have been buried in their sleep when it hit Yambali Village in the early hours of 24 May. In the days after the terrifying landslide, survivors, locals and recovery teams worked around the clock to find any survivors and to recover bodies.




Opinion pieces/reports/media releases etc.

Previous update


France lost the plot’ – journalist David Robie on Kanaky New Caledonia riots


New dawn in fight against OPM in Papua



Australian author leads silence protest over ‘blood debt’ owed to Papuans


West Papua accusations fly at Australia, US

Aktivis Papua sampaikan solidaritas pada bangsa Kanak yang ingin merdeka dari Prancis






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