1) Jared Diamond – Apology Demanded From West Papua Leaders
1) Jared Diamond – Apology Demanded From West Papua Leaders
Written By Voice Of Baptist Papua on 2/4/13 | 5:35 AM
Jared Diamond's book has come under attack for portraying tribal people as warlike and 'living in the past'. © Survival
WEST PAPUA, THUNDER BAY - Jared Diamond must apologize for controversial statements about West Papua tribes. West Papau leaders say Jared Diamond, a controversial author must apologize for describing them in his new book as warlike, and strengthening the idea that indigenous people are ‘backwards’.The West Papuan leaders attack Diamond’s central arguments that ’most small-scale societies (…) become trapped in cycles of violence and warfare’ and that ‘New Guineans appreciated the benefits of the state-guaranteed peace that they had been unable to achieve for themselves without state government.’
Jared Diamond Insults West Papua People
Survival International in a release states, "Mr Diamond makes no mention of the brutality and oppression suffered by the people of West Papua at the hands of the Indonesian occupation since 1963, which has led to the killing of at least 100,000 Papuan tribal people at the hands of the Indonesian military."Benny Wenda, a Papuan tribal leader, said to Survival, ‘What he (Jared Diamond) has written about my people is misleading (…) he is not writing about what the Indonesian military are doing (…) I saw my people being murdered by Indonesian soldiers and my own Auntie was raped in front of my eyes. Indonesia told the world that this was ’tribal war’ – they tried to pretend that it was us that was violent and not them – this book is doing the same. He should apologize.’"
Benny Wenda, a Papuan tribal leader, says what Jared Diamond is writing about his people is misleading'. © Survival
Dani victims from the Indonesian atrocities
Markus Haluk, a senior member of the Papuan Customary Council, added, ‘The total of Dani victims from the Indonesian atrocities over the 50 year period is far greater than those from tribal war of the Dani people over hundreds of thousands of years.’Matius Murib, Director of the Baptist Voice of Papua, condemned Diamond’s assertion that tribal peoples live in a ‘world until yesterday’. He said, ‘This book spreads prejudices about Papuan people (…) that indigenous Papuans still display a way of life from hundreds of years ago. This is not true and strengthens the idea that indigenous people are ’backwards’, ‘live in the past’ or are ‘stone age.’
Reverend Socratez Yoman, Head of the West Papuan Baptist Church, has also demanded an apology from Mr Diamond to the Papuan people.
Dominikus Surabut, currently jailed for treason for peacefully declaring West Papuan independence, described the relationship of indigenous West Papuans and the Indonesian state as political apartheid. In a statement smuggled out of his jail cell, he said, ‘This is the very nature and character of colonial occupation of indigenous peoples, where they are treated as second class citizens whose oppression is justified by painting them as backwards, archaic, warring tribes – just as suggested by Jared Diamond in his book about tribal people.’
With files from Survival International
A google translate of press release by Matthew Murib, HRD, Director of Baptist Voice Papua. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa below translation.
Matthew Murib, protests and rejected claims in a new book by Jared Diamond "The World Until Yesterday, What we can learn from traditional societies"
Written By Voice Of Papuan Baptist on 2/4/13 | 6:05 AM
Press Realisse:
Matthew Murib, HRD, Director of Baptist Voice Papua
Human rights defenders in Papua are very protests and rejected claims in a new book by Jared Diamond about the indigenous people with the title of his book: "The World Until Yesterday, What we can learn from traditional societies," ("Till the World Yesterday, What we can learn from indigenous peoples ").
This book is spreading racist prejudices about the Papuans, and author of the book will arrive in the UK today the date January 30, 2013. And on February 5, 2013 he will make a speech in London-UK and the public in Europe and the world will enjoy a very one-sided information.
The author of this book should have a positive outlook about the natives and hence does the author say that we can learn from indigenous peoples. However, there is a big problem with this book is that the authors convey the message that dangerous and demeaning; include:
1. Impressed that as if the indigenous people of Papua are still realizing their lives lived thousands of years ago. This is not true and strengthen the racist idea that the natives are 'backward', 'living in the past,' or even 'stone age.'
2. Impressed that tribal warfare and violence, which is focused on people from the tahun1960 Dani's. The author elaborates the Dani war as' chronic war. "He said that 'The Dani fight every month for a year.' Impression to the reader heck is that Dani tribe of indigenous people is loud and wild, reinforcing prejudices that are often used to the detriment natives.
3. Jared Diamond, author of the book, also argued that the indigenous people had benefited from state authorities in their lives because of this control is to stop tribal wars. He writes: "The Guinea appreciate the benefits of peace guaranteed by the mastery of the State, which they could not achieve alone." He also wrote that "most small-scale societies become trapped in a cycle of violence and war. State governments provide exceptional service in breaking these cycles by their arrival as pemonopolian power. "
4. What we are protesting is because the author Jared Diamond's book made no mention of the brutality of the Indonesian military soldiers or acts of murder, rape and expulsion of people of West Papua.
5. This book does not seem very balanced and objective reality in Papua until this day of writing like this, we suspect that the author is an agent or an accomplice authorities to weaken the position and existence of life of indigenous peoples and indigenous tribes in Papua.
6. Author of the book and the authorities must stop and stop giving stigmanisasi degrading and dignity of indigenous peoples, such as the Dani and 200's more indigenous tribes in Papua.
7. The author of this book, authorities and all parties should know that from the 1960s through today, January 30, 2013 the dominant use ways and approaches in a very violent and brutal the Indonesian military, known institution called the military and police not that is indigenous Papuans.
Greetings from the land of peace to all known sites of violence and conflict in West Papua.
Contact Person:
Matthew Murib, Coordinator of Human Rights Defenders and
Director of Baptist Voice in Papua
Way Above Water Pipe Uncen, Abepura, Jayapura, West Papua
Mobile: 08124892975, email: matiusmurib@yahoo.com, BB: 2A97B47C
Matius Murib, protes dan menolak pernyataan pada buku baru oleh Jared Diamond " The World Until Yesterday, What we can learn from traditional societies"
Written By Voice Of Baptist Papua on 2/4/13 | 6:05 AM
Press Realisse:
Matius Murib, Pembela HAM, Direktur Baptis Voice Papua
Pembela HAM di tanah Papua sangat protes dan menolak pernyataan pada buku baru oleh Jared Diamond tentang orang pribumi dengan judul bukunya; “The World Until Yesterday, What we can learn from traditional societies,” (“Dunia Sampai Kemarin, Apa yang kita bisa belajar dari masyarakat adat”).
Buku ini menyebarkan prasangka rasis tentang orang Papua, dan penulis buku ini akan sampai di Inggris hari ini tangal 30 Januari 2013. Dan pada tanggal 05 Februari 2013 dia akan berpidato di London-Inggris dan publik di Eropa dan dunia akan menikmati informasi yang sangat sepihak.
Penulis buku ini seharusnya berpandangan positif tentang orang pribumi; oleh karena sih penulis sampaikan bahwa kita bisa belajar dari masyarakat adat. Namun, ada sejumlah masalah besar dengan buku ini yang penulis sampaikan pesan yang berbahaya dan merendahkan; antara lain:
1. Terkesan bahwa seolah-olah orang pribumi di Papua masih mewujudkan hidup mereka pada hidup ribuan tahun yang lalu. Ini tidak benar dan memperkuatkan ide yang rasis bahwa orang pribumi adalah ‘terbelakang,’ ‘hidup dalam masa lalu,’ atau bahkan ‘zaman batu.’
2. Terkesan bahwa perang suku dan kekerasan, yang difokuskan terhadap orang dari suku Dani pada tahun1960-an. Penulis merincikan perang suku Dani sebagai ‘perang kronis.’ Dia bilang bahwa ‘Orang Dani berperang setiap bulan selama setiap tahun.’ Kesan untuk sih pembaca adalah bahwa orang pribumi dari suku Dani ini adalah keras dan buas, menguatkan prasangka yang sering dipakai untuk merugikan orang pribumi.
3. Jared Diamond, penulis buku ini, juga berpendapat bahwa orang pribumi sudah mendapat manfaat dari penguasa Negara dalam kehidupan mereka karena penguasaan ini sudah menghentikan perang suku. Dia menulis: “Orang Nugini menghargai manfaat dari perdamaian yang dijamin oleh penguasaan Negara, yang mereka tidak bisa mencapai sendiri.” Dia juga menulis bahwa “kebanyakan masyarakat skala-kecil menjadi terjebak dalam siklus kekerasan dan perang. Pemerintah Negara memberikan pelayanan luar biasa dalam memutus siklus-siklus ini oleh kedatangan mereka sebagai pemonopolian kuasa.”
4. Yang kami memprotes Jared Diamond adalah karena penulis buku ini sama sekali tidak menyebutkan kebrutalan prajurit atau militer Indonesia dalam aksi pembunuhan, pemerkosaan dan pengusiran orang Papua Barat.
5. Buku ini terkesan sangat tidak berimbang dan obyektif dengan realitas di tanah Papua sampai hari ini; dari penulisan seperti ini, kami menduga penulis adalah agent atau kaki-tangan penguasa untuk melemahkan posisi dan eksistensi kehidupan masyarakat pribumi dan suku-suku asli di tanah Papua.
6. Penulis buku dan penguasa harus berhenti dan stop memberikan stigmanisasi yang merendahkan martabat dan harkat masyarakat pribumi, seperti suku Dani dan 200-an lebih suku-suku asli di tanah Papua.
7. Penulis buku ini, Penguasa dan semua pihak harus tahu bahwa sejak tahun 1960-an hingga hari ini, 30 Januari 2013 yang dominan menggunakan cara-cara dan pendekatan kekerasan dan dengan cara sangat brutal adalah militer Indonesia, yang dikenal institusi yang bernama TNI dan Polri bukan masyarakat pribumi yang adalah orang asli Papua.
Salam damai untuk semua dari tanah yang dikenal situs kekerasan dan wilayah konflik Papua Barat.
Kontak Person:
Matius Murib, Koordinator Pembela HAM dan
Direktur Baptis Voice di tanah Papua
Jalan Pipa Air Uncen Atas, Abepura, Jayapura, Papua Barat
Mobile: 08124892975, email: matiusmurib@yahoo.com, BB: 2A97B47C
3) Land Compensation has not been paid, so villagers complain to National Human Rights Commission.
[awas MIFEE note: The resistance of local people has been a key factor in tempering corporate ambitions in Merauke, consistently refusing to sign over their land, or at least without fair compensation. This article is interesting because it appears that in Kaiburze village, which has a history of opposition to MIFEE plantations, the same approach is being used to address past injustices. In this case compensation is being sought for when their ancestral land was taken in the 1980s. for transmigration settlements. Still feeling the effects of these incursions, for example from the diminishing reserves of the sago palm which provides their staple food, they are lobbying different government bodies to pay attention to their plight.]
February 2, 2013 Merauke – Villagers of Kaiburze village, Anim Ha District, Merauke Regency, West Papua continue to fight for their right to compensation for land which has been settled by transmigrants since the 1980s. The locations in question are 45.5 hectares at Rawa Sari, 1875 hectares at Padang Rahaja and 1433 hectares at Suka Maju.
Aside from continuing to press the Merauke District Legislative Council to act in their interests, they have sent a written letter of complaint to the Papuan branch of the National Human Rights Commission. They have also written directly to Merauke’s Bupati (Regency Leader), Dr. Romanus Mbaraka, demanding that all matters concerning indigenous Papuans’ rights must be swiftly resolved.
Paulus Samkakai, the chair of the Team of Six who are defending indigenous rights, explained to the media yesterday that he had also met with the Vice-chair of the council, AhmanRosyadi. In that meeting, Rosyadi had given his assurance to arrange a meeting between local people and the Chair of Merauke DPRD, Leonardus Mahuze, to discuss the issue further.
Paulus explained that in the planned meeting with the council chief, where he will be accompanied by the Merauke Diocese Justice and Peace Secretariat, he will ask for a dialogue where all members of the council are present. “We hope and desire that the meeting will take place openly, so that the end result will be further action from local government,” he said.
He also hoped that in the meantime, government would not permit investors to start operations in and around Kampung Kaiburze. Because the issue of land compensation has been resolved, as is the indigenous people’s right. “Settling the payment of compensation must come first. That’s the right of local indigenous people,” he requested.
He also said that it was necessary to pay compensation for around nine hectares of sago forest that has been nearly wiped out as a result of government policy to allow various activities to take place there. “This is an important food for indigenous Papuans which must be protected and developed. Right now, it only remains in a few places and has greatly diminished”, he said.
He added that local people living in the area do not receive much attention. Meanwhile inhabitants of the transmigration site are growing and developing. “That’s our complaint as indigenous people and we hope for serious attention from the government”, he said.
Source: Aliansi Demokrasi untuk Papua http://www.aldp-papua.com/?p=8646
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