Monday, February 13, 2023

Who Burned the Plane and Detained the Pilot in Paro District, Nduga?


A machine translation . Be-aware machine translations can be a bit erratic.

Original Bahasa link

Who Burned the Plane and Detained the Pilot in Paro District, Nduga? - OPINION

February 11, 2023


By Dr. Socrates Yoman, MA


President of the Communion of Baptist Churches of West Papua


The burning incident of the Susi Air Pilatus Porter PC6/PK-BVY plane and the arrest of Capt Pilot Philip Marthens on 7 February 2013 in Paro District, Ndugama by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) was just a repeat event. Not a new event that surprises us all.


Previously, the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) burned the MAF PK-MAX plane piloted by Capt Alex Luferchek, an American national, on January 6 2020 at Kampung Pagamba Airport, Biandaga District, Intan Jaya, Papua. There were two passengers on the plane that was burned by TPNPB.


There was also a shooting incident that led to the death of Brigadier General I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha on April 25 2020 in Beoga, Puncak Regency, Papua. Until now, it is still a mystery who shot the general. The state accused the perpetrators of being TPNPB troops.


There was an incident similar to the attack on a TNI post in Kisor Village, South Aifat District, Maybrat Regency. The attack on Thursday 21 September 2021 killed four members of the TNI-AD. The four TNI-AD members who were found dead were Serda Amrosius, Praka Dirham, Private Zul Ansari, and First Lieutenant Chb Dirman.





From this thread of violence, the key question that I raise in this paper arises. I convey this question without reducing my respect for the TPNPB troops who stand firm and persistently fight for the right to self-determination of the people and nation of West Papua.


First, is it true that the burning of the MAF PK-MAX aircraft on January 6 2020 in Biandaga District, Intan Jaya and the burning of the Susi Air Pilatus Porter PC6/PK-BVY aircraft on February 7 2023 in Paro District, Nduga, were purely carried out by TPNPB troops?


Second, were the hands of the TPNPB troops borrowed by other parties to burn the MAF PK-MAX plane on January 6 2020 in Biandaga and the burning of the Susi Air Pilatus Porter PC6/PK-BVY plane on February 7 2023 in Paro?


Third, is it true that the shooting of the Head of BIN for the Papua Region Brigadier General TNI I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha in Beoga on April 25 2020 was carried out by TPNPB troops?


Fourth, is it true that the shooting of four TNI members Serda Amrosius, Praka Dirham, Private Private Zul Ansari, and First Lieutenant Chb Dirman in Kisor, Aifat on 21 September 2021 was carried out by TPNPB troops?


Fifth, is it true that Abraham Tatemte and Melkias Ky who were arrested by the TNI and police and are being processed at the District Court were the perpetrators or involved in the attack and murder of four TNI members: Serda Amrosius, Praka Dirham, Pratu Zul Ansari, and Lettu Chb Dirman in Kisor, District Aifat on September 21, 2021?


Sixth, what happened even though thousands of organic and non-organic TNI troops were sent to Papua from time to time to deal with TPNPB troops who had very minimal skills, weapons, number of members and no sophisticated equipment, but TPNPB troops are still there today?


We compare these six key and main questions with the following quote from the views of Dr. George Junus Aditjondro (Alm). “…So it's also the army that revives OPM. Once again, the point is so that there is operating money that the bosses or generals can eat. If it's the soldiers, it's enough to eat the result of trading the yellow bird. The bosses eat millions of operating money."


George continued, “…if there is no critical situation, then money will not come out of the country…. One of the problems that often haunts the people of Papua, namely 'paid OPM' or the creation of the apparatus. If the shadowy OPM is not immediately eliminated, the existence of Papua as an integrated part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia will continue to be questioned or sued…” (George, 2000: 174, 175).


These six key questions that I ask have been bothering my mind and conscience for a long time. The reason is, considering the many events of the humanitarian crisis and injustice in the land of Papua that have been prolonged and also the many victims of human lives from the civilian population of indigenous Papuans (OAP), migrant brothers and also members of the TNI-Polri.


We can all know who the real perpetrators are in a fair, correct, honest and transparent manner if the shooting incident of General Gusti Putu Puncak, the shooting of 4 TNI members in Maybrat, the burning of an airplane in Intan Jaya, the burning of an airplane in Nduga is investigated by a credible independent team.


So far, the people of Papua, the people of Indonesia and the international community have consumed information disseminated by one party, namely the government, the TNI and the Police.


Various purposes


If examined carefully, all this violence and crime seems to be a "by design" crime cancer for the following purposes.


First, a systematic effort to expel the indigenous Papuan population (OAP) from their ancestral lands so that the vacated land is taken by capitalists or financiers for capital operations in gold and oil mining. The capitalists and investors must be protected by the military and police on the grounds that the company is a vital state asset.


Second, the land vacated by the OAP residents was built for a wider military and police headquarters, the construction of the Kodam and Polda on the grounds that the area was not safe and to protect the people.


Third, the vacated areas or villages were brought in by residents from Indonesia to occupy and occupy the empty villages. Clearly and definitely the TNI and POLRI are the guardians and protectors of these migrants.


Fourth, this violence also aims to label the OAP population 'terrorist', especially the fighters for justice, political rights, equality, human dignity and peace.


Fifth, this violence also has the aim of covering up state violence and crimes so far which have caused gross human rights violations which have become a humanitarian and injustice problem in various international forums, including the United Nations forum. The Indonesian authorities tried to wash their hands by eliminating state violence and accused the TPNPB troops.


Sixth, violence and crime are an integral part of the systematic, structured, programmed, integrated, massive and collective ethnic extermination of the OAP population by the state.


Finally, it was concluded that the military solution to the Papua problem for 62 years since December 19, 1961 until now has never resolved the roots of the Papuan problem. On the contrary, prolonging state violence and crimes that have resulted in the suffering of the indigenous Papuan people. The writer's prayer and hope, the readers will get enlightenment.  Happy reading. God bless.


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