Monday, October 9, 2023

1) Indigenous communities in Papua fight for forests amid corporate encroachment

2) ULMWP says the Papuan people have no future living with Indonesia

3) Court hearing emphasizes indigenous consent in business licensing 

4) Wansolmoana Living Librar


1)  Indigenous communities in Papua fight for forests amid corporate encroachment   
News Desk - Papua Tropical Forest 
10 October 2023  

Jayapura, Jubi – In 2001, Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) and Global Forest Watch (GFW) jointly published a report titled “Portrait of Indonesia’s Forests,” which included maps and photos depicting the environmental facts and the state of tropical forests in Indonesia, particularly in Papua.

At that time, Indonesia had three islands known for their lush forests: Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya, now Papua, encompassing seven provinces. Papua was considered an area of highly diverse endemic flora and fauna. An example of a Papua endemic plant is the Sowang wood, or Xanthosthemon novaguineense Valeton, found only in the Cycloop mountain range, situated between Jayapura City and Jayapura Regency. This plant possesses fire resistance but limited regeneration capabilities.

Besides timber, Papua is abundant in non-timber forest products such as rattan and traditional medicines. Papua boasts Indonesia’s largest mangrove forest, covering 1.63 million hectares, yet this ecosystem faces threats, notably in Youtefa Bay and coastal areas of Mimika, with 300,000 hectares of mangroves, some reaching heights of 30 meters, experiencing degradation.

To address these issues, Greenpeace, Pusaka, Walhi Papua, Jubi TV, and LBH Papua organized a public discussion titled “Save Papua’s Forests and Indigenous Peoples” at the Office of the Evangelical Christian Church Women’s Development and Training Center in Jayapura City on October 6, 2023.

Totok Dwi, an Environmental Law Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University, highlighted the prolonged exploitation of Papua’s forests, emphasizing that Papua is one of the last remaining forested areas. Forest exploitation has persisted since the New Order era, with numerous Forest Concession Rights (HPH) granted, and it has intensified during the reform era. He criticized the view that forests are merely commodities for profit.

Dwi discussed the evolving status of indigenous Papuans, who have transitioned from being landowners to visitors, denied direct access to their customary lands and forests. He stressed the importance of not only legal actions but also campaigns to secure indigenous rights over customary lands and forests, preserving the symbiotic relationship between nature and Papuan indigenous communities.

Emanuel Gobay, Director of LBH Papua and part of the Advocacy Team to Save Papua’s Indigenous Forests, pointed out that the continuous expansion of oil palm plantations by corporations threatens indigenous peoples’ customary lands and forests. He cited international and national legal foundations, including the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the 1945 Constitution, Law No. 39 of 1999, and Law No. 2 of 2021, as supporting indigenous land ownership claims.

Gobay highlighted the impact of PT Indo Asiana Lestari (PT IAL) on the Woro clan’s land in Boven Digoel, where indigenous people lost 36,094 hectares of customary land. This encroachment not only endangers their living space but also the vital oxygen provided by the Awyu customary forest.

He mentioned Tom Beanal and Mama Yosepha Alomang’s legal actions against PT Freeport in the United States court as part of the struggle against corporations.

Elvira Rumkabu, an academic from the University of Cendrawasih (Uncen), discussed the adverse effects of corporate activities on local communities, including social conflicts, ecological changes, and the displacement of indigenous people.

She cited research presented in the book “Seizing Control of Life (The Struggle of the Wambin People in Boven Digoel Facing Investment Invasion)” co-authored by Rumkabu, Apriana Anastasia Amenes, Asrida Elisabeth, and I Ngurah Suryawan.

Rumkabu highlighted the formation of hamlet masters by corporations, resulting in internal conflicts. She emphasized the need for active resistance by indigenous communities, symbolized by the red cross. However, she stressed that symbolic actions alone are insufficient, and indigenous peoples must continue to fight for their customary territories.

The public discussion saw participation from students, activists, and NGOs in Jayapura City. In conclusion, the 2001 Portrait of Indonesia’s Forests report attributed deforestation in Indonesia to a corrupt political and economic system that prioritizes resource exploitation for personal gain.

The report warned that Indonesia’s lowland tropical forests, rich in timber and biodiversity, were at high risk of depletion. Additionally, almost half of Indonesia’s forest area, including Papua, had been fragmented by roads and development activities, prompting conservation efforts in the face of expansion and investment in the New Autonomous Region.


A google translate.
Original Bahasa link

2) ULMWP says the Papuan people have no future living with Indonesia
October 9, 2023
Writer: Theo Kelen | Editor: Aryo Wisanggeni G

Executive President of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua or ULMWP, Manase Tabuni (left) together with ULMWP Executive Secretary, Markus Haluk (right) provide information regarding conditions in Tanah Papua, in Jayapura City, on Monday (9/10/2023). – Jubi/Theo Kelen

Jayapura, Jubi – Executive President of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua or ULMWP, Manase Tabuni said that the Papuan people have no future living together with Indonesia. This was conveyed by Tabuni in Jayapura City, Papua, on Monday (9/10/2023).

Tabuni said the current conditions occurring in the Land of Papua show strong indications that the ongoing problems in Papua are leading to a process of genocide, ecocide and ethnocide slowly but surely.

Tabuni said ULMWP recorded that during June to September 2023, TNI/Police violence occurred against Papuan civilians in Dogiyai, Fakfak, Yahukimo, Nduga and Bintang Mountains districts, causing 13 people to die, 7 people to be injured, 16 people to be arrested, and one person to be assaulted. At least 674 civilians have been displaced.

“We Papuans have no future living with Indonesia. "Many Papuans have been victims of conflict for more than six decades," he said.

Tabuni said armed conflict was still ongoing in several areas in Papua such as Mimika, Bintang Mountains, Nduga, Intan Jaya, Puncak, Yahukimo, Tambrauw and Maybrat. Tabuni said it is strongly suspected that this conflict was deliberately created in places that have abundant natural resources (SDA).

“[We] identified that the conflict was deliberately created by several groups, both government, civil and military, to move residents in potential [SDA] areas to other areas. Like [the community's] experience in Tembagapura. "The people at the top were moved down so that the company could operate freely," he said.

According to Tabuni, the Indonesian government has stationed 47,261 military personnel in Papua, and around 24 thousand of them have been mobilized to conflict points. According to Tabuni, from these various conflicts, an estimated 64 thousand Papuan civilians have fled their hometowns.

“The armed conflict that has occurred in the Land of Papua has been going on for a long time, not just now. "Until now, the conflict has not decreased, but is increasing," he said.

Tabuni also said that 23,830,632 hectares of forest had been used as a concession area for 445 companies operating in the fields of mineral mining, oil, gas, forest exploitation and plantations operating in the Land of Papua. Tabuni said that the management and utilization of natural resources sector shows that land control by companies is increasingly threatening the living space of Indigenous Papuans.

Also read: Indonesia's position on press freedom has fallen four levels, one of the indicators is the Papua conflict
"Our natural resources were robbed by Indonesia, and our traditional land was confiscated under the pretext of development so that Papuans have no living space," he said.

ULMWP Executive Secretary, Markus Haluk, said that the intensive development carried out by the Indonesian Government had no impact on the welfare of Indigenous Papuans. According to Haluk, the development carried out by Indonesia is image politics.

“[For example, the construction of] the Red Bridge, you can see more than a hundred groups of fruit sellers selling at the Koya T-junction. Previously they sold some of it in Kampung Bugis. But as soon as the road and the Red Bridge opened, they all moved there. So who were the roads and bridges built for?” Haluk asked.

Haluk said ULMWP called on the Indonesian government to invite the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council to visit Papua. Haluk said this was President Jokowi's promise to the Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Council in February 2018.

“It is also in line with the demands of various countries and world leaders. "Continuously since 2015 there have been 16 PIF member countries, 79 ACP member countries in Nigeria in December 2019 and debates at the UN General Assembly in the last eight years, so that the Indonesian government provides access to visits by the UN Human Rights Council to the Land of Papua," he said.

ULMWP also strongly condemns all acts of crimes against humanity and plunder of natural resources committed by the Indonesian Government against the Papuan people during the 60 years of Indonesian occupation in the Land of Papua. ULMWP reminds the Papuan people to always protect their land and not sell it to outside parties. "Land is a valuable asset given by God and inherited from our ancestors," he said. (*)


3) Court hearing emphasizes indigenous consent in business licensing 
News Desk - State Administrative Court Hearing For Awyu Indigenous Peoples 
8 October 2023

Jayapura, Jubi – Totok Dwi Diantoro, an expert witness for the Awyu Tribe in their environmental lawsuit, said the consent of indigenous peoples was an absolute prerequisite for granting business licenses within customary lands.

During a hearing on October 5, 2023, Diantoro, who is a lecturer in Environmental Law at Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Law, explained that this consent should be clear and established from the outset, serving as the foundation for ensuring that affected people know the consequences of proposed activities on their lives.

This legal dispute pertains to the environmental feasibility permit granted by Papua’s One Stop Integrated Service for an oil palm plantation operated by PT Indo Asiana Lestari (PT IAL), covering 36,096 hectares in Mandobo and Fofi Districts, Boven Digoel Regency, South Papua Province. The Awyu indigenous community alleges that the permit was issued without their knowledge.

“If consent was obtained through intimidation or threats of violence, the principle of freedom was not met,” Diantoro said, while stressing that compilers of the Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) must not omit information about community rejection of a proposed project, as community participation and input are crucial.

Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of thorough scrutiny by administrative officials responsible for assessing AMDAL documents. He cautioned that simply approving these documents without careful evaluation neglects the precautionary principle.

During the Thursday trial, the Awyu indigenous people’s legal team presented additional evidence, including video transcripts of an event in 2017 where indigenous leaders expressed their opposition to the oil palm plantation project. They also submitted a video transcript depicting threats received by the plaintiffs after the event.

The panel of judges adjourned the hearing until October 19, 2023, when the next agenda will be the reading of conclusions. (*)

Australian Museum

4) Wansolmoana Living Library

Hear from four Pasifika storytellers and explore the rich tapestry of island life in this drop-in Living Library..


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