A report posted by Victor Yeimo on his Facebook page. It's a google translate.. Be-aware google translate can be a bit erratic. Original bahasa posting also below. Will follow up with more info as it comes in.
If the KNPB peaceful demonstration plan, police and even TNI always come down with full force, with war equipment to "secure" peaceful protesters. All the streets, even road rats guarded tight. Last night until dawn (20/05/20017) The police deliberately let the Moluccas (the families of the victims) gathered with sharp equipment, roadblocks, and kill two Papuans (Peak-not the perpetrators) in front of the hospital. Dian Hope, Waena.
Previously, the police shot dead two Papuans (not perpetrators) in Somel, Perumnas III. Almost all the bodies of Papuans found no legal treatment. Papuans become inverior brought by the superiority of immigrants supported by colonial rulers.
Yesterday, on the 18th, I led the burial of our member, Mita Wandikbo in the grave of Sentai. Also, we are monitored and guarded by the Police and the thugs. They provoked the situation to the point of almost chaos. In the funeral home was the guard. This is actually the human apparatus who was taught to be a fucker in this country.
Discrimination behavior in criminal cases by the Police shows the true character and purpose of colonial: Habit the Papuan People and control the land of Papua. It is no secret that civil militia are recruited, trained, facilitated and financed by official institutions -TNI and Polri-Papua.
The goal of course to make chaotic Papua, and kill the Papuans.
Without the incident of open killing, Papuans are also being murdered in various ways every day. The land is full of sorrow.
Kalau rencana aksi demo damai KNPB, Polisi bahkan TNI selalu turun dengan kekuatan penuh, dengan peralatan perang untuk "amankan" pendemo damai. Semua ruas jalan, bahkan jalan tikus dijaga ketat. Tadi malam hingga subuh (20/05/20017) Polisi sengaja biarkan warga Maluku (keluarga korban) berkumpul dengan peralatan tajam, palang jalan, dan habisi dua warga Papua (orang Puncak-bukan pelaku) di depan RS. Dian Harapan, Waena. Sebelumnya, polisi tembak mati 2 orang Papua (bukan pelaku) di Somel, Perumnas III. Hampir semua mayat orang Papua yang ditemukan tidak ada penanganan hukum. Orang Papua jadi inverior dibawa superioritas pendatang yang didukung penguasa kolonial.
Kemarin, tanggal 18, saya pimpin penguburan anggota kami, Mita Wandikbo di kuburan Sereh Sentani. Pun, kami dipantau dan dijaga Polisi dan para preman. mereka pancing situasi hingga hampir terjadi kekacauan. Di rumah duka pun aparat jaga. Ini sebenarnya manusia-manusia aparat yang diajar menjadi keparat dalam negara ini.
Perilaku diskriminasi pada kasus kriminal oleh Polisi ini menunjukkan watak dan tujuan kolonial yang sebenarnya: Habisi Orang Papua dan kuasai tanah Papua. Sudah bukan rahasia lagi, milisi sipil direkrut, dilatih, difasilitasi dan dibiayai institusi resmi -TNI dan Polri- di Papua. Tujuannya tentu bikin kacau Papua, dan habisi Orang Papua.
Tanpa kejadian pembunuhan terbuka, diam-diam juga Orang Papua dibunuh mati dengan berbagai cara setiap hari. Tanah penuh duka nestapa.
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