Friday, June 27, 2014

Open Letter: MSG Decision On West Papua is Misdirected Letter: MSG Decision On West Papua is Misdirected

June 27, 2014 By: admin Category: KNPB Pusat

June 27, 2014
The Leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG)
Dear Leaders,
I am writing on be half of my people of West Papua from the Indonesian prison bars of Abepura where i have been detained for leading an entirely peaceful rally in support of West Papua joining the Melanesian Spearhead Group.
I have just read the MSG communique regarding the decision you signed on June 26, 2014 in Port Moresby. I’m suddenly in pain, not because the decision, but because i found myself in powerless then the colonial of Indonesia. I don’t have money as Indonesian has provided and promised for you. I then realize that the tears, the bloods, and all suffering could not buy you, but money could. I forgot that people call this land is forgotten land.
It has been a half century the world misunderstood, or pretended not to understand what is actually desired by the people of West Papua. We thought that you as our brothers and sisters more understand us. The communique appears that you are snared into Indonesian colonial’s policies and strategy. And it seems clearly that you are riding the issue of West Papua Melanesian to strengthen your interest with Indonesia.
If you open the suffering history of West Papua then you will never find that the people have been crying and dying for food or drink. We are rich. You will only find thousands people have been died on this land for just searching their right of self-determination.
If you were in West Papua then you would and will never know people rally to demand greater autonomy, or others welfare under the Indonesian rule. I am jailed with almost a hundred people who are fighting for our right of self-determination. For us, it is better to be poor without Indonesian then to be rich under Indonesian colonial but we are going to extinct.
Our Melanesian spirit is strong, as strong as support of our melanesian people in Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Kanaky, Fiji and Solomon Islands who will stand beside us to make the islanders of melanesia free from the influence of capitalist and colonialist. I believe from button of my heart, our cry for freedom will become part of all Melanesian bloods and to Welcome West Papua into the Melanesian family without any permission or consultation from Indonesia which is not the owner of the region of Melanesia.
One people one soul
Melanesian forever
Thank you
Yours Sincerely
Victor Yeimo
West Papua National Committee [KNPB] Charman

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